My New Life as a Catgirl

Chapter 21

I found myself waking up smothered by an unknown woman, my face rested against the soft pillows of her breasts. Despite being a little suffocating, the position was actually quite comfortable.

"Kitty, wake up. We will be leaving soon." Lady Juliette said, her hand stroking the top of my head.

I mumbled in response before her hands began to roam behind my back, stirring me awake. It took me a second to wake up and to bring my thoughts to order.

Why was I asleep with her? I could only remember some traces of last night but I clearly remembered entering the room with my mistress and Lucinda and doing…things with them. Where were they now?

Perhaps noticing my confused gaze, she explained, “Mistress Lilith and Commander Lucinda are busy at the moment, so I’ll be bringing you back. Or why else did you think I didn’t bother to join you three last night? Now I have you all to myself~”

Oh great, now I was stuck with this pervert. At least I only had to handle one of them now, instead of the usual three.

Lady Juliette lead me to the bath by my hand, almost like a mother would lead her child, which gave me a feeling of inferiority but also some tenderness. I was still weak from last night and my lower body was still in pain, but I managed to make it to the bath without falling over due to her guidance so I was still grateful for her guidance.

‘Let’s get this thing off you now as it certainly no longer serving any purpose except to get in the way,” Lady Juliette said as she produced a key from thin air and unlocked my pink cage, freeing me from its restraints.

Unfortunately, my joy was short-lived. Looking down, I could see I was now a full-fledged girl, a vagina now replacing what used to be my excuse for a male sexual organ. It seemed the blessing that had been casted on me by the Demon lord of Lust had fulfilled its purpose, no remnants of my masculinity left.

Before, I might have felt infuriated at the fact that my gender was taken from me, but after last night I could only feel resigned. I had already expected that this would happen last night and I still accepted it then. Now I was only dealing with the consequences of my actions. Even if I hadn’t accepted it, nothing would have changed.

We squeezed into the tub together, her large breasts pressing against my back as she cleaned my body with soap, exploring every single part of my body with her curious hands. It was humiliating at first, but I quickly realized that I had just spent last evening having sex with two women at the same time, and I was the one getting fucked by them. How could a humiliating bath compare to that?

I froze stiff when her soapy hands found my slender thighs, brushing up and down the tender flesh. The rubbing felt good and I felt a tingling sensation below my waist as I began to feel aroused. I was still a little embarrassed and didn’t notice her fingers teasing higher and higher, slowly reaching an area that hasn’t yet been touched.

Suddenly, I felt her fingers brush my new vagina and my body shook in pleasure. Did I somehow get even more sensitive? I blushed as I realized ust a little touch was almost enough to send me over.

“Stop fidgeting.” There was a loud slap and I squealed in shock as her palm smacked my inner thigh. That really hurt!

“I know you’re a naughty little girl but we can have fun later,” she purred into my ear. “Right now we have to get you cleaned up.”

Soon, she had me all washed up and ready to be dressed. I felt like a doll in her hands as she rubbed a pink towel vigorously through my pink hair, unable to do anything at all while she got me ready. I supposed I was somewhat used to it at this point though.

Lady Juliette got dressed first, showing off a lustrous purple dress while I watched, remaining naked at the side. The way she put on her clothing was somewhat arousing, and yet I couldn’t even get erect now as I watched the seductive sight before me.

"Now let's get you dressed, Kitty. Stand right here like a good girl and I'll fetch you a pretty, little dress to wear," she cooed in my ear, giving me a smack to the butt that made jump in surprise.

"Yes, Ma’am." I stared as she strode away, her purple dress swishing around her wide hips. My cheeks flushed at the sight and I quickly turned away. True to her race, she was most definitely a succubus.

She returned half a minute later, a bundle of white clothes in her arms. Noticing the lack of much pink, I sighed in relief.

"Let's get on your underwear first. Just take a look at these cute things." The lady held up a pair of white panties, frilled at the edges in pink, with a cute picture of a pink cat on the butt. After helping me with the embarrassing panties, she then clasped on a matching coloured bra. I barely did anything as she fussed over me, receiving a slap every time I moved, making feel even like I was her child.

She grabbed the next garment and displayed it to me. It was cotton white sundress that was rather plain compared to my usual outfits. The only awful part of the dress was the embarrassingly short hem that would show off most of my lower thighs and even threatened to reveal my panties if it was flipped up. It was likely the shortest dress I had worn yet, which was saying something as I had worn some humiliatingly short skirts over the past two weeks of servitude.

