My Magus Academy is Run by Players?! [Western Cultivation LitRPG]

Chapter 5: The Enigmatic Gaming Capsule

In a certain computer store on Earth named “Computer Emporium,” the atmosphere buzzed with customers and the constant hum of computer fans. Standing in the middle of the store, a young man in his late twenties engaged in a spirited conversation with a customer. His name was Michael, an eccentric gamer, better known on Discord as “MikeIsHandsome1000x.”

“Ah, my friend! You’ve made an excellent choice with that laptop,” Michael exclaimed, brimming with genuine enthusiasm. “But wait, there’s more! How about a premium antivirus software to ensure your digital fortress is impenetrable?”

The customer, looking slightly overwhelmed, politely declined. “Thanks… but I think I’ll pass. Just the laptop will do.”

Michael was undeterred and pressed on. “Fair enough, my friend, but let me sweeten the deal. How about a complimentary three-month subscription to our remote tech support service? You’ll have peace of mind knowing our team is just a click away!”

The customer hesitated. Michael could sense that he was tempted by the offer but was likely turned off by the additional costs. Undeterred, Michael leaned in and lowered his voice, adding, “And, just between you and me, I’ll throw in a nifty USB gadget that will make your colleagues green with envy. It’s a secret perk for customers who appreciate the eccentricity of this old tech wizard.”

His employees exchanged knowing glances, accustomed to witnessing Michael’s particular sales tactics. Eccentric or not, there was no denying that it was effective and provided the customers with an “unforgettable” experience.

“A-Alright… fine. I’ll add the tech support and the USB gadget to my purchase, please.”

Michael gingerly retrieved the credit card from his customer’s hand and completed the transaction as he inwardly patted himself on the back for a job well done.

“Thank you for your patronage.” Michael packed the laptop and the USB gadget into a paper bag but delayed in handing it over as he attempted one more offer. “May I interest you in—”

“No, thank you!” The customer swiftly snatched the paper bag and immediately scurried away, afraid to spend another second in the store.

“Michael, I think you should ease up on the forceful promotion,” one of his concerned employees expressed.

“Relaax… Didn’t you see how the customer happily bought all the things I offered?” 

“Yeah, but…”

“No buts. Get back to whatever you’re doing, Adam.” Michael lightly tapped his employee’s shoulder then made his way back to his office, stating, “I’m gonna take a short coffee break for a few minutes.”

Sitting on his chair with a piping hot coffee on his desk, Michael opened the Discord app on his desktop and went straight to a certain server. Early this morning, someone claimed to be a developer working on a fully immersive virtual reality game. Michael thought that this guy was crazy at first, but when he saw the professional webpage for the project, he retracted his initial thought.

The server was still buzzing with people discussing the game, though many were skeptical, suspecting that the whole thing was a scam. Michael, too, held a certain level of doubt. Perhaps, it would be more of a pseudo-immersive VR experience, akin to the one depicted in “Ready Player One” or something like that. Nevertheless, it did pique his interest enough to fill out the form and sign up.

In his younger days, Michael had spent countless hours playing MMORPGs, conquering one game after another and becoming the best player on any given server. However, as he got older and real life caught up with him, he started losing his passion — no game gave him the enthusiasm he once had in the past. He was bored.

As he sipped the last drop of coffee from his cup, Adam called for him from outside his office.

“Michael! Is there supposed to be a package this big today? I don’t remember any on our list…”

A package? Michael thought, rushing out of his room. He didn’t recall scheduling any deliveries for the store today. Wait, is it the so-called “gaming capsule?” Could it be here already?

He rushed out, his heart pounding, but was perplexed when he saw the package. It’s not just that the package had arrived sooner than expected, but because he had deliberately provided a false address just one street away from his store — to a coffee shop he often frequented — as a precautionary measure. The owner knew him well enough that he would have contacted him once the package arrived.

“Who delivered this?” he asked his employees.

His three employees looked at each other in confusion.

“I was in the storage area, so I didn’t see.”

“I don’t know, either. It feels like it appeared out of thin air.”

“I was manning the cashier earlier. If it was one of the customers that brought it, I would have noticed; this package is so large, after all. But…”

“Is something wrong?” Mike pressed.

“I don’t know if I’m just hallucinating or something. but I think… I may have seen someone with a distinctive black mask come inside for a second.” The employee held his forehead in contemplation. “Sorry, I could have just been daydreaming.”

