Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 94: Subtle Guidance

Konoha's researchers weren't ignorant. They had considered the first two methods Orochimaru had mentioned. Diluting the power of the First Hokage's cells was essentially useless, as it stripped away the very strength they sought to harness. Enhancing the physical body, while plausible in theory, was far too difficult. After all, the bloodline of a ninja set natural limits. Without a strong lineage, no amount of training could push someone to withstand such power. Even if the body were somehow enhanced, there would still be cell rejection.

That's why the experiments were abandoned.

But now, this third method Orochimaru proposed was something entirely new something they hadn't even dared to think of.

Danzo's initial impression of Orochimaru as a genius shifted slightly. Now, he began to see him as something else—a madman. Only someone with a truly radical mind would even suggest this kind of solution.

The idea of balancing life energy with mental energy? It was dangerous. Both energies, if too strong, could destroy the human body. Too much life force would cause rapid cellular growth, leading to premature death. And too much mental energy would result in madness, a complete loss of one's sense of self.

One force alone was perilous enough. But both?

It wasn't that the Konoha researchers hadn't thought of it—it was that they hadn't dared to consider it.

Yet now, hearing the idea from Orochimaru, Danzo was struck by a sense of clarity. Perhaps this seemingly reckless method could work. Two forces, equally powerful, constantly restraining and balancing each other... Could it be feasible?

As Danzo pondered this, Orochimaru subtly lowered his head, the faintest trace of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 

It seems I've earned Danzo's trust, he thought to himself.

To be honest, Orochimaru didn't know how the version of him from the original timeline had initially connected with Danzo, nor did he know exactly when they had first begun working together. What he did know was that in the original story, their collaboration likely didn't happen until after the Second Great Ninja War, when Orochimaru had already started delving into forbidden jutsu.

But none of that mattered now. Orochimaru was revealing his scientific prowess earlier, getting Danzo's attention long before those events.

The third method he had mentioned was, in fact, something Danzo eventually used in the original series. However, Danzo didn't yet possess the resources or knowledge to implement it at this point, so Orochimaru's words came as a true revelation to him.

Of course, Orochimaru had other methods up his sleeve, ways far beyond what he was telling Danzo. Gene fusion, genetic modification, or even advanced genetic enhancement fluids could all unlock the power of the First Hokage's cells. But those were techniques Orochimaru wasn't willing to share just yet. Revealing everything would only diminish his leverage.

The more cards he held, the more control he would have in this dangerous game. And Orochimaru was intent on keeping those cards close to his chest.

The outcome of the meeting was inevitable.

Danzo trusted Orochimaru now. Part of that trust was due to Orochimaru's obvious talent. The other part? Danzo's belief in his own ability to manipulate people, to bend them to his will. Orochimaru's youth was also a factor. Who would suspect that a thirteen-year-old could not only be a time traveler with vast knowledge but could also be more cunning than Danzo himself?

Danzo brought Orochimaru deeper into the Root's inner workings, showing him the hidden facilities and introducing him to his operatives.

The layout of Root wasn't as sparse as it appeared from the outside. There were training rooms, relaxation areas, workspaces everything a secretive organization might need.

They eventually arrived at the training hall, where the dim lighting barely illuminated the thirty or so Root operatives practicing within. Their movements were swift and precise, despite the low visibility.

"Let me introduce you to someone," Danzo said, stopping abruptly.

Though his voice was low, it carried a weight that made everyone in the room stop what they were doing. In an instant, all the ninjas dropped to one knee, bowing to Danzo in perfect unison.

Orochimaru couldn't help but admire their discipline. No wonder Danzo was so fixated on power. The sheer authority he commanded was intoxicating. 

Satisfied with the response, Danzo addressed the group. "This is Orochimaru. From this day forward, he has the right to come and go as he pleases. You are to treat him as one of your own. Understood?"

"Yes, Lord Danzo!" the Root members responded in perfect harmony.

Though some of them glanced at Orochimaru with curiosity or confusion, none of them questioned the order. Root operatives didn't question. They simply obeyed.

Having finished his announcement, Danzo turned back to Orochimaru. "This will be your new home. I trust you'll get along with the others."

"I understand," Orochimaru said quietly.

He knew that by stepping into this world, he was becoming more deeply involved in Konoha's inner political struggles. Regardless of who would eventually win or lose, he doubted his own fate would be a peaceful one. But none of that mattered. What mattered was power.

"Now, I'll have someone show you around so you can get familiar with the place," Danzo said, motioning to one of his subordinates. "Tomorrow, if there's no mission, I'll take you somewhere else."

Orochimaru nodded but didn't ask where. He understood that in the world of ninja, such questions were unnecessary.

Seeing Orochimaru's calm demeanor, Danzo nodded in approval and called over one of his operatives.

"Gui, take Orochimaru around," Danzo ordered.

"Yes, Lord Danzo!" 

Gui, a short and thin ninja, stepped forward. He was even more slender than Orochimaru, and stood no taller than 165 centimeters. Like all Root members, Gui was silent, following orders without question.

Orochimaru walked ahead, with Gui trailing behind him, saying nothing.

Though Orochimaru was a well-kept secret within Konoha, Root ninjas weren't privy to that knowledge. As a result, Gui looked at Orochimaru with a mix of doubt and curiosity. He didn't understand why someone who appeared even younger than himself had earned such special treatment from Danzo.

"Well, what is it?" Orochimaru suddenly stopped walking, turning to face Gui.

Gui blinked in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You're called Gui, right?" Orochimaru asked, a slight smile on his face.

"No, that's just my code name," Gui replied tersely.

"What's your real name?" Orochimaru pressed.

"I… I don't have one," Gui answered simply.

Orochimaru chuckled softly. "Ah, I see. Just as I expected. Show me your tongue, then."

Gui looked startled. "My tongue?"

Orochimaru nodded, still smiling. "Yes. Let me see it."

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