Naruto: Mind over matter

Luke’s neighbour; Mind Puzzle 2

-1 week later-

Pov: Yamato/Tenzou

I wake up early again today, placing my uniform on, I have been thinking of retiring from Anbu recently as my Senpai has left and I feel like I'm getting back into the mission above all mindset, which is not good for my mental health.

But there is no real problem, other than Kakashi-senpai and me living on two separate schedules now and owl retiring due to her pregnancy... I'm kind of running out of friends, I should see if Genma is willing to play some cards next week.

Ill give it a few years and see if I feel any different about working in Anbu though, I cant keep doing this forever after all.


Hm? Was that Kakashi-senpai or my new neighbour? I'm glad that annoying lady moved out but sometimes the kid next door is way too loud, he has started this woodworking project that keeps me up at night, I need to move my bed to the other side of the room.

*crash* "help!"

Okay that was a definitely a cry for help, I grab my Anbu mask and leap out my door and burst through my neighbours to see a black haired kid trying to stab a young blue haired lady. I rush to the kid and grab his wrist but he does not let go, I elbow his gut but he doesn't show any hint of pain.

Looking at the lady I can see that she is Hinata hyuga, and looking at the bowl of half cut fruits on the table I can guess the kid was cutting fruit before lunging at the Hyuga heiress, why though?

I'm pretty sure I see her here every other day, has something happened? I headbutt the boy and grab both of his hands, tying them with rope I restrain the boy and ask the girl.

"What happened?"

The girl looks around, not shaken, but rather confused more than anything.

"I don't kn-know Anbu-san, we w-were talking and eating fruit then Riku-san started to attack me"

"What were you talking about? Anything that would set him off?"

She turns her head to the side and thinks

"He w-was trying to convince me that something called a p-platypus exists? Its a mammal, duck, beaver, poison feet aquatic land animal thing..."

She then scrunches her nose before saying

"I said I B-believed him and that's when he lunged at me? S-sorry its not much but the R-Riku I knew wouldn't attack me for anything other than a spar, is he henged?"

The Hyuga heiress activates her Byakugan and stares at the boy, but her face goes from confused to completely flabbergasted she then mumbles to herself

"Did he want me to think they don't exist?"

Emotionless. No pain. Seemingly changed at the snap of ones fingers and attacked the Hyuga Heiress? No. Maybe... Damn it I should check.

Turning him around I pull his tongue out and see the mark I didn't want to see, shit. How did a Root member manage to move in next door to me and Kakashi-senpai, there's protocols for this, so this doesn't happen.

"Ah" I hear the Hyuga exclaim.

I watch her approach the boy and trace her fingers across his forehead down to his heart and then through to his left shoulder
Before tracing to his right shoulder.

"His chakra shouldn't be flowing like that..?"


"What should it be flowing like?"

"R-Riku-san has an odd chakra that doesn't flow like normal chakra does, but its bundled up and looping from his eyes, to his brain and then heart to both shoulders and then back to the back of his head? The problem is he would die within the month if he doesn't pour more chakra into the rest if his body, so its odd?"

"Are you able to make it stop with the gentle fist?"

She looks the kid up and down but nods, firstly striking two fingers at the shoulders and the a few points on his chest.

"That should make it flow a-again"

I watch and wait for about 30 seconds and then I hear the boy groan and open his eyes and he goes to speak but the seal on his tongue twists and flows into his chakra system

"Wait no, stop trying to speak"

I try and get him to stop but the girl interrupts and says

"The chakra on his t-tongue is flowing into his chakra network but..?"


"But he doesn't use his c-chakra network and whatever is t-trying to invade and hurt him cant find any chakra to do s-so?"

Hm? Watching the kid I wait and see, more confused then anything really, why wouldn't a ninja use chakra? Wait why wouldn't someone have chakra at all? What??

What??? The seal on his tongue is drying up and burning!? Does he really have no chakra for the seal to latch onto?

"How is he alive if he has no chakra?"

The Hyuga looks up at me and then back at the boy before responding.

"He has a K-kekkai genkai that d-doesn't allow him to use chakra p-pathways normally but he has a s-special chakra to make up for it"

Its at this point that the boy wakes up fully and opens his mouth to speak, this time able to

"Uhhh, water?"

