Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 112: Memory Extraction

"You seem to be in a good mood," Shisui asked.


"I sure am. I'm finally allowed to treat patients. Now I’m feeling like a real medical ninja," Kaida replied.


"Good for you, mate. Do you want to take a rest or start training?" Shisui asked.


"Training, of course," Kaida said, taking out the soldier pill and eating it.


"Okay. Since you've learned the False Surroundings Jutsu, you should know that genjutsu can also be used to extract information from enemies. This jutsu can reveal weaknesses or fears that the target may not even be aware of. Similarly, it can be used to gather intel, but it's not often used because it's easier to just hypnotize the enemy and ask them directly. But if you can master this, your control over genjutsu will greatly improve. I’ll also teach you how to hypnotize your opponent, but only after you’ve learned this," Shisui explained.


"Do I have to use rats for this again?" Kaida asked.


"Of course. Extracting memories from a shadow clone is much easier, so even if you learn how to do it with a clone, it won’t be the same as with a real target," Shisui said.


"Normally, this jutsu works better on humanoid targets, like monkeys, but since you use so many clones and I don’t want to lower the monkey population, stick with using rats for now," Shisui added. There was a reason he mentioned humanoid targets, and Kaida, with his experience clearing out bandit camps, understood immediately.


A wide grin appeared on Kaida's face. Seeing this, Shisui thought, *I should also teach him how to mask his emotions* and asked, "Do you have the mice you captured before?"


"No, brother. They were a nuisance, so I got rid of them," Kaida replied, but he had made sure they didn’t feel any pain.


"No problem. Go catch some more," Shisui said, using the Body Flicker Jutsu to rest on a nearby tree.


Following the command, Kaida made 60 shadow clones and sent them out to find mice. After half an hour, many returned with one or two mice each. Shisui descended from the tree and said, "Since we're dealing with the brain here, try not to force the jutsu or you'll make your target brain-dead."


Kaida nodded in understanding. Shisui continued, "Good. Now, do you remember how you were able to extract the fear from your target using the False Surroundings Jutsu?"


"Yes, brother. My chakra went to a specific part of the brain. After circulating my chakra there, I got the memory, and the target saw it too," Kaida replied.


"The circulation is the key. Our memories are stored in the hippocampus and other related structures in the brain’s temporal lobe. Your goal is to completely cover that part of the brain with your yin chakra, then circulate it in a specific pattern. Different circulations will give you different memories. I’ll teach you the basic ones first," Shisui explained.


"Okay, brother," Kaida said, activating his Sharingan. Shisui split his chakra into yin and yang in a 91:9 ratio, matching Kaida's capacity. He directed the chakra toward the rat’s brain, circulating it in various patterns while explaining each one to Kaida.


After several repetitions, Shisui asked, "Any doubts?"


"No, brother," Kaida said, beginning his training. Shisui supervised for a while, then returned to the house.


Having taken a soldier pill, Kaida had more energy for training. He trained with 60 shadow clones for two hours. Once he got the hang of the technique, he sent 50 clones to complete missions, leaving 30 to continue genjutsu training.


Kaida himself decided to use his excess contribution points. With 30,000 points, he booked the Fire Room for 10 hours. While his clones handled missions, he trained his chakra nature.


The next morning, Kaida arrived at the training area where most of his clones were running low on chakra after 10 hours of training. The mission clones had already dispersed due to chakra depletion. In that time, Kaida had completed 312 D-rank missions, enough to finish 2,000 missions within three days. He created 50 new clones and sent them out again. Then, he dispersed the genjutsu training clones.


*‘So I can extract recent memories, but the older memories I try to reach, the more damage I cause to the brain. I’ll have to be careful with how I circulate my chakra. Since I don’t need many clones at the hospital, I’ll keep some for genjutsu training,’* Kaida thought, creating 10 more clones to continue practicing while he returned home.


Normally, he’d eat nutrient bars for efficiency, but knowing his aunt would worry if he didn’t eat properly, Kaida decided to have breakfast at home. At 6:00 AM, he arrived to find his family sitting together drinking tea, and he joined them.


"Were you able to make any progress?" Shisui asked, sipping his tea.


"Yes, brother. I can read recent memories, but the further back I try to go, the harder it becomes," Kaida replied.


"Can you two not talk about training for a while?" Hae teased.


They chatted about smaller things, and Kaida was forced to eat a hearty meal since he wouldn’t be back until the next morning.


After breakfast, Kaida went to the hospital, took his supplements, and treated patients. Since he wasn’t charging for his services, the number of patients continued to increase. After 4:00 PM, Kaida returned to the Fire Room, dispersed the old clones, and created new ones. This was his routine for the next three days.


Since Kaida was focusing on ninjutsu, he didn’t measure his progress, only aiming to increase his fire chakra. By the time he realized just how much it had grown, both he and everyone around him would be shocked—but that was for the future.




**(3 hours before the soldier pill's effect ends)**


One of Kaida’s clones tasked with taking missions arrived at the training area and said, "We’ve completed 2,000 missions. Should we continue?"


"No, this is enough," Kaida replied, dispersing all the mission clones. Then, he headed to clan headquarters to claim his contribution points.


There, he learned that Fugaku had considered his idea, and after a month, the land might be included in the reward list.


Kaida was thrilled. With three hours remaining, he returned to the training area and created as many shadow clones as he could. For the next two hours, 83 clones practiced genjutsu. One by one, they began dispersing after the training was complete.


Since they had similar memories, Kaida didn’t suffer any headaches. Afterward, he returned home, ate the food prepared for him, and rested for 20 hours.


The next day, Kaida woke up at 5:00 AM. After completing his morning routine, he meditated until it was time for morning tea. After tea and breakfast, he went to the hospital, only to find...

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