My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 94

Shinobu was the one who found me surprisingly not long after I landed in Kyoto to rest for a few hours in a Hotel and I could see she looked to be emotionally distraught as she stared me down from the window, she had attempted to climb through, but my deadpan stare made her freeze.

"This couldn't wait till I got a night's rest?" I asked tiredly and Shinobu snorted and jumped into the room all the way making me groan and not getting some rest, so I sat up.

"When a foreign god comes and destroys several square miles of inhabited city property and literally levels the red-light district with quote 'Black fire, lightning, and the world supposedly falling apart which ended up in cutting demons in half and leaving dozens dead and countless injured after the battle.'" She said making finger quotes and then after sitting down she continued. "Well, we demon slayers can't really complain as we literally haven't managed to kill an upper rank demon for more than a century but next time, please for the love of whatever god you pray to, don't fight in an inhabited area." Shinobu groaned and then I couldn't help but nod and thinking of how in both canon and now how the redlight district was basically destroyed as me and Gyutaro didnt hold back in our battle whereas in canon he didnt want to waste too much blood until it was when he was poisoned, then he flipped the board.

"So did you bring the Nichirin metal and the processed Wisteria." I asked trying to move past the aftermath of that battle and thankfully Shinobu seemed to of the same mind.

"Yes, I and a couple other low rank demons' slayers have brought a cart load of Wisteria poison pills as well as a few dozen ingots of the metal. Are you a blacksmith?" Shinobu asked me obviously curious as to why I wanted so much of the metal.

"Of a sort." I evaded lightly before a thought came across my mind about my fusing abilities. "Well in any case allow me to improve your sword to a much higher level and then you can start teaching me your breath style, is that fair?"

Shinobu nodded before she coughed. "Yes, it's not a problem at all but you should bear in mind that my insect style is based off my sisters flower style which is also a derivative of the water breathing style." She explained and I didnt really care as all the breathing styles originated from the Sun Breathing style and the more, I learned the more I could possibly make my own breathing style.

Hell, one day I may turn this breathing style information into a Cultivation method as it certainly is better than a number of low fantasy wuxia worlds martial arts.

I had basically given up on getting a night's sleep, so I followed Shinobu outside and I saw the perks of the insect style as Shinobu was able to use the large Hoari she was wearing to act like the cape Batman wore and would act like a parachute as she was able to fall from the fifth story room's window I was staying in without any problems.

"Here give your sword." I gently ordered with both of my hands outstretched to take her sword with all the respect that it deserved, and I knew Shinobu, hell I bet all the demon slayers probably slept with their sword, so it wasn't a surprise when she was obviously reluctant to give it away for some magical upgrade.

I set aside a few bottles of the Wisteria poison and then added a bucket of the Behemoth blood after telling Shinobu to fuck off and not breath in any of the lethal fumes as she didnt even have a falna to offset the toxins and I bet anything that a Breath User is more susceptible to toxic fumes.

"Fuse" I called out and the Wisteria, Behemoth blood fused into the purple sword making it glow lightly with rippling right, so I whipped out my all-seeing glasses after seeing Hestia was done playing with them as I was noticing Hestia has been putting and taking stuff in and out of our shared space rings, storage.

Though the stuff she has been putting in were like food and little notes telling me how she was missing me and how Bell got Eina pregnant, and they decided to wait till I got back to host their own wedding to make an honest woman out of Eina.

Either way I need to setup of a ceremony to solidify my relationship with Hestia and Freya as she is carrying my own child plus, I know seeing how Bell was getting married that they would get jealous and would want their own wedding regardless.

I turned away from those thoughts and looked through the glasses as Shinobu approached after I had bathed the area the blood may have spilled and even the area the black fumes from the blood drifted off to with a bit of black flames. -Final Sting- Delivers powerful toxins upon each stab of the blade with each stab bringing more concentrated toxins at additional mind cost- Gold- 'Huh a gold minus level item... Well either way she will need to practice and get used to the feeling of her mind being drained.' I thought.

"Here this weapon will suit you very well. Just do not under any circumstances spar or cut someone you don't want to kill with it." I warned her as I knew she had a penchant for training others and although she was likely able to cure most toxins... That blade I didnt imagine anything other than an Upper moon's regeneration being able to survive a minute under its effects.

After hearing from how people would literally melt into a slushy from the toxins emitted from the original monster it came from and how with multiple stabs that the toxins would be concentrated within the enemy she looked ecstatic as she had to rely on poisons to begin with so having such a toxin poison never running out on her sword made it much easier than her having to constantly sheath her sword and use the little mechanism's within to coat it in new poisons.

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