My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily

Chapter 1036 - : Reviewing the Documents for the Experimental Class

Chapter 1036: Reviewing the Documents for the Experimental Class

The teachers at Capital University were elites from all walks of life, and those responsible for teaching the focused classes each had achieved the highest international recognition in their respective fields and were all bigwigs in academia. Hence, Gu Mang felt that it wasn’t appropriate for her to become a teacher when she hadn’t even graduated from university.

Principal Ren nearly choked when he heard that. “Let’s be real here; you’re not really here just for the graduation certificate, right?”

Gu Mang said nothing.

Capital University was the best institution in the country after all. Whoever dared to say that they were there just to get a graduation certificate would immediately learn that things wouldn’t be as easy as they think. Of course, this wasn’t applicable in Gu Mang’s case.

“You graduating is like jumping from first grade to eighth grade. I’ll give you two months to graduate with the current graduating batch. I’ll start preparing your valedictorian speech as well.”

He’s got it all planned out. The corners of Principal Ren’s eyes couldn’t help twitching slightly, although what Yang Tianming said was true.

“Is there even a need to doubt your abilities?” Yang Tianming posed yet another question. “Not only are you the International Medical Competition’s champion, but nine of your formulas were also sent to the International Joint Medical Association and named after you. The graduation certificate is nothing compared to all these.”

Gu Mang remained silent.

Lu Chengzhou used to study at Capital University and had spent six months each in the computer science experimental class and the artificial intelligence experimental class, learning everything he could and couldn’t learn. However, he was asked to graduate early as the various internationally renowned award-winning academicians and professors were afraid that he would end up crushing his classmates’ confidence.

That said, being a student was different from being a teacher, and this was especially so for the founder, who was basically responsible for everything from the curriculum to the teaching materials. There were many complicated things involved, and there would only be more things to deal with as the TCM experimental class was just starting out.

“Don’t worry, even if you agree to be in charge of the focused class, you can still continue to attend the Medical Informatics classes and research projects.” Principal Ren looked at Gu Mang as he went straight to the point, saying, “I’m sure you’ll be able to multitask just fine.”

The two highly respected leaders of the medical field stared at Gu Mang with sparkling eyes.

At that, Lu Chengzhou said, “Actually, it might be a little difficult for her.”

Principal Ren and Yang Tianming turned to look at Lu Chengzhou in confusion.

Lu Chengzhou squeezed Gu Mang’s fingers as he gently said, “She’s pregnant now, so she can’t handle so many things at the same time.”

Yang Tianming looked at them in shock as he blurted out, “P-pregnant? Didn’t you guys just hold your wedding?”

“Yes, but she’s in the fifth month of pregnancy already. She gets sleepy and tired really easily lately,” answered Lu Chengzhou with a nod.

Yang Tianming’s eyes bulged. “S-she’s already in her second trimester?!”

Even Principal Ren could hardly believe his ears. Just moments ago, I was thinking that Gu Mang was likely the youngest student in our university to have gotten hitched. But now, he’s saying that she’s pregnant and in her second trimester!

Despite having been in high positions for years, Principal Ren and Yang Tianming completely forgot to control their facial expressions at this moment. Their mixed feelings could be seen in their eyes.

Gu Mang silently glanced at the calm and aloof-looking Lu Chengzhou before saying to the other two, “I can get Yu Zhongjing’s team to come up with the exam questions for the experimental class’s pre-selection round. Once the name list is out, let the students do experiments with Yu Zhongjing’s team.”

Principal Ren had initially planned to form a team of teachers from Capital University with Gu Mang being the chief professor for the TCM experimental class, but after hearing the news that Gu Mang was pregnant, he reckoned that this plan would have to be delayed for a couple of years. He didn’t expect Gu Mang would let Yu Zhongjing’s team take charge instead.

Yu Zhongjing was just an honorary dean at Capital University because he was usually busy in the lab aside from attending various major summits. Capital University’s grooming project wasn’t important enough to invite him over to teach. Hence, Principal Ren and Yang Tianming were pleasantly delighted to hear what Gu Mang said.

“Elder Yu will be teaching the students?” Principal Ren tried his best to contain his excitement as he leaned forward slightly.

