Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 74: Returning Home

After killing the pursuing ninjas, the clones stayed in position for ten more minutes. When no additional enemies showed up, they dispersed. Kaida and Yukihiro received the memories and chakra of their clones.




The group was running at full speed, managing to cover 43 kilometers in just ten minutes. Suddenly, Yukihiro raised his hand, signaling everyone to stop as he processed the clones' memories.


"What happened, Yukihiro? Is there a problem?" Hiroto asked.


"No, Hiroto-sama, the enemy has been dealt with. Let’s take a 10-minute break before we resume our journey."


Hiroto and Renji nodded, taking a brief rest while Yukihiro and the team exchanged words.


"Sensei, it looks like we only had two pursuers, so we don’t have to worry about an ambush. Still, we should change direction—they might have sent a signal about our route," Kaida suggested.


"I was thinking the same. Now that the issue is resolved, we no longer need to take this longer path. Let's return to the pre-planned route provided by Hokage-sama.

Ryota, if you sense anything unusual along the way, let me know immediately. And if there’s no time to alert me, use the secret code we established during our stay in the Land of Noodles," Yukihiro instructed.


Everyone nodded. Yukihiro went over to inform Hiroto and Renji of the change in plans while Kaida and his team discussed their situation.


"Do you think we’ll face another group of enemies like before?" Ryota asked.


"Nope, not a chance. If they attacked us again, it would be purely out of revenge. I doubt they’d send powerful ninjas for that. Besides, they don’t know our exact route," Kaida replied.


"Plus, we’re strong enough to defend ourselves if a similar attack happens," Yomi added, confident.


"No, Yomi, you're wrong there. The only reason we won that last fight was because of Ryota. If he hadn’t sensed the enemy’s approach early, we wouldn’t have had the chance to ambush them.

Sure, we would’ve sensed them eventually, but by then, there’d have been little we could do. Fighting 20 experienced ninjas would’ve been a nightmare, and I doubt we’d have escaped uninjured," Kaida explained.


Yomi and Ryota both reflected on the consequences they could’ve faced had the enemy ambush caught them unprepared, especially considering the mix of Chunin and Jonin-level opponents.


Kiba stood smugly, clearly proud of having detected the enemy’s approach, convinced he was the MVP of that battle.


As their conversation wrapped up, Yukihiro returned from speaking with Hiroto and Renji. Overhearing Kaida's explanation, he felt proud that his students, despite being geniuses, weren’t arrogant—a common trait that leads many talented ninjas to their deaths on the battlefield. After giving Yomi and Ryota a moment to think over Kaida's words, Yukihiro spoke.


"Alright, team, break’s over. Time to get back to work. Let’s move."


They resumed their journey, carrying Hiroto and Renji once again. This time, they didn’t encounter any further ambushes and arrived at Konoha before sunset.


Hiroto and Renji decided to walk the last kilometer, ensuring they maintained their image as village elders. Upon reaching the village entrance, they sat in the carriage already waiting for them.


"You all can go and rest for a bit. I’ll report the mission, but be ready—you may be called to the Hokage’s office for your reports. The mission has been upgraded to an A-rank, thanks to the ambush, and your input may be required. Don’t worry, though. The payment will increase to match the new mission level," Yukihiro informed them.


Everyone nodded in acknowledgment.


"Sensei, we still have two days before the effects of the soldier pill wear off, so we’ll be at the training ground until then," Kaida said.


"Alright. I’ll send for you if you're needed," Yukihiro said, before heading off to the Hokage’s office.


After Yukihiro left, Ryota spoke up. "You guys go ahead to the training field. I’ll meet you there in half an hour—I want to visit my family."


"Okay, but remember not to talk about the mission until the report is complete," Kaida reminded him.


"Do you think I’m stupid? Of course, I won’t talk about it. I studied the same rules as you did, and my parents are aware as well," Ryota said, slightly offended.


"I know, bro, but you seem a little too excited to brag about it," Kaida teased with a small smile.


"Which I am, but don’t worry—I’m not dumb enough to do that. See you later," Ryota said with an awkward laugh before using a body flicker jutsu to head home.


Kaida’s caution wasn’t misplaced. Sharing details of a mission could lead to it being classified, and discussing classified missions carried the risk of being labeled a traitor. Even if the mistake was forgiven, it would still damage one's career, potentially limiting a ninja to the rank of Chunin for life.




Kaida and Yomi arrived at the training ground and immediately began working on their movement jutsu. Though physical strength is important, they both realized they couldn’t always be the strongest ninja in the world—at least not right away.

Even if they somehow became the most powerful, there would still be countless ways to die, such as ambushes, poison, or assassinations. Stronger ninjas may be resistant to such threats, but they’re not immune.


Movement jutsu, therefore, was crucial. In any fight they couldn’t win, they needed to be able to run away.

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