Naruto: Mind over matter


-10 pm-

I'm at a bar drinking by myself in the corner, place is packed to the brim with people, everyone is celebrating the new Hokage.

But I'm in my own head thinking about the sudden without warning revelation that I may feel a teeny tiny bit annoyed about the fact that I miss the people that Luke knew.

I know I'm not Luke and that his memories are just that-memories. But its like having nostalgia for something you never experienced ya' know? Like saying I miss the 80's when you were born in the 90's.

Or hearing someone talk about someone else you never met and where saddened that you never met them before they died- or in this case before Luke died and barred me from ever meeting the people he loved who exist on another world entirely.

"Mind if I take this seat?"

I wave my hand in a 'I don't care' manner and stare into my cup.

"What's a brat like you looking so down on a day like this? Don't like the new Hokage?"

I look up to see a plain looking lady with brown long hair and green eyes.

"Huh? I never met her, just thinking about something else.. nothing depressing. Just thinking.... Clear thoughts today you know?"

She raises an eyebrow.

"Are you celebrating then?"

She scoffs and downs a glass.

"Nope just been stuck in an office for the past three hours and wanted a drink. Paperwork is so boring"

She then places cards onto the table.

"You know how to gamble brat?"

Taking a breath and wiping away the thoughts in my head I smirk, Luke had a nickname people called him lucky- and not because his last name was chance. Lets see if I inherited that luck from him.

"What game?"

She smirks confidently.

"Lets just do something simple, Go fish. Loser buys a drink for the winner."

I crack my knuckles and chuckle.


Pov: rock



Pov: Tsunade senju

I left that stuffy office to celebrate me being Hokage now- Disguised of course, and yet I ran into that Riku brat that Naruto told me all about.

Now I'm used to losing most games, keyword is most. Not all.

And yet I've been playing every type of card game I know and I haven't won ONCE!

We have been at this bar for an hour now. And yet not even one drink was bought for me...

Is he cheating? Wait! That sight that Naruto said he has. My eye twitches and I confront him.

"You are the kid who fought in the chunin exams right? Heard you had a unique sight you can use..."

He chuckles.. the brat!

"You think I'm cheating? Why don't we find somewhere more open then, we stay 15 ft away from each other and we play that way."

Someone watching us- wait when did we gather a crowd?- Speaks up.

"Yeah we can hand you your cards, one of you go to the other end of the bar"

The brat gets up and walks to the other end leaning on the wall he smirks and hands his cards over, I hand mine as well.

After a quick shuffle another game is on. He wont win forever, especially now that I caught onto his trick.

-1 hour later-


"How are you doing this!? Two hours and I've not won one game!?"

He smiles smugly at me from the other end of the room.

"Hey I'm surprised too, I'm used to winning most games, not all of them."

This damned brat, my wallet is running dry... again... what can we play that I can win in..... should I try flipping a coin? No if he wins that ill have to buy drinks, and quicker too...

Stupid ninja tolerance, I bet he is using that manual override thing that Naruto squealed to me about just so he can drink more!

"Alright, alright... I've had my fun and you have bought me a lot how about we stop now and ill pay for a few of your drinks?"

Gritting my teeth I accept, I cant lose all my money... now how do I drain all of his? Hehehehe, I'm bad at gambling but great at drinking lets turn these tables.

"How about we make one last bet. If I can match the drinks I bought you and down them within five minutes ill...."



"If you can drink double the amount that I have drunk tonight, in five minutes I will pay for every drink that's been drunk tonight. For everyone. Ill even take out a loan from Konoha just to pay it off."

Cheers erupt around the bar and Just now I'm realising that he is way too drunk to be making that decision... but I'm too much of a sore loser to care! I WILL WIN!

"And If I cannot what do you want?"

He smirks smugly and approaches me before whispering in my ear.

This brat!? Fine! Lets see if your luck is better than my drinking skills.


"Bartender! Line me up some glasses."

The crowd goes wild and I confidently walk up to the bar.


-1 hour later-

Pov: Riku

"Three seconds...."

I'm carrying a very drunk lady over my back and walking through Konoha.

"Failure by three whole seconds... I had that in the bag...."

