my name is colane

Chapter 21 Grandpa's Fury

Chapter 21 Grandpa's Fury
"Who said I'm looking for it in this area?! Can't we look for it in the whole of Sicily, not in Sardinia?! Can't we look for it in the whole of Italy?! Or in South America?!..." Hugo said in a language The speed slowed down, and he thought of a person. He really didn't know much about the stars in his previous life, but he knew a few, such as peerless double pride, sucking snails and no play.

Cristiano Ronaldo is now a boy and a half, right? !Messi is just a little bit!How cost-effective it is to recruit them now.

Listening to Hugo's mouth driving the train, Morek felt a little drowsy, at least what Hugo said was true, but Morek felt that this was too far-fetched!
In fact, Hugo really doesn't understand, and he is really running the train with his mouth full!
"Ha!" Morek sneered, "Gigi, you think things are too simple! Looking for someone?! Who are you looking for?! We don't have a scouting network at all, who do you think can help find someone?! And if you use this method to find someone, you can figure out how much money we have to invest?!"

Morek's words were a cold water for Victor. Victor also knew that the original Trapani club did not have any scouting system. The players were all locals. Hugo had already said that the money was not much. With money, he can't invest too much. After all, making money is the kingly way, and now Hugo is reluctant to cash out his money and invest it in football.

Hugo was still immersed in the fantasies of Ronaldo and Messi, but Morek's next words reminded Hugo!

"Well, even if we have the money to find someone! Besides, who is willing to submit to such a low-level league, haha, not even Sicily!" Morek continued to pour cold water.

Yes, shit, the level is too low, even if I find Ronaldo and Messi now, they won't play for me, let alone Trapani, sorry, there is no such thing as a youth training system, then Blocks are zero.

The more I think about it, the more I regret it, I shouldn't be so impulsive today, I shouldn't let those damn bumpkins leave!

"Hey, go ask Rich tomorrow, this old guy dumped this mess on us, he must do something for us! And those hillbillies, I will let them come back! Just wait and see!" Yu Guo pondered for a moment and said harshly.

He had a calculation in his mind, this time he had to rely on the influence of his family.

When he got home at night, the first thing he did was to meet his grandfather Pacilio, but he was stopped by his father Ricardo as soon as he got home.

"What stupid things have you done during this time?! People have come to seek justice this afternoon!" Ricardo scolded angrily. He didn't know much about Hugo, he was busy with the family business, and Hugo was in He is not interested in building a football club, and judging from Hugo's past actions, he thinks that although Hugo is young, he is very capable. Who would have thought that his son is no different from his cousin Victor to bully others.

Now that the whole of Italy is in the period of severe crackdown, more things are worse than less things. Besides, the Colani family has always relied on the folks in the village. The Colani family is now very low-key and unwilling to offend the folks.

But what did these two brats do? !Not to mention the run on others, the veterans were swept away as soon as he took office, and all the former players were driven away. Before the season started, a large number of people were offended.

This made Ricardo very angry, and of course Victor's father Giovanni was also angry.

"Okay, these bastards have sued at home!" Hugo's impression of the bird people became even worse.

"I didn't do anything! They wanted to leave by themselves! I didn't drive them away! Right, Victor!" Hugo shrugged nonchalantly.

"Yeah, uncle! Those fools asked for it..." Victor continued to defend.

"Shut up! Shut up both of you! I'll see how you explain it to grandpa!" Ricardo rudely interrupted Victor's defense, "Hurry up and see grandpa! You really ruined the family's reputation! The two of you spendthrift!"

Hugo didn't take it seriously, and his father's scolding didn't make him feel anything. Maybe he hated iron for not being a steel handle, but I am really steel, and you will know it in the future.

Victor obediently followed Hugo, he was really worried that Grandpa would beat him!
The elders in the family are not happy, and this naturally includes grandpa. The Colani family is sometimes the spokesperson of underground justice. This afternoon Giorgio Esposito brought a group of people here to find Pacilio. Blaming the Colleni brothers for crossing the river and demolishing the bridge made Pacilio very embarrassed.

He had to resolve this matter fairly, but, speaking of his two grandsons, he cared very much, and he didn't want them to be wronged.

