Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 99: Medical Jutsu

Seeing the time, Kaida got ready and went to the dining area for breakfast. Yomi and Hae were already there. Seeing Kaida, Hae spoke, "What happened, Kaida? Why were you in the garden so early this morning?"


"Aunty, I took the Focus Pill yesterday, so I wanted to see its effects," Kaida replied honestly.


"How did you get that pill? If I remember correctly, you would need around 300 Contribution points for that, and you've only been with the clan for three days. Did Shisui buy it for you?" Hae asked worriedly.


"No, I earned the points myself. I did some D-rank missions with the help of my clones and was able to get those Contribution points. But why are you so worried?" Kaida asked.


"Oh, it's nothing," Hae said, trying to act like she wasn't worried.


Kaida grew a little suspicious.


'There's something they're hiding from me, and it's related to my brother. He's a Jonin and mostly does A-rank missions, which reward 3000 Contribution points each. So how was he low on Contribution points when he showed me the resources room? I know 200 Contribution points is a big amount, but it shouldn't be much for him. The only thing I can guess is that there's something ridiculously expensive my brother needs from those points,' Kaida thought, deciding to leave the matter aside for now and wait for them to tell him.


Yomi, unaware of everything, asked, "What is this medicine you're talking about?"


"Oh, you don't know? Actually, just like the Hokage's office, you can do missions for the clan too, but only if you're a part of it. When you complete those missions, you not only get money but also something called Contribution points, which can be used to get various resources. The Focus Pill is one of those resources. The receptionist said it would help me utilize my Sharingan better," Kaida explained.


"Oh! Does that mean I can't do those missions or get those resources?" Yomi asked.


"From what I know, you need to be part of the clan to do those missions. Also, many of the resources won't even work on you. But for those that will, I can get them for you," Kaida offered.


"No, I don't want to rely on your help every time I need something. I want to increase my strength by myself," Yomi said.


"You know, there is a way Yomi can do those missions without being part of the Uchiha clan," Hae said.


"Really?" Yomi asked.


"Yes, but you'll have to wait for Shisui to come back. He knows more about it than I do," Hae replied.


"Oh, okay," Yomi said.


After eating breakfast, Kaida and Yomi headed toward their respective destinations. Kaida was quite early, as it was only 7:10 AM and the hospital didn't open until 8 AM. His sensei usually arrived at 8:15 AM, so he had around an hour. He could use the Wind Instantaneous Movement Jutsu and Body Flicker Jutsu to get there in just 10 minutes, but the reason he was early was that…


'I won't have much time for physical training now, so I'll train whenever I get the chance,' Kaida thought.


He activated the weight seal to 100 kilograms and started running toward the hospital. Running, especially with extra weight, was a great exercise to develop full-body muscles and endurance. Despite the challenge, Kaida was used to intense workouts, so it wasn't too hard for him. However, this time was different. He wasn't flowing normal chakra through his body but Yang chakra, and he kept the ratio at 70:30, with 70% Yang chakra.


This helped him increase his strength, control over Yang chakra, and rebuild muscles torn from the weight training. After running for 50 minutes, Kaida was still some distance away from the hospital, so he deactivated the weight seal and used the Wind Instantaneous Movement Jutsu to reach his destination.


Seeing the hospital still closed, Kaida thought, 'That was a good workout. I'll do the same on my way back, and train while my clone handles those D-rank missions.'


His plan was solid, but Kaida hadn't considered how much chakra he'd need to use for the Shadow Clones.


After some time, the hospital opened, and Kaida headed straight to Mitsuru's office, sitting in the chairs outside. After 15 minutes of waiting and meditating, Mitsuru finally arrived.


"Good morning, Sensei," Kaida greeted.


"Oh! How long have you been here?" Mitsuru asked while unlocking her office door. "Come inside."


Kaida entered the office.


"As you can see, I have a mountain of paperwork to do. How will I ever find time to teach you?" Mitsuru said dramatically.


"Sorry, Sensei, but I've been wondering since yesterday—why don't you use Shadow Clones to finish all this paperwork quickly?" Kaida asked.


"You have a sharp mind, but lack experience. If I finish all the paperwork quickly, it's not like I'd get free time. I'd just get more work. Plus, when I dispel the Shadow Clones, the mental fatigue transfers to me," Mitsuru explained.


Kaida now understood why such a convenient jutsu wasn't used by all the leaders in Konoha.


"But don't worry. Now that I've accepted you as my disciple, I won't compromise on your training," Mitsuru said, and then *poof*—a Shadow Clone appeared in the room.


Kaida thought the clone would be teaching him, and he was fine with that since his progress would depend on his own effort. But to his surprise, the clone went to the desk and started doing the paperwork.


"What are you waiting for? Let's go," Mitsuru said as she walked out of the office.


Kaida quietly followed her. Instead of heading toward the area with injured patients, Mitsuru led him to a different section of the hospital.


"This is the area where trainees practice. I've booked a room for us so that no one can disturb our training," Mitsuru explained.


"Oh! We're training inside the hospital? I thought we were going to use a training area," Kaida asked.


"Why would we? Medical jutsu isn't destructive—at least, not in most cases. We can easily train here. Also, training in medical jutsu isn't as simple as other types of training. You need various resources to train properly," Mitsuru replied.


They entered the room Mitsuru had booked, which was larger than many lecture halls in universities. She pointed to a chart on the wall and said, "You'll start by learning these basic jutsu."


Kaida looked at the chart and read the descriptions:


**Bandage Skill** 

*Description:* Medical-nin can create temporary bandages from their surroundings. Objects such as grass, sand, or water can be woven together over a wound. The bandage lasts about five minutes without chakra supply.


**Oxygen Supply** 

*Description:* This technique improves CPR. By holding their hands over a patient's chest, a shinobi can use chakra to carefully massage the heart and lungs. This technique doesn't work if the airway is blocked, and is effective only on unconscious patients.


**Blood Coagulation** 

*Description:* A healing technique that makes blood coagulate to stop bleeding. It's mainly used as preliminary treatment. Superficial wounds can be stopped quickly, but deep wounds may take several minutes.


**Poison Removal** 

*Description:* This technique extracts a portion of poison to prevent immediate death, buying time to prepare an antidote. It slows the effects of poison, but patients will still die from lethal poisons if not treated. It's less effective against advanced poisons.

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