I untie him and he stumbles into the kitchen mumbling about a bbok? grabs a cup of water from his kitchen and gulps it down before turning to us and taking a deep breath and asking

"So, Wait, weren't you here yesterday Hinata? I thought you had an intense 3-day training camp with your new sensei today?"

The girl looks at me and looks back at the boy before responding, a worried look on her face

"That was a w-week ago Riku-s-san?"


The boy looks at me and I look at the girl and then the girl looks towards me and I return the boys look back to him.


I feel like this means doubling my paperwork today...


-that afternoon-

Pov: Riku

I forgot a whole week?

Apparently I worked for a whole week as well so I'm all good getting a good pay check without actually doing anything, or rather remembering doing anything.

Me and the Hokage spoke for a while and he tested a few genjutsu on me, supposedly I'm very malleable to illusions and mental tricks, and I call bullshit on that.

Why in the almighty afterlife would Horn Guy give me a body that is malleable to itself? That would break in a few years? That cant even resist the basics of genjutsu? That struggles to work unless I am constantly focusing on it?

Something is wrong and this was my biggest wake up call, a coincidence or two is just that, but this on top of those coincidences means I've missed something, I need to go to my mindscape and see what I missed or breakdown my conversation with the old man for some clues.

I ask the Hokage for some time to solve my current dilemma and have some thoughts to the future, he gives me a paid month of vacation, gods Lord third is the best. Lets not waste this opportunity.

With that I head home and I also check to see if Hinata was alright on my way home but she said she was fine and that I shouldn't worry about it so much... which is very nice mind you, why would she forgive me so easily? Another mystery, ill be blunt and ask her after I solve my bad body problem, I have to make sure I am completely capable before I go stabbing another friend.

Heading to my room I get into a meditative pose and begin my breathing exercises, ready to enter my mindscape for the first time since my coma.


Back into my mindscape again I look around, same park, same blazing sun, same giant tree and everything feels.. hotter? Ah the Telekinetic chakra is merging with my control and force chakra quite well.

Okay now that I'm back here lets look around to see if I missed anything, considering I was going through a mental episode last time I may have missed something.

-1 week Later-

I have scoured every detail in here, I have made sure there was nothing hiding amongst my mind and I have ensured that nothing else could be here.

And that begged the question? This is supposed to be my mind, my thoughts, my memories... where would they be?
Luckily I have a purple loving friend who asked me a question about my question which helped me immensely, so I owe Ino one.

"What form do you take in your mind?" - Ino

Turns out in my old panic and my new panic I never looked at what I was in here, too focused on some outside problem.

I do my best to turn one of the park trees into a mirror, I'm getting better at this whole particle moving thing.

And in the mirror I'm an orb of light, Bright and quiet, warm and hopeful...

Not so lonely anymore huh?

Hopeful? I feel hopeful about this new world? I've had nothing but bad experience after bad experience... why am I hopeful?

I think on this for the next week. It makes me... happy? and content.

-1 week later-

New me, new life.

My soul has a new name and my memories are in a new mind.

I am not a 33 year old drunk, I am the freaky boy Riku.

I was subconsciously trying to be the old me in a new body, like a puppet master controlling a corpse.

I was strangling myself so I would not die.

My mindscape hidden by myself subconsciously, only showing what I thought was me, my power and thoughts.

I simply lost focus, let my body lie and knew that Luke would be no more, Riku is alive and I feel like a goddamned phoenix.

Yang chakra stopped being suppressed subconsciously, it populated my body, as much as a 12 year old should have, not an ants amount but my amount.

My mindscape was not just the park, but a valley that surrounded it and filled with flower stems with wooden toys to replace the actual flower.

Rivers filled with cheap and oh so LOVELY red wine.

Various clouds in the shapes of those that I loved and love now, memories and scenes play out in the sky.

A road that leads to a wooden workshop on the hill, inside is the workshop that Luke used to use when he was younger, but filled with wooden statues of Naruto, Shikamaru, Hinata, Sasuke and hell everyone I ever met! Even animals I met only once or twice and in this new- no old mindscape the only thing that i didn't immediately understand was a statue of a rat with red eyes in the park.

But now that I know and can see my mindscape, now that I'm not strangling myself and Yang chakra is populating my body, I can spend this time while I wait for my body to mend by breaking down my memories of conversing with The old man.


