naruto rebirth

Chapter 396 Unexpected Appearance

Frog Eyes glanced around and found that four of the six Payne had gone and never got up again.

"Well done, little Jiraiya," Fukasaku Sennin gasped slightly.

The reduction in the number of enemies also reduced the pressure on the immortal a lot. After all, facing the gaze of seven pairs of samsara eyes really made the frog feel blocked.

"It's not enough." Jiraiya said in a deep voice.

He has figured out the abilities of other Pain, but the remaining Yahiko-looking Pain does not seem to be that easy to deal with. What's more, even if he defeats all Pain, he can't hurt the real Nagato at all.

He didn't say much, his white messy lion hair flew through the air like a whip shadow, he grabbed the Hungry Ghost Dao's body that was bounced away by Shinra Tenzheng again, trembled for a while, and smashed it towards Tiandao Payne again.

The ground cracked in all directions like spider webs. This time, Tiandao Payne did not use Shinra Tianzheng to deflect the attack. He just jumped back to avoid the sharp edge.

On the floor, almost the entire body of Hungry Ghost Dao was embedded in the floor. After all the previous efforts, it had obviously lost its ability to fight.

As a result, only Nagato, Tendo Payne, Jiraiya and Fukasaku Sennin were left in the field.

Jiraiya stared at Tiandao and Nagato behind him, exerted force on the soles of his feet, and his tall body suddenly moved forward at great speed, rushing in the direction of the two of them.

Tiandao narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand and pointed it at Jiraiya, "All things are drawn to the sky"

The suction force of fear surged in a straight line, and Jiraiya's forward figure suddenly became faster, and even the soles of his feet were lifted off the ground.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Tiandao and Nagato behind him. The Samsara Eye stared at Jiraiya. Even the master could never stop his will to move forward.

The cold black iron rod slipped out of the cuff of Tiandao's other hand, and Tiandao's eyes had already landed on the heart of Jiraiya's chest.

As soon as the two reached a suitable distance, he would mechanically and simply pierce the master's heart with a preset movement.

If he misses the stab, Nagato from behind will make a follow-up, and the victory or defeat will be decided at this moment.

Facing the sharp light that was getting closer and closer, Jiraiya's tall body seemed to be unable to control it anymore, but his expression was calm and calm.

The distance between the two was only ten meters at the moment. Jiraiya's hair suddenly moved, and the white messy lion hair immediately pulled up the hungry ghost path embedded in the ground between the two and blocked it in front.


Tiandao snorted coldly, chakra flowed in his body, and the suction force on his hand became stronger.

Even if Jiraiya pulled up Hungry Ghost Road's body, he himself was still enveloped by the suction force.

The random lion hair instantly let go of Hungry Ghost Road's body, quickly deflected, and stabbed towards the wall on the left. Jiraiya planned to use the random lion hair to pull his body out of the suction.

The white hair penetrated the wall and exploded in the wall like a hedgehog's hair. After it had a point of attachment, it quickly exerted force, pulling Jiraiya's body and escaping from Tendo Payne's all-encompassing Tendo.

However, Jiraiya's body was suddenly pulled to one side. When he looked down, the calmness on his face was instantly broken.

I saw that Hungry Ghost Dao, who had obviously lost his mobility, was also separated from the suction of Tendo Payne. Somehow, his body regained mobility again, and moved in the direction of Jiraiya, stretched out a hand, He grabbed Jiraiya's ankle firmly.

"Little Jiraiya"

Fukasaku Sage on his shoulder was startled, and he immediately spat out a stream of water like a knife from his mouth, slashing towards the hungry ghost path and holding Jiraiya's hand.

But the Hungry Ghost Path seems to have a barrier opened around it, a barrier that can absorb chakra, absorbing all the knife-like water in one go.

This scene instantly shocked one person and one frog.

Except for Tiandao Payne, haven’t all the other Payns been defeated? Why can they still move?

Jiraiya is based on the situation where five Pain were defeated.

, and then formulated a new battle plan, preparing to use the Hungry Ghost Path to block the ability of the Heavenly Path, and then use the random lion hair to pull himself out of the suction, and then directly attack Nagato at the rear from above.

He has his battle plan, and so does Nagato at the rear

Jiraiya prepared to use the abilities of Hungry Ghost Path and Ran Shih Hair, but Nagato took advantage of five incapacitated Pain.

Jiraiya, who was being pulled, didn't have time to think too much, because he suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from around him. He quickly looked around and saw four black figures rushing out of the corner. They were the same ones from before. Several Penns.

Why can they still move?

This mystery lingered in Jiraiya's heart like a dark cloud, and he finally understood it in the next second.

Payne rushed out from all directions. Instead of rushing out, it was better to say that he was pulled out by the mysterious force field. He was like a puppet operated by a puppet master, with his feet not touching the ground.

As for Hungry Ghost Dao, who was holding Jiraiya's ankle, his whole body was limp, with only that arm exerting force.

These Penns have indeed lost their ability to act on their own. Now only part of them can move, just like puppets made by puppets. Although they have lost their ability to act on their own, the puppet master can still control them.Because each Pain has a black iron rod inserted into his body, Nagato can still partially control them.

Behind him, Nagato kept looking at Jiraiya, holding his breath, and the terrifying power of his two Rinnegan eyes filled the entire field.

The twisted body of Shura Dao was actually able to fire out projectiles one after another, roaring towards Jiraiya.

Jiraiya did not expect the changes in the field. His feet were held by Hungry Ghost Road, and there were other Pain stabbing him with iron rods in his hands from all sides. The Heavenly Road also jumped towards him, and even Nagato behind him also Move after preparation.

There is no solution to this situation.

Jiraiya's heart felt cold. He didn't give up. He simply took back his messy lion hair again and turned it into defense to cover his and Fukasaku Sage's bodies like a raincoat. "Ninjutsu Hair Needle Hidden"

The whistling fire bomb hit Jiraiya first, and then the black iron rods in the hands of the four Pain thrust out.

Because the hair needle was hidden, it did not cause any actual damage. It was just like a fixation, completely sealing Jiraiya in place.

But the real killing move was Nagato's blow.

Nagato, who was fixed on the six-legged device, remained motionless, but his eyes were always locked on Jiraiya.


Suddenly, a black iron spear was fired from the front of the device under his seat. It exploded with unparalleled speed and penetration, and shot directly towards Jiraiya.

His body was blocked, and Jiraiya only showed a pair of eyes looking at the black iron spear that suddenly shot out.

It's over. Although he was in sage mode and his body was so strong that even a shuriken couldn't pierce him, the black iron spear gave him a very unusual feeling. Intuitively, it could definitely penetrate him.

Seeing the iron spear getting closer and closer, and every Pain around him working harder to seal him tightly, a sense of sadness rose from the bottom of Jiraiya's heart.


The black iron spear broke through the air, completely piercing everything in front of it, passing through Jiraiya Pain and others, piercing the wall, and then stabbed through the sky above the Rain Ninja Village.

When Konan outside saw this scene, she spread her angel wings and rushed inside. She only had one thought in her heart: Teacher Jiraiya, are you still alive?

Looking back, the building was already filled with dust and mist.

On the device at the rear, Nagato bowed slightly and couldn't help coughing, and a few strands of blood oozed from the corners of his mouth.But his eyes were even colder, and he tried his best to scan diagonally upward.

There were two people and one frog hanging there, and a new figure among them made Nagato extremely angry.

"Ahem." The hoarse voice was a bit cold, like a snake lurking in the dark.

"I didn't expect you to show up here, Akatsuki's traitor"

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