My Little Sunshine

Chapter 282: Step Sister (2)

"I hope that I am not wrong." Muttering under her breath, Stella walked away from the lady, only leaving ther confused.

Elena stared at her retreating back for a couple of seconds before she decided to follow her. "Wrong about what?" She whispered yelled behind her after covering the distance between them. "At least answer me, woman." She added the latter part with sheer frustration as she continued to follow her. 

"I will answer all of your queries, just need to find someone first." Stella replied to her as she came to a stop once she was in the center of the hall and took a complete turn to look for her man. 

"Who are you looking for? My sister?" Elena asked her, her voice laced with hopes. "Do you know her?" 

"Maybe yes, but I am looking for someone else at the moment, my hus… personal assistant. Where did he go? He was just here a little while ago." Stella let out an annoyed response. She needed to confirm one thing from her husband before giving the lady any false hope. She made another turn through the crowd while she continued to talk to Elena who was now walking right next to her. 

"How is your personal assistant going to help us with this?" Elena couldn't help but become curious. 

"Trust me, he is the only person who could help you at the moment." She answered her which was followed by a frustrated groan. "Found him." She muttered under her breath as her eyes landed on his figure and narrowed down on him. 'You are so dead, Adam levinson.' She thought to herself when she saw the whole flock of women gathered around him. 

With hurried steps, she made her way towards him with Elena in tow. 

"Excuse me, ladies!" With a crisp and firm voice, she announced her presence after approaching them. "Mr. Morrison, I need to have a word with you." Without paying any more attention to the flock of women drooling over her man, she went straight to the point. Even if he was in disguise, the thought of any other woman ogling at her husband didn't settle well with her. And here he was, surrounded by a whole bunch of them and was even entertaining them. 

"Sure, Boss." He nodded meekly under her scrutinizing gaze and excused himself before walking away from the ladies with her. All this while Elena stayed quiet, watching the two of them interact from the sidelines. She found it better to keep her mouth shut than interrupting the two them after sensing the dangerous aura which was now surrounding Stella's figure. 

"What do you need, Boss?" •Adam• asked her, maintaining his professional demeanor. 

"What 'I' need from you can be discussed later, I need to ask you something important first which concerns the lady here." She narrowed her eyes at him as she pointed her chin towards Elena. 

•Adam• turned his face towards the lady and gave her a scrutinizing look. "I swear I am seeing her for the first time. You know I wouldn't cheat on you." He raised both of his hands by his side in a protective manner and muttered under his breath.

"You, stupid fool. I am not talking about that thing. I want to ask you how Lillian knows Blake." She lowered down her voice to merely a whisper, but kept it loud enough so that he could hear her clearly. 

"He found her during one of his missions. She had no memories of her past including her name." He answered to her in the same lowered tone before his eyes drifted to the other figure who was standing next to them quietly. "How does that concern this lady here?" He motioned his head towards Elena and questioned her. 

"I will tell you how or why, but answer my questions first." Without giving him a chance to say anything else, Stella continued. "If she didn't know her name, then who named her Lillian? And it's fine to be a little loud before her."

"As far as I remember, Blake did so. She kept mumbling the same word lily when he found her. But everytime he called her lily as in the flower, she would go berserk. So, he named her Lillian, derived from the same word but a different name. And she didn't mind being addressed as that, so it has stuck around." He explained it to her from whatever Blake has shared with him about her. 

"That's because she hated the fact when people compared her nickname Lilly with the flower lily. She was like that from our childhood. She hated people using single 'l' when spelling out her name." Elena, who was standing next to them quietly, finally spoke up after hearing their discussion. "Maybe she subconsciously remembered that particular part." 

"It is possible if we are talking about the same person. How do you know her by the way?" •Adam• asked her, but instead of letting the woman answer, Stella interrupted. 

"That story is for another time. What we need to make sure that it's the same person? I thought they were supposed to attend the banquet. Why aren't they here yet?" Stella asked him in an annoyed tone. 

"Oh, that? Blake called me earlier and apologized to me saying that they can't come as Lillian isn't feeling well." He shrugged his shoulders as he gave her an apologetic look. 

"Damn it!" Stella pursed her lips in a pout. "If only I had a picture of her in my phone." She mumbled to herself. Lillian hated getting her pictures clicked, even with them. "Hold on! How could I forget asking you the most important thing! She scolded herself for her own stupidity when something clicked in her mind. "The Lillian you are talking about, what's her eye color? Is it something which stands out too much?" 

After hearing her words, Elena smacked herself on her forehead as she bobbed her head up and down. "How did I forget mentioning it? Yes, she took it after her mom. Her irises are forest green in color." 

"If they are, then we definitely are talking about the same person." The corners of Stella's lips turned up in a wide smile before she turned her attention towards her husband. "I need you to take her to Lillian, like right now."


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