Naruto: Mind over matter

Pein! (1)

-same time, Konoha-

Pov: Ace

I am walking down from the streets of Konoha, the weather is grey and darkening probably going to rain soon, Almighty and Anchor should be here soon as well- and the faster they get here the harder we can pull Lord Riku closer to us.

I have been testing my new self and apart from the naturalization of abilities there was something else.

[Dominion Aura] feels different- every jutsu feels slightly different to use but this jutsu is the most different, like a variant of the same jutsu.

The original creates a field of pressure around us with my mind, but the variant in this body changes it into something else.

It condenses around me a becomes a constant pressure that make my hits hard and makes hitting me harder.

I wonder if every one of us terrors has a unique variation?


I walk past someone.

But I turn around and look at him- familiar.

Piercings' and orange hair.



"Here to surrender?" I ask and expand my Telekinetic sight to cover the village.

I can see many fights erupting.

I stand completely still.

"I thought you died" Pein replies.

"..." I remain still.

"Guess I will finish the job" Pein declares and raises his palm to me- just in time I enter telekinetic sage mode and-*fwoosh* *slam* I get sent flying down the street and into the floor.

I levitate back up and look around..

The people need to be evacuated.

I imbue a stone near the Hokage and produce a voice from it with my chakra, it relays all the Information I can give her.

Luckily in sage mode I don't need to expand my sight and can start doing other jutsu- *slam* Pein fires another blast at me and I take the hit.

Sliding back I start pouring more and more energy into relaying information to any ninja I can find, active or not.

"It seems you are weak without your main self, not even defending yourself and taking all the blows... I did not realise that you could live past your mains death" the pierced man mutters to himself, but I read his lips.

"Its fine~ I die all the time- this is just Tuesday~"

Pein looks around before floating above.

"I suppose now is the time to show Konoha pain..." he rises into the sky and as he does I can feel his chakra move in large quantities... so big a non sensor can feel it.

And it feels familiar- like an unseen force ready to blow.

"EVACUATE! EVACUATE DO NOT ENGAGE! EXIT KONOHA NOW!" I exclaim from every connected rock before taking my chakra back and redirecting it above- I start to form a wall of telekinetic Chakra.

My voice is so loud and numerous almost everyone in Konoha hears it.

"This world- shall know pain!" *clap!*

One loud clap and an unseen force barrages against my Telekinetic chakra.


I grit my wooden teeth and watch as Pein screams with furious proportions, the force pops a hole into my chakra and a small crater impacts around ten buildings near me... I hold on and fix the gap but- *pop* another crater.

I cant do this! I need to funnel the pressure not take it on full force! Rain starts to fall heavily and it drenches the streets of Konoha, every building coated making everything glum and darker.

I open a hole and funnel the energy towards the centre of Konoha where there is the fewest casualties. The pressure demolishes that area and sends building's flying.

A paper humanoid starts forming in front of me and glares at me before turning into a purple haired lady from the Akatsuki and flinging paper at my body.

"Can you not? Kind of busy here!" I yell and suddenly I am swarmed and covered in pages that threaten to crush me.

[Dominion Aura: Destructive Wrap]! I blast the pages away by wrapping myself in that pressure- but using that chakra creates a bigger hold in my funnel and more of Konoha gets swallowed.


Luckily I do not have to deal with her.


Pov: Almighty.

I am flying straight to Konoha! My minion Ace has been pulling me here and I have been receiving information and giving it to the rest of me and the terrors.

A flash of light briefs over Konoha and I pass by the Telekinetic force battle that is happening currently- *Slam!* crashing into my body as it adapts to my new soul.

I can feel the ability to have my own chakra... half of what Ace has but I have more natural abilities.

I can produce my own poison fog with my chakra and have seep from my wooden self that now no longer has a puppet form but rather that of a wooden human.

I can feel my chakra wrapping around me and forming a barrier that is just there naturally... my metal and wood strengthen and the regeneration is spread across every part of me- my metal can grow back and repair mid battle. I can speed up that regeneration with my chakra as well.

I can feel the might within my wooden and metal muscles and I grab my sword as my body darkens and two golden eyes shine through my helmet.

I can confirm it. We all have unique dominions.

[Dominion Aura: Expanding Fog]

Mine expands and controls my poison fog-putting that pressure all into making sure it grows and follows me.

I walk into the empty streets of Konoha and expand my fog- letting it fill the area around me.

I am a silhouette of a giant warrior in white fog that has two piercing golden eyes.

I walk to the street that Ace is at and he blasts paper from his body.

I walk up and stand behind the lady.

"Move" my voice says in a deep tone- much like the coldest and deepest tone Riku could muster, and as someone referred to as the terror of Konoha it is deep and terrifying.

The lady turns and fires paper projectiles at me but they bounce off my barrier.

I swing my sword and she turns into paper.

Flying above me she create giant paper projectiles filled with chakra- I [Launching Point] past them and swing again.

My fog follows me into the air.

I persist and slash.


She turns into paper once more and I continue following her, using the pages to levitate and remain in the sky.

I slide atop one of her paper lances and swing my Odachi upwards she barely dodges and gets a slash across her shoulder.

"This fog is weakening me..." she states.

" Shut up. Die" I reply and swing again before she flies away running.

I look above and see the unseen forces clash.

That funnel is going to break soon, I fall without any paper to keep me up.

I land on the street with a crash and rush towards Ace- picking him up and running through the streets to Hokage mountain.

He can still maintain focus while I move him.

[Launching Point]! [Launching Point]! My massive body flings up to the mountain side over the two buildings I use as a launching point.


I land on the mountain and I start running up its side to the top, I leap up and land with slam at the top.

I see the Hokage and a multitude of people up hear, I shift the fog into a cape that holds itself behind me- ready for use later.

