Naruto: Mind over matter

The time between missions

-one month later-

Pov: Wakana


A blade slides by me but I pay it no mind and continue down the hall, I have to find my golden opportunity after all.

Riku-senpai kills two people with a swipe of his Edge... he is getting ridiculously good at using that thing, I turn around the corner of the hall and it is painted black and red, ink splotches and blood leak through these halls.

I continue forward as Sai-senpai impales someone on his blade.

This kind of mission is usually left for the Anbu... Lady fifth wanted us to try some of these missions and see how well we accustom to them.

No one likes doing these missions but Riku-senpai has a reputation that is constantly hungry for more recognition and this kind of stuff is perfect for rumours in the underworld of deceit and crime.

I step over the bodies and slide through the door where Yamato-sensei has cornered the target, I found my golden opportunity.

Weaving through the darkness I arrive behind the man and slash.

*slash* *spurt*

Blood flies as I decapitate him and Yamato nods at me. I nod back and we continue down the hall, we were not paid to clean or kill, just send a message and the message has been sent.

Sai-senpai and Yamato-sensei leap ou of the window and start making a get away, I nod to Riku-senpai who rolls his eyes and starts slashing 'TERROR' into the walls with blood. I leap out of the window and I see Riku-senpai leap out on his pitch black wooden werewolf in the open.

The more people see, the more people talk.

The mission is considered complete and we head out to camp in the woods, as Riku cooks for us I ask a question that I have been dying to get an answer for... Icha Icha violence had left me confused at parts.

"So is lust not relevant for love? Or is it a combination? The book I am reading is very lustful but everyone I know isn't so much as lustful as them?"

Yamato-sensei sighs and mumbles 'not again'

"Hmmm... Beautiful has been trying to take me on dates but hasn't mentioned anything so brazen as the book has... perhaps those kinds of things are fantasy? That is why it is a book no?" Sai speaks up.

As expected of senpai! Always so insightful and can always give a guess!

"Hoh? Not lustful? Perhaps some. But most relationships have hidden desires locked up in secret, no one wants to shout that they love etc kink... people can be cruel and judgemental after all" Riku adds.

As expected of the grandmaster wizard of knowledge, haggling, juggling and Sake! Always so knowledgeable and wise!

"Do you always act differently around other people?" Sai-senpai asks.

"Hmmm... yeah, I suppose that's a foreign concept to you guys who only knew one face of a perfect shinobi..."

"How different do you act around us? Any changes?" I ask.

He thinks a minute before replying.

"Less hyper... more quiet, try to be more patient and understanding... I take things more seriously... but I'm still a talker, I still attempt to lighten the mood, just with more silence in between, if you guys are looking for different faces don't act different, just adjust the sliders of your original self and don't over do it"

"Is there anywhere you are... out of character? Not yourself? A mask that doesn't fit?" Sai-senpai responds.

"Why do you want to know?"

I answer.

"I have been wondering if I am doing anything wrong, most root agents have found new ties and groups and are rehabilitating back into... someone, I have not..."

"Did you want to be someone? What do you like to do in your free time?"

"Dance... sing... but I don't like it when people listen or watch me... I prefer the environments like the desert where I can yell and no one hears me..."

"Hmmm... do you like traveling?"

"Yeah... I like to camp and when you answer my questions... everyone else usually squirms around"

"Pff- that's because you and Canvas always ask something ridiculous like 'can I rub his etc with my etc, does that work?'... well Canvas tries to make friends but your questions are always something sexual... say is there anyone you don't mind watching? Listening?"

Hmm there is two who come to mind.

"I did have a sister once whom always listened and watched me, when we did that mission last year with team Gai, Tenten reminded me of her"

"Maybe you should ask her to hang out? Get to know her and perhaps sing a song and see if she bothers you when you dance?"

Hmmm maybe...

"Thank you for your help, I will get to that and report how it goes sleepy-senpai"

He nods as hands us our wooden plates of food and we eat a healthy meal for dinner.


-one month later-

Me and Naruto are playing tag throughout Konoha, yeah the previous months have been quite boring if im being honest, the Ace upgrade has been slow and just sorting all the documents has been a nightmare.

I sprint alongside a wall and jump over a passing merchant, and launch myself at Naruto who- *poof* is a shadow clone... damnit he switched? When?

I do see Naruto running down the street and I sprint after him, weaving through the streets in my Kanata disguise... if Konoha citizens saw the terror sprinting at someone they would scream... literally being turned into a horror story here.

As I pass through the people chuckling to myself I also notice Sasuke walking up the street, he seems to be going for sweets... lets use this to my advantage.

"Sasuke! Grab Naruto!"

