Naruto: New World

Chapter 88 The heavy rain is still falling, are you afraid in your heart?

Mingyu's expression was dull, and he let the sweat slide down his bronzed skin. He kept mumbling: "I don't want to be a breakthrough, I don't want to be a breakthrough..."

Qiye, who was holding the tea, suddenly didn't know what to say. He put down the tea cup and wondered if he was putting too much pressure on Mingyu.

How about finding him a sister?

Such an idea came to Nanaba's mind. After all, it can be seen from Nagato, who has been following Ye Cang on missions recently.

This kid is much more cheerful than before, and he has also learned how to dress up. Can you believe it?Also wash your hair once a day.

Unlike Mingyu, he doesn't wash his hair for several days after practicing.

I don't even wash my hair when I take a shower, saying that my hair has to be dried before I can go to bed even if it's wet. It's troublesome and a waste of time!If you just take a shower, you can go to bed after washing and drying yourself.

This reason really shocked Qiye.

That's it?No wonder I scratch my head every day.

It's just that with this kind of selfless practice, it is inevitable to become stronger if you persist for a long time, but Qiye is also a little worried that if he scratches his head like this every day, he will become bald when the time comes.

This will not work!

For Mingyu's future, Qiye thought that he had to find a way.


On the other side, at this moment, Kakashi used psychic skills to summon the ninja dog clan, and the ninja dog Parker tracked Lin's scent and came to the stronghold of the Mist Ninja.

"So cute!" Looking at the eight dogs of different types, Yunluo's eyes suddenly lit up.

With the help of the ninja dog and the deliberate release of the mist ninja, Kakashi successfully rescued Lin and lifted the genjutsu from her body.

Then the ninja dogs drew away a large number of fog ninjas, and Kakashi and Lin fled in the direction of Konoha.

On the way, Lin frowned: "Kakashi, something seems wrong with me."

"What do you mean?" Kakashi ran and turned to look at her.

Lin touched her belly: "I can't explain clearly, but I can feel that there is another creature in my body!"

Hearing this, Kakashi's eyes suddenly widened.

"Don't run!"

At this time, a mist ninja caught up behind him, and a mist ninja came from the front.

Kakashi didn't care about thinking about anything else and shouted: "Charge over!"

He killed the fog ninja blocking the way, and continued to escape with Lin.

"When I was captured by the Mist Ninja, I was deprived of consciousness. They seemed to have performed some kind of magic and injected something into my body."

Lin frowned, with memories in her eyes.

Suddenly, her expression changed, and the image of the Three-Tails appeared in her mind, so she hurriedly said: "Kakashi! I can't go back to Konoha, there is a monster in my body! Kill me quickly!"

"What are you talking about!! I have promised! For Obito, I will protect you! Take good care of you!"

Kakashi gritted his teeth: "There will definitely be a solution after we return to the village! I'll hold them back, you run away quickly!"

With that said, he turned back to intercept the Mist Ninja.

"No, Kakashi! I'm being used, and the village will be destroyed when I go back!"

Lin also turned around and rushed back.

She thought about committing suicide, but she didn't know why. Although she had such thoughts, she couldn't control her body to complete it.

The surrounding fog ninjas need Lin to complete their plan, so naturally they cannot attack her!

Therefore, Lin's idea of ​​being buried here can only be realized by Kakashi.

I don't know when it started to rain heavily in the sky. The rain curtains formed a line, slightly blurring the vision of the people around me.

At this time, by a river not far away, Yunluo stared closely at the two screens that Nanaba had drawn for her, with Kakashi and Lin as the protagonists.

She was eating popcorn and drinking ice cream, looking like a girl watching a TV show.

Mingyu is still practicing, while Qiye is holding a fishing rod and fishing on the undulating river. A cup of fragrant tea next to him is slightly steaming.

No matter how heavy the rain is, it can't affect the three of them.

Just when Kakashi and Lin were in crisis, Obito was training in the dark underground world on the other side.

Under Bai Jue's care, his injuries recovered quickly and he is now able to get out of bed and walk at will.

What Obito mainly wants to adapt to is the changes in the three-magatama state.

A white Zetsu head suddenly appeared on the wall beside him: "I went out just now and saw that Kakashi and Lin were surrounded! There are quite a few Mist ninjas attacking them."


Obito's expression changed when he heard this, and without saying a word he rushed towards the intersection blocked by Madara.


He punched the earth wall in front of him hard, but even if his right fist made a crisp sound, it could only leave a cracked dent in the wall!

With Obito's own strength alone, even if he could get out of here, the speed would probably only allow Kakashi and the others to collect the corpses.

"Use my power." At this time, Uzumaki White Zetsu appeared behind Obito, and then merged with him!

"Thank you, Bai Jue!"

After Obito expressed his heartfelt thanks, he jumped up and smashed the wall in front of him with one punch!

He flashed out as fast as he could, grabbed a piece of clothing that Madara had hung on the wall, and rushed in the direction Bai Jue said.

Lin, Kakashi, hold on!I'll be here soon!

Obito was anxious, and the rain curtain that appeared around him at some point gave him an ominous premonition.


On the river bank, there was a small fish jumping lively on Qiye's fishhook.

The long-awaited protagonist finally appeared. Qiye felt it secretly and only noticed the aura of two people.

Uzumaki White Zetsu, Uchiha Obito.

If it were just the two of them, the flaw would probably not be seen.

Just after Obito appeared, the screen in Yunluo's sight also changed into three pieces.


"Obito, I seemed to have sensed someone snooping just now, but it seemed to be an illusion." Bai Zetsu, who was possessing Obito, suddenly conveyed such a message.

But at this time, Obito's entire focus was on Lin and Kakashi, whose situation was unknown, and he didn't care at all about Bai Zetsu's words.

Bai Jue, who didn't get a response, felt a little bored and stopped talking.

Soon, Obito arrived at the place where the battle took place. Amidst the rain that obscured his vision, he saw a signature thunder and lightning not far away.

Chidori, it's Kakashi, they should be fine, great!

Just when Obito calmed down and quickened his pace to rush over, a scene suddenly appeared in front of him that he could never forget!

That iconic thunder and lightning was indeed Kakashi's Chidori, but the person whose body was pierced turned out to be Lin!

Kakashi actually killed Lin!

For a moment, Obito froze on the spot, his mind going blank.

"Kakashi...I'm sorry, I have to go find Obito. You must live well..." Blood flowed from the corner of Lin's mouth, but with a faint smile on her face, she slowly fell to the ground.

This is a scene with Obito as the protagonist!

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