Gu Mang nodded. “I’ll come up with a teaching plan with Yu Zhongjing and his team to finalize the core curriculum first. It’s just that the class might only officially start a year later.”

She didn’t really have the energy to care about these matters now, so she decided to get Yu Zhongjing to teach the students some stuff first.

“Sure, sure, no problem.” Principal Ren and Yang Tianming hurriedly agreed. “Let’s wait until your child is born.”

Lu Chengzhou didn’t comment on the matter as he could help Gu Mang with stuff like coming up with the curriculum.

Yang Tianming looked at Gu Mang hesitantly. “Uh, so will you still be attending Professor Tang’s classes these few months?”

Gu Mang hummed an acknowledgement. “Professor Tang intends to build a medical information network, so he’s been asking me to come back.”

Basically, it would be a highly intelligent network that provided data analysis on the patients’ condition. As it would also require a lot of electrical equipment in the later stages, it was considered the largest project Professor Tang had in recent years.

Although he currently wasn’t present due to a surgery that he had to perform, Principal Ren and Yang Tianming knew about the medical information network as well. In fact, this project had received a lot of attention from both the medical community and a lot of medical device companies.

As Yang Tianming thought about the next course of action, he said, “Gu Mang, then let’s start preparing for the experimental class first.” She needs time to prepare her materials as well.

“Okay,” answered Gu Mang as she sipped on her cup of water.

The office building was some distance away from the Medical Faculty.

After sending Gu Mang to the entrance of the Medical Faculty, Lu Chengzhou positioned himself to face her with his head bowing slightly. “Remember to take your meal on time. I’ve already made arrangements at World Restaurant. Just send me a message if you want to eat my cooking. I’ll come early to pick you up in the afternoon and make it for you tonight.”


Lu Chengzhou continued. “Don’t do any experiments that involve radiation. If you need to move anything in the lab, get Lu Qi to do it for you.”

Gu Mang nodded.

“I’ve already got someone to check all the elevators in the Medical Faculty; they’re working fine. But be careful when you’re using the stairs.” Lu Chengzhou went on rambling, “Drink more water, and give me a call if you feel unwell. Also—”

“Lu Chengzhou,” Gu Mang interrupted with a frown. “Do you have prenatal anxiety?”

Silence lingered in the air for a couple of seconds.

“Me? Prenatal… anxiety?” Lu Chengzhou repeated slowly.

Lu Yī and Lu Qi, who were standing next to them, let out a cough as they tried hard to hold back their laughter, their facial muscles twitching slightly as they did so. They had only heard about expectant mothers suffering from prenatal anxiety and had never seen any man suffering from it.

Lu Chengzhou fell silent as he looked at Gu Mang’s flat belly. “Can it happen to me too?”

“No? But you’ve been nagging since last night.” Gu Mang paused before saying, “I’m sick of listening to your nagging.”

She’s sick of my nagging? She’s sick of me? Lu Chengzhou stared into her eyes and exhaled before leaning closer toward her and whispering, “We’ve just gotten married, but you’re starting to get sick of me already? Can you not be such a scumbag?”

When Gu Mang didn’t say anything, he held her chin between his fingers and rubbed his thumb over it. “Fine, I won’t nag anymore.”

Gu Mang raised an eyebrow as Lu Chengzhou turned to Lu Qi. “Have you memorized the contents in the document I sent you yesterday?”

In Lu Qi’s hand was a bag that contained snacks that Lu Chengzhou had specially prepared for Gu Mang.

“Yes,” replied Lu Qi respectfully as he bowed his head.

Lu Chengzhou then retracted his gaze and caressed Gu Mang’s face while speaking gently, “I’ll come pick you up in the afternoon.”


After Lu Chengzhou left, Gu Mang entered the Medical Faculty with Lu Qi.

Because it was currently lesson time and the postgraduate students were in the lab, not many people were lingering outside in the corridors. Basically, everyone recognized her because she was famous in school; their gazes kept roaming toward her when they noticed her presence.

Gu Mang entered the elevator with Lu Qi. Once the doors closed, she faced him and asked, “The document that Lu Chengzhou sent you yesterday… Is it related to me?”