She is mumbling and slurring her words about her loss. I stop and shake her awake by jumping twice.

"And where now?"

"Stop shaking me... uhh another left. Maybe."

"Do you even know where you live?"

"Shut it... brat... Konoha looks so different... my back hurts..."

??? Where the hell am I supposed to put you lady? Wait a minute. Where the hell am I supposed to put me? Naruto is back... lets hope he doesn't get a heart attack from Anchor in his cupboard.

"So? Where now?

"Uhhh left?"


"That's an alley way lady. A dead end."

"Then right?"

"Do you even know where you live?"

She snorts at that.

"Ha! your repeating yourself... maybe your not sooo smugly smart... after all."

She falls asleep and starts drooling on my back. Great. I've got nowhere to go and she doesn't, I'm just going to get a room at a hotel and she can find her way home tomorrow.

Carrying her to a nearby hotel I climb stairs and dump her on the bed. I then grumble to myself.

"Get my moneys worth ill use the stupid shower.. stupid hotel doesn't even have two stupid rooms"

During the shower my head starts to throb and my body starts to overheat I feel awful and tired...

After showering I make sure she has the blanket on at least and I get on the other side.. and fall asleep immediately.


Pov: rock



-next morning 9 am-

Pov: Tsunade Senju

I wake up with a head ache and my brown hair- brown? Oh no, I almost forgot last night... my money.... so much money.

I stretch out on the bed and sit up. Though I cant remember much... the games and then the last bet? What was that again... shit I cant remember what I bet, better not have traded my favourite-

I freeze as my eyes land on the naked torso of the boy next to me...Oh no... no, nope, nu-uh, never, nope. I'm never that drunk. And I always have Shizune with me when I plan to- this never, nope- shit, I snuck away from Shizune because she kept bombarding me with way too much stuff all at once... I've got to get to the office... but this kid... Did I? I'm still clothed...kind of... did I throw it half off in my sleep again or did I put it back on haphazardly!? Gods I didn't do this did I? What did I bet? Fuck. Shit. Panic.

The kid wakes up from my frantic panicking- Yes lets ask him. He would know what happened- gods I didn't did I? I know I'm transformed to look younger but I'm way too old to do something like that with this-

"Hehehe, thanks for losing that last bet, I definitely got the best of you last night, we should do this again-"

"Wait! stop! Did we... you know... I'm sorry I didn't- I wasn't in the right mind"

He chuckles and looks at me smugly.

"Hahahaha- You think we slept together? I'm flattered. Truly- but no, I couldn't find your home due to you giving awful directions."

Thank. Fuck.

"Then what was that last bet brat? I cant remember it."

I scrunch my brow and press my fingers to my temple.

He laughs again. The brat! I was really panicked for a second there!

"I just bet us getting a matching tattoo.... Luke influenced me way too much..."

Hm? What's he mumbling about? Matching tattoos? Who is Luke? That's what we bet on? Wait did we get them already!?

"Did we get them?"

I ask with hesitation.

"Yeah our left shoulders-Don't worry lady I'm pretty sure there is a Jutsu to dispel the ink from the skin- my uhhh friend? Ace went to check it out in case you wanted it removed."

I look at my left shoulder and their is a picture of two cards, one front facing below the other one that is the King of Diamonds, the other back facing has the usual card pattern but with 'Riku' inked onto its back.

"To remember that I'm the king of gambling I'm pretty sure, mine is a joker with your name on the back-"

He looks at his shoulder and freezes, then slowly looks at me in the eyes.

"Your name is Tsunade? That's a coincidence right?"

My eyebrow twitches and I henge into my younger self again.

He coughs and whistles at the roof before continuing.

"To remember that your a joke... and you will never win against I fired...ooorrrrr?"

I let out a sigh before getting up and heading for the window- I'm flickering back home, no one is going to see me here with this kid. I look back at him and say.

"No. But I'm getting this tattoo removed- I'm late I need to get home and head to my office, I WILL see you there for new team assignment, in about an hour. Understood? Do I need to also tell you not to talk about my...unfortunate streak of losses?"

