Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 95: Is he telling the truth?

Just like before, Mitsuru used the jutsu and healed the fish, but this time, Kaida's whole focus was on the path Mitsuru had taken with her chakra.


"Now, are you ready?" Mitsuru asked.


"Yes, ma'am," Kaida said.


"Okay, you can try it now. Even if you fail, you can do it after one hour," Mitsuru said, then passed her chakra into the scroll. Once again, an injured fish came out of the scroll.


Kaida stepped in front of the fish. Since he had already activated his Sharingan, he easily divided his chakra into Yin and Yang, then used the Yang chakra in his body, which was in a ratio of 88:12, and guided it along a similar path that he had memorized.


After the circulation was complete, he directed that chakra toward his hand and placed it above the fish. Slowly, his hand started glowing green, and the wound on the fish's stomach began to close.


But then something completely different happened. The wound, which was closing normally, started to form a very disgusting tumor, and the wound became more deadly than before, causing the fish to die.


Kaida's mood drooped. Seeing this, he felt that Mitsuru might directly reject him. Not being able to perform that jutsu was one thing, but killing someone while trying to save them was very bad for any medical ninja.


Kaida looked toward Mitsuru while bowing his head slightly and said, "I am sorry, ma'am. I don't know what mistake I made, but I will learn it in one hour."


Then he looked up, only to find the shocked faces of all three of them.


"Lord Third said that you don't have any prior knowledge of medical ninjutsu or genjutsu. Were you hiding this from him?" Mitsuru asked.


"No, ma'am. I didn't know anything about genjutsu or medical jutsu until the day before yesterday. But since I just joined the Uchiha Clan, my big brother started teaching me about genjutsu. Due to that, I knew the basics of dividing my chakra into Yin and Yang," Kaida replied with a smile.


All three of them thought the same thing: *Is this boy telling the truth?* But thinking it through, there was not much he would gain by lying to them. Yes, he could be accepted as a disciple, but eventually, he would be unable to maintain his genius persona.


Mitsuru sighed and said, "Do you know what you did wrong in the treatment?"


Kaida thought for a moment and then said, "Ma'am, unlike your chakra, which was calm and steady, mine was a little aggressive, and I was not able to move my chakra inside my body accurately; there were some inconsistencies. Maybe due to that, this happened," he said, pointing toward the lump at the belly of the fish.


"You are right and wrong at the same time. It wasn't that your chakra had any problem; although it was very turbulent, the main reason this happened was the amount of chakra you poured all of a sudden. The jutsu you just used is known as Mystic Palm Jutsu. This jutsu helps increase the repairing capacity of the body. In other words, a wound that would take weeks to heal can be mended in minutes with this jutsu if used correctly.


But we can't produce tissue, veins, bones, blood, etc., from the air. Due to this, when you use this jutsu, the body uses all of its extra nutrients to form the required part. What you did was provide an excess amount of chakra than necessary, causing the tissue formation to increase more than it should have. This lump is the extra tissue created due to that excess chakra," Mitsuru explained, no longer treating the situation as a joke.


Kaida went into deep thought and then asked, "Did this fish die because of the excessive use of those nutrients?"


"Correct," Mitsuru said with an approving nod.


The doctors behind her were shocked when they heard Mitsuru teaching Kaida. She had complained for half an hour after coming from the Hokage office about increasing her burden once again, and now she was teaching like nothing had happened. But they could understand the reason behind this: the boy in front of them was a genius. If what he said was correct, even those considered very talented in this field took two days to learn this jutsu. From the looks of it, this boy would most likely learn it within one hour, and he had already completed the most difficult task. Now, he just had to control the amount of chakra he used during the treatment. Both of them also gave an approving nod to Kaida in their minds.


After listening to Mitsuru's reply, Kaida asked, "Can I try once again?"


"Of course," Mitsuru said and once again passed chakra into the scroll. Once again, a fish came out of the scroll. Unluckily, this one was more injured than the others.