“Yes,” answered Lu Qi truthfully. “He’s planned a timetable for you and listed out some things that I have to pay attention to regarding your diet.”

Gu Mang nodded and didn’t ask further.

It was almost 9 am by the time they reached the lab. The seniors were a bit surprised to see Gu Mang as it had been six months since they last saw her. One by one, they greeted her. “You’re back, Gu Mang.”

Gu Mang politely greeted back. “Seniors.”

All of them knew about Gu Mang’s marriage. A netizen had run a check on the Lu family’s background and found out that the Lu family was very influential in the capital. As such, the seniors were rather restrained when they saw her.

They didn’t know about Gu Mang’s other identity as all news concerning Gu Mang that came from Jijing Island had been suppressed. Hence, when they saw her talking to them as she did in the past without any airs, they gradually relaxed and behaved more naturally, although they were a bit confused to see Lu Qi enter the lab as well.

Lu Qi placed his bag down on the seat next to Gu Mang’s and then took a look at the time. Upon seeing that it was 9 AM sharp, he took out a thermos flask and handed it to Gu Mang. “Please drink water, Madam.”

Gu Mang, who was currently tidying up her table, received the flask from him and put it at the corner of the table.

“Madam, it’s time for you to drink water. You should drink it before you continue tidying up the table.”

Gu Mang paused and glanced sideways at him.

That one look sent Lu Qi shivering as he bowed his head. “This is the pregnancy timetable that Young Master Lu has arranged for you. Please make things easier for me by drinking the water on time.”

Everyone’s gaze collectively snapped to Gu Mang, their eyes bulging just like how Principal Ren and Yang Tianming did half an hour ago.

Gu Mang calmly picked up the flask and took a large gulp before continuing to tidy her table.

Although everyone in the lab had found out about Gu Mang’s pregnancy, nobody leaked the news.

Professor Tang, however, was somewhat glum to hear this when he returned from his operation at the university hospital. Everyone in the Medical Informatics field is busy with experiments and can’t help wishing there were 48 hours in a day. Everyone in the lab is single because they simply don’t have the time for love and relationships. Yet, not only did Gu Mang get married, but she’s even pregnant now. Really, she’s ahead of everyone in the lab in all aspects.

“Are you able to keep up?” asked Professor Tang.

Gu Mang nodded, “Yes.”

“Alright.” That was all Professor Tang asked. “Let me know if you need to take time off.”

“Will do. Thank you, Professor Tang,” replied Gu Mang.

Everyone then began doing their own work.

At 10 AM, Lu Qi reminded Gu Mang to get up and move around for a bit as she had been sitting for an hour.

Gu Mang did as he reminded and got up to make a trip to the clinical test room to prepare the things she needed for the experiment in the afternoon. She was done preparing the things in ten minutes and thus went back to the lab to continue writing her program.

At 11 AM, Lu Qi, who had been quietly sitting at the side, stood up once more and took out some nuts and fruits from his bag. He opened the box and placed them in front of Gu Mang. “It’s snack time, Madam.”

This is the third time. Gu Mang glanced at the nine-compartment lunch box with pursed lips. “Send me a copy of that document.”

Doing as told, Lu Qi immediately whipped out his phone and sent the document over.

While picking up a nut with one hand, Gu Mang clicked open the document with her other hand. The document read as followed:

Gu Mang’s Pregnancy Timetable

7.30 AM: Wake up and drink lemon water to detox

8 AM: Breakfast – porridge, fruit yogurt, and food high in calories and rich in vitamins)

9 AM: Drink water (Must drink more)

10 AM: Move around (Cannot let her sit or lie down for a long time, or she’ll feel uncomfortable)

11 AM: Eat snacks

12.30 PM: Nutritious lunch (Must eat more colorful vegetables and fresh fish. Gu Mang likes hot-and-sour fish and mala prawn.)

1.30 PM: Afternoon nap (She has to sleep with legs raised, or it’ll be easy for her to develop varicose veins. If she doesn’t want to sleep, she should go for a walk in the sun.)

