Naruto: Mind over matter

Riku vs Akatsuki

-3 days later-

We are sprinting across the hot desert sand into the middle of the land of wind, we have been running non-stop at our fastest, eventually we reach Suna's gates... again, I really come here a lot.

We also came across Temari as she was traveling home and she has been running with us as well.

One of the ninja there immediately runs to our group and starts giving us the run down.

"Lord Kazekage has been kidnapped! Kankuro has been poisoned by one of the Akatsuki and is stated that he may die any time today!"

Temari nods her head seriously and we all rush through the streets of Sunagakure, I summon Javelin along the way and start having him scout put the area, it seems that Gaara had the one tails help- good he headed my advice, but it also seems that he fell inevitably even so... whoever we are hunting knows how to pack a punch.

We enter into the room where Kankuro is injured and immediately an old lady jumps Kakashi screaming about a white fang.

Naruto jumps in and blocks both blows before the old man settles the woman.

Sakura begins healing Kankuro as everyone watches, after half an hour droplets of purple liquid exit his body and soon more and more follow, balling it up into bowl that was placed for her Sakura expertly heals Kankuro.

"... you guys?"

"Got your bearings? Were back to help, have you some detail on where your enemies went?" Yamato-sensei asks and I make sure that Javelin is primed to go in the direction stated.

"My puppet... I grabbed some of there cloth, it should still have it... Riku, save Gaara once more will you?"

Kakashi immediately rushes out with a sand shinobi to go find Kankuro's puppet and I reply to Kankuro.

"We got him, get some rest would you?"

He nods his head seriously and lays back down, everyone gives him privacy as we wait for our news... Kakashi finds us and gives out new orders.

"Scent is coming from somewhere on the border of wind and fire, maybe further in towards fire... lets head to the border and follow from there"

We nod and I send Javelin flying to the border to scout anywhere possible.

I summon Jaunt and hop on him, I give a nod to Yamato-sensei who nods back and Jaunt sends me and him flying through the desert at a fast pace, will reduce the trip by one day hopefully... then I will begin hunting them down and securing a battle of attrition till I get support.

I look to my left and it seems Kakashi's dogs are with me too, I give them a bid that they return as we head to the border.

-two and a half days later-

Pov: Nagato/Pein

"Uninvited guests are now hunting us... the terror is close and his telekinetic sight will find us... Itachi, Kisame do you have Chakra to spare?"

They nod and look at each other before performing various hand signs and sending themselves into the bodies of another shinobi.


Pov: Riku

Jaunt and me are riding through the woods and scouring the place I have my Telekinetic sight going full blast and I'm running across the border and up the river.

Pakkun said that there scent scattered somewhere here and that we should be close- found them... found two more approaching me as well...

After five minutes of running and me sitting absolutely still on Jaunt I eventually open my now dark black eyes to stare at both Itachi and Kisame... who- *Slam!* into the ground.

"Itachi Uchiha... Kisame I never read your file... it seems that you have come to delay me... question is how are we going to do this?"

Kisame slings his sword on his shoulders and chuckles before replying.

"Wouldn't want to play hide and seek would you? Just count to 50000 and we will hide"

"Fifty!? At least make it sixty! That's outrageously small!"

Itachi lowers his eyes at me and I close mine, relying entirely on my Telekinetic sight.

"Enough games- It is too late, leave and we may give you Gaara's corpse"

My mind shifts uncomfortably but my body enters Manual Operations.

"It is understandable for you to feel scared, after all you are facing the terror"

I use [Dominion Aura]! And both Kisame and Itachi bend over as pressure applies from above them.

"If you kneel you may be kept from being humiliated by me"

They struggle against the pressure and I pour my sage mode chakra into the nearby trees with my Telekinetic sight, controlling them completely.

"Hn-" A tree flies towards Itachi and he bursts into crows and appears 45 feet away from me and the pressure, Kisame struggles on and pushes forward, rising to the pressure and standing tall in front of me.

"Bow? From this?" He says condescendingly.

"No, from this" I respond coldly and five trees slam into Kisame- to his credit he manages to still be standing after all trees block his escape and slam into him.

