My Terrified Yokai Academy School Life With Monster Girls!

Chapter 8: The Elegant, Graceful, Cold, and Aloof Silver-haired Moka!

Moka's shoulder trembled pitifully as she felt the shadow of Saizou’s gradually approaching figure — but despite the obvious fear that could be telling from her trembling shoulder — she didn’t let go of Tsukune; continuing to hold him in her arms, seemingly afraid to let go. 

‘‘I’m sorry...Sob, this all happened because of me. He wanted me and I got you involved in this,… I won’t leave you alone to face him again, Tsukune!’’ Moka softly said through choking tears. Her face seems to form a sad comforting smile while peering down at him. 

Moka… crying while smiling doesn't suit you, it’s ruining your appearance~! But nevermind that, we’ve no time for this emotional crap right now! Focus where my gaze is directed toward, idiot!

Notice the smile the Vampire girl tried to muster in their current situation, Tsukune had the strange urge to make a small joke about it, but with his priority on something more important. He stared intently at the Rosario Cross while meeting her eyes a few times, wanting her to quickly figure out what he was trying to tell her through the action. 

‘‘Hmm, ar- are you trying to say something…?’’ After finally noticing his strange action, Moka quickly deciphers the meaning. Yes! His inner voice couldn’t help but rise higher, as if leaping up in complete enthusiasm at that simple sentence of understanded from her.   

Moka saw Tsukune's once hopeless eyes instantly brighten up — though utterly confused, it almost caused her own despairing eyes to light up in the same manner. However, it didn’t last long, when she was able to figure out why his attention was so drawn toward her Rosario Cross. 

‘‘You meant the Rosario Cross… do you want me to take it off and show my true nature?’’ Although able to already guess his thoughts she still asks to confirm. Isn’t that obvious! Now hurry it up! Tsukune was practically screaming at her at this point in his mind.  


‘‘Sob...! I, I’m so sorry, but… I’m unable to take the Rosario off by myself.’’ Moka bitterly uttered, seemingly feeling useless that she couldn’t do anything, not even this.   

Dummy! I kinda already guessed that was the case, otherwise, why wouldn’t you take it off when we were being chased!? I’m requesting you to use my hand to pull it off! You were able to understand me clearly fine a little while ago, what’s the change!?   

Realizing she still hadn’t understood his complete intention, if Tsukune could move right now he would pull on his hair and scream in frustration. Unfortunately, he couldn’t use his body nor did he forget about the large ugly Monster thudding their way — though slow, but with them not far apart from said person to begin with. The distance was gradually shortening — all the way to the point where they could clearly hear his footsteps echoing like a beat of a drum in their ear. Obviously, this shows that the bastard would only need to take another few steps before standing right in front of them — towering over Moka and him with that hideous appearance!

‘‘I’m sorry. I really can’t— Um!’’ 

Noticing his gaze was still drawn to the Rosario Cross hanging down from her neck, as Moka was about to bitterly shake her head to let him know she truly was unable to take the Rosario off herself, the intense glare she received in return stopped her from finishing what she was saying. 

‘‘Umm. It’s not that?!’’ After receiving the intense glare from Tsukune, Moka came to a quick conclusion that this wasn’t entirely what he meant when directed her toward the Rosario Cross. ‘‘Then what…?’’ Moka sniffles as she dries her eyes with her hand.

Dammit, I’m asking you to have my hand pull the darn thing off! Tsukune desperately shouted in his mind; feeling like he had repeated the sentence way too many times already.

Watching the look in his eyes urging her strongly, Moka leaned her head closer to decipher the intent, grasping one of his hands in the process. However, at first, only wanting to grasp the hand for a sense of comfort, Moka’s eyes flicker in understanding when she notices his gaze lit in excitement when she makes contact with his palm.     

‘‘You wanted me to use your hand to—’’

‘‘Rosario this and Rosario that; have you two completely forgotten about my presence!?’’ 

The rest of Moka’s words were immediately stuck in her throat as the voice of her nightmare interrupted her. Her shoulders trembling and her complexion which was pale to begin with due to being a Vampire — became paler as Moka stiffened up almost immediately.   

Right behind Moka, Saizou, towering over and staring down at Moka with a deprived lustful expression, said, as he arrived close to the two. 

Seeing Moka trembling from his mere presence and Tsukune lying on her arm in a totally wreck state with only his eyes roving around; the only thing lively about his current self. Saizou chuckled at the sight, grinning, and said. ‘‘Finally, I‘ll have my fun with you, Moka Akashiya~’’ his voice laced with desire as he slowly reached down. 

Moka! What are you doing, don’t pay attention to him and quickly use my hand to pull the thing off!! Also noticing Saizou's presence, unable to do anything himself, Tsukune could only continue to plead to Moka in a desperate manner. 

Meanwhile, Moka also noticed the pleading gaze he was sending her but shut her eyes as she was too afraid because of Saizou, slowly approaching monstrous hand.      

Why am I so unless!? Tsukune became like this because he saved me despite being human, and yet... I can’t even do this just because of his mere presence! 

While Saizou’s hand inching closer, Moka’s tearful eyes abruptly snap open — withholding newfound determination!

