Naruto: Mind over matter

Second exam

-Second test-

"your about to find out why it is called the forest of death.."

I hear Naruto take the heat off me by mocking her and she throws a Kunai.. at me!? Throw it at him Anko-sensei, I'm sorry damn!

Blood falls down my cheek and she appears behind my licking it off my face.

Please save that for Yamato-sensei. Anko-sensei.

"Hoo? Did I hear you say its no big deal? Just because I complimented you doesn't mean your anything good... your still a genin you know?"

Lies, Lies! Stop putting words into my mouth!

"you dropped this, your kunai.."

Woah dude... calm the hell down, your as freaky as me.

"Don't stand behind me, radiating bloodlust.. unless you want to DIE!"

Yes! Take her attention creep!

"Hooo? Ill try to keep my bloodlust under wraps, but the sight of fresh blood and my precious hair getting cut REALLY gets me revved up.."

"Sorry about that."

Yeah dude chill.

"Before we begin the next exam, there's something I have to hand out, consent forms- sign them"

Alright lets sign my life away... my closest family will get my belongings if I die... that's my sensei's.... this isn't an life insurance scam right?

"Your second test is of survival..."

Anko-sensei describes the test and lays out a map, ill memorise it but it wont be that useful considering its simplicity.

She proclaims its capture the scroll but with death, I hear a few gulps and watch a few people squirm.

Okay summary: get both scrolls, start out with one, five day limit, head to the tower in the middle.

"One final piece of advice, stay alive!"

Thanks ill try. :/

Our team gets an earth scroll, Yuko decides to hide it in her jacket.

Anko-sensei herself leads our team to one of the gates and unlocks it.

"You will pay for that stunt in the classroom brat!"

I raise my hand

"I think your overcharging me sensei!"

"Fuck you. Don't die"

"Fuck you. I wont"

And we head to the into forest.

-first day-

Pov: Mariko Yamanaka

Looking at Yuko and at Riku I let out a whistle~

Looks like we are going to be targeted by the other teams, how the hell am I supposed to seduce Riku into the Yamanaka clan while being hunted by seventy-ish other genin, and while competing with big tits Yuko!

100 ryo says she takes off her jacket because its 'hot' and oops~ 'of course I only wear my sports bra under it'

Then again he didn't react when his skimpy sensei licked his face, maybe he isn't into the skimpy types?

Lets hope he is into muscles and tan lines cause that's all I got eh?

Should we try and stay in the forest for more than a day? We could bathe together for 'safety' sake eh?

Or maybe ill 'accidentally' get my sleeping bag destroyed and have to sleep with him for 'warmth'...

Should I tear my clothes every now and then? I have a spare set in one of my scrolls so I can bring them out once we leave for the tower...

Okay seduction items mental list!

I have band aids on instead of a bra. That's gonna hurt to take off, why did I use the extra strong ones? I'm a dumbass...

I have some aphrodisiac to slip into the food we much do I use again?

I'm wearing extra tight sport shorts for underwear. Kind of uncomfortable but my elder sister says guys are into that kind of thing eh?

I have some condoms just in case. I must be prepared eh!

I also have a blackberry and plums smelling soap! Apparently that's his favourite smell eh!

And I also have the classic ninja tools, ten kunai, 40ft of ninja wire, 20ft of rope and a camping kit and a Medical kit from my sister which holds her favourite nurse costume inside! Ill use that to 'nurse' him to health inside the tower.

Yosh! I may have some scars and often referred to as 'the brute' but I am well prepared to Link his bloodline into the Yamanaka clan!

Now I better focus up and do what I'm good at, combat! If he fails due to me he could hate me instead!

Walking through the great forest I watch him drop his puppet and it starts walking alongside him.

We take our time in the forest, they will be trying to find us, so we need to be slow and perceptive.


-6 hours later-

I slipped some aphrodisiac into his food, we have to seduce him early while all the teams are separated form each other.

He shows no reaction though, I thought this would be easy? My sister said honeypot missions were all easy....

Well I guess I don't have her figure...

Hmmm, maybe I should tear my tank top on a branch? Or is that too early?