Seems trees are too slow and weak for them, I take back my chakra and Kisame swings his sword down at me, I stop using my dominion and activate [Intimidating deflection] while also taking a step to the side.

The blade goes wide and I get into a Taijutsu pose before slamming my palm into his stomach using [Delayed Strike]!

*pow* *pop*

My palm slams twice and I take the chance to send Jaunt after Itachi, he leaps after him and starts slashing in his werewolf form, his silver claws meet crows consistently- but with both [Launching Point] and [Body Shunt] Jaunt keeps Itachi under pressure enough for me to continue fighting Kisame.

Kisame swings again and increases his speed I jump over his blade and kick his face in and also land back down where he swings backwards into my side, I block his thick blade and jump back summoning Edge into the field.

"Ha! A swordfight against one of the seven swords! You overestimate yourself!"

I grip Edge and it coats black and gold, the blade liquifies and shifts into a baseball bat form.

"Then it wont be a sword. Simple as that"

We swing our weapons and they collide off each other, we swing again and again, Kisame gains the upper hand and I'm starting to lose ground, unfortunately for him I shape Edge into a big sickle to grab his blade and hook it away and upwards before I slam my foot into his gut and [Destroyer Force]!

He gets sent flying backwards and I start forming hand signs before slamming my hand down and summoning Almighty.

I hop into his pitch black chassis and Almighty powers up, [Launching Point]! After Kisame and slamming the huge Odachi down, I Telekineticly control Edge to form into a rapier and try to pierce his legs at the same time.

He blocks the blow from above but Edge rests in his thigh and he lets out an annoyed grunt before pushing against the huge Odachi and swinging at Almighty's legs.

Inside Almighty I start doing hand signs and [Earth spear], [Force Burst] combo, at the same time he hits Almighty in the thigh and dents the wood I slam an earthen spear into his chest, he furrows his brows before releasing his chakra and kicking Almighty in the chest and slamming his sword down on its helm.

*Pow!* *Whack!*

Two powerful blows and he breaks Almighty by kicking a dent in its front and breaking its helm in two, I de-summon Almighty and when I land a few feet back I have Emrys cast [Launching Point] as I ready up a [Cloth wrap]!


I launch at him and touch his cloak, he goes to swing but his clothes suddenly tighten and twist his body, the sword barely scratches me as I land and Edge flies upwards before coming down and slicing into the skull of Kisame... or not Kisame in this case as he dispels, I turn to Itachi and Jaunt.

Seems that Itachi weasels out of every blow somehow and has been keeping watch of me, de summon Jaunt.

My blade flies to my hand and I raise its Baseball bat form to Itachi.

"Not really you huh? Thought this was too easy for a fight against one of the strongest of Konoha's geniuses and another famed as something or rather..."

Mental note: read Kisame's profile report when I get back to Konohagakure.

Itachi lowers his gaze and replies in typical Uchiha fashion.


"Worse than Sasuke you are... fine no talk all play it is!"

I have Emrys expand his telekinetic sight and I start pouring chakra into every rock near me.

I launch as many rocks as possible in every direction that Itachi appears in, eventually a stone hits him and I [Launching Point] towards his body before beating it down with a condensed metal club.


The metal ding hits Itachi on the shoulder as he dodges from the head blow, his shoulder slumps but he shows no pain, my dead cold face breaks into smile before fifty rocks pelt into Itachi and I kick him in the shin with [Delayed Strike] while Emrys enhancing it with another [Delayed Strike] creating three hits in a row.

Itachi loses balance and I take the chance to [Unseen Push] and make him fall down before I point straight after right at his head [Pressure Point] and a concentrated blast flies by his head as he swings his neck away from my finger.

I [Cloth Wrap] his clothes and launching point up to the sky before doing multiple hand signs and taking a deep breath.

[Great Breakthrough]

A blast of wind hits Itachi as he falls prone and is sent into the floor harder then ever, I fall to the ground and have Edge turn into a rapier again as I fall onto Itachi and pierce his skull... this was way too easy, he took a chunk of chakra and time yes, but even then he went down quick... I'm already a quarter down in chakra and I have to fight two actual Akatsuki for Gaara... tch-

Almighty will heal in an hour but I can see there position in sage mode is half an hour away, I cannot risk just leaving Gaara alone until someone else can arrive...