I drop Ace and turn.

"Is that the terror? I thought he died!" One of the innocents saved whispers.

"Idiot didn't you hear the stories! He doesn't die!" Another slaps his friend and soon people start whispering about the situation.

"What's happening, we have evacuated almost everyone- we have saved thirty percent by now and the Hyuga's can see the chakra battle! Can you maintain that funnel!?" The hokage walks up to me and asks and I nod before putting up five fingers.


Two people land in front of us and on the edge of Hokage mountain.

Both look like Pein but are different.

I swing my fog cape at them and engulf them with its fumes- directly stuffing the fog up there noses and into there bodies.

The one on the right absorbs the chakra fog and the other seems unaffected entirely...

The right ones arm opens up with mechanical like features and fires a rocket at Ace- *boom!* I jump in front and it blows my hand off.

"I will take care of the one on the left! You take care of the mechanical one!" Tsunade declares and launches herself at the left one with frightening speed- catching his coat and flipping over him she throws him down onto the front of the mountain- *SLAM!* taking the fight down there.

Golden sparks eject rapidly from wrist and slowly forms a new hand with my regeneration.

My fog wont work on him.

[Launching Point]! I launch at him and raise my Odachi!

Slamming into his arm that get sliced through cleanly by my sword he flips around my blade and aims his other arm at my face- *click* *tinker* *vrrr* a missile appears from its forearm and- *crackle* lights up- *Booom!* exploding my face.

Lucky I don't necessarily need that to see or live.

Sparks start regenerating my head and I swing my sword down at him- the blunt side and smash his torso in before slamming into him repeatedly after.

He is dead... *puff* and disappears into smoke.

*Fwooosh* *puff*

The other enemy is sent flying high above the cliff and passes by me before vanishing in smoke as well.

Summoning them back.

It seems that they don't breathe due to my fog not affecting them... they are summoned and replaceable to the point that Pein can send them after Lady Tsunade knowing they would fail.


Lady Tsunade appears on the cliff again and places three people onto the ground from her shoulders before jumping into the village again.

I turn to Ace.

'Tell me when you are being targeted again' I speak through our link.

'Of course boss! I am not a masochist after all~ be fast boss~' he replies with a happy tone.


I leap off the cliff and sheathe my sword on my lower back.

I am capable of carrying a lot of people and I get Ace to sage sense them out for me.

*boom!* I kick down a door and the group of ten scream at my presence.

"Shut up. I am here to save you. Climb upon my arms and back, two of you can fit within me" I declare as my chest suddenly opens like a spiral- making a wooden hole for someone to sit inside.

They hesitate but jump to climb on and inside.

I start evacuating in earnest.




By the time is up I have saved 125 people and land on the cliff again where there is a horde of people waiting and watching.

"Seventy percent of the population saved! I cant hold on any longer!" Ace yells.

"Wait my brother is still down there!" Someone in the crowd yells and soon people are all climbing over the ninja to make sure that Ace stands for longer.

He cannot however and lets go.





the village is destroyed.


The crowd goes silent as the Akatsuki member floats down to the crater that was once a flourishing place of people.

"You...." someone yelps.

"How could you let go!??!?!? My friend was still there!" Someone screams.

"How could you!? FUCK YOU- YOU PEICE OF SHIT!!!" Someone yells and throws a piece of rubble at the crater towards Pein.

"Riku right!? How could you just let go! What about the-"

I cut off the person yelling, it seems a few are disappointed in Aces ability to save them.

"I don't care" I step forward and declare.

"What!? People just died and you-" someone yells but I cut them off again.

"I DONT care. Every one of you shut up. Why would we give a shit about you lot" I say coldly and everyone shuts up.

I turn around and face the crater as someone hurls a stone at me- *bonk* it bounces off and hits the floor...

Soon everyone starts throwing stones but I am wood and genuinely do not give a shit. I am the most uncaring and cold parts of Riku after all.

Ace twitches and gets up off his knees... it seems he is capable of movement again, after that stalemate for so long.

"Riku... you don't care...?" Tsunade grits her teeth and Ace holds her shoulder.

"We aren't Riku! We are just parts. Almighty is the Uncaring and the cold and I am the Diligent and Humorous!" Ace says and a few people in the crowd stop throwing stones... most still do however.

Tsunade takes a breath and yells out to everyone.

"Please stop! All of you! Ace did everything he can to maintain that protection! If he could do more he would! He is the only reason you are all alive!" She yells and the stones stop, but not the glares.

"Shit... not the time..." Tsunade mutters and looks below the cliff into the crater.

I can see six silhouettes standing in the middle of once Konoha.

"They are corpses" Ace says.

I turn to him and so does every ninja here.

"My sage mode sense and Telekinetic sight have been scanning them, and on top of them not breathing there hearts don't beat nor do they move using signals from the brain... it seems those rods are controlling them much like Lord Riku controlled himself in his youth" Ace declares and lets everyone know.

"We decrypted the code Jiraiya of the sannin left and we are pretty sure it means that six lines in Icha Icha tactics refer to implant breasts while the seventh is real... while unorthodox I believe with this information that we can gather that those six are fake and the real Pein is somewhere else..." a lady with spiral glasses yells to the Hokage.

"They are here for destruction and destruction alone..." Ace mutters.

"We can't leave the people undefended up here while everyone else goes down to fight..." Tsunade replies.


"Ace" Ace stands straight up.

"Yes boss!" He yells.

"Lets go down there- the rest of these ninja will stay to defend the people" He nods and we walk to the edge of the cliff...

I turn to Tsunade who nods and we [Launching Point] down to meet the group of Pein. Facing each other from thirty feet away.

Thanks for reading :)

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