Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 47: D Rank missions

After sleeping for 22 hours, Kaida woke up at 3 AM. Without wasting any time, he went to his previous training location to try out the new seal Yukihiro had given him.

First, as instructed, he set the weight to 10 kg and started doing push-ups. After just a few reps, he began to feel the effects of the weight, and a question arose in his mind: *How much weight is my limit?*

To answer that, Kaida started to slowly increase the weight. At 25 kg, the effect of the weight became apparent; he walked around a little bit and continued to increase it.

At 50 kg, he started having difficulty walking. At 75 kg, he was walking at a literal crawling pace. 100 kg was his limit. In the end, he coated his whole body in chakra, and with its help, he was able to move with 100 kg, though it was at the same pace as when he was carrying 50 kg.

Kaida continued his exercise like this, and after one hour, his chakra reserve was halved. He stopped using chakra and reduced the weight to 10 kg.


A huge amount of pain assaulted his body. Even though the chakra had allowed him to exercise while carrying 100 kg, it wasn't something his body could normally handle. His body was taking all the damage, while chakra was providing enough power to do the exercise as well as slowly healing the damage.

Kaida coated his body in chakra again and just lay there. Now that the chakra was only working on healing his body, his recovery sped up, and in 30 minutes, he was good to go.

(A/N: No, he doesn't know any medical jutsu; it's just one of the properties of chakra that increases the natural healing of the body. This is why ninjas heal faster than civilians.)


Kaida went back to his house. Since they had a huge feast the day before, he decided to just eat a nutrient bar. Due to constant eating out and other expenses, their balance had dropped to 9,540 Ryo from 24,000 Ryo.

They hadn't received their monthly allowance for this month, so he decided to stick with the nutrient bar for now. Since their training had just ended, Yomi didn't come to call Kaida for morning training, and Kaida did the same.

At 6 AM, both of them got ready and went to the Hokage's office. Since Hiruzen was expecting them, they didn't have to wait long.

"Congratulations to both of you! You've completed your elemental training, and Kaida, you even learned kenjutsu too. Very good, very good."

"Thank you, Grandpa," both of them said.

"As you know, there was a plan to have four parts in your academy training, after which you would become genin. You've already completed three parts. But for the fourth part, where you would learn a specialization, you'll have to wait. After you complete some missions and gain practical experience, then you can choose your specialization."

Before both of them could fully comprehend it, Hiruzen started speaking again.

"You were already promoted to genin earlier, remember?"

With sudden realization, both of them said, "Yes, Grandpa."

"Being a genin means you are now adults, so you will no longer receive a stipend like before. On the other hand, you can take missions from the assignment desk at the academy.

Though you can only take D-rank missions for now, when there's another ready to be promoted to genin, and your team can get a third member, I'll assign you a sensei, and you can take C-rank missions too. Oh! I forgot to ask if you even want to be in a team or not."

Yomi swiftly said, "We want to be on the same team, Lord Hokage." Kaida just nodded his head.

"Hahaha, okay." Hiruzen knew this, but due to his manipulative habits, he had to make himself look like a loving grandpa to the children. Hence, such antics, which Kaida understood. Kaida was always more careful around Hiruzen than even Danzo because of these manipulative tendencies.

"Also, you can only take missions together—no solo missions allowed."

"Yes, Grandpa."

After talking about some nonsense about the 'Will of Fire' for a while, they were allowed to leave. When they were outside the Hokage's office, Kaida turned to Yomi.

"Yomi, let's check out some missions now. Our balance is very low, so let's earn some money," Kaida said, and Yomi could have sworn there was money written in his eyes.

"Okay." She had never once asked about money; Kaida managed the expenses for both of them.

They went to the academy desk and presented their genin cards. Normally, they wouldn't be able to take any missions without a chunin or jonin as their sensei, but due to special permission from the Hokage, they could.

"How many maximum missions can we take at a time?" Kaida asked.

Normally, such a question wasn't asked, since new genin usually didn't want to do D-rank missions as they were normal chores.

"At max, you can take eight missions, and after completing them, you can take more."


Kaida went ahead and picked eight normal missions like transporting things, cutting trees, and even cleaning cows.

"Yomi, make seven shadow clones," Kaida said. Yomi instantly understood why Kaida had taken eight missions.

Normally, they wouldn't be allowed to use any jutsu during D-rank missions, but since there was no one to stop them, they decided to use it to their heart's content.

Kaida also made seven shadow clones but with double the amount of chakra so that if they needed to use chakra during the mission, his clones could handle it.

After sending the clones off to their respective missions, Kaida and Yomi each went on one mission themselves to avoid any objections about misusing their jutsu to earn money.

The mission they chose involved transporting objects from one place to another. It paid the most, and upon reaching the location, they understood why. There were so many items that they would have to make multiple trips to transfer everything—IF they weren't allowed to use chakra.

Kaida quickly made four shadow clones. Two used the Transformation Jutsu to turn into a cart and a buffalo, and the other two started loading the items. Kaida went to inform the contractor that they would be transferring all the objects at once.

The contractor was a middle-aged man with an average face and build—he looked like a typical next-door neighbor. Kaida showed him the request paper and said, "Sir, we'll be transferring all the items at once. You may check to ensure nothing is left behind."

The man didn't quite understand what Kaida was saying, as there were so many items that he had to hire a ninja. Otherwise, the only other option was a more expensive cart.

When he reached the loading area, he was shocked to see someone who looked exactly like Kaida loading the items onto the cart. However, he wasn't new to the ninja world and quickly understood that the person must have used some jutsu.

"Umm, sir, we can't afford the cart."

"My name is Kaida, and you don't have to worry about the cart; the price is the same."

"Oh, okay. My name is Shomi."

When all the items were loaded, the contractor came to Kaida and asked, "Kaida-san, can we sit on the cart with the items?"

Not seeing any problem with that, Kaida agreed. Then, a girl peeked out from behind the man.

"Oh, this is my daughter, Amaya. She's 12 this year."

Both Kaida and Yomi were shocked to hear this, as they were just 8, and they looked older than her.

"Hey, my name is Yomi, and I'm 8 this year."

Seeing the confused look on his daughter's face, Shomi explained that ninjas grow up quickly.

After a small introduction, they departed for their destination. Along the way, Ayame kept stealing glances at Kaida, but he ignored her. Yomi, seeing this, became happy.

When they reached the location, they unloaded the items and got the contractor's signature to confirm the mission's completion.

By then, all their clones had completed their missions. They all met in front of the academy, and Kaida collected all the papers that signified the completion of the missions.

He went ahead and submitted all the papers, then took on new missions. The instructor was baffled, as he had expected them to complete these missions in at least three days.

Similarly, they completed the next eight missions as well. Since it was 6 PM by the time they finished, Kaida didn't take on any more missions.


A.N: Thanks for Reading ^~^

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