I summon Jaunt and jump on his back, he sprints as fast as he can and we arrive at a giant boulder... gate.

There is a seal on it but what kind? How do I open it... lets connect to Javelin, he should be arriving near Kakashi any time soon.

-10 minutes later-

Javelin flies down and stands on Kakashi's shoulder before imbuing a voice and giving the details on what is happening.

"Hmmmm.... sounds like.... are you able to sense 4 other seals in the area around you? Try maximum distance of one thousand meters.."

"Got it, give me a moment"

Emrys expands his Telekinetic sight and I de summon Jaunt, putting eight minds into looking for these things I locate them in five minutes.

"Thanks Kakashi,  I'm going to keep Javelin on you in case of emergency alright?"

"Got it, keep in contact and remove the seals at the same time"

I disconnect from Javelin and focus on the five seals maintaining sage mode by being absolutely still I use my Telekinetic powers to imbue chakra from far away and take the rocks, trees and rip off the wall that has the seals on them, I start bringing them closer and they fly towards me.


*pow* *bam* *crash* *slam*

All five seals are within my reach and I ripe them off all at once.

But four other copies of me climb from the rocks and I don't have time for this...

I Launching Point towards the top of the boulder and I destroyers point form the gap between it and the cave, toppling the giant rock down I slide into the cave and use my Telekinetic powers to push the boulder back before it falls allowing me to skip fighting the other clones of me out there.

I turn around to see all the Akatsuki standing on fingers of what I am sure is the Gedo statue... I look forward and start walking in, directly to Gaara.

As I get closer, I see the leader of the Akatsuki and his purple eyes shine down towards me, he has the old mans eyes.

He speaks in an attempt to sway me.

"Riku of the leaf, Inhuman Terror is what they call you but what terrors have you seen? You are nothing but a child intervening with my work, gods work. We can show you pain and bring this world salvation, peace. You attempt to get in our way and you go against peace among the nations"

"Peace? How do expect to do that?" I ask coldly and he responds in the same tone.

"Pain. If we show the world pain, the pain I and everyone in the Akatsuki has experienced, who will wish to fight? True peace is brought through pain"

I look at every one of the members and back at the leader.

"Pain? You know how an entire village reacted to losing there families? Feeling that pain? They bullied and screamed at a child. They relentlessly scorned him for the mistakes of the beast within him. You think I haven't experienced pain? Then you are ignorant and foolish, trauma has no scale and you cannot weigh yours against mine. We both have experienced horrid shit and that is that, pain is nothing but a survival instinct, it is used to survive not thrive"

He lowers his eyes and replies.

"A child from the leaf who has been coddled by those around him-"

"Born in the leaf where I befriended a jinchurikii and became the student of the snakes apprentice, no one liked me much till I had the ability to kill them without breaking a sweat. You are trying to rule with tyranny? If you fucking get surprised because a rebellion happens then you aren't thinking clearly at all"

"No rebellion can happen when-"

"When you shove the tailed beasts into the Gedo statue!? What next? hold a weapon over the worlds head and make demands!? Fuck! I thought that maybe, maybe! You had a decent plan for fucking around with so many lives.... but this!? Your nothing but a broken child with gods eyes, you may have power but you have none of the mind or soul necessary to use it"

He lowers his gaze at me dangerously and he continues.

"Once the world has experienced pain... no one will want to inflict or experience it again, we will not rule, we will only give the gift of pain!"

"Itachi Uchiha slaughtered his clan for nothing more than a test! A fucking test! He has experienced loss and awakened the mangyeko! Yet he still slaughtered like an animal! Your word holds no weight when your collected data is only of yourself!"

"Sometimes a god has to do something that requires-"

"Sometimes a god! Should look around and realise that his decisions are only being supported by the insane or delusional!"

The guy who used to be headless laughs appropriately at that.

"Oohahahah! The fucker has got you there leader! Hahahaha!"

"Quiet down! I don't want a reduced pay" Kakuzu growls.