"No lady Hokage-sama-san-something.... yes I understand. can I keep my tattoo? I kind of like to keep them if I get them... story ya' know..."

My eyes twitch.

"Fine. You won the bet, keep it. But show it to anybody and ill have your ass understand me?"

He smirks before saying.

"Ooo~ so you did want my ass huh?, I'm flatter- wait sorry- that was an impulse joke- Impulse, Impulse! Don't-"

I punch him hard enough to send him through the bed into the floor and I leap out to the rooftops, flickering home.



Pov: Riku

I awkwardly pay for the broken bed... and then I skedaddle to Naruto's apartment to get Anchor and my rock.

Strangely I'm not injured, pretty sure she hurt me and healed me in one, THAT is some serious skill, they weren't joking when they said she was Kage level.

Knocking on Naruto's door he opens it with a yawn.

"Hm? Riku what's up- WAIT! You left that creepy doll in my cupboard and freaked me out! What was that!"

"Sorry, sorry was sleeping here after the sand and sound invasion- can I get my not-puppet and rock back?"


"yeah the rock I left in the middle of your room..."

"Oh I threw that away?"

"What!? I left it suspiciously in the middle of the room so you wouldn't! Did you just throw it out here?"

"Uhhh yeah? Why?"

I look outside his house with a quick glance and there is no rock. Fuck.

"I left one of my selves in that! Its disconnected from me and I just charged it, It could be a month before it reconnects and loses charge!"

He scratches his cheek and chuckles nervously. I'm still looking I cant find it.

"Sorry- sorry Riku I don't know where it is but it should be fine right? Its not like your never going to get yourself back right? Here come take creepazoid the puppet and cook me- us breakfast"

I sigh and give up searching, heading inside I start making eggs and some bacon.

"You're lucky I like you- you know that?"

"Heheheheh- I couldn't do without you big brother! Dattebayo!"

Sighing again I get him fed and tell him ill find an apartment or get a fiancé soon and move out of his couch by next month.... maybe, he is fine with letting me hang forever- but I shouldn't be lazy and rely on that kindness.

Putting my outfit on- glad that I changed to a long-sleeved shirt actually, now that I have a new or rather my first tattoo.

I head over to the Hokage's office. What do I even refer to her as? Do I act like I never demolished her in gambling for like 3 hours last night? This is weird- not at all like the relationship I had with Lord third.

Sitting in the hallway on one of the couches I wait till I'm called in.

After about ten minutes I head into the office and stand at attention.


She scoffs and says.

"Just call me Lady Tsunade brat!"

"could I ask what Naruto said about me that makes you keep calling me brat?"

"He informed me of your... you-ness and when pressed further I found your 'Epic Amazing victories' as nothing more than lucky idiocy"

I chuckle.

"Well your right about that! I am an Idiot and we both know how lucky I- sorry, sorry another impulse, impulse- impulse joke- put your hand down! Lady this is abuse! Abuse!"

After I pick myself of the now broken wooden floor I cough and ask

"Lady you asked for me for team assignment right?"

"Lady -Hokage- brat. And yes you have been registered in a team under two Jonin and being the only genin- now chunin. This is unconventional and forces two Jonin to babysit you through your C and maybe B-rank missions while they train you into jonin themselves. So either we need to graduate you from Jonin instruction and put you on a new Chunin team- or we can give your team new members and have it function at a proper level. What will it be?"

Before I can answer someone barges into the office and shouts.

"Hokage-sama! Sasuke Uchiha has just been sighted being kidnapped by four enemy operatives out of the hospital!"

She looks to me with a stern look.

"Change of plans, all our Jonin are busy- you go find a team of genin of your choice and save the Uchiha brat. Understood."

"Yes lady!"

I dash out the door.

"And bring the Nara heir- and that's LADY TSUNADE BRAT!"

I head across town to Shikamaru's house and bang on the door- his mother answers.

"Oh! Riku? Do you need something?"

"Shikamaru has an urgent mission, tell him to grab as many genin from teams 7, 8, 9 and 10 as he can find and meet me at the gate in 5 minutes."

She nods before closing the door and shouting to Shikamaru.

I head around town finding who I can.

