My sister is a villain in an eroge?! (hiatus)

Chapter 19: The red-light district

Red lanterns, drunken men were staggering around, and hawkers were shouting at the top of their lungs about rather compromising offers. The red-light district, a place created just for fun and relaxation for soldiers and working men, because without a place to dump their libido, crime rates would rise, according to the man who proposed the idea several decades ago. He was most likely discussing his libido because he died while having sex with a prostitute in the same red light district he founded.

As they moved deeper into the area, the population density decreased, and Novem couldn't help but roll her dimensional ring over her index finger because her daggers couldn't be at her waist because it would ruin the impression of 'normal citizens' that her young master wanted to project. She initially thought her young masters were mistaken, but the siblings' faces were more curious than ever, and Nathaniel, in particular, was observing everything as if he was looking for a specific spot. Novem could only hope that what she was thinking wasn't true.

Nathaniel and Charlotte continued on until they reached the busiest area; the previous route was simply a separation of children and adults. The decor changed, and instead of seeing an illuminated but somewhat empty city, they were greeted by an avenue bustling with activity. The lighting was slightly redder than before due to the orange and red glowing stones, which, while not as popular as the white ones, are still useful for festivals and other events. Street vendors, but with dubious products, were positioned on the street's edges, just in front of places like casinos or taverns.

"Just one and your dick will grow 5cm!" yelled a peddler, as men swarmed like flies around the mysterious potion.

Charlotte looked at the men with a mixture of disgust and pity, noticing the hopeful expressions on some of them. Nathaniel shook his head as well; thank the gods (perhaps literally), Nathaniel had been blessed with a good tool and did not have to put his dignity aside to look for hope in potions that were most likely a scam.

Some men approached Charlotte and Novem to try their luck, but were quickly chased away by the pressure Novem released, forcing them to return the way they came. Novem was worried and unsure what to do at this point; this was not something she had been taught in the shadow clan. Her maternal instinct told her that it was not a good idea for the children to see such things, but her training prevented her from questioning her masters' orders, so she was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

'I understand the young master is maturing, but...' Novem wondered, afraid to go any deeper, where the lustful places were.

She kept an eye on her young master, who was walking around, intently observing his surroundings. His adult version was taller than her, and his confident aura made him appear to be a man rather than a boy when he was in that form; he appeared responsible and confident, which made him appear attractive despite having an average face due to the disguise. The thought of allowing her young master to lose himself in lust and vices saddened her, especially since he had grown into such a good person and had stopped being so unruly. Novem's face became determined, her affection for Nathaniel was combined with the loyalty instilled in her clan, and she swore an oath.

'If the young master tries to enter that kind of place, I will drag him into the shadows and take him home, this is for his own good.' If Nathaniel wanted to punish her, so be it, but she was so fond of him now that she couldn't let him go astray.

"(Pfft)." Charlotte couldn't help but laugh as she listened intently to Novem's thoughts.

"(What?)." Nathaniel said, his gaze sweeping down the avenue, looking for a place to begin looking.

"(Novem believes she is a martyr.)" She scoffed and walked away, surveying the scene with interest and casting disgusted glances at the men watching her.

"(Huh?)" Nathaniel made a puzzled sound because he didn't understand what his little sister was saying.

"(She just swore to herself that she wouldn't let you into that kind of place, no matter what)."

"(That is a problem.)" Nathaniel reflected as he cast a sidelong glance at the woman who was following them. She was staring at him, a determined fire burning in her eyes, her fists clenched, like a soldier ready to charge onto the battlefield.

'I'll persuade her.' Nathaniel said, shrugging his shoulders. 'Still, it's pretty difficult to find those kinds of places.' Nathaniel sighed as he continued walking.

A sudden moan of pleasure reached their ears when they had gone far enough in, causing the trio to come to a halt for various reasons; Novem froze, mentally and physically preparing for a tactical retreat, while the sibling duo scanned the surroundings curiously, looking for the source of the sound.

It wasn't just one; overlapping moans and creaking sounds filled everyone's ears. A dilapidated wooden building stood bravely to their right, despite its state. A window on the third floor was open, and a pair of slender hands clasped in its frame as moans of pleasure continued to be heard. Nathaniel noticed this and nodded, but, contrary to Novem's expectations, he did not enter but instead walked away, causing her to sigh in relief. Her relief did not last long, as he went to another facility with a drawing of a naked woman on the outside, the only difference being that facility was better maintained.

"(Ignore the cheap-looking ones; they can't possibly have enough money to buy a slave.)" Nathaniel continued walking, realizing that the building they had just passed was the worst of them all. The others were more than just a place to have sex; they could drink, gamble, and have sex, but more'salubrious' if that was possible.