"Some of us are not insane, some of us have just been hurt and wish this world to not hurt any longer" Kisame declares arrogantly.

"And in this world is Samehwhatever useless? Will your blade fight for a world without fights? A world that will inevitably crumble? A world without war is useless and stagnant, a world with only peace is dystopian in nature, and if you wont listen I will have to show you"

I finally arrive at Gaara and I slam my palm into his body in order to disperse any Jutsu cast onto him... he barely breathes but he has enough of the ichibi to live.

I pick him up and stare down the group of terrorists.

The leader stares down at me and dissipates before finally stating.

"This world will know pain... I will show you pain"

The cave empties and only two members remain who flank me on either side, Gaara wakes up with a groan.


"Go to sleep Gaara, you are safe"

He nods his head and falls asleep.

"Sasori... leave this one to me, my art will make quick work of him, yeah?"

"Deidara your art is nothing compared to eternal beauty..."

"What? I respect you but.."

I ignore them as they take a minute to argue and I take a breath... glad Luke was pressured by Em to be on the debate team so long ago...

"The sun"

"Hm? Yeah?" "...?" Both look at me.

"The sun, and the stars are an eternal beauty that scatter in the sky above, and yet they are also big explosions happening every second... is that not both of your requirements? An eternal beauty and an instant explosion?"


"Hoooooh! The leaf kid is right! Yeah!"

"It seems you have quite the silver tongue Terror... do you wish to see our art?"

"You show me yours and Ill show you mine"

Sasori throws off his cloak and goes on all fours, his tail whips out and his back exposed he reveals himself to be a puppet, with hidden mechanisms on his back and arms.

Deidara the blonde puts clay into his mouth hands... kind of cool, I dig it actually.

I smirk as they circle me ready to deal any amounts of damage that will probably kill me. I start moulding my chakra and summon Ezra and Edge.

I tell Javelin my current situation and I brace for a fight of attrition.


Riku puts Gaara on his back and holds him with Ezra, he wields his blade and forms a metal club with it, he points towards Sasori and an unseen force strikes at his puppet which destroys its upper face.

Deidara launches two claw sparrows that fly towards me and before they can explode I use [Projectile Return] and the sparrows deflect back and explode away from me, Sasori jumps into melee and swings his tail at me- *slash!* I jump and doge but it nicks my thigh- [Manual Operations]

"Poisoned... this fight was quicker then- what?"

I control any tainted and poisoned part of my body and spit it back out of the wound and then I swing down at the surprised Sasori and [Destroyer Force]!

His puppet gets crushed into the ground and I land on its rubble before [Launching Point] towards Deidara who has made three more explosives.

I [Dominion Aura] and his clay creations fall alongside him, I then swing my bat upwards hitting his chin and [Destroyer Force]!

He smashes into the ceiling and I [Body Shunt] away from the explosion that he left for me, my vest rips open and my chest burns from the impact Sasori gets up and pulls a puppet out which starts leaking dark sand form its mouth.

I start imbuing the rocks around us with my sage chakra and I raise them up to shoot towards Sasori who does the same with his Iron sand.

"(Muffled) Riku? Not Riku!" It seems team Yamanko and seven has arrived, I will buy time for them to finish fighting my selves out there.

The sand collects again and my wounds are many, *spurt* blood rushes out of my body and it has no poison once more.


An explosion hits my torso and my dominion barely suppresses it as I go flying into the wall, and Iron spikes alongside hundreds of puppet arms threaten to impale me.

[Intimidating deflection]!


My hair flares wildly and the spears hit everything but me, I reach out my hand and [Great Crush]! As Sasori's puppet gets restrict I throw Edge at it and activate [Destroyer Force]!


Its chest gets crushed and the puppet gets sent flying, I look towards Deidara and use my blood to summon Anchor who immediately controls his chains to slam them into the falling blonde.

He gets sent flying into the floor and coughs up blood while Sasori undresses and reveals himself to be a puppet, I [Launching Point] towards him and he shoots a chain like projectile from his stomach, it impales my shoulder as he then pulls me in to brandish his blades on his back.

I [Body Shunt]! Twice with Emrys and myself constantly pulling against the chain that's pulling me in and I raise my hand to his weapons and [Great Crush]!


