My Magus Academy is Run by Players?! [Western Cultivation LitRPG]

Chapter 31: The Limitless Possibilities

Eager to gauge the new players’ reactions, Victor swiftly opened the Discord app and navigated to the Magus Academy Online channel within the Gamer’s Empire server. The channel was already flooding with messages to the point he had to scroll up for a full minute just to avoid missing anything.

Squadzell: “Whoa, what’s with all these new faces popping up out of nowhere? (Confused.gif)”

Stickman_Just_Passing: “Hey, boss! How do I get in on this test? I’ve signed up on the official website to join.”

Gigglebelly Grumblefart: “I’m interested too! Is there a fee to play this game?”

Squadzell: “Haha! Hold on, are you all here for Magus Academy Online? :PaimonShock:”

Captain Derp: “Seems like the server is getting a lot of newcomers. Let’s give it some time until the folks who’ve qualified for the closed alpha share their experiences.”

Squadzell: “True, true. And to answer your questions, you don’t have to pay during the testing phase, though no one knows if that’ll stay the same in the future. And as for getting in, it hinges a lot on how qualified you are. I haven’t even gotten an invitation myself yet… #Wishingforone.”

In the gaming community, whispers of an urban legend had begun to circulate — talk of a fully immersive virtual reality game that was taking the online world by storm. While most dismissed it as mere fantasy, there were always a couple of enthusiastic gamers who took the idea seriously, searching high and low for the official website’s URL and an invitation to the Gamer’s Empire Discord server.

The proof of this growing curiosity exploded when the fresh wave of players logged out of the game and eagerly shared their initial impressions.

Locktekei: “@everyone! Okay, I have to eat my words now for saying that the server owner was overdramatic before. This game… it just blew my mind. I take back all my earlier skepticism. I’m completely floored by it!”

Stickman_Just_Passing: “Really?!”

ThunderLord999: “Yep, absolutely true. I’m backing up Locktekei here. I tested out the crafting system, and it’s indistinguishable from the real deal. Then there’s this intricate magic system that’s still a mystery to us… It’s making me wonder about the game’s full potential.”

Prominence (Administrator): “Whoa, you guys are outpacing us original players already!”

The new members couldn’t contain their excitement and jumped into the conversation, engaging with the players to get more insights as they exchanged their thoughts and questions. Furthermore, it appeared that Victor’s old online friend “PleaseBugMeNot” had changed his Discord username to match his in-game name, Prominence. 

Victor skipped the initial flurry of messages until he reached a more interesting conversation among the players from the first batch:

Storm Bringer (Administrator): “To be honest, the realism of this game went beyond my expectations! Unlike most sandbox-building games, Magus Academy Online takes it to the next level. We closed-alpha players started chopping down trees around the academy today, and the sensation of chopping wood feels the same as in reality. I mean, I haven’t tried chopping trees with an iron axe in the local conservation area myself, but the experience is incredibly immersive. The thing is, it’s not just plowing the fields — everything feels so damn real! And I’m not even talking about the crafting system yet.”

Storm Bringer (Administrator): “In this game, logs don’t magically turn into planks just by putting them on a crafting table. Cooking isn’t just placing random ingredients on a lit stove and playing a minigame to match temperature and doneness. Instead, you gotta approach it like you’re actually in a kitchen, with all the steps and techniques. Say goodbye to one-click crafting and instant results.”

ViperMoon: “No way, it’s that realistic?”

ZeroXScyth (Server Owner): “Yes! It seems that you’re a new member, so you may not have read the review that Storm made previously. I wasn’t part of the lumberjack group in the game, but the five of us made a makeshift fireplace near the end of this session. It’s nothing grand, but we had to gather the materials ourselves and place the stones and branches in the correct position to make a working cooking area.”

Storm Bringer (Administrator): “Exactly! On top of that, all the materials in the game behave according to their real-world properties. And the changes we make to the environment are permanent! No respawning! Meaning that we have to use what’s available around us while minimizing the impact it may cause. That’s what has impressed me the most!”

MikeIsHandsome1000x: “A good observation there, Storm. So, I will be adding my own take as an RPG enthusiast. As far as the gameplay is concerned, we haven’t even found the game’s limit yet! I can’t help but wonder how magic fits into all of this — just like what @ThunderLord999 said. My gaming instincts are telling me there’s limitless possibilities, and we must explore every corner of it all!”

Victor was pleased to see the players engaging in meaningful discussions about the game’s mechanics and potential. It was a testament to the success in presenting a façade of a game that was actually a real world. He intended to maintain this illusion for as long as possible.

The nature of being an acolyte, destined to tread the path of a Magus, inherently involved curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Pursuing knowledge and truth was the essence of a Magus’s journey, and he aimed to nurture and cultivate this fundamental trait within his players. As the headmaster, it was his duty to encourage them to always be curious and never cease to test the boundaries of possibility.

Storm Bringer (Administrator): “It’s a shame, but we haven’t delved into the combat system yet. I can’t wait to shoot magic spells or even wield my own magic weapons. Although, with the total freedom that the game gives, it seems plausible that we can create guns in this magical world. Perhaps even creating ‘magitech’ or merging technology and magic to craft something truly unique. Who knows.”

Stickman_Just_Passing: “Count me in! If everything you’re saying is true, even if I have to sell my kidneys and mortgage my house, I’m more than willing to pay to get a shot at playing!”

Gigglebelly Grumblefart: “@Stickman_Just_Passing Might as well mortgage your wife and daughters to make it more attractive.”