--Very well Telekinesis it shall be, young Riku, I shall use the remaining power saved for your ability and put it into a greater pool of chakra for you, live well new born--

He confirmed that he would give me an increased chakra pool, meaning I shouldn't be using my Raw unique Yin chakra directly.

He also said that I had remaining power left for choosing Telekinesis as my power, there is no way he would us that spare power to fuck over my body with an Overdose of Yin chakra.

--Much smarter than I gave you credit ill let you have this bit of knowledge; yes one must mix certain chakras to obtain another in most cases--

He also stated that one can mix certain chakras to make another, and with my knowledge from the academy and with some self taught knowledge on elemental chakra I should have a special release chakra that focuses on 1 element, but i have 3 kinds of Yin chakra, control, force and Telekinetic.

So I'm messing up the chakra mix or not blending them in the right ratios. Yang chakra is definitely going to help me here.

--You may but depending on how its implemented, people will have questions on how you obtained this gift--

In regards for asking about immortality he told me that I could gain the abilities in multiple ways, and depending on how I have it, will change the way I use it.

So I have a horrible blend of Yin chakra that is mixing with three other chakras and my Yang chakra doesn't seem any different.

So Telekinesis is implemented in my chakra, but I knew that already...

Its not implemented like elemental chakras.

Yin + Yang = chakra < Fire chakra + Earth chakra = Lava Release

If I form it like an equation my chakra is like this;

Telekinetic Chakra + Yin + Force + Control = Telekinesis chakra = Force Release + Control release = Telekinetic release

We already had Telekinetic chakra and I'm adding extra steps to separate it to then combine it again for no apparent reason, I only need to do that because I didn't channel the chakra normally through my system.

And while I was saved by not having chakra in my system I was in that position due to not having it there in the first place.

Trying to manipulate sand into a shape is easy if its not protected, one can pour water (genjutsu) and mould the sand how they wish.

But if I used the chakra veins the sand would be shaped already by the body naturally, and no amount of water could change that and even if someone managed to have enough skill to do that (genjutsu masters), my Telekinetic chakra is ME, I am able to live a few hours after my death because my conscience sticks to my body until it heals, probably felt myself going under a genjutsu but because my Yin chakra was so exposed I could not run anywhere or 'shake' the water off.

--ill even let you pick two; Earth, Water, Wind, Lighting and fire.--

I also was given Earth and Wind chakra affinities, so the above formula for my chakra does not make sense and opens far too many weaknesses, If the floating meditating, Horned, freaky eyed, demi-god who can create life and redistribute it says I have those chakra affinities, you better believe I have those affinities.


Knowing all this my correct formula should be;

Telekinetic chakra(me) + Yin Chakra = Unique Yin Chakra.

Unique Yin Chakra. + Yang Chakra = Kekkai genkai chakra (K. G. Chakra), or 80% unique chakra 20% yang chakra ratio.

K. G. Chakra <Force chakra = Force release.

K. G. Chakra <Control chakra = Control release.

Force Chakra + Control chakra = Telekinesis release.

K. G. Chakra <Wind Chakra = Wind release.

K. G. Chakra <Earth Chakra = Earth release.


Now that I know the correct formula it feels as if things are starting to click in for me, I had a Kekkai Genkai, and with it I was barely keeping up in class, middling in scores and barely surpassing Sasuke Uchiha- someone I was sent to protect and help- who also had not awakened his Kekkai genkai...

This though should fix everything.


-end of the month-

I have tested and moulded my chakra in multiple ways and even found some bonuses that I didn't even know my bloodline could do, here is the mental checklist of ALL the bonuses I get from my Kekkai Genkai, O means its new while X means I had that already;

[X] Unique Jutsu realese
[X] Passive Gate opening (1st gate)(lesser)
[O] Resistance to genjutsu (lesser)
[X] Passive workout (Str +)(Dex +)(Con +)
[O] 6th sense: Telekinetic sight (10 ft)
[O] Levitation (5 ft from ground)(lesser)
[X] Manual operations (Greater)(Freaky)
[X] Emotional Control (lesser)(Inhumane)
[O] Enhanced Chakra pool (greater)

And now this seems like its meant to be, this feels like a gift from a man who can create life.

I just wish my new body came with instructions...

Alrighty Luke's dead and Riku's burning with YOUTH! Thanks for Reading :)

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