3 PM: Drink more water and eat some fruits

6.30 PM: Dinner – sweet porridge (chestnut porridge or jujube porridge) (Cannot eat spicy and oily food. Go for a stroll after dinner)

Of course, there was no way Lu Chengzhou would possibly list the things Gu Mang had to do in the late evening in the document.

Knowing how naggy Lu Chengzhou had become, Gu Mang was certain that this document was a simplified version of what he had originally written.

Prenatal anxiety, huh? Speechless, Gu Mang saved the document to her favorites and her phone down to finish the snacks that had been prepared for her. After that, she drank another cup of water.

Lu Qi then packed everything up and returned to his seat in the corner. He continued to pretend to be invisible as he played games on his phone.

Everyone in the lab was quietly watching this scene.

Gu Mang tiredly massaged her temples before picking her phone up again to send a text to Lu Chengzhou. [Get Lu Qi to do his own thing.]

Lu Chengzhou’s subordinates were all very good at reading others’ expressions. They knew who to listen to when it came to certain matters. Even if Gu Mang wanted Lu Qi to leave and went as far as beating him up to make him comply, the latter would still get up and follow her around, and that would tire her out even more.

As soon as her message was sent, she saw Lu Chengzhou’s status change to ‘typing…’

She received his message a moment later. [What’s wrong? Did he make a mistake?]

[No,] she typed, [Just don’t make him stay at the medical school.]

Knowing the problem probably was, Lu Chengzhou said, [I’ll transfer Lu Si back and let him follow you instead. He can help you with the experiments.]


There was no need to guess how capable Lu Si was, seeing how he managed to become the Head of Jijing Island’s Department of Hematology. Yet, Lu Chengzhou wanted him to abandon his duties and come back to assist her? Gu Mang pursed her lips. [No, I want neither of them.]

Over on the other end, Lu Chengzhou walked out of the office building and got into the car after he finished settling Red Scorpion’s matters. When he saw Gu Mang’s reply, he sent a voice message over, saying, “Gu Mang, are you acting coy with me?”

Even through the bluetooth headset, Gu Mang could hear the amusement in his tone.

She received another voice message a second later. [Fine, I’ll let him leave. But you have to give me your word that you’ll reply to all of my reminder messages. I’ll also eat lunch with you every day.]

A few seconds later, Lu Qi stood up and walked over to Gu Mang’s side before saying respectfully, “Madam, I’ll get going now.”

Gu Mang nodded.

At noon, Gu Mang, who had arranged to lunch with Meng Jinyang and the others, saw Lu Chengzhou’s car parked outside as soon as she left the Medical Faculty.

On the other side of the road stood Meng Jinyang, Qin Yaozhi, and the others as they looked on in confusion. They volleyed their gaze between Lu Chengzhou and Gu Mang.

Gu Mang walked over to Lu Chengzhou’s side. “Young Master Lu, you’ll have to pay to see a doctor, but you won’t if you see me. I’ll do a test for you tonight. Prenatal anxiety is nothing to be ashamed about.”

Lu Chengzhou unwrapped a candy and put it into her mouth. “If you don’t behave, I’ll even suffer from prenatal depression.”

Tch, give him an inch and he wants a mile, thought Gu Mang.

Meng Jinyang and the others walked over.

Tang Xiaoxiao and Zheng Miao, who had attended Gu Mang’s wedding, almost shocked their parents to death when they returned home each with a real estate deed for a 600 square meter house at the city center. Their parents had checked the housing rate, and it was found that the deed was worth over thirty million yuan. As such, they couldn’t help but look up at Lu Chengzhou.

After greeting the newlyweds, Qin Yaozhi said, “Sis Mang, you go ahead and lunch with Brother Cheng. We’ll go to the canteen instead.”

As Lu Chengzhou held Gu Mang’s hand in his, he said, “No need, she made plans with you girls first. Let’s go to World Restaurant together.”

During the meal, Gu Mang told Zheng Miao and Tang Xiaoxiao about the TCM experimental class.

“Holy moly! Academic Yu’s team will be leading the class?!” Their eyes bulged in shock.

This team was practically a legendary existence within the country. Although Capital University was where almost all of the country’s top geniuses gathered, nobody could ever make Yu Zhongjing come out to teach a class. And now, he would actually be leading the experimental class. It was obvious who had made this happen.