Mitsuru thought of trying to change the fish, but Kaida had already placed his hand above it. With full concentration, he divided his chakra into Yin and Yang with the help of his Sharingan and then moved his Yang chakra along the same path.


After one circulation, which was similar to before but with some minor improvements, he directed his Yang chakra toward his hand. This time, he kept the chakra emission slow. Combined with his Sharingan, which was able to see the minute details in the tissue, he was able to direct the chakra where it was needed. After two minutes of precise chakra emission, the fish was healed.


Though there was once again a lump at its belly, it was significantly smaller, and the fish was still alive. Seeing this, Mitsuru smiled a little. She was just going to say that Kaida had passed the test, but before she could say anything, Kaida began speaking.


"I am still unable to calm my chakra completely like yours, ma'am, but in one hour, I should be able to produce a satisfactory result. Can you please give me one of these scrolls? I will return it in one hour."


Now she couldn't say that she was satisfied with just this much, right? She was the Chief Medical Ninja of Konoha Hospital, and her standard couldn't be lower than that of someone who was not even a beginner in this field.


"You can take this scroll. I will provide you with a training area. This scroll contains 200 fish. If by any chance you want more, just ask any staff present in the surroundings and tell them that it is my order; they will provide you with more fish. After one hour from now, come back and show me your performance," Mitsuru said.


"Yes, ma'am." Kaida sensed a subtle shift in her tone, which was now more approving.


Mitsuru then nodded toward one of her subordinates. He understood and said, "Follow me."


"Yes, sir." Kaida quietly followed him. Once they were out of range, the remaining subordinate of Mitsuru asked, "Mitsuru-sama, are you thinking about taking him as your disciple?"


"You saw his talent, right? I would be a fool not to teach him. But it will depend on whether he is worthy enough to learn my signature jutsu or not. Now why are you still standing here? Go to your duties."


He quickly went toward the gate, a smile on his face. Mitsuru then started her day. The table in her office was full of paperwork for her reviews. Since she was the Chief Medical Ninja and in charge of the response team, the amount of paperwork she had to do was similar to that of any clan leader. This was one of the reasons she didn't want to take on any disciples; she simply had too much work to do.



Kaida went with the subordinate to a room that was more or less empty. Aside from some tables and chairs, there was nothing else.


"This room is normally empty; you can use it for training. Also, if you have any doubts, you can ask me," the subordinate said.


"Thank you, sir. If I come up with any during my practice, I will surely come to you for advice," Kaida said respectfully. The person in front of him was not just anybody but a specialist in the hospital, someone who had a similar level of respect as an elite Jonin.


"Good," the person said and left after telling Kaida the room where he could find him.


Since Kaida only had one hour, he started practicing by making ten shadow clones, each taking a fish to practice on. His shadow clones couldn't use that jutsu as quickly as Kaida could because they didn't have Sharingan to easily divide their chakra into Yin and Yang. However, since Kaida had already practiced dividing his chakra without the help of Sharingan, his clones could still use the technique but just a little slower.


For half an hour, Kaida and his clones kept healing one fish after another. There were visible improvements in the healing as the lump kept decreasing in size, and the Yang chakra also became more stable and calm than before.


He dispersed all of his shadow clones to gather their experiences. After sorting through their memories, Kaida started practicing on his own without any clones. Even though it may not have looked like it, this jutsu was using his chakra like crazy. Kaida was sure that if he hadn't received the boost from getting two tomoe in his Sharingan, he might have fainted from chakra exhaustion after one hour of practice.


The jutsu itself was not overly chakra-consuming; it was just that a massive amount of chakra was being dispersed into the surrounding area. Kaida was not training to reduce that wastage, as his main goal for now was to heal the fish as Mitsuru did. It never occurred to him that Mitsuru was a very experienced medical ninja and that he couldn't reach her level in just one hour.

 (A.N: Sorry for the long break there will be a mass release tomorrow as an apology ^~^)

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