After she fussed with my clothing, she gave me some girly white sandals and tied my pink hair up in a cute bun at the back using a white ribbon. In the mirror, I looked like a budding young woman, a mix of cute and sexy, and I almost couldn’t believe it was me. There wasn’t a single trace of my former masculinity, all that was left was this woman standing before me.

“You look gorgeous, darling,” Lady Juliette as she stood behind me with her hands on my shoulders. My cheeks blushed from the embarrassing compliment, as I fidgeted anxiously in front of the mirror.

“Now, let’s go eat breakfast and then we be on our way home. You must be quite hungry.”

An hour later, we were on our way back to Lilith’s castle. A while into our ride, Lady Juliette must have realized I was still sleepy and let me rest on her lap.

“Are you comfortable sweetie?” She asked from above as she stared down at me. Her hand stroked the top of my head that laid on her thighs, as I cuddled my face up to her stomach.

“Mmm,” I responded absent-mindedly. Her warm body and rose-scented perfume were making me relax, and I quickly felt myself falling to sleep. Perhaps I was still exhausted from last night, as I really wanted to doze off again even if it was still morning.

I didn’t know why Lady Juliette was treating me so kindly, but it sure felt nice to be treated like a person and not a thing, even if that person was a little girl. She hadn’t forced me to do anything yet and just let me rest in her lap, as she comforted me with her sweet words. I almost wished I could just stay here with Lady Juliette forever. At the very least she was much nicer than the other two women I spent last night with. My butt and tongue still ached from the memories.


Just as I closed my eyes, the carriage came to a sudden halt and I was thrown onto the carriage floor. My body smashed against the ground, pain flowing through my back as tears welled in my eyes. That was the most pain I had ever felt in my life!

I struggled to move but found my body wouldn’t respond to anything I tried to do, my limbs completely unresponsive to my efforts.

Why wasn’t Lady Juliette moving? She must have realized we had been attacked, so why did she stay seated and let me fall to the floor?

I heard the carriage door open and someone walk in. The intruder must have been large as the carriage leaned to one side when he entered.

“Don’t hurt her too much, she’s quite a frail little girl.” I heard Lady Juliette say, her voice still warm and yet the words made me shiver in fright. Was she selling me? Had she betrayed Mistress Lilith?

I heard the man grunt in acknowledgement as he squatted down beside me, his face coming down to meet mine.

I paled as I saw the man clearly for the first time and realized I recognized him.

This was the Burned Man, the right hand of the Demon Lord of Envy. His strength was equal to that of Commander Lucinda, and only demon lords surpassed him in terms of power in the northern continent.

But why was he here? I could only think of a single explanation.

Lady Juliette must be a traitor and joined forces with the Demon lord of Envy!

He looked down at me, indifferent as ever, before his thick arms wrapped around my body. He effortlessly lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack, my head dangling behind him as I no longer had the ability to move.

I wanted to struggle, but none of my limbs would move even an inch no matter how much I tried. Exhaustion swept over me and I soon found I could barely keep my eyes open. I tried to let out a scream, but it only came out as a weak whimper instead.

“The drugs I used are quite weak, but she already has an extremely frail body, so she shouldn’t awaken for another twelve hours or maybe longer. It’s hard to tell with her pitiful strength and endurance. Well, even if she does wake up she won’t pose much of a threat.” I heard Lady Juliette giggle as the man walked away with me limp over his shoulders.

No wonder I felt so tired, I had been drugged! I had no option to resist. Was this it for me? I didn’t like my life before, but it was better than being sold to a random man! But I could no longer do anything as I slowly felt my mind glaze over as I felt the world go black.

It seemed my suffering wasn’t yet over.


I hope everyone enjoyed the first arc of My new Life as a Catgirl and I apologize for the cliffhanger to end it. The next chapter will be an interlude than we will go back to our protagonist as well as introducing our deuteragonist (that's a real word by the way). The second arc will be a turning point for Kitty and the story, as she finally gains the courage to try to gain her freedom.

If you are enjoying the story so far, I created a patreon where you can read  chapters in advance. Right now there is only one tier ($3 USD for 2 adv. chapters). The patreon link is here. If you're poor like me, then just keep waiting as I will continue with the same release schedule (3x per week). I will probably also make a community discord in the next week when I have time :)

Have a good day/night,

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