He looks at me with curiosity and then nods seriously when I maintain my most serious expression.

"Sasuke hey! Wait- what are you doing! No! Bot like this dattebayo! I haven't been tagged in twenty minutes!"

I catch up to Naruto and tap his shoulder before saying.

"Tag, your it! Thanks Sasuke!"

I then bolt away and up to a roof.


"Yeah! And you just made me lose! Only taijutsu and ninjutsu, ten second immunity after tagging, by the way- tag your it!"

Naruto leaps up to follow me and I turn to see Sasuke rushing for him, it seems that Sasuke has cooled down recently...

I nod my head and smirk we rush though Konoha and jump over many roofs, Sasuke eventually catches Naruto in which he *poof* is a shadow clone.

"Guess you are next then, Riku!"

Sasuke declares and I do my best to weave through the streets and roofs of Konoha trying to loose him... turning around I can see his three tomoe eyes spinning as he tracks me down... damn.

Okay lets see who is free... I expand my telekinetic sight and- *pat* "tag your it!" Sasuke tags me? When did he get so close? He- damn he copied the shadow clone idea and was waiting in front of me.

I drop to the streets below and I scan for Naruto or Sasuke within Konoha, my Telekinetic sight was stretched so much when the rocks came back, I am capable of seeing all of it if I try hard enough.

"If it isn't Riku... have you seen my genin?"

I turn to see Kakashi and Gai.

"Oh, uh yeah... currently playing tag, want to help me tag him?"

"Yoshaaa! This will be fun! With the power of youth we will tag him!"

"Maaa~ as long as we find him, he skipped his last handwritten report"

"He is north-east, heading for the hospital!"

We all rush through the streets and I barrel over many poor citizens enjoying there day, and when we find Naruto taking a breather Kakashi walks up and scolds Naruto before Gai "Dynamic Entry!" Tackles him and I rush in to tag him.

"Tag! This asking for help thing is really working for me"

"Hey! This again? Haha- Gai-sensei your it!"

"Hohoho? It seems I must tag my eternal rival!"

"Wait no- Naruto has a report to- wait, Gai..."

"My eternal rival! LET ME SHOW YOU MY YOUTH!"

As they sprint away, Gai chasing Kakashi, Naruto shouts.

"Sasuke is playing as well if you see him!"


"Woah! When did you get there!?"


"No seriously when did you get there?" Naruto asks once more and Sasuke smirks before giving his most detailed answer yet.


Classic, we three watch Gai chase Kakashi around the streets to see if he gets him and suddenly Gai kicks the ground and pivots, slamming into Sasuke.


I scram as fast as I can, Laughing all the way.


-one week later-

*smack* *slam* *pow*

Me and Ace are sparing- we are testing his upgrade~ that's right I completed his new boost in power, next we will be working on Almighty and that is much easier considering the sheer number of things I can add to the sentinel due to its size.

Ace looks exactly the same- on the outside that is.

Underneath he used to be just thick blocks of wood, and that is a hard hitter however it needed something more, something to help him win those close quarter combats.

But now underneath his wooden flesh is a chakra guiding system, Sasori managed to just use other peoples bodies and there kekkao genkai, and looking over what Kankuro sent me and picking apart the systems of chakra Sasori was sending through the kekkai genkai user and applying it to my own system.

Because Ace is full of Telekinetic chakra just waiting to be organized for efficiency- now this system is the difference between throwing a bucket at a well and carefully filling the bucket with water, it guides the chakra throughout the body and delivers it to the best place- like a humans chakra system.

Why is this great you ask? Because he can go without a recharge for months, he is capable of spamming many of the jutsu I spam and keep fighting for hours after and he is the only member of the crew to be able to use nature chakra to supplement his own pool and enhance himself.

The others can do this but don't have the chakra to pour into others and use sage mode like I do, except for Javelin maybe as he is small enough not to burn through his chakra like the rock did.

So Ace has Telekinetic Sage mode and can spam ninjutsu throughout an entire fight like me.

That's the upgrade- which is an impressive upgrade might I add.

Ace alone can fight a special-Jonin and regularly win now... and because I am training my Taijutsu to a point that others cannot he will only grow stronger.


Now I get to upgrade Almighty, and he will be much easier as I now what I want to boost, his defence has never held that long due to the enemies we face with him all having a way to circumvent or just bash through... the other thing is the underused poison system, in fact that upgrade is nearly done... the flowers in my garden can be made into something quite deadly alongside various other ingredients from the market... I was thinking something to just hurt and kill the enemy but I quite liked my first ever 'poison' I put in there... didn't work but that was because it was weak.

Trying to fight the wooden behemoth that is covered in smoke that will make you slower, tired and removes any chance of adrenaline you can get.

