Naruto: Mind over matter



Pov: Riku

Putting the whole I am a lone precious bloodline with no history in Konoha and everyone thinks I'm thinking about marriage at twelve due to the Hyuga family meeting thing behind me, I have things I have to do today.

Firstly; Konoha is back on track and mostly getting good again, I have enough money to fix Ace and apparently Asuma has been bored and pouring chakra into Almighty just to watch it fix itself, so he will be all good by tonight.

Anyhow I'm currently fixing up Ace- he has multiple stab and slashing wounds from Temari and Kankuro a few dents here and there while also having his leg torn from Gaara's sand... I'm glad that I was inside Almighty the entire time.

Replacing most of him actually- reminds me of Theseus, that ship were you don't know if it is actually the same ship after having its parts replaced over a long time.

But in the end Ace is more the shape then the wood itself, I don't even know if I can put the same split 'self' in there so I'm not making much sense here.

It takes roughly 3 hours of constant work and Ace is finally rebuilt. Making sure everything is indeed working I spend some of my chakra and send Ace off to the library disguised as me but with a 'IM A PUPPET' sticker on his forehead.

Stretching my limbs I then set off to go get Almighty and start getting him fixed up enough to start training as well.

I can handle three minds training at the same time but it does get overwhelming whenever I'm doing three separate tasks so I shouldn't train and do anything above D-rank missions, not like I can do any higher ranks till the new Hokage is enlisted and I get a promotion... that is if they decide I deserve one.

At least till I can enhance my willpower and strengthen my mind which this training also does in tandem with getting more mastery over my split self.

It takes till 11 am to fully have Almighty operational again and I give him his Odachi with another me and he goes off to one of the public training grounds behind the Hokage mountain.

Ace left to the same area and is currently there now that the library was closed and I decide the main body needs sleep, so I sleep.


-Next day-

Getting up and taking an hour to process all my memories of training all night I head on over to the mission centre to grab something boring and tedious to do all day.

And after the gruelling hour of 'paint this house' because we don't want to pay actual painters in Konoha, I decide to start testing my next Jutsu- a C-rank one! I've been making this and a few others in my spare time during all the training I've done recently and I think I've just about figured out how to do this one.


[Force release: Unseen Push] C-Rank

The guide for this jutsu is;

Begginer: Monkey_Bird_force- and then push palm into a direction.

Intermediate; Monkey_force- Palm

Adept; force- Palm

Master; Palm.

The user channels chakra into their palm and pushes it forward into the direction they wish to target. A small hand sized force then hits the target- a standard human can be pushed back 1 ft or topple over if aimed right.


Now the thing is, I learn all these jutsu and master them fairly quickly due to having a kekkai genkai that revolves around this stuff- so I'm learning and mastering these Jutsu faster than I can pump them out, especially so if both sentinels will be mastering them alongside me.

I should have pushed my mind hard enough to get mastery over another level of [Split Self] by the end of the month and by then hopefully enough money to get another Ace sized sentinel who can study in the library for me and speed up my Jutsu making... which will also increase my speed on mastering the Jutsu... that's fine, faster and stronger was never a bad thing.


-one week later-

-Training ground 53-

Pov: Almighty

Many Konoha Ninja have gathered around me- the Almighty, they approached early this week and asked a few questions and now they wish to spar every now and then.

Its become sort of a big event to fight me, The rules are you pay me, you are Chunin rank or lower and ill spar with you. apparently its fun and great for learning to spar against a unique individual like me.

I'm earning money and getting better with my Odachi- while sheathed still hurts to get hit by, so I have no complaints at all.

Ace is also getting a lot of data for his new sight jutsu so we can see in these sentinels, soon enough ill be able to see where I am going and not get lost traveling in town. Lucky that I don't have to leave this training ground if ever.

Ace also memorized his traveling route as well so no problems unless he wants to go anywhere else.

Back to the spars though, I'm earning enough money to make another sentinel soon-really soon, so I have to decide on its design quickly.

Riku has actually stopped by this training ground a few times and asked the opinion of the spectators on what weapons it should have.

I'm pretty sure he has decided on a unique use of the third not-puppet, internals focused on a chain contraption that shoots a blade from the wrist and can be swung from far away. (kind of like the monowire from cyberpunk, but using chains with a spear like blade attachment at the ends of both chains)

And coupled with [Pathmaker Jutsu] that's going to be deadly, just need to get used to and learn the weapon first before actively using it in battle.


-3 days later-

Just as stated I have made the new and last sentinel model not-puppet, with a unique hidden weapon system- I hope this will be great for the future combat missions.

He looks like a Nordic barbarian with furs and hides and a body sculpted from wood- and because [Imbue costume] costs so little chakra I don't even notice the drain and it makes him look real, I've been using that on Ace and even Almighty recently and I find it quite cool.

He is bald and has a short yet mighty beard, with strong and sturdy features.

Oh and I have named him-

[Sentinel: Anchor]

Found trouble coming up with a name for him that started with A... I had a theme going, had to make all of them start with A you know'?

Anyway I made him before I could get another split self so he will creepily stand in Naruto's closet while I wait for that.

I should probably clean up in here again... I already have been cleaning his apartment until it was better than I arrived but currently it looks worse then normal due to the puppet creation I've just done.

Also I'm broke again.. my bad :/



Pov: Riku

Got me a C-rank mission today!

Just protecting someone as we travel to another town in the land of fire- probably be back in two days.

Shino apparently got sick from ingesting something bad last mission and team 8 needed another member!