Even if it doesn't work, I’ll still try it for you, Tsukune!   

As Saizou's large and monstrous hand was about to reach Moka, with the sudden newfound strength in her, Moka reacted even faster by drawing Tsukune’s hand to her Rosario Cross. Spreading the palm, using it like a tool, she had it grasp the Cross and… directly yank it off. 

It really came off… Tsukune briefly thought. 

Boom! Whistle! 

After the Rosario Cross was yanked off, Moka was instantly engulfed in a blinding light. 

Thereafter, an overwhelming aura was released from the blinding light which engulfed Moka, stirring up the wind and shaking the dead trees in a great storm. And that wasn’t all, while that was happening, a group of illusionary shadowing bats came out from the gradually receding light, whirling around the area for a brief time before gradually disappearing away.

‘‘This youkai energy, what in the…!’’ The moment the blinding light and the powerful aura were released, it directly pushed Saizou back a few steps, he gawked in disbelief when sensing the powerful energy building up and released from the cocoon-like light that was Moka.    


Argh. My eyes, isn’t this transformation too showy? Being so close to Moka and with eyes wide open, the blinding light caused Tsukune to swear. His mind became a little disoriented and dizzy. 

No sooner than later, the receding light completely dissipates away. And the stirring wind also calmed down; while the shadowing bats all vanish from sight. Tsukune reopened the only part of his body left that he could freely control in this condition: his eyes.    

Still experiencing the small disoriented state, Tsukune's eyes were at first unable to view very clearly, only seeing a blurry outline of a familiar figure, holding him in the same way. However, when his vision cleared out, his mind couldn’t help but exclaim in astounded shock when he saw a familiar yet unfamiliar person holding him. 

T-this is Moka’s true self... 

Replacing the previous soft, cute, and kind-sweet appearance was a young beauty who looked almost identical to Moka, except… while the previous Moka had smooth, sleeking pink hair with green gem-like eyes; the new Moka had silver hair, while her eyes were cold and demonic-like with red irises, slit pupils, as she donning stern intimidated facial expressions. 

Unlike the normal Moka who radiated an air of approachableness, cheerful, and good-naturing — someone whose gentle appearance naturally drew people in a large storm. Meanwhile, the silver-haired girl before him had an air of being aloof, and a natural elegance to her every action. Giving off an icy beauty with a serious bearing that makes people seem unable to go near her at all. Seemingly carrying none of the normal Moka’s refreshing gentleness. 

However, at this time, behind the icy aloofness was a frightened killing intent oozing out from every fiber of her being; seemingly dense enough to liquefy into a pool of crimson around her elegant and graceful figure. 

She feels so different, but… so damn gorgeous! Gawking at this familiar yet unfamiliar girl, Tsukune was completely amazed and felt a little unreal at the sight, believing only a beauty like this could exist in a fairytale. 

‘‘To have such high youkai energy practically oozing out from you, Moka Akashiya, this must be your true nature.’’ Saizou arched a brow, scrutinizing Moka with shock as well as a tinge of fear underlying his facial expression. 

I heard she mentioned being one of those legendary vampires that are rarely seen but isn’t the power coming out from her far too ridiculous!? I can’t stop my back from turning cold from just being near her! My senses are tingling with danger; warning me of something terrifying! 

A human-like Tsukune is naturally unable to perceive the vast power coming out from Moka, because of that he was only struck with awe at her demeanor and appearance, not knowing the true terror lying behind that goddess-like figure. But for a fellow Monster such as Saizou, standing close to her, he was able to sense the vast power; causing him to pale under Moka's sheer energy which made his own power seem insignificant in comparison. 

But with someone as arrogant and prideful in nature as Saizou, the shaking fear he was under brought out his rage amid the terrorizing fear. ‘‘Tch. So what if you’re one of those vampires that had never been seen, you’re still just a little bitch who made her friend's effort in saving her pointless!’’ 

Enraged at actually feeling intimidated by the girl, who just a few moments ago, in his eyes, was nothing more than a prey he could have fun with as he pleased, Saizou launched a booming punch towards the silver-hair Moka in his moment of fury.

Meanwhile, shockingly enough even with the massive fist heading her way, the silver-haired Moka seems unfazed by it. She instead directed her demonic red irises at Tsukune's features, observing that ordinary face, as if never wanted to forget it. 

And while her eyes were red in color to begin with and no trace of tears could be found after transforming… for some reason, the red looked as though she was holding back her tears. Not only that, but within those seemingly tearing eyes; an emotion such as grief, confusion, anger, and most noticeable self-blame could be found, hiding behind those layers of coldness. 

‘‘I promise I'll take care of this fast, Tsukune, so wait a little. I…I won’t let you die.’’ Gently laying his head down on the ground, maintaining her cold outward appearance, the silver-haired Moka’s tone was stern yet gentle; wanted to assure him. 

Watching her laying his head down gently with those assuring words, Tsukune's lips twitched bitterly as he saw her finally giving attention to the punch nearing her. 

How can you possibly save me at this point? Don’t you know, Moka… a false hope is even more painful than having none at all. 

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