Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 58: Hidden benefits of sharingan

While Kaida was practicing his Sharingan powers, Ryota and Yomi were training hard to learn the Body Flicker Jutsu. Ryota also discovered the special use of the Shadow Clone Jutsu from Yukihiro.

Since his clan didn't learn many techniques and relied on instinct in battle, they never really focused on such jutsu. Though Yukihiro advised not to share this with anyone, it's one of Konoha's trump cards for training powerful ninjas quickly.

Realizing the benefits, Ryota spent an entire day mastering the Shadow Clone Jutsu before starting on the Body Flicker Jutsu. By that time, Yomi had already learned it and was getting familiar with the technique.

She often used it to check on Kaida, only to find him sparring with Yukihiro at speeds she could hardly follow. Understanding that Kaida was advancing faster than she was, Yomi resolved not to be left behind and continued her training with renewed determination.

By the end of the third day, both Ryota and Yomi had learned the Body Flicker Jutsu.

Two hours before their training session ended, Kaida's clone informed them that the training time was over and that he had prepared food for them. Yukihiro and Ryota also joined them for the feast.

"So, you guys have moved in together?" Yukihiro asked teasingly.

"It was a good flat near the Training Area and the Academy, that's all," Kaida replied, his face turning red.

"Oh, sure," Yukihiro continued with a stupid smirk on his face.

But by then, the food was served. From steaks and burgers to fruit salad and juice, everything was laid out.

Everyone enjoyed the food before Yukihiro took out three envelopes and said, "I nearly forgot. This is the payment for the two missions we did—20,000 Ryo each."

Everyone took an envelope. Kaida thought, 'We'd have to do 24 D-rank missions to earn this much, and we got it from just two C-rank missions. How much does a higher-rank mission pay?'

"You guys can take some rest. We'll meet at 7 AM the day after tomorrow."

"Bye, guys. See you soon."

*Bark bark*

All of the guests left after eating. Since it was late, Kaida and Yomi also went back to their room.

'Hmm, my clones can't use Sharingan like me. Well, that was expected. Otherwise, this broken ability would have become too overpowered. Life is going to get more hectic from now on, and I don't want to think about it right now. Good night.'

As Kaida drifted into sleep, something surprising happened. With both Senju and Uchiha blood, but only his Senju blood active so far, Kaida had been using only half of his true potential. Now that his Sharingan was awakened, he could fully utilize his potential, increasing his chakra growth further. The most significant change was the expansion of his chakra reserve. To put it simply, if he had 30 units of chakra before, he now had 45, due to the activation of his Sharingan.

(A.N: I can explain this, guys. Izumi Uchiha was the youngest person to awaken the Sharingan. When her father was killed by Kurama (Nine Tails) during Obito's assault, Izumi was able to awaken her Sharingan at just five years old. But as a five-year-old, she shouldn't have had any chakra to use Sharingan, yet somehow, she managed. I think awakening your Sharingan also increases your chakra.

Also, for convenience, I'm writing chakra in units so that there's no confusion. One unit of chakra means he can make one Shadow Clone.

I'm open to suggestions 😊)

Now Kaida had 45 units of chakra, compared to Ryota's 11 units. Kaida already had a massive amount of chakra, though it was still not even 1/5th of what an A-rank ninja possessed. As for S-rank ninjas, there was no comparison.

The next day, Kaida woke up from his sleep, the exhaustion from the mission and training gone. After a satisfying stretch and the sound of cracking bones, he was heading toward the bathroom but suddenly stopped and sat down in a lotus position.

'I wasn't wrong; my chakra has increased. It's at least 1.5 times what it was before. How does Sharingan increase chakra? This is too OP. I'm really lucky to have these cheats in my transmigration. Though it comes with a death sentence, if I become powerful enough before that, I think I can at least run from Itachi.'

Happy with his discovery, Kaida created ten Shadow Clones to clean the house and cook food while he went to take care of his morning routine. When he returned to the hall, Yomi was already waiting—not for him, but for breakfast to be prepared.

"Hey Yomi, how was your practice this time?"

"Well, what do you expect? I've already learned the Body Flicker Jutsu. Though it takes some time and chakra consumption is high, I can travel half a kilometer every time I use it."

"That's great!"

"What were you training with Yukihiro-sensei this time?" Yomi asked.

Kaida smiled and activated his Sharingan.

"What?" Yomi exclaimed. No one in Konoha was unfamiliar with the Sharingan, as the Uchiha were responsible for the village's safety and managed the police department. Yomi was shocked to see Kaida's Sharingan.

"Hahaha, I awakened my Sharingan during the mission, so Sensei wanted to train me to use its power," Kaida explained.

"Damn, you were already more powerful than me, and now you even have Sharingan. Life sure is unfair, huh?"

"Says the girl with Lightning chakra."

"Umm, now will you go to the Uchiha compound?" Yomi asked, her voice barely audible.

"Of course not. They didn't want me when I didn't have Sharingan, and now I don't want them."

Yomi sighed in relief at Kaida's reply.

"So what should we do now? Since Yukihiro-sensei told us to meet him at 7 AM, we still have 2 hours."

"Did you meet Ayame after that time?"

"Yes, I sent a clone to the hospital. She was with her father, and when I met her,"

"Well, that was expected. Let's go for a walk around the village."


After eating a breakfast that could compare to a sumo diet, they went out for a walk.

After roaming around the whole village, they arrived at Training Area 55 before 7 AM, only to find Ryota and Kiba already waiting there.


Kiba saw Kaida and became happy. Kaida went to him and started scratching behind his ears, treating him as usual.

"Hey Ryota, how are you?" Kaida asked.

"Great, but Kaida, why do you smell more powerful now?"

Kaida once again activated his Sharingan. with a smug smile on his face

"What? Now you even have Sharingan?" Ryota had a similar reaction to Yomi, as it was the first time he noticed Kaida's Sharingan. During the mission, Ryota had been focused on saving hostages and later worrying about his friends' safety.

Because Kaida's eyes were already red, Ryota had missed his Sharingan during the mission.


(A.N:follow for more updates ^~^)

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