My liver skills in the military camp

Chapter 494: Tanks also suffer from altitude sickness? 15 Light Hengkong was born! 【Please order mor

As we all know, the "big brother" among Yanguo tanks is undoubtedly the 99A.

This tank combines the crystallization of Yanguo's technology and symbolizes Yanguo's self-developed tank industry. It is already at the forefront of the world and is a tank that the people of the country are proud of.

Ranked among the world's main battle tanks, it is also undisputedly one of the top three.

As the only heavily-armed mechanized force on the plateau, the 54th Brigade's reform direction in this synthetic reform is the heavy-duty synthetic brigade.

By then, the Type 96 tanks and Type 86 infantry fighting vehicles currently equipped by the 54th Brigade will be replaced and upgraded to 99A and 04A infantry fighting vehicles, supplemented by modern firepower strike equipment.

Don't ask why this change was made, after all, this is almost a template for synthetic reform.

The heavy combined brigade is equipped with tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, the medium combined brigade is mainly equipped with wheeled equipment, and the light combined brigade is equipped with light assault vehicles and other equipment to perform special tasks in complex environments.

Looking at it this way, it is not unreasonable for Huang Ce to have been "thinking about" 99A for so many years.

After all, for a brigade commander like him, wanting to know a little bit about the "inside story" of synthetic reform is nothing.

Then the problem arises.

During the recent visit, Chief Ye discovered a very "fatal" problem for the 54th Brigade, or the 99A tank!

That is the altitude of the areas that each unit of the 54th Brigade is responsible for. The difference is really huge!

From an average of 3,500 meters at the border of Shikoku, to 5,400 meters at HW Beach Post, the highest post in Yan Country and the highest post in the world!

The altitude difference between the two is nearly more than 2,000 meters!

As the first batch of 99A tanks installed in the army, Chief Ye is very clear about the parameters related to 99A.

At an altitude of about three thousand meters above sea level, the performance of the 99A is barely acceptable, and its maneuverability can barely reach 80 or 90% of the level on flat ground.

But if the altitude goes up further, along with the sharp decrease in oxygen content, the maneuverability of 99A will drop sharply, and the power performance may only be 40% or 50% of the usual, or even just lie down!

There are generally only three criteria for judging whether a tank is excellent or not.

Firepower intensity, maneuverability, and protection capabilities.

Among them, mobility performance is also the most critical and important basis for measuring the overall performance of a tank!

As the saying goes, "The only martial arts in the world that cannot be broken is fast." This is what it means.

And when the battlefield is placed on a plateau, this sentence becomes even more obvious.

The other tanks were walking slowly and "turtle-walking", even lying down at every turn.

However, our tank comes and goes like the wind. A single step of the accelerator can make the tail lights of the other side invisible. The advantage is obvious.


The most crucial point is here!

Other people's tanks are as slow as a turtle crawling at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters.

As for our 99A, its performance at an altitude of four thousand meters is far from achieving this "coming and going like wind" effect.

It’s not that the 99A tank is not advanced. Do you really think that the 55-ton “Wall of Sighs” is a joke?

But on flat ground, the 99A, known as the "King of Land Combat", can't solve the problem of thin oxygen content on the plateau?

Weight and maneuverability are the "haves and haves" on the plateau, and you can't have both.

Not only Yanguo cannot solve this problem, but no country in the world can solve it.

Either reduce the protection, reduce the weight of the tank, and rely on other engine technologies to improve mobility in disguise.

Or just go for it, or at worst, put the barrel of the gun on the head of the opposite tank, and whoever kills it first will get the ball.

Although this scene looks funny.

But even armored forces have to face real problems on the plateau, and they have even happened before.

The reason for this phenomenon is also very simple.

Regardless of whether the performance of the engine is advanced or not, how powerful the power is at ordinary times.

As long as an internal combustion engine is used, it must absorb oxygen and burn oil.

The oxygen content on the plateau is thin, which will cause the engine to be "incompetent" when working. The specific manifestation is that it only "smoke" and does not work.

For example, the Type 96 tank currently equipped by the 54th Brigade is much lighter than the 99A, which weighs more than 50 tons.