Gu Mang nodded. “The research institute needs interns. You two can go there and learn first before trying out for the experimental class. But you guys have to be mentally prepared because the experiments there are really hard and stressful.”

“We’re going to Academician Yu’s research institute to learn?!” Zheng Miao and Tang Xiaoxiao’s faces flushed red with excitement.

“Yes, it’s more effective to combine textbook knowledge together with experiments. There’s no need to waste so much time on just the theory.”

Zheng Miao and Tang Xiaoxiao thought that they had lucked out. Not only did they each own a house in the capital, but they also had the chance to intern at the country’s top medical research institute even though they were just undergraduates. Their hearts palpitated hard.

Gu Mang’s chin was propped on one hand as she picked up the chopsticks with her other hand. “Calm down.”

Tang Xiaoxiao looked at her with tears in her eyes. “Waaah, how do you expect me to be calm?! I feel like I’m the luckiest person in this world and that I’m favored by the gods!”

“Waaah, me too! I love you, daddy,” cried Zheng Miao.

While Gu Mang was rendered speechless, Meng Jinyang and Qin Yaozhi were laughing their heads off. Lu Chengzhou, on the other hand, quietly sat at the side and served Gu Mang food.

The procedures for starting the TCM experimental class was cumbersome and required a lot of paperwork to be submitted for review. Gu Mang’s name was filled in as the founder.

The Ministry of Education.

The Department of Personnel was in charge of the teachers and education in higher educational institutions.

“Director, these are the documents from Capital University.” The assistant handed the file over.

Zhao Jin took the file. “That’s fast. It was just last month that Principal Ren mentioned the experimental class to me. I didn’t expect him to submit the documents so quickly.”

After giving it some thought, the assistant said somewhat seriously, “Director, do you know who they state in their documents as the in-charge of the TCM experimental class?”

The names of several famous professors in Capital University’s TCM faculty flashed across Zhao Jin’s mind. Although they were considered one of the leading professors in the local medical community, nearly none was competent enough for the chief professor position. While Yang Tianming barely made the mark, it wouldn’t be as meaningful to start the TCM experimental class if he was put in charge of it.

As Zhao Jin flipped through the documents, she said, “Is it Principal Ren? Or did they headhunt someone from the medical organization…”

Her voice suddenly trailed off.

While the documents about the chief professors of Capital University’s four other experimental classes consisted of several pages and were filled with honors and awards, there was only one page about the TCM experimental class’s chief professor. Most importantly, the information on it was short and simple. A large part of the A4 paper was blank with just a few words of introduction.

Zhao Jin’s gaze landed on the founder’s name, and she frowned. “Gu Mang?”

Her assistant nodded. “You probably had heard of her.”

Zhao Jin put the folder down with a smile. “Of course I have.”

The assistant thought so too. After all, Gu Mang’s name had trended online several times because she was a Capital University student who had also received a lot of attention from academia.

“Is Principal Ren out of his mind? Why would he put a freshman in charge of the TCM experimental class?” said the assistant. Even if she’s the champion of the International Medical Competition, she’s in no way comparable to the professors with a lot of experience. If this experimental class turns out successful, it will be where the medical community’s top geniuses gather. The difficulty level of Capital University’s four other experimental classes are comparable to that of the normal postgraduate classes, which will naturally be so for the TCM experimental class as well. What right does Gu Mang have to teach such a group of elites? Just because she married into the Lu family? Just because she has some background? Even if Principal Ren is trying to curry favor with the Lu family, he can’t do it like that.

“Gu Mang will be the chief professor, while Academician Yu will be the project leader?” Zhao Jin frowned and continued to flip through the documents. They want Academician Yu to assist Gu Mang? They’re totally out of their minds!

The assistant was fuming a little. He couldn’t stand to see people with no competence using their background to exert pressure on others. “Director, what do you think we should do with this?”

Zhao Jin threw the folder on the desk and pointed a cold finger at it. “Fail the review and return it to them.”

“Understood.” The assistant picked the document up.

Just then, someone knocked on Zhao Jin’s office door.

