My sister is a villain in an eroge?! (hiatus)

Chapter 13: Aria

A month flew by; although I looked for information about that tavern with a strange name, I couldn't find anything due to my young age; it's not common for a child to go around asking about taverns and such; perhaps I should visit it personally later with an excuse. Aside from that, I was worried about what my little sister would say to me about Aria. I had an idea, but it was taking far too long. Aria was becoming increasingly depressed and sad.

If she hadn't already, I knew it was only a matter of time before she closed her heart to others. Although I didn't want to doubt my little sister, I decided to act tomorrow if she hadn't told me what to do. Aria was by far the easiest heroine we'd encountered so far. My progress with Novem had been so slow that I was becoming concerned. The same thing happened to my mother, but I quickly realized it was because of my age. I hadn't even hit puberty yet, and it was obvious that they wouldn't be attracted to a boy who still smelled like mother's milk.

This is why it was imperative to advance on Aria; even though she was still too young to understand her feelings, I could advance and secure a place in her heart. It would simply be time to reap the benefits once she grew up, but my younger sister seemed unaware of this; she was currently reading a book in our room. Charlotte gave me a sidelong glance when she noticed my gaze fixed on her.

"(Did something happen?)" she inquired as she closed her book.

"(When are we going to do something about Aria?)" I tapped my fingers on the headboard, impatiently asking.

"(We'll do it today; I'm just waiting for her lessons to end so I can pick her up.)" My little sister clarified the situation.

"(Okay.)" I let out a relieved sigh.

Charlotte's gaze shifted to the room's window. Through the glass, the sun was at its highest point, illuminating the entire city with its powerful light. She flipped the book over and jumped out of the chair, as if she'd made up her mind. She yawned and stretched her body as if she were an older man. She put a finger on her chin in a thoughtful pose, so she stood for some time until she made up her mind with a nod.

"(Okay, here's the plan)" Charlotte said.


Aria's POV:

"Try to maintain a straight back." Ma'am Ruth said as I practiced my gait with a tray on which a tea set was swaying with my movements.

We were in a hall, which seemed to be used for events. It was so massive that even I, a noblewoman until recently, couldn't stop staring at it with my mouth open. That's when I realized the distinction between a marquis and someone like me, an orphan girl with nowhere to go. I tried to be polite, as my mom had taught me, but it didn't work; the younger maids already despised me for my noble ancestry. That was unjust; they didn't even give me a chance to befriend them.

"Right, keep your eyes forward; you don't want to run into somebody." Ma'am Ruth instructed me once more, and I immediately straightened my gaze, realizing I was averting my gaze to the tray.

I tried to maintain a straight face, as Ma'am Ruth had instructed, but the pain in my feet caused my lips to twitch unconsciously. I lowered my eyes and could see my black sneakers; feeling the pain of wearing a not-so-comfortable shoe, I intensified my gaze, hoping to control the pain with my pleading look, but I only earned a loud reprimand from Ruth, whose thunderous voice pierced my ears and caused me to jump in my place.

"Eyes front!"

"Y-yes, Ma'am!" I stammered as I continued walking, but my arms couldn't support the weight of the tray for much longer, and it would have fallen if Ruth hadn't grabbed it at the last second.

"Again." Sighed Ma'am Ruth, obviously irritated by my performance. I bit my lower lip as my eyes watered, resisting the urge to retort and excuse myself. Every excuse and whine I'd offered had fallen on deaf ears.

I practiced every day, from before sunrise to after sunset. I tried to stay in bed with the excuse of being sick, but I was still forced to work. Every day was worse than the one before it, and I considered fleeing several times, but my mom assured me that I would be safe here, and that the city was dangerous for pretty girls like me, and that I should never try to fend for myself. Did Mom not believe in me? I could take care of myself; I was smarter than many of the children in my city.

I was thinking about fleeing with the small amount of money I had. Maybe I'd find a good person who would take me to the city; it didn't have to be a nobleman. I was good with numbers; perhaps I could assist him with property accounting or educate his maids; I believe I have some experience in that area. My mind raced with ideal scenarios, causing me to daydream. As I was thinking about it, a girl walked into the hall where I was getting my lessons, creaking the double doors. Her black hair was styled in twin tails, and her deep crimson eyes complemented her flawless white skin. She walked with a smile on her face and her hands clasped behind her back, looking around curiously.

"Would you like me to get you something, young lady?" Ma'am Ruth was asked politely. I immediately recognized the young lady of the Edevane household, Charlotte Edevane.

"Nothing, I'm just looking for Aria." She said it in a squeaky, childish voice. I felt her gaze on me, causing me to tense up and tremble slightly as I lowered my head.

"Aria." Ma'am Ruth called out to me in hushed tones, but those tones were tinged with reprimand and anger. Still, I didn't raise my head; I couldn't; I was afraid.

Short, rhythmic footsteps echoed through the room, but I refused to raise my head, still staring at the floor, my heart racing, watching the reflection of my tense, terrified face on the polished floors. Ruth took a step forward and bowed deeply, and my eyes widened because it was the first time I'd seen her do so.

"I'm sorry, Young Lady, she's still very shy." Ruth spoke up, and Charlotte simply ignored her and walked towards me. I shut my eyes and braced myself for a reprimand.

But it never came; instead, unexpected words came. "You are very pretty." She said this as she looked me up and down.

"T-Thank you?" After some fear passed, I was able to lift my gaze, where I was met with the innocent smile of a little girl. I felt silly for being scared of such a innocent little girl.

"Come with me." She smiled, and I obediently followed her. Ruth sighed in relief behind me, and I apologized to her in my heart.

We exited the room and walked out into the hallway, my tense body relaxed slightly from not being in such a large and stressful space. We strolled down the corridors, the young lady happily walking in front of me, humming a tune as she guided me. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, so I shut it again. When I realized we were on our way to the kitchen, I couldn't help but question her actions and speak unconsciously.

"What are we going to do?" I inquired, my voice trembling.

"I'd like you to bring my big brother some tea." She said cheerfully, and I froze as we walked.

"N-No." I squeaked out in a shaky voice.

"Hmm?" When she noticed me hesitating, the young lady tilted her head, perplexed.

"I-I'm not ready to meet him yet; my abilities are lacking." I said as I took a step back.

"You're ready," she said, laughing.

"N-No. I still can't do it correctly." I squeezed out of my parched throat, almost tripping over the carpet.

"I've seen you before, you can do it." She smiled and took my hand in hers, preventing me from leaving.

Her hand was smooth and pale, in contrast to mine, which had become calloused and had some cut scars from the kitchen. I was embarrassed by my hands; a damsel shouldn't have such rustic hands, but the young lady didn't seem to mind, which surprised me. I didn't want her to despise me because she was the only person who had been a little nice to me since I arrived here, so I let myself be swept away. But I was worried in my heart, and the young lady spoke to me as if she sensed my feelings.

"Don't worry, my big brother is even friendlier than me." She spoke with obvious pride in her voice and a sweet but mysterious smile. I decided to follow her, despite the fact that her last smile made me feel uneasy.

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