And in terms of power system, the Type 96 tanks under the 54th Brigade Armored Battalion have also undergone special modifications to increase the oxygen content of the engine air intake.

In this way, the Type 96 tank can still lie down when it reaches high altitudes. Even in areas with slightly lower altitudes, the Type 96 tank with reduced power cannot even climb some small slopes.

What the hell?

Why can't it be driven by electricity? Why do we have to rely on internal combustion engines?

Indeed, tanks have batteries on them. Even in a game with many plug-ins, the tank battery is an expensive item that can be picked up.

But the tank battery is not used to power the power system?

If we really want to rely entirely on electric drive, how big is the battery on this tank?

Gas-electric hybrid? Doesn’t a gasoline-electric hybrid require oxygen?

Why can’t we get over the hurdle of electric drive?

And on the plateau, the factors that affect tank performance are not just this, but all-round.

Low temperature and low pressure are also a great test for the tank's maneuverability.

Even if the electric engine really achieves a technological breakthrough, it can be equipped on a tank.

But the low temperature on the plateau is also a big test for the battery.

If things go on like this, no matter how advanced the tank is, it will not be able to exert its full performance on the plateau, and there may even be a strange scene of directly transforming into a fixed turret on the spot.

Of course, 99A can also be modified to a certain extent for plateau operations.

But for its dead weight of more than fifty tons, no matter how much it is modified, its performance on the plateau will not be improved much.

And the current engine technology is not unable to solve the problem of engine performance degradation on plateaus.

But without exception, the maximum horsepower of such an engine is very low, and he cannot even carry a slightly heavier tank!

In other words, the plateau is actually a light and flat world.

But as a light tank, its status has always been particularly awkward.

Insufficient weight brings firepower and reduced protection capabilities, which means that in tank dogfights, a greater price has to be paid.

In that era when armor was prevalent, light tanks had always been "disliked" and would not be used for independent combat, but for breakthroughs, insertions and other tasks requiring high mobility.

So, is there a light tank that can take both plateau operations into account and have strong firepower that can penetrate the T90 of a certain mythical beast? The protection performance is not bad, and it can even be loaded with reactive armor?

It didn't exist in the past, but now it does, and Section Chief Ye also knows that it is an independent model of light tank produced by Yanguo.

Codename ZTQ-15, nicknamed 15 Light in the military!

As a light main battle tank that has just been developed and is still in the confidentiality stage and experimental nature.

Its main combat scenario is to conduct combat on plateaus and mountainous areas, with the emphasis on plateau areas!

The entire army currently has no troops equipped with Type 15 light main battle tanks.

However, in previous experiments, the two-stage turbo sequential supercharging engine used by 15 Light can reach a speed of about 60 kilometers per hour on the plateau, ranking first in the world!

And despite the fact that the 15 light tank is a light tank, its standard weight is only more than 30 tons.

But its firepower and protection capabilities are even comparable to heavy main battle tanks with slightly lower performance!

Of course, just comparing the paper strength in terms of firepower and protective capabilities, the 15 Light is still not as good as the T90, which is a treasure of the Divine Beast family.

But war is not a turn-based game.

Who the hell is using a light tank against your heavy tank?

Do you want face?

At a slightly higher altitude, T90 has to become a "fixed turret."

And with 15 light, it can rely on its world's best plateau combat capabilities to make T72, T90 and other tanks eat exhaust fumes!

Let's put it this way, on the plateau, it can beat the 15 light tank, but it can't go where the 15 light tank can go.

A tank that can go up with 15 light tanks can't defeat 15 light tanks!

"General relativity" belongs to yes.

Of course, these "summaries" only exist in Section Chief Ye's memory.

In fact, the 15th light did not make its first public appearance until a military parade a few years later.

It has been four or five years since he developed it.

But at the age of 15, debut is the peak! The world was shocked and raised eyebrows!

The birth of 15 Qing marks that Yanguo has reached the forefront of the world in the field of plateau combat, no, it is the first in the world!