"Its stuffy in this jacket, I am going to strip myself of it, you are permitted to stare as most mortals would be blessed to see there goddess in such a light"

Called it eh!

Though she really is audacious... Does Riku like being insulted and put down? Did the Nara's find that out? The heir is friends with Riku...

Should I try to be haughty?

No, no I don't mind doing a honey pot mission but I'm not going to change myself for them!

Should I just give up? If he doesn't like my type, what's the point...

Snap out of it Mariko! You cant let your big sister down! She helped prepare you for your first seduction mission!

Yosh! Lets do this eh!


-2nd day-

Pov: Yuko Nara

Hm? I've given Riku a triple dose of the aphrodisiac, yesterday day I gave him a double dose.

He has shown no reaction, hmf- as expected of the man I am supposed to seduce he has great restraint.

Should we bathe together? My rival has suggested so twice already and it is a great idea.

To let him see my natural form Hohoo~ it will be too much for him.

"Watch our six." -Riku

I subtly turn my head to see nothing but the path we tread.

Five seconds pass...


An Ame nin emerges from the bushes and throws a kunai at the back of Riku's head.

He doesn't move till the last second before calmly tilting his head out of the way, he keeps moving forward, ignoring the enemy nin, His puppet walks toward the Ame ninja and enters a taijutsu stance.

I ready my Naginata and scan for a the other two Ninja in the area, my rival jumps at the known nin and uppercuts them, the puppet [Body Shunts] and body slams into the enemy and proceeds to assist Mariko with her beatdown.

The two enemy ninja have yet to appear where are they?

I turn around and see that Riku is slowly walking away still? Why is he splitting up?

The two ninja emerge and ambush Riku who takes a breath and effortlessly dodges there melee, his eyes are closed, how is he doing that?

I rush in to help, he must of been baiting them forward when he continued walking, hoping to take the heat off of me and Mariko, he gets stabbed in the thigh- nice I can take my time stitching that later, he will have to remove his underwear of course~ my magnificent hands couldn't ever be so misused from learning medical skills, so I need all the space to stitch as I can get.

Slashing my blade forward I cut deep into the enemies back, Riku throws a kunai and the enemy dodges easily, unfortunately for the Ame ninja the kunai curves backwards and stabs into his back, It takes twenty more seconds to end the battle.

After the scuffle, Mariko takes this chance to suggest heading to the river and bathe together, I insist on it.

Riku takes a few deep breaths before stomping in the direction of the river.

Excellent, this one will help stitch his wound and 'help' him wash so we can bathe 'quicker'

We arrive at the river ten minutes later and we strip, it takes us some talking to convince him to strip with us.

I start sewing his thigh shut and I must say, I'm glad I 'forgot' to sew it and 'remembered' after I stripped with the triple dose aphrodisiac he must be close to- looking up he seems pale and his hands hold the grass tightly, he looks in pain, why?

I look back at the wound I'm sewing and oh- I forgot to numb the area, uhhh shit. I mean... I the best... *cough* oh god.

Stabbing his thigh and sewing it together I do my best to get it over with.

We get in the river and Mariko asks for help removing her band aids, are they the extra sticky ones? Gods why would you do that to yourself?

She genuinely looks to be in pain and not trying to seduce Riku. Though her abs and tan lines are certainly- never mind that, thoughts on Riku.

Riku attempts to remove the band aids which hurts to even watch.

Mariko cries and stifles her groans of pain as the band aides are removed.

Its an awkward bath but I help Riku bathe with my ultimate weapons.


Pov: Mariko

My nipples sting and my chest aches, I watch Yuko's big sexy brea- *cough* I watch Yuko help bathe Riku.

The atmosphere is awkward and I attempt to use my soap but Riku says that it could attract ninja sensitive to smell.

But damn though, I didn't know Yuko had inverted- I slap myself, head in the game Mariko! Your big sister is counting on you to use her training well!

Lets finish the bath and set up camp for tonight, the ame nins have an earth scroll so we need to find another team tomorrow.

I should also place some traps around if any of the weaker ninja teams decide to approach us.


Thanks for reading :)

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