When they were both close and the guard outside was staring at them as he prepared to ask for the money to enter, an unfamiliar but familiar figure blocked their path, protectively holding out both arms in a cross as if trying to block the view of whatever was inside.

"Young master." Novem said, giving him a firm look. "This is not a place for teenagers." She remarked, her face flushed.

Nathaniel smiled internally at Novem's coyness, but gave her a firm look to respond to her accusation. "I think you figured it out, Novem, but this wasn't exactly a stroll in the evening." He declared the obvious.

Nathaniel continued when he saw Novem nod. "Well, let me tell you what our true goal is."

"(play along with me)" Nathaniel said to his little sister, ready to come up with the best excuse he could think of in the limited time he had.


"Aria told me about a rumor she heard among the maids a few days ago. She claimed that a friend of our maid had been forced to become a prostitute due to her circumstances."

Novem scowled, and Charlotte acted enraged, as if the information was revolting. Nathaniel continued to speak with a frown on his face. "Sure, she wasn't forced, but it's outrageous to think that a woman was cornered enough to sell her body for money. That's why we're here; I want to observe the women who work here."

"However... the young master is too young to notice this kind of thing." Novem stated. It was simple for them to send a couple of soldiers to investigate the scene; there was no reason to enter this type of place.

'Shit, Novem is incredibly stubborn.' Nathaniel paused for a moment to reflect. 'Well, I guess I'll have to play the proving myself card.'

Nathaniel took a deep breath, and his eyes glowed with determination, as if nothing could change his mind. "Someday, I will inherit our territories, and knowing that people are suffering under my nose day in and day out does not sit well with me." He said, but he also tugged at Novem's heartstrings of guilt and empathy. "It makes me sick just thinking about how that woman suffered day and night being sullied by men she doesn't love."

Novem's scowl deepened, and she fell into deep thought. This would be an excellent opportunity for her young master to demonstrate his worth; the situation was not serious enough to warrant notifying Lady Lilia, and they were not committing any crime. Nathaniel simply wanted to improve people's quality of life so that they wouldn't have to resort to extreme measures like prostitution. The only issue was the young lady, who was clearly too young for this type of establishment.

'Would it be better if we left?' Novem was still not fully fallen.

"I want to see these poor women for myself. If I simply ignore this situation, I will be unable to live with myself." When Nathaniel noticed Novem pause, he spoke up. "Think about how much she has suffered away from her family, friends, and possibly even lover." Nathaniel's voice cracked at the end, revealing how much he was distressed by the situation.

"B-But... the young lady."

"I want to help my older brother!" Charlotte pleaded with an unwavering gaze, fully utilizing her 'Innocent Aura' ability, which she obtained when Aria reached the 50% of love.

Novem paused. So many good arguments had influenced her reasoning, and she didn't want to offend her young masters. They could sneak away again without permission because shadow servants are generally not involved in their masters' affairs; if she told Lilia, she would be grateful, but Novem could be certain that she would lose both siblings' trust. In the end, she decided to take the risk and not lose the love of her young masters, who had worked their way into her heart in these few years, almost as if they had a plan to make her love them more than herself.

'I will inform Lady Lilia if they do anything wrong.' She vowed again, slightly embarrassed because she had broken her previous oath simply because she was afraid of being hated.

"We're just going to observe."

"Of course!" they both siblings said in unison.

Alea sighed in Charlotte's shadow as she observed Novem's vulnerability. She knew Novem was weak against people she loved or cherished in some way, but Alea also knew she protected them better than anyone else, as evidenced by the fact that she protested her decision to go to such a place when a normal shadow servant wouldn't have said a word unless there was something threatening her master's safety, for if they always interrupted every aspect of a noble's life simply for not being 'moral,' they wouldn't have a job. Alea shrugged and looked around, creating a safe perimeter for her masters.

"(Good job, big brother)" Complimented Charlotte.

Nathaniel took a step forward and ascended the stairs, his back straight and a confident expression on his adult face. Inside, faint sounds of musical instruments could be heard, including a guitar, tambourines, and wind instruments. The guard took a step forward, arms crossed.

"3 bronze coins per person" He said.

Nathaniel reached into his pockets and pulled out a silver coin, handed it to him, and stepped forward, leaving him with a bronze coin tip, which the guard gladly accepted, making room for everyone. He cast a leering glance at Novem, but quickly averted his gaze when a cold look from this woman sent shivers down his spine.

"Okay, let's get to work" Nathaniel encouraged himself as he pushed open the door.

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