My Magus Academy is Run by Players?! [Western Cultivation LitRPG]

Chapter 27: Regulations for the Benefit of the Future

Outside the chamber, a small gathering of players had already formed by the time Jacky and Locktekei emerged. The similarities in age and appearance among the group made them blend in seamlessly, causing their entrance to go relatively unnoticed amidst the various strange and peculiar activities taking place around them.

Taking a quick headcount, including himself and Locktekei, Jacky noted that there were a total of ten players present, two of whom were female. One of the young women had a striking shade of pink hair and stood at around 150 centimeters in height, while the other was slightly taller at 160 centimeters, with freckles adorning her face and blonde hair. Other than that, the players seemed to have paired off, likely having become better acquainted with their chambermates.

What intrigued Jacky the most was the range of emotions etched across their faces — awkwardness, surprise, excitement, and curiosity. Prior to this, many had dismissed the concept of a “fully immersive virtual reality game” as a mere exaggeration made by a few bored game fans. Even after receiving the gaming capsules from the company, doubts still lingered. Yet now, all traces of skepticism had evaporated.

If there were a game that could surpass this level of realism, it would simply be called “reality” itself!

These people were clearly bubbling over with excitement, like kids in a candy store who had just been given free rein to raid the shelves. They couldn’t resist poking, prodding, and petting everything in sight, as if testing whether the pixels were genuine. 

There was also a player who clutched their neighbor’s shoulder in desperation. “Hey, do me a favor, will you? Slap me! Slap me as hard as you can!”

The second player blinked in sheer disbelief. “Wait, what? Are you serious?”

“Absolutely! I need to get the feel of it, you know? Like, if I’m going to battle monsters, I’ve got to prepare my mental toughness!”

His bewilderment only deepened when he caught sight of a player in the corner, engrossed in a one-person facepalm competition. 

Unable to hold himself back from asking, Jacky approached the guy. “Hey, what are you doing?”

The player glanced up, sheepishly grinning. “Practicing my reaction for when I encounter in-game puzzles that make no sense,” he said.

These people are insane! Jacky’s jaw dropped as he witnessed this bizarre exchange firsthand. Had he stepped into a game world, or had he somehow found himself in the midst of a small lunatic carnival? Though he did get a bit overly emotional himself when he first logged in, so he couldn’t judge too harshly.

Gratefully, there were no instances of players resorting to taking off their pants for testing “in-game biological functions.” Sanity and decency, at least, still had a tenuous grip on this eccentric assembly.

As he lamented this loony spectacle, a sudden shimmer caught his attention — the Shadowlink Mark on his wrist glowed and projected a hologram. Upon closer inspection, the hologram transformed into the likeness of a delicate, ethereal fairy, though it lacked the vibrant colors of physical life.

“Attention, everyone!” the hologram fairy chimed, its lively voice slicing through the chaotic enthusiasm like a beacon.

The effect was instantaneous. Every player froze in their tracks, their faces turned toward the projection with a mixture of curiosity and rapt attention.

NPC alert! 

Opening plot!

Judging from the game lore that the player “Storm Bringer” had shared on the official website, it was safe to assume that this was the holographic embodiment of the assistant fairy, which was an essential component of the introductory phase.

As Jacky and the other players collectively held their breath, the fairy began its scripted announcement in a strange but familiar language. “Welcome and congratulations on passing the qualification test to join our prestigious academy. Now, I will stop beating around the bush and get to the point here: There are rules that are absolutely non-negotiable. Violating even a single one could lead to your swift expulsion. For a comprehensive understanding of the academy and these rules, I will guide you to the auditorium, where you will have the privilege of meeting our esteemed headmaster and your senior peers.”

A ripple of collective realization washed over the group, the initial fervor cooling like a sudden gust of wind. After struggling hard to get into this immersive game, the last thing they would want was to get kicked out and banned from it. Jacky himself couldn’t help but marvel at the palpable tension the script invoked.

The game had truly begun.


With the players now assembled within the auditorium, Victor stepped onto the stage and began his carefully crafted speech.

“Welcome to the Sanctum of Interdimensional Magi.” His voice resonated with a commanding authority, the words rolling off his tongue with practiced eloquence. “I am the headmaster of this academy, titled Astralium, and I extend my sincerest congratulations on your successful entry into our ranks as new acolytes…”

As Victor delivered his opening remarks, the players remained silent, every eye trained on him, every ear capturing his every word. His presence commanded attention, and the players hung onto his every syllable, their anticipation evident.

Surveying the room, Victor allowed himself a subtle inward nod of satisfaction. For a room that could easily accommodate hundreds of people, the mere number of ten people only occupied a small corner. However, Victor was more than sure that when the Nexus Tower reached a higher level, there would be more incubation pods, meaning that the capacity of the auditorium might be stretched to its limit.

