My sister is a villain in an eroge?! (hiatus)

Chapter 8: Arrival of two heroines

When normal child is informed their parents they haven't seen in a long time are coming home, they would be happy. Of course, that applies only to normal children. However, for this pair of siblings, it meant nothing but trouble.

"(Do you think she will bring Aria with her?)." Nathaniel asked through telepathy to Charlotte.

They currently had an emergency discussion about their course of action in the library. After all, they knew from their collective knowledge of history that Aria had arrived at the Edevane house when she was ten years old, but they weren't sure when. They didn't expect her to arrive so soon.

"(I'm sure)" Charlotte replied thoughtfully.

"(How will we handle it? It's a good opportunity to farming points)" Nathaniel proposed.

"(I agree with that, however, how do you change a person's fate? Is it really that easy to change one's fate?)." Charlotte wondered philosophically and at the same time with concern.

Getting affection points was relatively easy, and now that the people in the mansion had begun to change their perception of the siblings, it was becoming a piece of cake.

In contrast to Nathaniel, she hadn't gotten too many Fate points, and her tally was barely 2,000. Although not negligible, it was nothing compared to the 6,000 affection points Nathaniel had.

"(I'm not sure how to answer that, what's the last thing a heroine would do? Befriend the villain?)." Nathaniel theorized, but his little sister shook her head.

"(Maybe if this world were based on the novel, that would be viable, but in the game, they even form hierarchies in his harem and are all as close as sisters)" Charlotte sighed heavily, massaging her forehead.

This gesture brought confused looks from all the maids in the room; their young masters were reading books with changing expressions, even making gestures that only an overworked adult would make. Some maids were even moved by such a show of dedication to study, but they also felt a little bad for them because they were trying too hard.

-+25 affection points.

-+50 affection points.

They were both surprised at the system messages but quickly smiled.

"(You've got it easy big brother)" Charlotte teased.

"(Shut up, whenever necessary we can share points)" Nathaniel snorted to then concentrate on the book.

"(We should observe first, if Aria still has childish attitude acting mature might work with her, but if her attitude is cold, we will have to observe for a while before deciding on a course of action)" Nathaniel finished earning an amused look from his little sister.

"(Did you always analyze a girl before you got her in our previous world?" Asked Charlotte, genuinely curious.

"(Knowledge is power)" He replied sounding wise.

"(Some people would call it just being a bastard)" laughed Charlotte and Nathaniel rolled his eyes.


The city of Luria was a wonderful city. With houses and establishments made of stone, wood, and others combining both materials. This gave the town a picturesque and medieval look. Homemakers haggled with street vendors; children laughed and played; it was a peaceful and happy atmosphere. The city's walls repelled most monsters and intruders, knights on guard at every position of interest diligently watching the surroundings. That was until they saw a colossal airship breaking through the clouds and becoming visible, as was protocol for every airship wishing to visit a city. It simply looked like an airship. However, it functioned totally differently by using gravitational artefacts and wind magic.

Using a spyglass-like zoom device, the captain on watch observed the airship and the emblem carved on its sides. The emblem was a silver crescent moon with some stars; this was the emblem of the family they served, the Edevane family. He immediately signalled the area troop consisting of soldiers mounted on pegasus to call off whatever formation they were doing and salute. It was still basic protocol even if it wasn't landing right there because their mansion had enough space.

A shadow fell over the city as Edevane's airship flew over the city, attracting the attention of the citizens, some children greeted the airship with smiles, and most people were happy for the return of their Lord.

In complete contrast to the city's happy atmosphere, the Edevane mansion was frantically making preparations to receive the lady of the house. Even the little siblings were not exempt from the task, as a maid was dressing and grooming them.

Nathaniel found the whole thing tedious, but thanks to what he had learned this week, he had some basic knowledge of etiquette, so he put up with being combed and dressed.

"(From now on, everything will be harder)." Nathaniel reminded his little sister, who was in another room being lightly made up.

"(There is a lot to do, remember that in a couple of months we will have to visit the black market)" Charlotte said.

"(I know)" Nathaniel sighed.

As the pair of siblings conspired in silence, the Edevane's airship landed in the vast backyard of the house, where a ramp slid down, and several maids descended, positioning themselves on either side of the ramp.

With a dignified and correct step, a beautiful woman with black hair and red eyes walked down like a model on a catwalk, her hips swaying with her steps and her slender waist attracting the gaze of anyone who saw her. Behind her, a girl with pale blonde hair and light blue eyes came down, trying to look dignified, but the childish aura still surrounded her. Along with her slightly sad eyes, she followed the woman who would be her lady in the future.

They walked a little way until they found the entrance where the maids of the mansion lined up to make a graceful and practised bow.

"Welcome home, Lady Lilia."

Lilia nodded and continued walking while Aria slightly lifted the edges of her dress and bowed her head in greeting. After all, she would be working with them soon; she couldn't afford to appear arrogant.

As Lilia was about to enter the house, she was surprised by the sight of her two children waiting for her with smiles on their cute faces at the door of the mansion. Usually, they would simply greet her quickly and go to their room, but now, they were waiting for her. Of course, this surprised her, but she did not let it show on her face and moved on.

"Welcome home, Mom." Said both siblings in unison, bowing formally, as formally as their limited knowledge would allow.

This time, her mother's calm facade crumbled slightly, and she was confused, but it was mainly a joy. She believed her children were finally beginning to forgive her. However, she didn't rush and simply smiled brightly with her white teeth, captivating even some of the maids.

+400 affection points

"I'm home" She replied, holding back from giving them a hug, fearing to ruin their newly repaired relationship.

Nathaniel immediately used his skill.

[Character information:

Name: Lilia Edevane

Age: 34

Titles: Bloody lady, widow, heroine.

Strength: Purity level 3

Bloodline: Blocked

Love: 100% Maternal love (The pinnacle of Maternal love)].

"We missed you so much, Mom." Nathaniel reported with a cute smile, and they both stepped forward to hug her.

+200 affection points.

"Really? I missed you too," Lilia replied, hugging them back and feeling happy.

At this point, Aria was both confused and exhilarated. It seemed that the rumours were a lie, these two siblings were as polite as could be, but there was still the possibility that they were acting, so she suppressed the relief in her heart and waited uncomfortably for them to introduce her.

"Oh, right, this is Aria. She'll be your personal maid in the future, Nate." Said his mother calling him by the nickname she used to call him when he was younger, measuring boundaries with her children, who seemed to have grown to love her again.

While Lilia tried to revive old habits, Aria's expression changed to sad when she was not introduced with her last name. She was still hurt by the death of her parents and the disappearance of her home. She tried to control her emotions and introduced herself with a bow.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, young master and young lady." Aria said, but her sentiments did not go unnoticed by Charlotte.

"(She's sad big brother, we can use that)" Charlotte reported using her skill on Aria. Emotions were represented in colours, and currently, a rather dense gray colour surrounded Aria.

[Character information:

Name: Aria

Age: 10

Strength: Purity level 10

Bloodline: Blocked

Titles: Heroine.

Love: 0% Unknown (You're nobody to her)]

Nathaniel nodded at this information and spoke to Charlotte.

"(Understood, our mother is happy, right?)"

"(No need to even use the skill to know that)" Charlotte chuckled lightly.

After introducing herself, Aria parted from the family when the head maid took her to show her room and other things.

From this moment on, the real deal began.

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