All of a sudden, the Divine Beast Family was in a panic. They said they would build their own light main battle tank no matter what. They also said that it must be a hundred times more advanced than Yan Guo's 15 light, and that it could defeat the 15 light. kind.

Exact words.

But everyone knows the urine properties of mythical beasts.

After all, Yingjiang has a PPT, but he doesn’t even have a PPT!

Don't ask, asking is research and development.

As for when it will be developed, I don’t know.

Thinking of the funny clown appearance of the mythical beast, Chief Ye couldn't help laughing.


Seeing Chief Ye suddenly laughing, Huang Ce, who was still thinking about how to submit a report and make modifications after equipping the 99A tank so that he could better conduct plateau operations, suddenly turned around and asked Chief Ye.

"What's wrong, Lao Ye?"

"Why are you laughing suddenly?"

Hearing this, the smile on Section Chief Ye's face did not diminish, and he responded meaningfully to Huang Ce.

"It's nothing, I just remembered a big clown."

Immediately afterwards, Chief Ye changed his subject and spoke deliberately to Huang Ce.

"Old Huang, I have good news and bad news here. Which one do you plan to hear first?"


Upon hearing this, Huang Ce thought about it for a moment, and then asked Section Chief Ye tentatively.

"The bad news first?"

"伱99A is gone."

Huang Ce: "???"

"What the hell?"

"It's gone? Why is it gone?"

Seeing Huang Ce showing such an anxious look, Section Chief Ye suddenly felt very happy!

Let you just be the Riddler with me!

come! Keep telling the truth!

But Huang Ce is obviously not as "reserved" as Section Chief Ye.

Perhaps because it involved 99A, which he had been "thinking about" for many years, Huang Ce was anxious and scratched his head, questioning Chief Ye!

"Lao Ye! Speak!"

"What do you mean 99A is gone? Why?"

After deliberately whetting Huang Ce's appetite for a while, Chief Ye felt that the heat was almost done, so he spoke slowly.

"Because I plan to write a report so that our 54th Brigade will not change to 99A!"

As soon as this statement came out, Huang Ce became anxious on the spot!

"No, Lao Ye, I didn't offend you, did I?"

"What do you mean?"

Seeing this scene, Chief Ye chuckled a few times and asked Huang Ce in a somewhat mean tone.

"Don't worry, Lao Huang."

"Aren't you going to ask what the good news is?"

Seeing Chief Ye's mysterious look, Huang Ce barely restrained his emotions and asked reluctantly.


"Then what's the good news?"

"I'm going to let our brigade install new tanks specially designed for plateaus!"

"It's currently under confidentiality, you can call him, 15 Qing!"

Huang Ce: "!!!"

"Is it true? Lao Ye?"

A few hours later, in the conference room of the 54th Brigade Headquarters.

The team led by Section Chief Ye, together with Huang Ce, Li Bowei, the Chief of Staff of the 54th Brigade, and the three ministers of the 54th Brigade, including the Administration, Rear and Equipment, gathered together to hold a synthesis meeting. Meeting before reform begins.

Section Chief Ye, who had been talking for a long time, suddenly picked up the water glass, took a sip of water, and then continued speaking unhurriedly.

"That's the way it is."

"The situation of our brigade is quite special. If we follow the same example, it will not make much sense to install the 99A first and then replace it with new plateau tanks."

"It's better to get it right at once."

"However, as a result, the integration reform process of our brigade will definitely be delayed for a while."

"It will take time to get the new tanks in place and they will need to be tested."

"However, other equipment, such as the 04A infantry fighting vehicle, the 05A 120mm self-propelled howitzer and other equipment, can be installed first."

"Okay, that's all I have to say."

"Brigadier Huang, Political Commissar Li, can you tell me your opinions."

Make your attitude clear.

Section Chief Ye calmly shut up and waited for Huang Ce and Li Boyei to "vote."

Of course, the so-called "voting" is just a process.

As the leader of the on-site team that implements the synthetic reform, Section Chief Ye has absolute say in how, how and when the 54th Brigade should change.

Huang Ce and others also understand this truth.

After a while, Huang Ce, who was sitting at the top, spoke directly.

"Tell me your own opinion."

"I agree with Team Leader Ye's point of view."