“First of all, I stand before you with a heavy heart, for I see before us an academy that has lost its former brilliance…” Victor continued with his rehearsed lines, sounding much like a proper NPC, until finally reaching the conclusion of his speech. “…We will rise from the ashes and reclaim our rightful place among the countless worlds. It is our duty to restore the legacy of our forebears and make it the greatest in the universe once again!” 

With these resounding words, Victor couldn’t help but think about the next batch of players scheduled to arrive tomorrow when he would do it all again. Barring any major glitches or loopholes, he saw no reason to modify his speech. After all, crafting a compelling narrative was a difficult task to do.

To his surprise and satisfaction, the second group of players seemed less awestruck and more at ease in their new surroundings. Unlike the first batch, they didn’t interrupt or exhibit overt signs of curiosity. This change could possibly be attributed to the more available information on the official website, making the transition into the game smoother for these newcomers.

Without missing a beat, Victor continued, “Now, there are some rules that will govern you here. These guidelines will delineate what actions are permissible and those that are not. Your Shadowlink Marks hold the key to accessing detailed information and instructions. Now please, open it up and see for yourself.”

He paused, allowing the players to access the updated “Sanctum of Interdimensional Magi Guidelines 2.0” via their Shadowlink Marks. The revised guidelines now encompassed the acolytes’ convention, codes of conduct, as well as requisites for public order, and decorum, and the prohibitions that safeguarded the academy’s regulations.

“Mark my words! For acolytes who violate the regulations, they will be subjected to extended periods of confinement,” Victor informed solemnly, diffusing some mana force to carry the weight of authority. “Severe violations will result in expulsion from the academy. It is our fervent hope that each and every one of you will uphold these standards thoroughly!”

The players sucked in a breath of cold air upon hearing the harsh punishments, and a small commotion arose. Being expelled from the academy meant they would be permanently banned from the game. Still, Victor could tell that they were shocked to see an NPC wielding this level of authority.

However, becoming the closed-alpha testers meant that these players had made a conscious choice to embrace the game’s settings. Victor had also taken the initiative to post an updated version of the Sanctum of Interdimensional Magi Guidelines on the official website the previous night, inviting players to review and contribute their insights.

The clauses so far had been pretty thorough, addressing a wide range of topics. But the input from players, particularly from the first batch, highlighted some important gaps. These suggestions delved into the intricacies of player interactions, which were vital for maintaining a harmonious environment. For instance, while the initial rules prohibited “PK and unrestricted combat between players,” there was no explicit mention of behaviors like “harassing other players” or engaging in “improper transactions.”

One female player who had just qualified for the game but not yet received the gaming capsule put forward the addition of “no sexual harassment” and “no rape” clauses. Likewise, some players from the first batch offered suggestions for appropriate consequences for all sorts of violations. As an example, malicious destruction of in-game facilities could result in “compulsory labor” or worse, whereas sexually harassing fellow players would lead to expulsion from the game entirely.

These suggestions were aligned with the interests of most “average” players, and the best of them were adopted by Victor and Lizbeth in the revised guidelines. Victor anticipated that as both the player and NPC populations grew and the academy expanded, additional terms would likely be required.

To quote the democracy statement “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” the players contributed for their own good. If the game managed to flourish, they would be the ones to benefit. And if they benefitted, Victor, as the headmaster, would have the last laugh. 

After all, although this was a game for the players, it was reality for him. While the game aimed to offer unparalleled freedom and a groundbreaking sandbox concept, there needed to be safeguards against unscrupulous disruptions that could detract from the overall gaming experience. Victor was determined to prevent any deviation toward an environment resembling more R18 content.

Navigating the delicate topic of sexual content within the game world required a careful approach. Even though the people in this world, especially Magi, were more open-minded about such matters compared to Earth, Victor was well aware of the potential complications. He recognized the need to maintain a clear separation to avoid attracting players who wanted access simply as a means to explore whatever strange kinks they may have. Converging two distinct cultural backgrounds demanded a measured stance.

Later on, once players had truly walked the Magus path and acquired a diverse array of spells, the potential for misuse and immoral actions might arise. To proactively prevent this, it was imperative to establish stringent rules from the outset and communicate the heavy punishments for such actions.

“All right. That’s all there is from me,” Victor concluded. “For your next course of action, my assistant fairy here,” he gestured as Lizbeth floated gracefully beside him and smiled, “will guide you in my stead. Feel free to ask her any questions about the academy or any other uncertainties to her. Your seniors will also guide you to find your roles within the academy. With that, I officially conclude this speech.”

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