My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 108: Victor meets the in-laws. 2

Chapter 108: Victor meets the in-laws. 2

'What did this boy just say? Scathach? Huh? Are they that close?'

Those were the thoughts of men. They know that when someone calls the name Scathach inappropriately, that person's chances of dying are over 99%, and if this man is saying her name so casually, it must have been allowed. After all, this is her mansion, so she must surely be listening in on the conversation from somewhere.

Natasha and Agnes were more shocked by something else, 'He just said he did the same thing to Scathach!? How is he still alive!?'

Unlike the two men, Natasha and Agnes were the ones who knew Scathach best, and both women knew how irrational this woman could be.

She is more irrational than them put together!

And for those who know Scathach and her irrationality to hear that someone spoke those same rude words to Scathach and survived... It was just too unbelievable.

The woman they knew wouldn't allow herself to be offended. She was too proud!

"Hey, Bitch. Don't stick your nose in subjects where you're not asked." Violet told her mother.

"Violet, respect your mother!" Agnes didn't like what Violet said.

"When you are a mother who respects me, I will respect you," Violet spoke in a dry tone.

"Ugh. This girl is so irrational; I wonder who she got that from."

"…" The people who knew Agnes well enough were silent, 'If it wasn't you who she got it from, who would it be!?' That's what they wanted to say, but they were silent.

Violet was the copy of Agnes when she was younger, with the only difference being that Violet is calmer than her mother.

"Darling, please don't tease our parents," Sasha spoke in a low voice.

"Yes, even though they are like that, they are still counts/ex-counts." Ruby continued in the same low voice.

"Hmm... I'll try, but I don't promise anything," Victor said. He knew a lot about his personality, and he knew he couldn't promise anything related to certain matters, mainly matters involving conflicts. He is the kind of man who pays for everything in the same coin.

If someone treats Victor kindly, Victor will be kind to that person, but... If that person treats Victor with a hostile attitude, it's a hostile attitude that they will receive from Victor.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and blood for blood. That's how his father raised him, and even after he turned into a vampire, that mindset didn't change.

"Well, I think that's enough?" Sasha didn't know how to feel hearing Victor's words.

"Yes, as long as you don't cause any problems, everything should be fine..."

Despite having said that, Ruby, Violet, and Sasha knew he would do something irrational. After all, they knew a lot about Victor's personality.

Suddenly, footsteps started to be heard, and soon a group of people arrived.

Yuki, Kaguya, Natalia, Maria, and Luna, the five maids.

Yuki and Kaguya are Victor's personal maids.

Natalia is Violet's maid.

Maria is Sasha's maid.

And Luna is the maid of Ruby and of the entire Scarlett Clan.

"Master." Yuki looked quite happy for a moment, but she quickly controlled her expression.

"Hi, my maid." Victor smiled.

Yuki couldn't help but flash a happy little smile; she wasn't forgotten!

"Master, you're back," Kaguya spoke.

"Yes, my maid." Victor continued with the same smile on his face.

".." Kaguya nodded with a slight smile on her face.

"Lord Victor," Maria spoke.

"Hi, Maria. How are you feeling?"

"Horrible." She was honest.

"That's a good thing." Victor was also honest.

"..." Maria's stoic face almost broke when she heard Victor's response.

"Are you feeding?"

"Yes, the maids are kind enough to bring me food... Although it's not fresh." As a Ghoul, her diet was based on human flesh and not blood. Honestly, she didn't even know how to feel anymore, to eat human flesh and find it tasty...

This experience left her very upset. But she had no choice since she didn't want to become a decaying and rotten creature like a zombie. At the end of the day, she's still a woman, and she cares what she looks like.

She had a lot of time to research her current race, and she found that if she eats human flesh, she could avoid a bit of the Ghoul's decay process... And that's what she did...

At the end of the day, she didn't want to become an irrational beast.

"I see..." Victor said, but he didn't sympathize with Maria's situation, "Try to eat well. It's good for your health." He learned of Maria's condition through his wives, and he found the situation amusing, the woman turning into something more horrible than she previously hunted.

"Where are the remaining girls?" Victor asked.

"Lacus is sleeping. Pepper is watching cartoons. Siena is doing some unfinished work. But, Countess Scathach, I don't know where she is. And June is in one of the rooms hiding in fear of being 'devoured' by the 'monsters' of this mansion." The person who answered was Yuki.

"It's not cartoons," Ruby muttered, 'why doesn't anyone understand this?' She thought.

"It's okay, it's okay. I understand you." Sasha patted Ruby's head.

