Naruto: Konoha Glory

Chapter 16 The Power of Illusion

&ep;&ep;At this time, Hyuga Tian Yuan, like Uchiha Koji back then, no longer wanted to continue fighting.

&ep;&ep;Because he knew in his heart that no matter what the outcome was today, the real protagonist would not be him.

&ep;&ep;The boy who opened the double Magatama Sharingan at the age of 5 has already proven his talent.

&ep;&ep;At the same time, his "mission" was successfully completed.

&ep;&ep;Thinking of this, Hinata Tianyuan couldn't help but quietly turned his eyes to the side of the martial arts arena, where the middle-aged man with a bandage on his head was.

&ep;&ep;But then he got a sharp look. He was so panicked that he could only look at the expressionless Kyousuke again.

&ep;&ep;What he didn't know was that what happened just now had been seen by many interested people, including Kyousuke who was opposite him.

&ep;&ep;“It turns out he was the one behind it, so that’s not surprising.” Kyousuke finally figured out the cause and effect of the matter.

&ep;&ep;After all, this bandaged man, like his teacher, is very hostile to the Uchiha clan, and on the night of the genocide in the original book, this man also contributed a lot.

&ep;&ep;This bandaged man is Danzo Shimura, known as the Pot King of Konoha.

&ep;&ep;However, Kyousuke will not be too wary of him at this time. After all, although the Uchiha clan is declining in strength at this time, it is still a force that cannot be ignored in Konoha and even the entire ninja world.

&ep;&ep;With the backing of a family with such strength, Kyousuke is not afraid of anyone's apparent pressure.

&ep;&ep;As for the little tricks in the secret, I believe that his "teacher" Leng Jun Orochimaru will help him deal with it.

&ep;&ep;After all, Orochimaru and Danzo were very close at this time.


&ep;&ep; Under Danzo’s sharp eyes, Hinata Tiangen could only prepare to start the second round of battle with Kyosuke again.

&ep;&ep;At this moment, he only felt an emotion called sadness brewing in his chest.

&ep;&ep;Once upon a time, someone also used the word "genius" on his head.

&ep;&ep;But look at myself now, how could I be reduced to a tool used to test other people's "measures"?

&ep;&ep; "Danzo..." Hinata Tian Yuan gritted his teeth and muttered silently in his heart, but then he could only act according to his orders helplessly.

&ep;&ep;After all, let alone him, not many people in the entire Hyuga clan have the confidence to resist Danzo's orders.

&ep;&ep;Just when Hinata Tian Yuan was feeling sorry for himself, Kyosuke on the opposite side suddenly launched his own attack.

&ep;&ep; However, what surprised him was that the enemy not only did not use the superb kunai throwing technique, nor the Uchiha clan's signature ninjutsu, but instead rushed towards him with their heads down.

&ep;&ep;Although he felt a little strange in his heart, Hinata Tianyuan still felt sincerely happy and even excited.

&ep;&ep;Even if that kid had activated the Nimagatama's Sharingan, it was really too arrogant to have such a reckless close combat with the ninjas of the Hyuga clan.

&ep;&ep;Just when he was about to end this meaningless duel, a loud roar suddenly came from his ears.

&ep;&ep;“Be careful of illusions!!!”

&ep;&ep;The person who shouted these words was a certain ninja from the Hyuga clan.

&ep;&ep;After Hinata Tianyuan heard this reminder, the figure that was about to rush out suddenly paused, and then the chakras controlled by him collided with each other in the body, forming a kind of illusion that seemed to be someone else helping him escape from the illusion. a feeling of.

&ep;&ep;This method is exactly the special ability that comes with the "White Eyes" bloodline.

&ep;&ep;Although until now, Hinata Tianyuan does not know when he fell into the illusion, but there is nothing wrong with being careful.

&ep;&ep;As the chakra collided in his body, the original scene in front of him disappeared like broken glass.

&ep;&ep;This means that he has successfully broken free from Kyousuke's illusion.

&ep;&ep;When his eyes focused on the opposite side again, he found that Kyosuke was still standing where he was.

&ep;&ep;In the illusion scene, what rushed towards him was not Kyousuke at all, but a huge fireball with a diameter of more than one meter.

&ep;&ep;Had it not been for the unexpected reminder from his tribe, he would have already crashed into the fireball.

&ep;&ep;Fortunately, except for some special illusions, the passage of time that people feel in illusions is generally much faster than in reality, which gave him a chance to escape.


&ep;&ep; As expected, the Go Fireball was dodged by Hinata Tianyuan. The member of the Hyuga clan who shouted could not help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

&ep;&ep;But then he felt an astonishing murderous intent covering his whole body. In a hurry, he immediately looked up and quickly located the source of the murderous intent.

&ep;&ep;Except for some angry Uchiha clan was Orochimaru with a cold face.

&ep;&ep; His body trembled slightly, and the ninja of the Hyuga clan lowered his head in fear, and retreated to hide among the family crowd.

&ep;&ep;At this time, the leader of the Hyuga clan glared at him fiercely, then bowed slightly in the direction of Orochimaru to express his apology.

&ep;&ep; Orochimaru retracted his astonishing murderous intention with an expressionless face, and then turned his attention to the two people on the field again.

&ep;&ep;I saw that Hinata Tian Yuan was ready to readjust his fighting method after avoiding Kyousuke's ninja in a panic.

&ep;&ep;It’s a pity that Kyosuke didn’t give him another chance this time.

&ep;&ep;After a simple seal, a ball of slightly smaller but equally deadly flames once again attacked Tian Yuan, who had just stood up.

&ep;&ep;Fire Release: The art of Phoenix Immortal Fire.

&ep;&ep;And that’s not the end yet. While Kyosuke was using chakra to control the trajectory of the Phoenix Fire, he took out a shuriken again, saw the opportunity and threw it hard at the enemy.

&ep;&ep;In an instant, Hinata Tiangen, who was at a disadvantage, was surrounded by Kyosuke's overwhelming attack.

&ep;&ep; "Damn it, don't underestimate me!!!" Hinata Tianyuan roared, and then his chakra suddenly spurted out from all the acupuncture points in his body, and then his whole body began to spin rapidly at the same time.

&ep;&ep;“Return to heaven!”

&ep;&ep; He is indeed a ninja who can be used as a pawn by Danzo. Even if he does not have the exaggerated talent of the "plot character" in the original work, he has been taught since he was a child and he has mastered the secret technique when he was still at the chunin level. Back to the days.

&ep;&ep;As bursts of smoke rose violently, Kyousuke's attack that was already enough to form a decisive blow was blocked by him using Kaiten.

&ep;&ep;Just when Hinata Tianyuan stopped his rotation, a slight "click" sound suddenly came from the ground under his feet.

&ep;&ep; Tian Yuan, who was secretly complaining, prepared to escape.

&ep;&ep;But after he had just exploded a large amount of chakra, his movements were inevitably a little slow.

&ep;&ep;It was at this moment that he was suddenly stretched out by a pair of hands on the ground and grabbed his ankle.

&ep;&ep;With the world spinning, he and Kyousuke completely turned around.

&ep;&ep;When the smoke dissipated, only Kyousuke was left holding a kunai and looking calm. Tian Yuan's entire body was buried in the soil, leaving only his head exposed.

&ep;&ep;This is how this exciting battle ended.

&ep;&ep;Kyosuke looked at Tian Yuan who was still a little dizzy and smiled, then turned to look at his clansmen, and then raised his right hand high above his head.

&ep;&ep;In an instant, an astonishing burst of cheers erupted from the Uchiha clan's position.

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