The two people inside turned their heads over, only the minister standing at the doorway. Zhao Jin hurriedly rose to her feet. “What brings you here, Minister?”

The minister gently asked, “Did Capital University send some documents for review this morning?”

Zhao Jin’s eyes darkened when she realized the purpose of the minister’s visit. “Yes, Capital University plans to start a TCM experimental class. They’ve just sent in the documents for review.”

The minister nodded. “Go ahead and sign it, then pass it to me when you’re done.”

As the reviewing of documents was more stringent for Capital University, the documents required the minister’s signature as well.

“Minister, do you know who’s on the name list?” asked Zhao Jin with a frown.

“You’ve seen it? Who is on it?” asked the minister.

“Gu Mang is listed as the chief professor, but she’s just a freshman at Capital University who trended online for winning the International Medical Competition last year.”

When the minister heard this name, he finally understood why the higher-ups wanted him to personally review the documents.

“I don’t intend to pass this review. Academia is different from other places; it’s where abilities speak. Isn’t Principal Ren afraid that Capital University’s reputation will be tarnished if he makes Gu Mang the chief professor?” Zhao Jin pursed his lips into a grim line. He’s taking the focused class too carelessly!

The minister hesitated a little, but upon remembering the order from his higher-ups, he looked at Zhao Jin and said, “You don’t need to care so much. Just sign them first. Principal Ren knows what he’s doing.”

Zhao Jin scoffed. “Are you sure Principal Ren isn’t muddled? He might have been resolute when he was young, but there are many people who make mistakes because of greed when they grow old.”

The minister naturally understood what she was talking about, but there was nothing he could do about it. “Just provide your signature. It’s an order from the higher-ups, so I can’t go against it either.”

So they’re just going to oppress people with power, huh? I knew it. Her reputation was built based on her background. With a completely darkened expression, Zhao Jin signed on the documents. However, because she used too much force, the paper ended up tearing a little.

That night.

As Zhao Huai took a sip of his soup, he looked at his younger sister sitting across from him. “What’s the matter? Had a bad day at work?”

All eyes turned to Zhao Jin.

Zhao Jin had actually married long ago. In the past, she used to come to the Zhao residence with her children and husband to have dinner every Friday. However, she had been staying at the Zhao residence these days as her children were in school abroad and her husband was on a business trip.

As Zhao Jin recalled what happened earlier in the day, she sneered. “Capital University plans to open a TCM experimental class. Take a guess at who the chief professor is.”

As a Capital University alumnus, Zhao Huai naturally knew some things as well. “I don’t think Capital University has any professor that’s competent enough to be the chief professor. Did they get Elder Yu or someone from the medical organization?”

“It’s someone you won’t ever expect,” replied Zhao Jin sarcastically. “Gu Mang.”

Everyone looked at Zhao Jin in shock.

Zhao Xinran asked, “Auntie, are you talking about that freshman from Capital University?”

Zhao Jin nodded.

The Zhao family was considered a part of the capital’s upper society, so they naturally knew about the sensational wedding between Lu Chengzhou and Gu Mang.

For a moment, nobody made any comments about this matter.

“Has Principal Ren gone mad? He’s letting a freshman be in charge of the experimental class and the chief professor on top of that?” Zhao Xinran scoffed.

“That’s not all.” Zhao Jin found it ridiculous just thinking about it. “They’re even making Yu Zhongjing as the project leader and Gu Mang’s assistant.”

“You should leave this matter alone. It’s likely that Capital University had Lu Chengzhou’s support when they made this decision; it’s not something that you can meddle with,” said Old Master Zhao to Zhao Jin.

Zhao Xinran remarked, “Grandpa, aren’t they afraid that Gu Mang will end up infuriating the entire academic community?”

“Didn’t Zhao Jin say that Yu Zhongjing is involved as well? With him leading the project, all Gu Mang needs to do is sit back and reap the rewards. By then, all the honors will be delivered to her,” said Old Master Zhao. It’s not anything unusual, although the honor isn’t usually shared with the people below. I’m just surprised that the Lu family will go to such lengths for that girl. They even managed to rope Yu Zhongjing in. They must’ve paid him a lot.

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