"Grandpa, are you looking for us?!" Hugo entered the study nonchalantly, kissed his grandpa, and sat down opposite Pacilio. Victor didn't dare, he kissed his grandpa, only dared to stand aside.

"I don't know the good things you have done!" Grandpa got angry when he saw Hugo's nonchalant expression. This is their root. For certain orders, the local people support them, but when you offend too much and make the local people dissatisfied, the family will definitely be affected, and maybe it will be unlucky. There are many disgraceful things in the past.

"Grandpa, we didn't do anything! They want to leave by themselves. Besides, the team belongs to us. We have the right to make any decisions, including firing them of course!" Hugo said plausibly.

Pacilio said angrily: "Don't you know the consequences of doing this?! You must know that they are your fellow countrymen! The reason why our family can take root here is inseparable from their support. If we lose their trust, we Soon there will be no way to gain a foothold here, this is not alarmist talk! This is not alarmist talk!"

"It's just a few country bumpkins, don't be so nervous, grandpa!" Victor argued.

"Hmph, look at what you say, you prodigal son?! A country bumpkin?! Your grandfather and I are also country bumpkins! Our ancestors are all country bumpkins here! Without these bumpkins, there would be no second-generation ancestors for the two of you!" Pasili O cursed.

Maybe because he felt that his words were too harsh, Pacilio sat down, calmed down, and said earnestly: "No matter what you think, and no matter where you go in the future! You have to understand that this is your root! You have to Understand that people from Trapani are the best friends! You can’t treat friends like this, if you want to win the respect of others, you must learn to respect others, especially your friends! The people of Trapani are all us Folks, we must respect them! This is the basic law for how many years we can survive here!"

"Giorgio Esposito came to me this afternoon! Did you know that?! I grew up watching him, his father used to be with me, his grandpa used to be one of my best friends, We used to beg for life on the sea. Once, a shipwreck happened accidentally. His grandfather and I survived together on a plank. A few years later, he was the one who saved my life. Unfortunately, he died many years ago! I used to think Take good care of his descendants, but they refused, so Giorgio's life is hard now!"

"Even so, he never came to me! But today he came, do you know what he is for?! For football, for the team! This kid has put a lot of effort into this team. You let him go. He didn't Opinion, but you drive all the players away in one brain, he can't just sit idly by, he doesn't want to see the team run down! This is the reason why he came to me today!"

"I don't care about football! But I hope you will look at my face and don't do such stupid things! Among the people you fired, more or less have connections with our family, don't let the family be passive! Okay? !"

Pacilio's tone was quite sincere at the end. Hugo didn't expect that Esposito's family had such a relationship with his own. This is the legendary flood that washed away the Dragon King Temple, and his family hurt his own family!Giorgio Esposito is really patient. I thought he was really afraid of us, but I didn't expect him to be righteous!
Sigh, think about it, it seems a bit dishonest for me to do this!
There is nothing wrong with what Grandpa said. Even though he is a Chinese with a white outside and a yellow inside, and a time traveler, some things seem to be a little too much, and he doesn't respect them very much. The family needs their support.

Hugo was a little bit remorseful at first, but his words were just irrational. Now that his grandfather said it so earnestly, it would be wrong for him not to know what is good and what is wrong.

"Okay! I didn't expect him to have such a relationship with us. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't force him! Why didn't he say it earlier!" Hugo complained coyly.

"It's because they are more sensible than you and don't want to ask me for help!" Pacilio scolded, feeling a little happy in his heart, as long as the grandson figured it out, he had to understand some truths.

"Here, I admit that what Victor and I did is a bit dishonest! But an apology is impossible! A tree needs skin and people need face, and I will not apologize to them!" Hugo said first.

"Trees need skin and people need face! Where did you learn the words, little guy, it seems to be really philosophical! I didn't ask you to apologize, I just arranged for them to return to the team, and then everyone put it together. The team is doing well, this can be regarded as a little contribution of the Colleni family to the local area!" Pacilio praised in a good mood.

"Haha, grandpa, I have a lot of wise words, but these words are translated from Chinese, you know that I am very proficient in Chinese!" Hugo said happily when he saw that the rain had passed and the sky cleared. Without grandpa, in all fairness in this life, grandpa really didn't say anything to me.

"But are they willing to come back?! You know..." Victor interjected
(End of this chapter)

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