My Little Sunshine

Chapter 66: Williamson's Tech.

Two days later, Adam called Stella to his office. She came over after a while and looked at the idiotic man who was busy going through some papers with a goofy smile on his face. He didn't even notice that she had come.

Going around his office desk with quiet and slow steps, Stella hugged him from behind, startling the poor guy. He relaxed a bit when he recognized the familiar vanilla scent around him.

"You scared me for a second there." He said tilting his head to the side so that he could see her face clearly.

"And you didn't even know when I came in. That's definitely a first. What are you so busy with?" She asked as she played with the lapels of his coat.

"Well, I have got some good news to share with you." He said as he moved his swiveling chair around. He held her waist tightly and tugged her body towards him, making her fall on his lap and turning the chair 

"Adam!" Stella squealed in surprise. "What is it with you and making me sit on your lap these days?" She asked him, smacking his shoulder softly as a faint blush spread over her fair cheeks.

"I like you being close to me." He said settling his chin over her shoulder as he gave her an innocent look.

"Fine!" Stella raised her hands up in the air in defeat. How could she be mad at him? Specially when he gave her that innocent pitiful look as if she was asking for the only candy from a three year old kid.

"What is the news that you wanted to share with me?" She continued remembering why he had asked her to come over.

"Coming to that. Have you heard about  Williamson's Tech.?" He asked her as he toyed with her earring that was dangling down her earlobe.

"Yeah! Who hasn't? They are the leading technological company of the country." She replied.

"Well guess what? I finally have the chance to strike a deal with them. I have been trying to get in touch with the President of the company for the last two years but didn't have any success. They are picky with the companies they work with. But now, they agreed to work with Levinson's Corp. This way our company can set foot into the technological industry and they are the best to work with." Adam explained it to her.

"But why did they agree to work with you out of nowhere?" Stella could feel something wasn't right. "I didn't mean it that way. You said you have been trying to get in touch with the President for the last two years, but didn't get any success in doing so. Why would they suddenly agree to work with you?" 

"I don't know. The President's secretary called me earlier in the day. She said that they would love to work it with us." Adam shrugged it off. "May be they realized that working with us is beneficial for them as well." 

"May be. What about the contract?" She asked him.

"There it is." He replied pointing at the table. "It was sent earlier today. I was just going through it." 

"What! They sure are in a hurry to work with your company." Stella said as her gaze landed on the papers placed on his office desk.

"Looks like it." He nodded.

"Just be careful. I am having a bad feeling about this." Stella looked at him with a worried expression.

"What are you worried about?" He asked caressing her face.

"For a big company like them, it's not normal to approach some other company just because they want to work with them. Levinson's Corp. is a big name but it doesn't deal with technological industry. For them to be so eager to work with a company that wants to branch out in a field they haven't worked in before, it doesn't feel right to me." She looked into his gray eyes that were already looking back at her.

"Nothing will happen to the company even if make zero profit from this collaboration." He assured her to which she shook her head. 

"It's not the company I am worried about." She replied. "The President of Williamson's Tech. is known for his shady personality. I am just worried that..." She couldn't bring herself to complete the sentence.

"Hey, hey, hey. Nothing will happen to me either babygirl. I give you my word." Adam cupped her face as he placed a lingering kiss on her forehead.

"But how do you know so much about the President? I haven't heard a single bad word about him, not from anyone in the business world and not even from the press." Adam gave her a questioning look.

Heaving out a long sigh, she opened her mouth as she looked at the papers lying on his desk.

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