Naruto: Escape From Konoha

Chapter 62: 60: Surpassing Styles

Chapter 62: 60: Surpassing Styles

In the early hours of the morning, the sky gradually brightened.

"Still no sign of them?"

"Sorry, Jiraiya-sama, I haven't found any trace here."

Minato, following Jiraiya in the southern valley of the Land of River, responded with a slight shake of his head to Jiraiya's query.

"Damn it, who would've thought a mission would turn out like this?"

Jiraiya punched a nearby tree in frustration, his teeth gritted.

As for Sakumo's team, Jiraiya wasn't overly concerned, since their mission details hadn't been tampered with. The issue lay with the other three members who had fallen into the trap set by Root.

Given his unfamiliarity with the Root's tactics, Jiraiya had no insight into how they might handle Sakumo's subordinates.

In any case, their current predicament was a result of their own momentary lapses.

Yet, it was unexpected that even within Hokage's direct subordinate Anbu, spies could be embedded by the Root.

Jiraiya was eager to seize this opportunity to thoroughly investigate the Root's activities. The audacity of Anbu, charged with confidential missions and Hokage's protection, made this no trivial matter.

Despite Anbu's responsibility for secrecy and the safety of Hokage, Jiraiya suspected that the outcome would likely amount to no more than a verbal reprimand, given Sarutobi Hiruzen's affection for his old companions.

"Please don't worry, Jiraiya-sama. The three of them might have their own reasons for their actions. Our priority now is to locate them swiftly, regardless of whether they're alive or not" Minato reassured Jiraiya.

"I know, I'm just venting my frustration. There's only one area left to search—the bottom of the cliff ahead. I've been there with Tsunade and Orochimaru before. The terrain is quite complex. Minato, make sure not to stray too far from me."


Minato nodded.

While confident in his abilities, he recognized the gap between himself and Jiraiya, a formidable Jonin.

"I hope the three of them are safe. Otherwise, Uchiha..."

Jiraiya was well-informed about the situation in Konoha.

Among their clan members, there were Joins who possessed three tomoe Sharingan, a highly troublesome bloodline. If united, they could potentially wield immense power, capable of surpassing most ninjas outside the Senji clan.

In contrast to the reserved and gentle Hyuga, the Uchiha were often seen as a rebellious bunch, capable of unpredictable actions when provoked.

Contemplating this, Jiraiya couldn't help but direct his frustration at Danzo once again, internally cursing him.


The morning sun was already up, yet the thick fog over the deep valley obstructed its rays. Bubbles of light dispersed through the fog, casting a faint glow.

Within the dark cave, only a solitary fire burned, dispelling the pervasive cold and darkness.

Ruri's eyes remained shut, her hands clutching her chest, her face etched with pain as she panted heavily. A feeble breath hinted at her precarious state, as if her life hung in the balance.

A Power aura, residual 'Sage Mode,' enveloped her being, powerful yet untamed.

"How is she?"

Ayane inquired anxiously.

This was the first time she had seen Ruri in such a vulnerable state.

Her face, once vibrant, now appeared ashen, her labored breathing betraying her near-fatal condition.

Yet, considering the immense power behind her Fire Release technique, such consequences were unsurprising.

Though the force of this fire technique might not rival that of tailed beasts, it remained a formidable weapon, far beyond the reach of ordinary ninja.

'Sage Mode?' Ayane pondered.

She couldn't help but admire Ruri's audacity, recognizing the incredible feat of merging natural energy and chakra.

Undoubtedly, it was no small task.

Their bold fusion was the cause of Ruri's current predicament.

"It's rather critical. We need to perform surgery immediately. Assist me in restraining her."

Shiraishi retrieved a scroll from his ninja kit, unraveled its contents, and conjured a medical kit replete with an assortment of supplies.

Despite his advanced medical ninjutsu skills, Shiraishi understood the risks at hand. Time was of the essence, and the delay in surgery could compromise Ruri's best chance for recovery.

"I understand."

Ayane knelt beside Ruri, pressing down on her body with both hands.

Taking a deep breath, Shiraishi rolled up Ruri's clothing, exposing her pale abdomen, the bandage stopping just short of her chest.

A flush of crimson crept onto Ayane's cheeks.

"Don't let your focus waver. Maintain your hold on her."