"I don't want your pity," Ruby spoke in a cold voice.

"It's all right," Sasha spoke again with a sympathetic look.

"...Ugh, I think it was a mistake to introduce you to the anime world."

"..." Kaguya looked at Yuki with a dry look, as if silently judging her.


"Nothing." She didn't want to look petty since she knew that Yuki was also Victor's maid.

"June...?" Victor puts a hand to his chin as if thinking, "Oh, that greedy witch." He finally remembered her.

'Coming to think about it, I still have the card she gave me.' Victor thought.

"Why is she here?" He asked.

"I asked her to investigate something for Lady Sasha, and she came back with information," Natalia replied.

"Oh, that's a good thing. Let me know if you need anything." Victor didn't care too much because he knew that his wives would ask for his help if he was needed for anything.

"Of course." Natalia smiled.

"..." Natasha, William, Agnes, and Adonis were looking at Victor all the time as if sizing him up, and seeing how he spoke, seeing his gestures that looked like a natural leader, they couldn't help nodding in satisfaction.

'Scathach taught him well.' They think.

What they didn't know was that Victor was naturally like that, and he wasn't even trying to do anything.


In a place far from the royal capital, in a forest of many giant trees that could easily surpass the height of many buildings in the human world.

'Annoying, Annoying, what's this annoying feeling?'

Scathach was standing in the middle of the forest, and around her were several destroyed trees, the ground was broken, and in some places, a large amount of ice could be seen.

It was pretty obvious that she was taking out all her frustration and anger on the surrounding landscape.

After finding out that her disciple was climbing the stairs to adulthood, the uncomfortable feeling she had been feeling since she learned that today was Victor and Violet's meeting grew like a volcano erupting, and she was irritated!

And to make matters worse, she didn't even know why she was so angry, she just felt like breaking something or someone!

Because of that, to avoid doing something she regrets in the future, she decided to isolate herself a little. Maybe that would help her improve her mood.

Destroying some trees and mountains, maybe hunting some wild beasts, she had a lot of ways to calm down.

And it's been two days since she's been isolated in this forest. She tried everything to control her emotions; she even tried to meditate.


"This is not working." Scathach's red eyes were glowing dangerously. "I'm just getting angrier."

'You guys should know that it's pretty obvious that after the date, they're going to have sex.' She remembered Agnes' words again.



She stomped on the ground so hard that the ground broke into a cobweb shape.

"Why am I so angry!?" She punched the tree.


Unconsciously, she put in too much force, and the poor tree was evaporated from existence, and the damage didn't stop there. All the trees in a straight line suffered very serious damage.

"What is happening?" She had never felt this way in her life. In two thousand years of existence, she had never felt this irritating feeling in her chest.

Despite living a long time, Scathach was never a woman to get involved in relationships. Instead, she preferred to train and get stronger. She had a mindset that she had acquired since she was a little girl; The strong are always right.

Have you lost your farm to bandits? The culprit is you, who are weak!

They invaded your village, raped your wife, killed your daughter, and killed you? The culprit is you, who are weak!

Used you as a disposable pawn in a war!? The culprit is you, who are weak!

'Weakness disgusts me!' That was what the young Scathach thought.

She didn't want to be like those weak people, and, because of that, she trained, trained, and trained!

She evolved her power that in the past could only create a small ice cube into what it is today.

But as I spent two thousand years running the planet, and meeting new people, and experiencing new experiences, that mindset slowly began to change and form the personality that she has today.

She is much calmer than in the past, she is more understanding than in the past, she is much more experienced than in the past... Of course, this change only applies to those close to her.

But one thing that hasn't changed even after living so long is, "The strong are always right."

In fact, that mindset only strengthened when she saw kings, and emperors who built their country from scratch, fall into ruins in a few years because they weren't strong enough.

That mindset has been strengthened even more in all the wars she has fought in the past, 'If you don't have power, you will be trampled like an insect.'

She didn't want to be on the side of the people who lost.

Because of that, she never slackened her training.

Because of that mindset, she's strong now. Although since she was a little girl, she always liked to fight and train, which also helped her in her long journey.

"That smell…" She sniffed the air a little.

"Victor…" Slowly, her expression began to change.

Badump, Badump!

Her heart began to pound harder, and the thirst she was feeling began to become unbearable.

"My idiot disciple is back…." She spoke with a big smile on her face that showed all her sharp teeth, "I'll make him pay for making me feel like this~."

Her red eyes glowed even brighter, and soon she disappeared, leaving behind a destroyed forest.


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