So money! Interesting mission! New sights! Unfortunately Almighty had to be stuffed into a storage unit I'm renting for two days as this is a mission that does not require any heavy duty hitters.

I brought Ace and Anchor with me though, not going to use Anchor's chain-blade however until I learn how to use them.

"So have you decided on anyone yet?"

Hinata asks about my situation as we walk alongside the small wagon.

"Dunno' big investment to make, not really tipping to any side however, maybe ill choose none?"

Kiba chirps up at that.

"What's happening?"

"I have multiple marriage proposals.. apparently having an amazing kekkai genkai and being pretty epic attracts that kind of attention, you know Toyoko? From your clan? She is one of the choices"

He thinks a moment before speaking.

"Toyoko...Toyoko...Oh the girl who is always doing D-ranks, genin I think? Has something over 400 completed D-ranks- wait you gonna marry into my clan?"

I chuckle and answer.

"No, no, I'm THINKING about it, have 5 other proposals from the Nara, Hyuga, Yamanaka, Kurama and Akimichi"

"Woah! That many huh... what's your kekkai genkai again and why does everyone want it?"

"Hmm, my conscience or self is flowing through my chakra, levitation unique sight and a few other things. I think Hyuga want me for my sight ability, Nara, Kurama and Yamanaka for my Mind based abilities, Akimichi and Izunuka for the passive opening of my first gate... Inuzuka want me the least however, don't gain much other than a few theories about creating Jutsu to link with a ninken or something"

He raises his eyebrow at me and questions

"You can do all that? Damn why don't I get the cool stuff"


He chuckles.

"Nope your right Akamaru! I definitely got a great deal of power with you!"

Kiba then proceeds to scruff the neck of Akamaru.

"S-so no one you've decided on?"

Hinata speaks again.

"Nope, why? You want me?"

I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she sighs.

"Forgive me for worrying about you then...I just don't think you should be together with someone you don't love..."

Barking out a laugh at that we continue down the road.

Unlucky for me I didn't find the 'one' like Hinata at a young age, and I never will if I don't put myself out there and try.


-2 days later-

-back in Konoha-

Alright so I was being an idiot when trying to make a Jutsu to expand my Telekinetic sight, Ace just figured it out on our C-rank mission. If I spend chakra constantly pushing out my sight, it can expand to double its size! But I cannot use my chakra to do Ninjutsu or anything else while doing so- this sight can be pushed to further limits later as well, so I have Almighty doing that training while he practices his Odachi.

I can see why the Hyuga would want this, using the Byakugan plus this sight- nobody would be able to sneak up on you, and nobody could hide either.

Plus with [split self] in use you can focus on both visions simultaneously and have manual control over your body to be extra deadly in Taijutsu.

I also put one of my selves in a rock and just let it sense instead of Ace training now, it lets me train that sight without wasting chakra on a whole body. Just a fist sized rock instead.

Because the rock is only sensing I can turn him off and just feed him chakra every week or so... I'm also thinking of not reconnecting to it for a long time... just to see if it can push my mind into greater heights when I need to push past my limits.

A year or two of constant sensing can overload my brain-of course ill make sure to stand by medical professionals and a Yamanaka or two when I do so... I don't have a death wish after all.


Pov: Rock



Pov: Riku

Anyway enough about all that, I have to replace Sasuke's flowers in his hospital room today- that is if Ino and Sakura haven't already, heading on over to the hospital I find the two devils I was speaking about- Ino and Sakura.

"Yo! I'm too late aren't I"

Ino laughs and grabs the flowers in my hands to add onto the already full vase.

"Yep~ any reason we always see you here? You aren't unto Sasuke-kun are you?~"

She wiggles her eyebrow and I chuckle.

"THAT would be hilarious to say to my prospective fiancés- but no, just a good friend I'm afraid, no matter how much you fantasize about it never going to happen."

She sticks her tongue out at me and I sit with both Sakura and Ino, talking.

"Speaking of those pesky proposals~ you decide on anyone? I know you had a bad experience with Mariko but her sister is definitely not THAT dumb, or interested in getting into your pants anytime soon"

I lower my gaze at her.

"Your dad asked you to say that didn't he?"

"Yep! Yada yada apology here he will make sure that never happens again there, you get it!"

Smirking at that I look to Sakura.

"So we don't really know each other do we? We've met a few times sure- but you are Naruto's and Sasuke's teammate, any good blackmail or embarrassing moments that they wouldn't tell me about happen on your missions?"

We spend an hour trading funny and embarrassing stories amongst ourselves before I have to go.

"See you guys! Got to see how lee is doing"

I wave to them and they nod back.

"Talk to ya' later~" "another time Riku-san"

They respond.

I spend another hour talking to Lee about youth and cool moves I could do with my new sentinel. He also declares to help my Taijutsu when he finds a way to fully heal again- using a live training dummy (Ace) is great practice for him and fighting someone like lee in a spar would be mighty helpful for my Taijutsu too... just got to see if this Tsunade lady is capable of healing lee... I got hope though, Lee isn't someone to be tied down like this. Like me his willpower will push through no matter the odds.... he would be terrifying to have my Kekkai genkai though...Yikes.


Pov: rock



Pov: Riku

Speaking of Lee, his team have seen the Almighty practicing and wanted to know if they could practice sometime together as well, though Neji Hyuga was looking at me weirdly throughout that chat...

But Tenten said she would give me tips on Anchors chain-blades if she could spar with Anchor and Ace every now and then.

Supposedly its nice to fight someone who wont complain when you throw fifty kunai into their face.


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