My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 369

Chapter 357: Non-Aggression Pact

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In a moment, this perfect body created by Lu Yu and Lu Lu together is like a wax figure in a sea of fire. The tender white skin begins to dissolve, and the delicate facial features are dislocated and distorted; the liquid dripping from the small black wings gathers on the ground, like flesh and blood. The chunks of the avatar gradually formed and connected with the main body of Xuyi; a large number of small, flesh-colored bubbles bulged on the sticky skin of Xuyi, and quickly burst, the “puff” sound was unpleasant and anxious. ; At the moment when the bubbles are broken, countless mouths with flexible eyes and sharp teeth like gaps are looming, none of them have a sense of symmetry in line with normal aesthetics, deformity and distortion are the only adjectives that can come to mind after seeing them.

At the moment when his mouth was briefly revealed, a large number of words of unknown meaning poured into Tulis’ mind accompanied by screams. No known language could match it. Those incomprehensible words were formed in his mind like a puzzle. The more I listened, the more uneasy and fearful this picture of the unknown was about to take shape.

Tulis shook his head hard, trying to exorcise those ethereal voices that had been echoing and chattering from far away.

After exhausting all her courage, Tulis raised her head, Xu Yi could no longer be called a “human”. At this time, she was just a deformed piece made of countless dislocated and broken organs, and she was wriggling not far away, tossing.

It was undoubtedly stupid to look at each other. The number of eyes on the surface of the skin of the deformed body was so large that the millipedes were trembling at it.

Tulis saw in those eyes… mockery?

He didn’t have time to be angry, because his vision began to shatter at this moment, like glass that was hit hard by foreign objects, and cracked traces filled every corner of Tulis’s vision, and every place he could see began to mold the lake. Confusion, his eyes flashed thousands of moments.

And from Xu Yu’s pair of melted wings, countless tentacles spewed out and rushed towards him.

Newman didn’t understand and couldn’t understand. He looked at Bujin and Naling beside him with inquiring eyes, but the faces of the two were only blank.

Feng Xue’s mighty cheers came to an abrupt end when the battle started, and everyone looked at each other with the same doubts and astonishment on their faces.

Tulis fell to the ground, rolling and roaring constantly.

There were two lines of blood and tears dripping from his eyes, and blood oozing from the corners of his mouth—he actually shattered his teeth.

No one could understand the words Tulis uttered hysterically, which seemed like a language from another world.

Tulis, who was constantly fighting and rubbing against the hard ground, soon became flesh and blood, and his fingers that were not protected by magic power left a paw print on the ground, revealing the bones.

Although Newman didn’t know what happened, everything was definitely related to Xuyi, but what did she do… In his opinion, Xuyi just enlarged her little wings, this action was not offensive, and she couldn’t feel any strong magic power. fluctuation…

After Summoner No. 1 showed too destructive power, Lu Yu could no longer exploit the loopholes freely, and the channel opened up for it by the world consciousness blocked many possibilities.

But this can’t stop Lu Yu, Eleven and Seventeen are his attempts.

The No. 11 summon, Lulu endowed it with an indeterminate sticky body, and its ability was an enhanced version of the piano hypnotic “food” to feed itself.

Su Yu was born and swallowed him, and this power seems to have produced some changes.

Since it is impossible for one summoned object to have all the special abilities, Lu Yu subdivided these abilities into every summoned object indefinitely.

After the idea of restoring Gundam based on the plastic element earth bowl, another wonderful idea also occurred.

“All the summons so far are separate individuals. Can I use a splicing method to summon a part of the ‘target summon’ each time and summon him completely?”

World Consciousness just doesn’t allow a single summoned object to have the power to destroy the power system… Then can I merge with the higher-level summons?

“Stop, stop!”

Newman yelled hastily, trying to stop the creepy contest.

However, she didn’t do it for a moment, she stared coldly at Tulis twisting like maggots on the ground, and the magic power was still shrouded in the competition venue.

Newman looked at Lu Yu: “The rules of the competition, click until the end.”

“Maybe Tulis still has the ability to fight back, and then fight back, are you sure you can’t wait for a miracle?” Lu Lu asked with a smile.

Newman glanced at the ugly Tulis, and in order to quickly end this ugly farce, he simply said: “Ms. Xuyi won, and we will provide compensation for the four injured Dawn Leader Warriors.”