Huh? This is creepy.

It was doubtful, but it could have been the coffee shop owner playing a prank on him for using his address. He called to make sure, but he said that it wasn’t him nor that any package had arrived… So, how did the package end up here? And who was the masked man? Perhaps it wasn’t the gaming capsule but just some random package that was mistakenly delivered here without their notice, though his name was right on it. Finally, he instructed his employees to open it, trying to shake off the unease.

“This… Isn’t this…” Michael’s voice trailed off as the package was opened. Inside was a sleek, futuristic capsule large enough to accommodate a single person. Its dark metallic exterior exuded a sense of sophisticated technology.

“Is this some kind of gaming chair?” Adam scratched his head.

“Are you stupid? This is obviously a massage chair.”

“Why would a massage chair have a glass cover… Actually, it kind of resembles the VR capsules in a comic series I’m reading.”

His employees were engaged in a heated debate, each one speculating about the nature of the mysterious capsule. One of them even attempted to pry open the glass cover but couldn’t budge it. Michael, however, remained silent, lost in a flood of nostalgic memories from his childhood novels. The captivating tales of immersive VR experiences came rushing back, reigniting his longing for such an adventure—

“Michael, where did you buy this thing?” one of his employees asked.

Instead of answering, Michael approached the enigmatic machine. To his astonishment, with just a touch of his hand the capsule smoothly unfolded before him, revealing a sleek helmet that looked like it belonged in a cyberpunk show and a plush sofa chair nestled within. Surprisingly, there were no apparent additional gadgets or accessories, leaving him to wonder if there were hidden compartments cleverly concealed along the interior.


“Yes, uh, see, I signed up to this indie company’s website to test their new products… Uh… they specialize in innovative console designs,” Michael bluffed. If he told his employees that this was a fully immersive VR gaming capsule, they wouldn’t believe him and might take him to the hospital to do a mental checkup.

“This thing is a console?!”

“Yep! Now out of the way. I need to test the quality of the product first!” With that, Michael entered the capsule.

As he settled into the plush chair, the glass cover gently shut close. Weird, as he didn’t think he’d done anything to prompt it. With a mix of anticipation and curiosity, he cautiously placed the helmet over his head. Initially shrouded in darkness, he felt an urge to immediately take it off, but then a pale blue light suddenly penetrated the darkness and reflected into his retina.

Magus Academy Online

Time Remaining Until Activation: 


Holy shit! This is truly the gaming capsule that the guy from Discord proclaimed! Frantically, he removed the helmet, the glass cover lifted on its own once again and he climbed back out. Turning to his employees, he said, “Adam, you try using it.”

“Why?” Adam hesitated.

“Just do it.”

Unable to refuse his boss’s request, Adam seated himself on the plush chair and put on the helmet. 

“Did you see something?” Michael inquired impatiently. 

“See what?

“Any text or number…” 

“No, there’s nothing except pitch back.” Adam took off the helmet and asserted, “I think this thing is out of juice.”

“Maybe there’s a cord on the back,” another employee offered. “Who knows, but most consoles don’t run on battery. Even considering its size I’d say it’s unlikely, anyway.”

“Bullshit. This thing must have its own battery,” Michael’s last employee countered. “Didn’t the glass cover automatically open and close? If it didn’t have any power, how could it do that?”

Michael himself didn’t bother addressing the issue and quickly darted toward his PC. He had to share his findings with the rest of the participants!


Victor, oblivious to the events unfolding on Earth, concluded his nightly meditation with energy particles dancing around him and dispersing into the wind. With a serene gaze, he opened his eyes, greeted by the lingering darkness of the sky through the windows; it would still be hours before the sun rose. Inside the Headmaster’s Office, there was a bedroom, and he had claimed the place for himself.

Curiosity suddenly sparked, and he checked on the “Headmaster’s Journal” tab to see the next mission through the black mark on his wrist.

—— [Headmaster’s Journal] ——

Mission: Where are the Players?

You have tricked people into joining your “game,” and delivery of the gaming capsules has been confirmed. Now, you must ensure that the first batch of players log in to the game.

Type: Main mission

Reward: Interspatial ring (1 m3)


Mission: Secure a Connection

To become a sustaining academy, you have to build a long-lasting relationship with nearby settlements. It is a requirement to have at least one settlement on friendly terms with you.