Squadzell: “Cyber, if you’re listening, please! I’m begging for a chance to play after hearing all these incredible stories! Give me that opportunity! 🙏 🥺 🙏”


All the gamers who were silently watching burst out at the same time, expressing their desire to obtain the invitations and join the adventure. But unsurprisingly, not everyone was convinced.

Noobzilla: “Oh come on, are you all seriously falling for this? I dare to bet one hundred bucks that these people are paid actors! What proof have you seen apart from just words? Vanishing for a night and then coming back the next morning with tall tales — even my dog could pull off that trick.”

Noobzilla: “And what’s all this talk about the game being so realistic (which is highly unlikely, considering the dubious existence of it)? If it’s truly that lifelike, why isn’t it being utilized to improve the lives of people worldwide? Using such technology for a game rather than in fields like healthcare, science, and education sounds ludicrous to me. It’s like a bunch of clowns setting up a circus in the middle of nowhere. It’s absolutely ridiculous! Are you people lacking brains or something?”

(Noobzilla has been timed out by the server owner for 1 hour.)

ZeroXScyth (Server Owner): “This guy has been getting on my nerves for some time.”

SuperNovaX (Moderator): “Oof! Boss Zero’s not holding back!”

Storm Bringer (Administrator): “Critiques are welcome, but insults are not, especially towards the team behind the game. The truth will become evident once you try it for yourself (though, given your behavior, that seems unlikely). By the way, it’s frustrating that I can’t stream and upload videos on my channel! I’m losing millions here!”

Following this exchange, the server channel ignited with discussion as beliefs, doubts, and hopes intermingled among the players. A diversity of reactions formed around the tantalizing concept of this revolutionary game — something only time could truly verify.

Victor himself cared not about the criticisms of a single individual, as it wouldn’t affect his plan in the slightest. Nevertheless, he marked the individual ineligible, but to his surprise, he had already registered on the official website. However, his profile was far from extraordinary, which confirmed he was far from ever being accepted.

Just as Victor was preparing to close the app and begin his daily meditation practice, a DM pop-up appeared on the side of the holographic screen. The sender was none other than Storm Bringer himself. 

Storm Bringer: “Cyber, are you online?”

Curious about what he could want, Victor typed back, “Just woke up after a short work break. What’s the matter?”

Storm Bringer: “Well, it’s not anything urgent… I feel bad bothering you with this.”

Victor creased his eyebrows; they had been online friends for years. What was there to hide from him, unless he had some ulterior motives?

CyberWarlock: “Just tell me.”

Storm Bringer: “Have you seen the messages on the server? There’s this sourpuss bad-mouthing your company. Saying things like the game is a fraud and all. I, as one of the closed-alpha players, feel frustrated about not being able to offer concrete proof of the game’s existence and shut up naysayers like him for good… I even tried posting a review video on my channel, but no one would believe me. Say, when will the features concerning in-game streaming and screenshotting be implemented?”

Huh? It’s obvious Storm is using this as an excuse to get me to implement a system that will benefit him. Still, his point is valid.

Giving players the tools to share their experiences was crucial to further promote the game without relying on advertisements. However, Victor knew there were technical challenges he had to address before implementing such features.

In response to Storm’s message, he paused to carefully consider his reply. However, before he was able to reply, the guy must have worried that his message was too blunt, so another message from him quickly followed.

Storm Bringer: “I’m not saying that you have to take this to your higher-ups, but you know…”

CyberWarlock: “It’s fine. This topic has been under discussion in our meetings several times. Rest assured, by the time the next update comes, I’ll try my best to ensure the features are ready. To that end, we’re planning to extend our official website to include a platform where players can share their in-game experiences.”

He would model the platform similarly to the “Community Hub” on popular gaming platforms like Steam, where players could post videos, images, and even artwork related to the game.

Storm Bringer: “Sweet! That’s sure to be a hit! I remember reading a manhwa years ago about a VRMMORPG with a similar concept. You could also consider adding a leaderboard or a hall of fame based on total viewership to incentivize players. Your company could even monetize this by incorporating ads.”

Reading Storm’s enthusiastic comment confused Victor. Are you the developer here, or is it me? Why do the roles feel reversed? Oh well, it’s good to have enthusiastic players like him…

CyberWarlock: “Point taken. Your feedback will be presented during our next meeting.”

Although the currency from Earth held little value for Victor, he understood the importance of maintaining the façade of a game company. What kind of game company didn’t exist to make money? Besides, he was sure he could find some use for Earthly currency in the future. After all, money was often equated to power.

Storm Bringer: “Oh yeah, I have one more request.”

Eh? Since when has this become a session to request anything from the developer? Victor thought, but he decided to listen since Storm’s input had been quite valuable so far.

CyberWarlock: “Go ahead.”

Storm Bringer: “Is there any way I can stay in the game for longer? Waiting twelve hours in real life is killing me! I’ve been holding my urge to play for the past few days. I can’t even go to the bathroom to shit in peace without thinking about the game. Even playing other games doesn’t satisfy me anymore.”

Did this guy have no work in real life? Then again, Storm Bringer was known to be a streamer and well-versed in stock trading, so he likely had enough financial stability to avoid traditional employment.

CyberWarlock: “As players progress further in the game, we will consider extending the allowed playtime. Right now, twelve hours of continuous play should be more than sufficient to fulfill most players’ recreational needs. Remember, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our players above all else. If you don’t have any more feedback to share, I will take this chance to send my report to the higher-ups and then go get some rest.”

Storm Bringer: “Wait!!”

Victor swiftly turned off his Shadowlink Mark, deciding that he had spent enough time on this discussion. He leaned back in his chair, allowing his thoughts to settle on the potential benefits of the feedback he had received from the players, both for their enjoyment and for the “company” image.

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