This time the poison gas will be better... I have been making Javelin read through all the poison books I can get by just sitting on a library and telekinetic sight through a books pages... just by focusing on the right layer I can get the whole book without even entering the library!

I have been personally bothering Anko for lessons when I am free during the week and since I can only test and take time for the gas I must bother Yamato-sensei to help me with the defences! I need him to reshape Almighty as he is the only one who can without it auto repairing back to its original shape.

Hmmm now what to do with the defence increase... decisions... decisions...

Maybe metal plates under the wood? Like an extra layer? It will lose some flexibility but Almighty will only be used to fight not to do flips and tricks... hmmm... maybe I could find that formula for Edge? No... way to expensive... how about metal plating, plus adding some barrier seals? I don't know sealing.... couldn't hurt to ask and pay the right people though... expensive...  does the Hyuga clan have any seal masters? They must right? Due to the thing I am currently conveniently ignoring that I hate about my fiancés family.

Then again I have never heard about any Hyuga with anything above the basics in sealing...maybe they know the one seal and that's it, I can see the main family declaring that the branch is not allowed to study seals because they could undo there own..

Wonder if Jiraiya is around?


Pov: Hinata

I approach Riku who is currently sparing with Ace and call out to him.


They both stop suddenly and turn, I can see the manual operations going away as he smiles in my direction.

"Hey! Hinata! What are you doing here?"

"My team is taking a week off and I was wondering if you were free to go and do something, we haven't talked in ages"

"Sure! Ace stay and train"

He jogs over to me and we start walking through the forest and back to the gates of Konoha, we talk as we walk.

"How is your relationship with Naruto? All ups I hope?"

"Hm~ very good actually, we went on a date last weekend and we just talked for hours till the sun went down... it was very nice. I am also hearing that you and Eiko are finally going to marry soon, started planning anything big?"

"Nah~ I asked Eiko and she only wanted me to be there... the requirements are low and I am certain that we will have fun no matter what... might just do a small ceremony and invite my close friends and her family... maybe just her parents and a Hyuga official, pretty sure that her mother qualifies for that so maybe it will be just our group and her parents"

"She doesn't have anyone else she would like to invite?"

"Sickness stops her from meeting many people unfortunately, I have to make sure to walk her home on colder days just in case she freezes over in the street..."

"Has she gotten better lately? She has looked in greater health from what I have seen"

"Definitely healthier yeah, not so bony anymore and has more colour to her cheeks... then again there is exceptionally bad nights when her body just freezes and wont warm up... but lucky for her I always keep a few blankets on standby"

"Hahaha- sounds like you are fully prepped to move in with her, already sounds like you are"

"Oh yeah, stays every weekend... she is going to move her work to my place actually when we are married so the upstairs office or secondary bedroom could finally have a purpose"

"Sounds lovely, you look ten times happier ever since you signed that contract"

"Very much so... I would of burnt myself out constantly training and fighting and upgrading, this is much more my style"

I nod at that and we weave through the streets of Konoha, the people move out of our way like we are diseased and Riku chuckles in understanding before going into an alley way and coming out as Kanata.

"Do you not hate that? Not having the ability to be yourself?"

"Oh I do yeah... but I signed up for the name and fame, I can only blame myself for feeding the rumours"

"They treat you like your some... demon of sorts"

"All they see is three things. Friend to the demon brat, grand-student of the snake and the rumours of my inhuman terror persona... nothing you can do but feel wary of something like that"

I sigh and he nods his head.

"Well we are in Konoha, did you just want to talk or maybe you wanted to go somewhere?"

"Hmmm, decisions, decisions... lets go drink! And play some cards!"

I laugh and hit his shoulder.

"Yeah no, we both know how well that's going to go for me... how about eating something? You work up any appetite?"

"Hmmm, maybe- only a little something though"

"Then lets go get some snacks and sit on your roof"

"Ay ay captain!"

We enter into a few stores and by a bulky amount of snacks before climbing onto Riku's roof and sitting their eating, I really like just relaxing with Riku... no pressure and no pretences, just eating and talking.

"You and Naruto free this weekend?"

"I should be... Naruto might be, why?"

"We could go on a double date, we bring our respective partners and just enjoy the time together... maybe play a few games or get some lunch"

"That... sounds lovely Riku, I will ask Naruto if he is able"

We sit and talk till the evening and then I say my goodbyes, I have to train with Neji in an hour and I prefer not to be late or untidy.

"See you later Hinata"

"Another time Riku"

I start walking home through the Hyuga compound and eventually find my way to my room, I need to shower and get dressed for formal sparing.