Shiraishi's voice, steady and composed, cut through.


Ayane lowered her gaze, her blush deepening.

Undisturbed by Ayane's flustered thoughts, Shiraishi placed his hand on Ruri's exposed abdomen.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated for a moment, his expression growing increasingly solemn upon opening them.

The chakra and natural energy within Ruri's form were in disarray, particularly the once-stable natural energy, now thrown into chaos by the abrupt chakra infusion—resulting in a volatile 'Immortal Magic.'

To restore Ruri's precarious state, the natural energy had to be extracted from her body.

The challenge lay in separating the intertwined chakra and natural energy, a risky endeavor.

Due to the 'Sage Mode,' Shiraishi's envisioned final form remained untested—a theoretical construct.

Extracting natural energy alone would have been straightforward for Shiraishi, given his extensive knowledge of high-level medical ninjutsu.

However, considering the circumstances, he had to tread cautiously. Cold sweat began to form on Shiraishi's brow. This marked the first surgical procedure with uncertain odds since his career began.

Hopefully, the data from his prior experiments and his envisioned 'Sage Mode' weren't too divergent.

The safest approach entailed extracting both chakra and natural energy as a unit. Though simple, it was effective in preventing any potential dangers.

Yet, the act of extracting chakra might carry lethal consequences, raising the question of whether returning the chakra afterward would indeed revive Ruri.

Should this supposition prove accurate, her current affliction could be easily remedied.

Her current crisis stemmed from the fusion of natural energy and chakra, precipitating the unchecked surge of 'Sage Mode.'

Removing both chakra and natural energy should resolve Ruri's dilemma.

Nonetheless, such an endeavor bore great risk and an uncertain success rate.

Hence, Shiraishi opted to separate it into natural energy and chakra before proceeding to extract the natural energy.

Separating natural energy necessitated a meticulous technique, one synonymous with advanced medical ninjutsu.

This method involved extracting adverse elements from the body, potentially negating the need for surgery.

Shiraishi's foremost challenge lay in differentiating the Sage chakra into its core components.

Withdrawing a syringe from the medical kit, Shiraishi prepared to introduce the medication into Ruri's body.

After administering the medicine, Ruri's complexion improved noticeably, and while her breathing remained weak, it was a vast improvement from her previous state.

Observing this positive change, Shiraishi proceeded with the operation.

Throughout the procedure, Ruri made several attempts to resist, yet Ayane managed to keep her restrained.

In this manner, Shiraishi was able to focus solely on the delicate process of separating the magic within Ruri's body.

Grimaces of pain escaped Ruri's lips, even with anesthesia the pain was intense and unrelenting.

As time elapsed in this manner, Ruri's condition gradually ameliorated.

Her pallor lessened, a hint of color returned to her face, and her breathing gradually steadied.

Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief. Though he hadn't fully extricated the senjutsu chakra, the majority had been decomposed. Now, he needed to extract the natural energy from her system.

Upon returning to camp and acquiring complete equipment, the threat would be eradicated entirely.

A verdant light began to emanate from Shiraishi's palm as he initiated the delicate extraction technique to draw out the natural energy from Ruri's body.

At that moment, sounds of movement outside the cave reached their ears, causing both Shiraishi and Ayane to tense up.

Ayane swiftly activated her remaining chakra, her eyes surveying the situation outside.

"Who's out there? Suna nins?"

"No, it's the Root ninjas."

Ayane's voice held a tinge of bitterness.

Had it not been for the intervention of the Root, their dire circumstances wouldn't have escalated to such an extent.

"Are they planning to be the final move?"

Shiraishi murmured, a steely glint appearing in his eyes.

Though the pursuing Suna Ninja had been dealt with, the relentless pursuit by Root ninja persisted.

"Having previously eluded your keen observation, they're well aware of the five-kilometer range of your Byakugan. They possess information about us."


"Not all of it. If they had, Anbu would have already reached out."

Shiraishi's analysis was calm and collected.

Based on Ruri's initial information, though Root was a faction within the Anbu, it wasn't directly affiliated with the Hokage. Instead, it was led by another influential elder of Konoha, Shimura Danzo.

The purpose behind their actions remained shrouded in mystery, leaving Shiraishi with many unanswered questions.