Lu Yu glanced at Newman, and after a brief contact, he had already discovered that he was a character who was very good at judging the situation, able to bend and stretch. Normal rulers were pressed by him step by step, their dignity was damaged, and most of them would have unrealistic and revengeful attitudes. idea.

However, Newman is very calm, he never escalates the situation, and he can quickly stop the loss before things are unfavorable for himself, even if this may be attacked and questioned by irrational people.

“It would be great if you were Bidilis too.” Lu Yu sighed softly and gestured to Xu Yi in the arena.

Xu Su immediately stopped, although she wanted to confirm Tulis’s state, but she held back, because it didn’t look handsome enough, and it seemed that she was not confident in her own strength.

Tulis was quickly carried away by the vampire physicians, who soon discovered that the damage to the body was only a minor problem.

Tulis’s consciousness was damaged, and he was crazy. As soon as he woke up, he dragged his scarred body, stepped back with his hands and feet, and pointed at everyone he saw and shouted the name of Xu Ji. When leaning against the thick and hard wall, he only looked back and let out a shrill scream.

No one knew exactly what Tulis saw.

The results of the diagnosis were passed on to the council of elders, because the Mapleblood family, who had lost the humiliating competition, was first horrified, and then left in anger.

“What the **** did you do to Tulis!”

“The competition is over, and we have promised to pay compensation. Are you still unwilling to let him go?”

“Human, this is the Maple Blood Castle!”

Faced with questions, warnings, and threats, Lu Yudan held Lu Lu’s hand firmly and began to write in her palm. The two of them drew a guess and did not take the voice on the senator’s seat seriously.

Newman covered his forehead and looked at Lu Yu, who seemed to be comfortable and free here as if he were his own, frowning.

It’s useless to put pressure on, the momentum is low, and the other party will help to clear the siege if they pinch themselves to death… Tricky.

The absolutely sensible Newman rang the small bell beside him to silence the noisy and unmannered elders, and then calmly announced the messenger who went to Dawn to receive compensation and apology – Bujin.

Having undertaken this humiliating task twice, Bukin was extremely depressed.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Lu Yu stood up and cleared his throat.

“I know that you are very dissatisfied with me and the morning leader.”

There were a few snorts on the senator’s seat, but Lu Yu disagreed and continued: “To be honest, I can understand your dissatisfaction, because you already think that the land under your feet belongs to Fengxue, but I still want to remind you…you guys not long ago. The elves and giants were beaten away.”

Seeing that no one answered, Lu Yu faced Newman.

“The northern border of Solon has fallen, and the spirit of impregnation threatens to return. At this time, I think that no matter what conflicts there are with each other, we should put it aside for the time being. Whether we can stay safe from this disaster is still unknown, and I think that impregnation will not reach this point. At this point, it is too beautiful to think that the four major congresses and the contagion will be defeated and the final victory will be too good. You must know that the Mera tribes have not truly defeated them, and it was just luck that the disaster ended 572 years ago. .”

“Mr. Newman, are you sure you want to cause unnecessary wear and tear when the storm is approaching?” Lu Yu’s mouth rose, “I don’t think Fengxue can afford it.”

“Chenxi can’t lead more than a hundred people, the Mapleblood clan has nearly ten thousand, and the volume belongs to several thousand. Where does the courage of Chenxi lead come from?” Newman smiled, “Is it the other side of the snow mountain?”

Seeing that Newman was still convinced of the teaching nation standing behind him, Lu Yu smiled: “Could courage be such a rare thing that you need to cross the snow-capped mountains to get it?”

Newman naturally did not believe it, but instead of continuing to dwell on this meaningless topic, he started talking about impregnation again.

“I can guarantee that Feng Xue will not offend the Dawn Leader again before the plague disappears this time.”

“What about an ambiguous statement, offensive?”

Newman has absolute authority in Maple Blood, and his prestige is enough for everyone to accept this non-negotiable decision.

“Don’t be an enemy of Chenxi Leader. The Fengxue family will only take counterattacks when they are clearly attacked by Chenxi Leader. How about you, what kind of promise can you give Fengxue?”

“If Fengxue can really do it, Chenxi collar can make the same guarantee to you.”

“Hmph, the promise of mankind.” There was a disdainful sarcasm from a vampire on the senator’s seat.

Lu Lu let go of Lu Yu’s hand, turned around, and pointed his eyes at the elder of the blood clan: “You are wrong, this is not a promise made by humans, it is a promise made to you by Chenxi Leader.”