Five minutes later at the gates. We have Shikamaru, me, Kiba, Naruto, Neji, Hinata, Choji, Ino, Tenten and Shino. Lee is also here for encouragement alongside Sakura who looks heavily beaten- shit she was probably at the hospital when it happened. Oh Ace is also here.

"Alright heads up- Sasuke has been kidnapped by four unidentified individuals-quiet Naruto. I'm leading this mission and Shikamaru will be co-leading with me- he was kidnapped just 15 minutes ago anyone have any suggestions of plans or do you wish for me to pick traveling order and we rush after them?"

Shikamaru raises his hand and I usher him to speak his mind- he is much smarter than me and will be better for the planning stage.

"Firstly lets check equipment, it will take just three minutes and give me a better idea of what I'm working with.."


"Okay, Riku is right about the traveling order, we will be in a semi-single line formation with adjustments in positioning and this is the most effective one for our group. We will only be as fast as our slowest member and work in tandem with each other understood? Good."

Shikamaru, me, Kiba, Naruto, Neji, Hinata, Choji, Ino, Tenten and Shino

1. Kiba, to track and find Sasuke.

2. Riku, for main orders and judgment.

3. Hinata, frontline Byakugan for scouting.

5. Naruto and Ino, you are both going to apply support to whatever end of the line needs it.

6. Choji and tenten, you will be the strikers, when the rest of the line makes and opening you hit the enemy hard.

7. Shino and Shikamaru, ill give secondary orders and Shino's insects can make sure no one is following our trail.

8. Neji and Ace, you will be watching our back with your Byakugan for any surprise attacks, Ace can also help fulfil Riku's order from the back and make sure the formation is fine.

After Shikamaru discusses our formation I step up.

"Sasuke was last seen contemplating many things about his life- including the temptations of leaving the village- if- IF Sasuke isn't willing to return, use force. Your lives are in mine and Shikamaru's hands- Do not be stupid and die due to not following orders. Lets get going. Now."

We rush out the gate and Kiba leads us through the forest

Ten minutes later Kiba picks up the smell of blood and we pass a Konoha patrol that's been hit, they are tending to there wounded and we rush past.

Its another twenty until we catch up to the group of four, Sasuke is bundled with rope and slung over there shoulder.

They definitely notice us and give silent inquisitive looks to each other.

Then the big man with a mohawk stops running and tries to intercept us.. we cant let them get too far... we will never catch up if they reach the border and they can change there route up if we leave them too long and place fake trails....

"Team ten- Shikamaru- Choji- Ino. Intercept and deal with the enemy we will continue the chase"

The three splinter off and they confront the bald man... shit, already breaking formation.

As we rush after the three others left they look at each other and shout a bit before a six-armed man splinters off from there group. Haaa~ again.. damnit.

"Hinata, Neji, shino. We only need Kiba to make sure these guys cant leave. Splinter off and Neji will be the lead."

It seems this is going to be a game of who beats who... the six-armed man attempts to fling webs at us all and luckily Neji and Hinata jump into melee with him before he can intercept the line fully.

We are rushing forward yet again.

Standing in the treeline eerily watching this chase is a white haired man.

We hear the other two shouting at him and they throw Sasuke at him, he catches Sasuke and flickers away the other two face us.

Again...... damnit.

"Kiba, Naruto, Tenten and Ace..."

They look at me worried. Except Ace... he is me after all, I disconnect to not focus on two things during the battle.

"Ill go after the last one alone... the others should be capable of finishing there fights and catching up, beat them up and come help me alright?"

They nod. I flicker around the two enemy ninja and they snicker as they let me pass through.

Fuck. Lets just keep the last guy busy and hope that we can make it.

Sprinting after the white haired man and eventually after five minutes I finally close the gap and [Body Shunt] in front of him.

He stops and studies me before throwing Sasuke and then ejecting a bone? From his palm that hits his bindings and leaves him pinned- hanging in the trees.

I smirk and enter melee.

But before I can even hit him another bone pops out of his body and attempts to stab my hand... pulling away I jump to a tree branch behind me and study him...

This is going to be tough.


Thanks for reading :)

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