Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 105: Getting Serious

"Which one? As you know, they come in various price ranges," the receptionist asked.


‘I’ve earned around 120k Ryo from the 30 missions I did. For now, let’s use it for Focus Pills,’ Kaida thought and asked, "Is there a soldier pill around 100k?"


"Yes, there’s one for 80k and one for 110k."


"What’s the difference in their benefits?" Kaida asked.


"The 80k pill is good enough for elite jonin. It can replenish chakra 6 to 8 times faster than the normal recovery speed, and it also boosts the body’s natural recovery for a while.


As for the 110k pill, it gives the same benefits, except the chakra recovery speed is 12 times faster."


"I’ll take the 110k one," Kaida said, handing over the money.


The receptionist nodded and gave him the soldier pill.


After taking the pill, Kaida went directly to the training area in the Uchiha compound and consumed it.


As soon as he took the pill, Kaida felt his chakra pathways expand, and his body became ready to absorb chakra from his surroundings at a rapid pace.


He quickly made 9 shadow clones with 10 percent of his chakra, then meditated for 10 minutes. He repeated the process, making 9 more shadow clones until he had created 80 in total.


After that, he went to the Uchiha clan headquarters and took on 100 D-rank missions.


"Are you sure? I know your track record for completing these missions is good, but 100 is a little too much for you alone," the receptionist in charge of missions asked.


"I know my limits. If I can’t complete them on time, I can always ask my brother for help," Kaida said.


The receptionist remembered that Kaida was Shisui’s brother, so he nodded and assigned all the missions to him.


After taking the missions, Kaida returned to the training area, where his clones were waiting. He created one more shadow clone using 50% of his chakra and gave it all the mission details.


"You’ll be in charge of submitting the missions and taking on more. Here’s my ID," Kaida said to the clone. Then, turning to the rest of the clones, he continued, "As for you guys, complete these missions as fast as you can. Once done, come to him and take more missions. Do this until your chakra runs low."


The clones nodded and went off to complete the missions.


With 10% of Kaida’s full chakra reserves, each clone had the same amount of chakra as a chunin, which meant mission completion would be very fast.


Satisfied that his training resources were covered, Kaida returned to the training area and created 5 shadow clones. Three of them used the Transformation Jutsu to turn into swords.


"Now, let’s focus on kenjutsu," Kaida said as he picked up a sword. The other two clones also grabbed swords.


Since they shared Kaida’s memories, they knew what he had in mind: a 2 vs. 1 sparring match.


Kaida activated his Sharingan and got into a stance. His clones took the cue and began attacking him.


Thanks to his already high defense and the power of his 2-tomoe Sharingan, defending against the two clones wasn’t much of a problem for Kaida. After practicing for an hour, Kaida said, "Warm-up is over."


He then made 10 more shadow clones, 5 of which transformed into swords.


This time, it was 1 vs. 7, with Kaida aiming not just for defense but also offense. To be on the safe side, they didn’t use chakra flow, which could be deadly.


After a 5-minute break, the sparring resumed. Fifteen minutes later, Kaida was standing alone on the ground.


‘Looks like I underestimated the power of the Sharingan again. It was like I could see the future. After some more practice, their attacks won’t even touch me,’ Kaida thought.


Even though he had won the sparring match, his clones had managed to land a few hits on him. However, since it was just training, they stopped before the attacks connected. If this had been a real fight, Kaida would have had 10 to 12 cuts on his body.


‘This is good practice. Let’s continue this until my brother comes back,’ Kaida thought as he created 14 more shadow clones.


Once again, the sparring resumed, but this time, Kaida didn’t use his Sharingan. He wanted to see how much he relied on it in kenjutsu.


After half an hour, Kaida stood alone on the ground again.


‘This time, I almost took 40+ hits, which is four times more than when I used the Sharingan. I need to focus on improving my kenjutsu without relying on the Sharingan, in case I’m unable to use it.’


Kaida continued practicing kenjutsu until midnight. However, his clones, which had been completing missions, began dispersing one by one. Kaida stopped his practice and started meditating to avoid a headache from the incoming memories.


After half an hour, all of his clones had dispersed except for the one holding 50% of his chakra.


That clone used the Wind Instantaneous Movement Jutsu to reach Kaida. Since Kaida had already received the clones' memories, he had a rough idea of how many missions they had completed, but he still asked for the report.


"We completed 240 D-rank missions, and the clan leader wants to meet you," the clone reported.


"Did we break any rules by doing the missions this way?" Kaida asked.


"I don’t think so. If we had, the order would have been more serious," the clone answered.


"Looks like I’ll have to go there to find out the problem," Kaida said, dispersing the clone.


Using the Wind Instantaneous Movement Jutsu, he quickly reached the Uchiha clan headquarters. He approached the receptionist and said, "The clan head asked to see me."


"He’s waiting for you in his office," the receptionist replied, pointing toward the stairs.


Kaida nodded and headed to Fugaku’s office.




*Knock Knock*


"Come in," Fugaku said.


"You called for me, Fugaku-sama?" Kaida asked, bowing slightly.


Fugaku nodded. "Yes. I wanted to ask why you’ve been doing so many D-rank missions. According to the reports, you’ve completed around 300 D-rank missions. If you had done that many C-rank missions, you could’ve been promoted to B-rank," Fugaku said.


"As you may know, I’ve completed most of those missions with the help of shadow clones. I selected D-rank missions because clones can easily handle them. Even if they fail, no one gets hurt. I can’t send clones on C-rank missions alone, since most are escort missions, and if a clone fails, someone’s life could be in danger," Kaida explained.


"You still haven’t answered why you’re doing so many D-rank missions," Fugaku pressed.


"The reason is simple, Fugaku-sama. I want resources for my training, and D-rank missions are the fastest way to earn them," Kaida said.


‘That may be true for you, brat. Who else has chakra reserves large enough to do D-rank missions in bulk?’ Fugaku thought, sensing Kaida’s immense chakra.


"So, you plan to keep doing D-rank missions?" Fugaku asked.

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