The fan like blades on his left snap off and I pull Edge back to shape into a hammer and I slam at the chain holding me- [Body Shunt] it unlogged from my body and Emrys ensures that I can use my arm still.

I start walking closer, coldly.

Anchor has been controlling his chains to keep Deidara at bay but he fills with clay and gets destroyed the two Akatsuki look towards me and Deidara spits out blood.

"You are a fucking terror, yeah?"

"Indeed... not a hair out of your control... you are an artwork"

"I'm a goddamned masterpiece, now stay down before you are eternally in the ground and gone in an instant"

They chuckle and charge at me, but unfortunately for them- *Crash*

Cavalry is here.

Deidara stops and creates a giant clay bird to fly on, he jumps on and Sasori follows as they dash through the exit.

As they leave to the skies Sasori summons a hundred puppets.

And Deidara bombards below with tens of explosive spiders that glide down.

Yamato does some hand signs and places a wooden shelter over us before Sakura yells to Naruto who is in sage mode.

"Give me a lift!"

Naruto bends down and places his hands above his head which Sakura jumps on, she jumps and Naruto pushes her with all his might and she flies through the puppets up next to them and slams her fist down onto the bird causing them to crash.


The old lady that followed and Sai starts attacking the hundred puppets and dismantling them with both paint and puppet.

Wakana does what she does best and completely vanishes from sight.

Kakashi helps clear a path for Naruto and Sasuke to get into combat with the two Akatsuki.

I start focusing on sealing my wounds with telekinesis and making sure I don't lose anymore blood, Yamato flickers to me and starts bandaging me, I raise my hand and the trusty stones around us lift and hurtle into the hundred puppets, easing the pressure on the old lady and Sai.

After I'm bandaged Yamato-sensei rushes in to help Sai punish and destroy the puppets and I lay back and watch as Sakura Backhands Sasori into Sasuke's chidori and he quickly decapitates the puppet making the hundred fall, Naruto keeps applying pressure to Deidara and gives him a combo beatdown, Deidara causes an explosion and flies backwards and away before landing on top of the tree.

Wakana appears and stabs him in the heart, finding that right moment that makes her a great assassin.

"*cough*... damn yeah? Guess I will have to show you my ultimate Art!"

He eats clay and Wakana flickers to Naruto and stares in wait.

He starts to expand rapidly and starts puffing up like a puffer fish... its not gonna be that big right?


The explosion is cut off as a black swirl takes its place, Windoor huffs and puffs with exhaustion.

"Alright... mission complete, Sakura tend to Riku and Gaara"

"Gaara first, I can maintain my life for another three hours without healing"

She nods and approaches Gaara starting to heal him...lucky I managed to arrive in time to keep a fragment of the Ichibi in him, he barely lived.

I turn to Naruto who exits sage mode and bites his lip in frustration.

"Thought sage mode taught you not to let anger or emotion sway you"

"If we were late by five minutes both you and Gaara would be dead... sure you may miracle yourself awake but Gaara..."

I chuckle and stand to pat his shoulder.

"Then Gaara would have been handed to my not-puppets and they would of ran while I kept the two back, you made it in time Naruto, don't get worked up on ifs and what could be... pretty sure I would be dead if I regret and held to the past for so long, take a breath"

"Hn. Listen dobe"

Naruto breathes and his whiskers thin while his eyes go blue again.

Gaara coughs on his own breath and awakens, Sakura lays me down and starts applying Medical chakra to my body, healing its wounds... its amazing what kind of stuff she can heal now

"Thank you all for saving me..."

"Thank Riku mostly, your only alive due to him sprinting to your location" Kakashi adds and everyone nods.

"They also helped I guess" I reply and the sensei's sigh while the team members chuckle, the old lady helps Gaara up and nods a thank you to me.

"No autographs I'm afraid, kind of tired... ill let Emrys walk me home while I sleep"

"Tch- brat, cant even take a thank you" the old lady grumbles and I go sleep.


I'm going to just post one chapter a day from now on, but they will be bigger and pretty much the same size as the two chapters anyway. thanks for reading :)

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