My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 83

I managed to book up a couple descent rooms at one of the inns at the town and admittedly it was pretty nice having some electric commodities again even if this place was still in the country during the early 1900's they still had light bulbs and running water latrines which although it wasn't a toilet, it was better than using an outhouse or like in Danmachi we had a sewer pipe we had to pour our waste and use a pump to force the water pressure to push it into the sewer system which for a culture without electricity was fantastic and probably the result of gods not wanting to smell sewage whenever they walked around Orario.

But either way I ended up having to share a single room with the whole Kamado family as they were terrified of a demon coming and me not getting to them in time to protect them. "Lord Jake how can we defend ourselves again those demons..." Tanjiro asked me obviously still shellshocked at the events an hour or so ago as he was the only one except Nezuko who perked up hearing Tanjiro's question.

The rest of the family was basically one big snuggle pile with all the younger kids holding their mother tightly under the blankets of the futon while I was resting against the wall with Tanjiro and Nezuko having not exhausted themselves with the walk into town.

"Demons as far as I know have three major weaknesses which the Wisteria flower which will destroy the bodies resistance and allows more poisons to be used, sunlight or metal that's absorbed plenty of sunlight, and lasty the biggest thing to kill demons is to decapitate them otherwise they will likely regenerate any wound you can give with more mudane means." I explained to Tanjiro and Nezuko who shared a look.

Nezuko quietly asked me the question I have been expecting. "Can you teach us..."

As much as I would love to simply take them under my wing, but I had a better plan, well except for the stupid as hell final selection that demon slayers undertake to join the demon slayer corps that kills ninety percent of all participates, I would prefer for Tanjiro and Nezuko to learn from the demon slayers as Nezuko would probably fit in with the insect or flower breathing style.

Tanjiro on the other hand had a bit of a special situation though.

"Tanjiro as I said before you have a certain martial art known as a breathing style that's the progenitor for all the breathing styles, so you need to learn how to make that sun dance into sword forms and should you master it, you will be practically unrivaled."

Seeing Nezuko pouting at me not giving her basically a cheat code I patted her on the head and continued. "Don't worry Nezuko I bet you will fit perfectly with the insect breathing style and it will be far easier to learn with an actual teacher which I will take care of for you."

With how much Nezuko liked kicked the heads off demons when she was one, I could see she is going to fit in well with the fast paced highly mobile insect style.

Feeling how late it was already as I had spent a couple hours with Kie before the whole fight with Muzan I gave Tanjiro and Nezuko and nudge back to their mother. "Now get some rest tomorrow is likely going to be eventful for me as I have to make contact with a Hashira coming to town."

The duo nodded tiredly and crawled back over to their mother and joined the pile of bodies sharing body heat as it was both cold and I imagine it was comforting after their close shave with death, as I myself had some nightmare after my first fight with a Goliath and more commonly with Alfia tearing me apart as she certainly was the most dangerous being I've ever fought.

'I am just going to get some shut eye for now.' I thought relaxing against the wall stud as I knew the paper walls wouldn't be able to support my weight and soon enough, I fell into a light slumber.


After a hearty breakfast I went down the bar that bordered the edge of town knowing that if the Hashira had already made their way into the town, it was likely he would have gone into said bar to get some local information about any disappearances or any other indications showing the presence indicating a demon was in the neighborhood.

"Yes, sir I saw a man wearing the demon slayer outfit people have talked about, oh like half an hour ago and he said he was going to investigate the edge of town and around the mountain for any signs of demons." The portly bar owner told me. I nodded at his information and had a decent idea where I could find Giyu so I tossed the bar owner a little silver piece for the information and went on my way.

'Now it might be best to head up the same path to where the Kamado house was.' I thought jumping on top of the buildings to so I didnt have to deal with foot traffic and start jumping between the buildings making phenomenal time as I made my way out of the town and as I ran up the mountain path, I could already see a different pair of shoes tracks in the snow as all the Kamado family were wearing straw covered boots and were a decent size smaller than this person.

"He's already making his way up the mountain." I muttered redoubling my speed and although the snow was slowing me down a bit my armor's intelligence angled itself into a bit of a wedge around my feet and shins so I didnt have to fight through the mid shin deep snow when I stepped out of the cart tracks, I made the previous night pulling the Kamado family into town.

Finally, after ten or so minutes hiking into the mountain I saw a man wearing a red and checkered coat as he slogged his way up the mountain.

Hearing me running and making a general racket Giyu Tomioka turned a bland look at me as he stopped and turned around.

"May I help you?" Giyu asked blankly like I didnt just walk up a damn mountain trying to track him down.

But I nevertheless gave a light smile as I made my helmet disappear so he could see my face and the way his eyes sharpened from the deadpan when my helmet burst into little motes of light certainly made my day. "Yes, yes you can help me. You see I need to hide a family which hold the original sun breathing method and Muzan attempted to attack us last night."

Giyu hearing how Muzan attacked me, and I could literally see the 'And how are you still alive?' expression coating his face so instead I simply raised a hand and coated it in purple flames. "Are you a demon?" He asked tensing.

"No, you fucking idiot, I am a magic user from Europe..." I muttered already feeling done with this guy.

Giyu blinked in surprise and pondered for a moment before reaching into a side pocket. "Here rub some of this Wisteria on your skin and if your skin doesn't boil that means you aren't a demon." He tossed a little cloth bag across the five or so meter space between us and when I took my eyes off him for a second to catch the little bag being thrown at me, I had to blast upwards as a blur shot forward and loud clang rang out as Giyu's sword clashed against my shoulder.

"Ok I am going to beat your ass like a bongo drum now, and then you can take me to meet the other Hashira whether I need to carry you is up to you..." I muttered as I took out my sword and just like back in canon, I was seeing how stubborn Giyu was as I imagined he thought I was just some demon pulling some bullshit with him and wanted to just cut off my head and be done with it.

I was already seeing how more skilled he was in classical sword play he was against me as he used his water breathing style to redirect my more powerful blows and tried to use my longer length blade against myself by getting to close but the thing was that I could fly and I had no compunctions in beating some sense into him so when he went for another one of his side dashes to hamstring me I met his sword and then grabbed his wrist as we locked blades.

"Hey Giyu, did you notice any demon mark in my eyes or any other mutations?" I asked conversationally as I flew straight up still holding Giyu and eventually I stopped going up when we were a good couple hundred meters in the air Giyu stopped trying to unpry my hands off the arm holding sword wielding arm.

His eye's just kinda twitched when I said that, and he then looked a bit sheepish. "Ah... my mistake, can you please put me back on the ground as these heights don't agree with me..."

'Damn emotionless bastard this why you have no friends...' I mentally groaned then drifted down back to the earth and just to be petty I dropped Giyu more than like ten meters from the ground making him roll in the snow to break his fall.

"Ok so now that you are sure I am not a demon, can you help me call together a meeting of the Hashira and meet your Order's master." I asked the frowning Giyu.

Eventually I was able to wrangle Giyu into allowing me to meet his Orders master and bring the Kamado family along with, as Muzan would either come again himself or more likely he would send his Upper Moons to decimate the town within the next couple days should we not make it plain that we were on the move.

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