Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 4: Exploring

"Class is starting! Class is starting!" 

While Orochimaru was deep in thought, immersed in his mental conversation with the system, a ninja wearing a chuunin vest and bandages wrapped around his legs walked into the classroom, signaling the start of the day's lesson. This was Aizawa-sensei, the homeroom teacher for Orochimaru's class.

"Students, open your textbooks. Today, we'll be discussing the application of the Transformation Jutsu…"

Hearing Aizawa-sensei's voice, Orochimaru snapped back to reality, reminding himself that this was Naruto's world not a science fiction universe where technological marvels reigned supreme. For a moment, he had almost confused the two worlds, his new reality melding with the strange technology from the system.

Orochimaru quickly calmed himself, deciding to temporarily push aside his thoughts about the system and focus on the class. But it didn't take long only about ten minutes into the lecture before he found himself zoning out again.

It wasn't because he couldn't understand the material; it was quite the opposite. Orochimaru already knew all of this far too well. The basic teachings at the Ninja Academy felt second nature to him, as if they had always been part of his consciousness. The application of the three basic techniques the Clone Jutsu, the Substitution Jutsu, and the Transformation Jutsu were all ingrained in him, fresh in his mind as though he had been practicing them for years.

It seems I've fully inherited all of Orochimaru's abilities, he thought, reflecting on the knowledge and memories that had seamlessly become his own.

The Ninja Academy primarily taught basic knowledge things like chakra extraction, the three fundamental jutsu, and theoretical lessons on ninja combat. But for someone like Orochimaru, who had inherited both talent and knowledge, this was all rudimentary. His parents, though deceased, had been powerful ninjas in their time, leaving him a solid foundation to build upon.

The only obstacle right now was his age. At six years old, his chakra reserves were naturally limited, making it difficult to perform higher-level techniques. He was reminded of Sasuke Uchiha from the original series, who could perform the Fireball Jutsu at twelve something that even Kakashi had found impressive. However, six-year-old Orochimaru's chakra levels were about average compared to his peers. 

But now, with his enhanced memories and the potential of the Mad Scientist System, Orochimaru knew his ceiling was much higher than that of most shinobi. He already had the potential of future prodigies like Kakashi or Uchiha Itachi.

Even though he hadn't fully tested the extent of his abilities yet, he was confident that he was already stronger than most genin his age.


Aizawa-sensei continued with the lecture, "The Transformation Jutsu allows you to disguise yourself as another person or object, creating confusion for the enemy. I've already explained the principles behind this technique, so there's no need to repeat myself."

He scanned the classroom, his gaze eventually settling on Orochimaru. 

"I'll need one of you to demonstrate the Transformation Jutsu for the class."

Most of the students in the class were six years old, meaning only a few had fully mastered the technique. Naturally, Aizawa-sensei turned to Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru-kun, would you mind giving us a demonstration?"

Orochimaru blinked, brought back to full attention as his name was called. He stood up from his seat, calm as always. Channeling his chakra according to the precise movements etched in his memories, he performed the hand seals and, in an instant, a puff of smoke enveloped him.

When the smoke cleared, Orochimaru had perfectly transformed into Aizawa-sensei.

The class erupted in awe.

"Wow! That looks exactly like Aizawa-sensei!"

"As expected of Orochimaru!"

"Yeah, he's amazing! He always gets it right!"

"Orochimaru-kun is incredible!"

The children's admiration filled the room, but Orochimaru simply let out a quiet sigh of relief. It was clear now that he had indeed inherited all of Orochimaru's abilities. To be able to execute the Transformation Jutsu so flawlessly at his first attempt in this new life proved that he had full control over these powers.

Aizawa-sensei smiled approvingly and motioned for Orochimaru to return to his seat.

"Tch, what's so special about that?" Jiraiya muttered from the side, annoyed by the praise Orochimaru was receiving. "I can do the Transformation Jutsu too!"

For some reason, Jiraiya always seemed to harbor a grudge against Orochimaru, constantly trying to challenge him, much like how Naruto would constantly try to outdo Sasuke in the future. Their rivalry was still in its early stages, but the dynamic was already forming.

However, Orochimaru, with his adult mind, paid Jiraiya no attention. In fact, even the original Orochimaru hadn't cared much for Jiraiya's challenges. But now, with his newly acquired memories and a much older mentality trapped in a child's body, Orochimaru wasn't about to waste his time on trivial rivalries with a brat.

He had bigger things on his mind.

Though he had awakened the Mad Scientist System, Orochimaru knew that in the world of Naruto, personal strength was paramount. Even if he were to delve into scientific research, it would only be to further his own strength and ability.

Before diving headfirst into the system's capabilities, he wanted to ensure he had fully familiarized himself with the abilities he had inherited from Orochimaru. In the original series, even without a system, Orochimaru had been the top student in his class, going on to become one of the legendary Sannin. His intellect and cunning were unmatched. Even as his body grew weaker over time, Orochimaru always found ways to survive.

If Orochimaru could achieve that in the original timeline, then the current Orochimaru backed by the system would be able to do far more.

Speaking of the Sannin...

Orochimaru's gaze flicked across the classroom as if searching for something or rather, someone. But something felt off.

Where's Tsunade? he wondered. She should be around here too, right?

It took him a moment to remember the details from the original series. 

Tsunade didn't attend the Ninja Academy… Orochimaru realized. Tsunade was the granddaughter of the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju. Like Konohamaru in the future, she had been privately tutored. At this point, Jiraiya hadn't even met her yet.

"Well, no point worrying about that now," Orochimaru murmured to himself. "According to my memories, the Ninja Academy's graduation exam is in a week. With my current abilities, there's nothing here left for me to learn."

A devious grin formed on his face as an idea struck him.

"So… why not test if this Invisible Fly works?"

The Mad Scientist System had gifted him a set of six invisible flies, each with impressive surveillance capabilities. It would be a perfect opportunity to test the tools at his disposal while the rest of the class was busy with their lesson.

Orochimaru glanced at Aizawa-sensei, who had already turned his attention back to the rest of the students, instructing them on the finer details of chakra control.

Seeing the opportunity, Orochimaru discreetly reached into his robe, activating one of the invisible flies. The tiny device buzzed softly as it took flight, becoming completely imperceptible to the naked eye.

With a mental command, Orochimaru directed the fly toward the back of the classroom, testing its range and ability. The accompanying contact lenses, which had come with the flies, allowed him to monitor everything the fly saw as it floated through the air, scouting out the area. 

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