"What's our next move?"

Ayane's uncertainty was palpable. With her chakra nearly depleted and no proficiency in natural energy manipulation, her combat capabilities were limited.

"We'll confront them when we exit. Now that Ruri is out of danger, it's acceptable to interrupt the operation."

Shiraishi concluded the medical procedure, placing Ruri aside.

With a nod, Ayane exited the cave alongside Shiraishi.

Sure enough, four figures stood outside—the same Root team that had initially engaged with the trio.

Donning unsettling masks and exhibiting emotionless, cold eyes, the Root ninja maintained an unwavering stance, their focus fixed on Shiraishi.

Just as one of them moved to strike, Shiraishi acted preemptively.

But instead of attacking the Root ninja, he targeted Ayane.

With swift precision, he pressed Ayane to the ground, her face turned toward the floor, and pinned her hands behind her back.


Caught off guard, Ayane's exhaustion left her incapable of resisting Shiraishi's action, and she found herself firmly restrained.

"I've no choice. Can't you see the situation? I didn't expect you to be this naive. I don't intend to die with you; I want to live." freewebnovel .com

Shiraishi's voice held a tinge of resignation.

Meeting the Root's gaze, he addressed their leader, "I'm a medical ninja—a minimal threat and a valuable asset. I'm willing to join you. Whether it's through mind control or poison, I'm not interested in dying. Will you give me a chance?"

The leader contemplated Shiraishi's plea.

As Shiraishi had pointed out, his threat level was indeed low, and their need for skilled medical ninjas, especially for their forbidden human experiments, was dire.

Though the potential for betrayal lingered, it was a calculated risk they seemed willing to take.

"I respect your practicality. I'll offer you an opportunity."

The captain hurled a kunai at Shiraishi's feet.

"Eliminate the woman beneath you."


Without hesitation, Shiraishi raised the kunai. His face betrayed a fleeting conflict before morphing into a malevolent grin.

Raising the kunai towards Ayane's neck, he prepared to strike.

In an instant, a shuriken whizzed through the air, knocking the kunai from Shiraishi's grasp.

Shiraishi cast an incredulous gaze at the Root ninja, recognizing the interrupting action.

"Your resolve is impressive, but it wouldn't bode well killing Konoha ninjas."

The captain's tone was feigned, concealing his true intentions.

Given the heritage of the Byakugan, even in the branch family, a living body proved more valuable than a corpse.

Moreover, with Ayane's dwindling chakra, the risk was minimal.

"Understood. I have no desire to be labeled a traitor by ending a fellow comrade's life."

The captain was content with Shiraishi's calculated acquiescence.

His belief in Shiraishi's compliance assured him of an extended existence.

Two of them advanced toward Shiraishi.

Standing still, Shiraishi raised his hands, assuming a submissive posture that betrayed no hint of menace.

"It's astonishing to me that you're this kind of person. It's a shame that Ruri and I placed so much trust in you."

One of the ninja produced a length of rope, securing Ayane's wrists behind her back. Ayane shot Shiraishi a resentful glare.

"Living outweighs all else in this situation. In this harsh era, unlike individuals from prosperous clans, I have to earn everything through my own efforts."

Shiraishi retorted.

Another ninja appeared behind Shiraishi, readying a length of rope to bind his wrists.


Before the ninja could act, a blade sliced through the air, penetrating the ninja's body and piercing his heart.

Withdrawing the blade, it now bore a crimson hue.

At the same moment, the rope that constrained Ayane snapped, her freedom restored.

Shiraishi held the blood-stained blade, a gentle smile gracing his lips as he addressed the remaining two ninja.

"How's my swordsmanship? Though I may not compare to Sakumo-sensei's prowess, I can still manage to catch you off guard."

"You cunning brat!"

'Impossible! His chakra should be nearly depleted! How could a medical ninja possess such agility? Moreover, didn't he lack these combat capabilities?' The captain's astonishment transformed into anger.

Shiraishi's smile remained, unaltered by the changing emotions around him.

"It was an unexpected turn, indeed. It appears anger has made an appearance in your eyes. From what I've heard, you Roots are mere automatons, assigned to carry out missions... Can machines truly experience emotions? But do refrain from such expressions. My rage now surpasses any you may display."

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