"As a new type of equipment, the 99A has strong performance, but it may not be suitable for our plateau operations."

"And my original plan was to conduct tests after the 99A is installed, summarize the parameters, and report it to superiors, so that the 99A can be modified to better meet our combat needs."

"If there is really a new tank specially designed for plateau operations, it will undoubtedly be a great news for our brigade."

"Everyone here knows the situation of our brigade."

"There are many tasks and heavy burdens."

"Compared with other troops, our brigade does not have so much trial and error costs. If we want to make changes, we must get it right at the first time."

"We cannot delay the tasks assigned to us by the organization and the people."

After saying that, Huang Ce stopped speaking and looked at Section Chief Ye with eyes full of fanaticism.

I’ll just say it!

Lao Ye is a very particular person!

15 light?

If you look at this code name, you will know that it is even stronger than 99A!

What the hell, the 99A is a heavy tank and the 15A is a light tank. There is no comparability between the two?

As a brigade commander, how could Huang Ce not know this?

But people don't care at all.

What he cares about is that his 54th Brigade will soon become the "only seedling" in the Yan Kingdom Army!

Be the first to install an extremely advanced new main battle tank!

When I was dying of illness, I sat up in shock. Is the "rich brigade" actually me?

Immediately afterwards, Li Bowei and other members of the Standing Committee of the 54th Brigade expressed their opinions one after another. Their views were basically the same as Huang Ce's.

The main reason is that they don't have any objectionable capital, right?

Team leader Ye, the "imperial envoy", said so.

No matter how good the tank is, or even whether it exists, it will have to wait until Team Leader Ye reports it, and it will be decided by the agency for approval. How can they object?

Seeing this, Section Chief Ye didn't waste any time and immediately started arranging the reform work.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, let me talk about the reform plan I have formulated."

"First, starting immediately, we will recruit the backbone of squad leaders from all grassroots units."

"I will apply for a batch of equipment as soon as possible for training, so that our brigade can complete the mastery of new equipment as soon as possible."


The following meeting almost became a one-man show for Chief Ye.

Huang Ce could only nod, nod, and nod again.

There's nothing I can do if I don't nod, I can't get a word in!

The main reason is that Chief Ye's reform plan is too comprehensive.

Coming from a grassroots background, he is fully aware of the problems that may arise during the reform process of an army.

While pointing out these problems one by one, Section Chief Ye also gave his own solutions, which Huang Ce and others only needed to implement.

Of course, there are also some problems that Huang Ce cannot solve.

It is necessary to contact the head of the military region to report.

For example, the 54th Brigade will change from a mechanized infantry brigade to a heavy-duty combined brigade.

In terms of personnel, especially armored personnel, it is definitely necessary to draw backbone squad leaders from other units to supplement combat personnel.

However, Section Chief Ye didn't expect Huang Ce to do these things at all.

After all, it was just the first meeting, or it could be said that Chief Ye simply gave Huang Ce a few "work" meetings.

If there is a problem that needs to be solved by contacting the military region, Chief Ye will naturally come forward personally.

Although in this way, the workload of Section Chief Ye, who originally played the role of "supervision and supervision", will increase sharply.

But after all, it was Section Chief Ye who chose the grassroots unit where he would perform his duties in the future.

It’s nothing to do more work to allow the 54th Brigade to complete the reform work as soon as possible.

Huang Ce and others will naturally remember the goodness of Section Chief Ye.

Finally, under the leadership of Section Chief Ye, the synthetic reform work of the 54th Brigade was officially launched!

After obtaining Zhang Renjun's consent, Chief Ye directly used his "connections" and asked Mr. Wei to help him "coordinate" several 15 light vehicles that were still in the testing stage and use them for training before the replacement in the 54th Brigade.

After the 15 light transport was in place, Huang Ce's eyes almost went straight when he looked at the sci-fi appearance!

The performance of the 15 Light has lived up to expectations. It can still maintain strong maneuverability at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters!

There is no doubt that this is simply a plateau warrior’s dream tank!

Today’s first update is here!

There will be an update later, as soon as the author finishes writing!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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