Lu Lu proudly and proudly introduced loudly: “Dawn Territory is not just the territory of human beings.”

The corners of Lu Yu’s mouth rose wildly, and he could not bear to continue fighting with Newman. Looking at Lu Lu’s petite back, he really wanted to hug her hard… At this moment, she was shining like a star.

That is the sense of responsibility as a lord, and the broad mind of an excellent magician shines brightly!

“Sera, you should really see this scene… Lu Lu has begun to change, she is facing it herself.”

Holding the strange and strong sense of happiness that his child is promising, Lu Yu walked to Lu Lu. He wanted to touch Lu Lu’s head, but thinking that she was also one of the lords of Chenxi, he chose to lead him. Lulu’s hand, even though it would make him look like the guy who should be pressed to the floor by law enforcement to call the Inquisition…

Lu Yu emphasized: “Dawn Leader is indeed not just the territory of human beings.”

Although Lu Yu and Lu Lu’s firm words and unquestionable momentum infected many blood clans, there were still elders who stood up.

“Melias, Solon, Slego, Codzorn, even if it is a religious country, it is not just the domain of human beings, and the scenery we have seen for hundreds of thousands of years has not changed.”

“Words are pale and powerless, and actions will explain everything. If the morning light collar is still red in a few years, and you have not been destroyed, you can witness it with your own eyes.”

Lu Yu didn’t intend to debate, after all, Melias and the four major kingdoms left too much shadow on the alien race, especially Melias, when the spirit of impregnation struck last time, it was about to die in the spirit of “I die, Don’t think about it better” mentality, which has tricked almost all races. If it wasn’t for the extraordinary spirit of the leaders of the four major powers who rose up afterwards, it would be hard to imagine the five hundred and seventy-two years after the beginning of the new calendar. What kind of environment would Ra’s people live in?

The establishment of the non-aggression pact allowed Lu Yu to achieve the purpose of this trip perfectly, and he did not intend to stay any longer.

As a bet for victory, Feng Xue did not cheat and released the name of Tulis.

While Lu Yu was waiting quietly, a blood clan guard entered the council hall and said something in Bu Jin’s ear.

Bu Jin’s face changed slightly, and he left quickly, and after a while, he returned again.

“Lord Lu Yu, you can’t take that volume with you.”

Xu Yu didn’t really care about the spoils of war. After all, she really didn’t care about someone she didn’t know, but if Feng Xue planned to cheat…

Xu Xu tutted: “Feng Xue’s promise doesn’t seem to have any credibility.”

Newman frowned and stood up for this perfect turn on himself. Although the elders were ashamed and angry at the fiasco, their arrogance did not allow themselves to be a shameless hurriedly Explanation: “After unchaining the shackles, the genus slashed Tulis’ throat and pierced his heart with a knife he stole from somewhere… Lord Lu Yu, he killed a Fengxue veteran. .”

Lu Yu had a shocked expression on his face.

The corps who killed Tulis was quickly taken into the council hall. Halfway through the assassination, he had been discovered. The bet was that he was covered with a layer of protection, and the guards did not dare to kill him. The shackles of magic failed to stop him as he stabbed Tullis with a fatal blow to the heart.

It was hard for Lu Lu to imagine that such a weak person could kill Tulis under the shackles of magic after getting out of trouble.

The golden-faced Scroll raised his head and showed Lu Yu and Lu Lu an embarrassed smile, but there was no more depression in his expression, and he looked very relaxed.

The evidence is solid and beyond doubt, even Lu Yu couldn’t take him away forcefully.

Lu Yu’s cooperation made Newman heave a sigh of relief. He killed an elder. The murderer could not be punished by Feng Xue himself. It was unacceptable anyway, and he would not back down on this point.

Lu Yu walked towards Juan Shi. The injury made him unable to straighten his back, so he had to squat down and stare at the pale face.

“You were already free.” Lu Yu said, “I can’t save you a second time.”

“Thank you…for giving me this opportunity.”

“does it worth?”

“It’s worth it,” he replied immediately, “All my companions died… He tortured them to death… I was the last one, and there are some things I can only do.”

“Sir, can I trouble you with one thing?” He leaned towards Lu Yu, “I keep their suicide note in the basement of my room… Help me take it away… So they can rest in peace.”

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