Type: Side mission

Total Settlement on Good Term: 0/1

Reward: 50 academy points

“An interspatial ring?! Holy cow! This System sure is generous.” Victor whistled as he read through the rewards for the two new missions.

“Wh-What? Master, is it time to eat already? Oh, wait…” Lizbeth mumbled groggily, rubbing her drowsy eyes and catching a glimpse of the drool at the corner of her mouth. Suddenly, she snapped back to her senses and shot Victor an indignant glare. “Ahem! Don’t startle me like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

“Sorry, my sleeping princess…” Victor teased sarcastically. After all, he had all the right to be utterly shocked. It was important to note that possessing an interspatial ring was far from common among Elemental Adept Magi, let alone someone of his modest standing. Even if the ring in question only had a meager capacity of one cubic meter.

“Say, can the System scan my stats? You know, like in video games?” Victor considered this a possibility, considering that the previous headmaster had arranged everything as though it were a game.

“Is that what this is all about?” Lizbeth questioned, obviously annoyed that her sleep had been disturbed.

Victor was about to say, “Not really,” but forcibly swallowed the words. Picking a fight with her could spell more trouble than it was worth. Therefore, he confirmed with a nod.

Nonetheless, Lizbeth sighed but compliantly showed him the status screen. 

Victor Asteriscus

Power Rank: Third-stage Initiate Attunement
Elemental Affinity: Anemo (82%) | Pyro (57%) | ???
Status: Healthy

Strength: (22)
Agility: (23)
Vitality: (22)
Magical Power: (29)
Infused Mana (total): (144)

Hrm? So, I have an elemental affinity for something other than Anemo and Pyro? Victor thought, finding that the status screen was rather plain but held secrets about his body that he wasn’t even aware of.

“Can you give me a short breakdown of everything on the status screen?”

“Well, I’d be happy to help.” The fairy flashed a confident smile and proceeded to explain. “Um, The first three sections are quite straightforward and should be easy for you to comprehend, so I won’t go into detail about those. But there’s a unique twist to the stats: each increment of one point adds 10 percent of the previous value, which will stack up more and more as the point increases. For example, if an average adult has a stat of five for strength, agility, and vitality, each point increase beyond that would enhance their capabilities exponentially. As for magical power, well, it’s safe to say that an average adult wouldn’t possess any… And that pretty much sums it up!”

Victor nodded, absorbing the information. “I see. So, the higher the stat, the more pronounced the improvement. That’s interesting.” This would become a topic that players would have to dig around to understand on their own time, since he had no plans to go out of his way to explain.

Considering he would have to keep up the façade that this was merely a game, he enlisted Lizbeth’s help to brainstorm ways to smooth things out. There were also a lot of small details that he inquired about the System, and she answered most of the basic questions without holding back anything. As the headmaster and the game manager, he had to understand everything to its nook and cranny so that he could be convincing. 

With the conversation ending, Victor tried to rest, though found himself unable to get a wink of sleep. Restlessness stirred within him, urging him to take action. Hence, he resolved to move ahead of schedule. He had two important objectives to accomplish in the nearby village: securing necessary supplies and establishing a friendly rapport with the locals. Coincidentally, the village was the very place where he had resided before venturing into the depths of the forest.

Just that…

“Considering the consequences of the academy’s destruction, I am apprehensive to leave this place…” Victor confessed to Lizbeth.

“Fear not, this academy has remained hidden for thousands of years due to magic barriers. What would another day do anyway? He-he.” Lizbeth’s tone was calm, steady, and slightly mischievous.

“So, you were tricking me before!” Victor very lightly pinched Lizbeth’s tiny, rosy cheeks in annoyance, eliciting a yelp of surprise from the mischievous fairy.

“Ow!” The fairy quickly wriggled free and massaged her cheeks, pouting in mock indignation. “When did I trick you? You just never bothered to ask! Besides, it’s been so long that the magic barriers protecting the academy may have deteriorated over time. Who knows?”

“Ugh… Then, all the more reason for us to hurry.” 

Determination gleamed in Victor’s eyes as he said that. With renewed purpose, he made his preparations and ventured out into the depths of the forest, his steps guided by the moonlight, leaving Lizbeth behind to safeguard the academy in his absence.

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