-the next weekend-

Pov: Riku

I'm in my ninja outfit and I am helping Eiko into her dress, she insisted that I help her from every stage... just usual pervert Eiko today, we finish dressing and Eiko turns to me.

"Any way we could modify my dress for easy access? It would be so hot if you just snuck your hand-"

*light Karate chop*

"No horny- we are going on a double date with two very perceptive people, don't even think about it"

"I'm just messing with you rabbit~ plus I want to rile you up... I love it when you don't manually operate yourself"

She leans into my ear and whispers.

"(Whisper) We could always do something quick... we have twenty minutes to spare"

I whisper back.

"(Whisper) we already did 'something quick', this morning... twice"

She puffs her cheeks and gets on her knees.

"Are you sure~ this position not doing anything for you rabbit?"

"Wolf- no horny"

She pokes out her tongue and gets up, we walk downstairs and make sure that we haven't messed up any of our clothing or left something behind, Eiko used this chance to flash me a few times and we are off to the outside world and start walking to the restaurant we booked, Eiko made sure we got something good and she is using her saved up coin... she has a lot of money actually, turns out that being the daughter of two main clan members and also part of the internal management makes you rich.

Aren't I the fool for giving her so much money as gifts... cant help it, she is so cute and I must shower her with everything I can!

We enter into a fine restaurant and the waiter finds the table we booked... he keeps looming at me and sweating, that damn infamy is biting my ass again.

We sit down and wait for five minutes until both Naruto and Hinata enter and find us.

"Hey! Riku, Eiko! This place looks awesome, dattebayo!"

"A wonderful choice, Eiko-san"

"Glad to see you both made it, we haven't ordered anything yet, you guys look great!"

"Fabulous, Naruto and Hinata, please drop the honorifics we are all friends here" Eiko says in her polite and calm tone, a far cry from he usual behaviour at home.

"Has this table ordered?" A waitress comes up to us and we give our orders one by one.

"Alright, we will back with your orders soon" the waitress leaves and we start discussing various things.

"Hey, Riku- did you see Sasuke's new outfit? He has doubled down on the dark colours and wears a deep, insanely deep V neck now, has a skirt thing too"

"Really? No leather armour anymore?"

"Yeah, he got annoyed when the enemies just kept bypassing it, so now he is focusing on just not getting hit"

Hinata asks Eiko something.

"Eiko, I heard that Riku met your parents? How did that go?"

"Ohoh? That was an unexpected evening but quite enjoyable, nothing too major and my parents both approve of him times ten"

"I cannot wait to see you guys get married"

Eiko beams a smile at Hinata and the table starts going into many topics and discussions as the food comes and we eat our fill.

Its days like this that I love the most, everything is just so nice and relaxing~

We head outside after our meal and we decide to stop at my place and have ice cream in some bowels.

"And that's when Riku said- "pina colada?" Hahaha- and- hahaha, and Gaara immediately slammed his head into the table, its safe to say that Suna- hahaha- Suna thinks Riku is capable of hunting the tailed beast like sport" Naruto tries to hold his laughter and tell the story of our joint mission a month ago when we checked up on Suna again.

"That is hilarious Naruto, does he have any embarrassing stories? Ones he wouldn't share with me?" Eiko asks with a head tilt.

"I'm almost certain that Riku tells you his most terrible moments with pride" Hinata giggles at that and takes another spoonful of her Ice-cream.

"Oh yeah absolutely, did I tell you about the mission I had last week where I had to use Naruto's sexy jutsu to get out of a tough spot" I add.

"You used my jutsu!"

"Sexy jutsu?"

"Oh yeah, Eiko he has a jutsu to turn into a sexy lady- he made it when he was in the academy to prank all the closet perverts"

"[Sexy jutsu]!"

Hinata and Eiko giggle as Naruto turns into a lady version of himself.

"So it turns you into a lady? What do you look like as a lady Riku?" Eiko asks and I preform the hand seal, [Sexy Jutsu]!

I watch as Hinata and Naruto chuckle to themselves and miss wolfs jaw dropping and licking her lips... guess I will be giving a 'helping hand' with this jutsu tonight.

I undo the jutsu and we all take a moment to laugh to ourselves as I tell them my top ten most embarrassing moments on a mission.

I have a bunch now and it is great to finally be in the funny missions club.

We keep talking late into the night and sometime during our eleven o'clock talk Hinata and Naruto fall asleep on each other... cute.

"Cute" Eiko agrees verbally and I nod, I get them a blanket. They fall into a spooning position with Hinata being the big spoon and I place the blanket over them, me and Eiko nod before we leave them on the couch to go have fun upstairs with 'sexy jutsu' lets hope my walls are as thick as they come.


Thanks for reading :)

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