My Little Sunshine

Chapter 279: Unfortunate Fate

A suffocating feeling engulfed his heart when he saw his past and present embracing each other in the distance with broad smiles tugging at the corners of their lips under the pale golden lights. The longer he stared at the two divine figures clad in black and wine red, the harder it was becoming for him to breathe. The memories from his past came rushing back to him all at once, both the good wonderful ones and the bad painful ones. Not wanting to bear it any longer, Taylor walked out of the hall with a hurried pace. 

Once he was in the parking lot and away from all those prying eyes of the reporters, he let out a loud growl. "Why does this keep happening to me?" He yelled in frustration as he pulled on his hair with both hands. The scars of his past were finally healed but the person who caused them had to come back and scratch them once again. The very moment he was happy once again, the past came back to haunt him once again. His once lost love was finally before him, within his reach when his heart belonged to another person, or that was at least what he thought.

"Why me? Why does it have to be me everytime?" He asked himself as he began to walk towards his car. He needed to have a cigarette to calm his mind down so that he could at least think straight and decide on what to do next. Somewhere deep down in his heart he knew that he wasn't completely over his first love. And no matter what, he couldn't do that to Stella. He needed to make sure that there wasn't even an ounce of feelings left in his being for the girl from his childhood before he finally made Stella his. 

He took out an opened packet of cigarettes from the dashboard of his car and took out one. After making sure that no one was in his sight, he lit it. Placing it in between his thin lips, he took a long drag in order to calm his nerves down. The other end on the long stick glowed like the eyes of a mystic dragon in rage as he took another puff, the nicotine providing his unsettled nerves some relief.

As his mind cleared off a little, his thoughts couldn't help but trail off to the past once again. 

Without him even knowing or realising, the freshly sprouted bud of friendship between the black haired boy and the girl in the pink frock all those years ago, bloomed into a beautiful, fragrant flower. But to the boy's unfortunate fate, he was the only one who was tending to the little flower.

From their first meeting by the river bank, the boy started to look out for the little lady. As time passed by, the weekly meet-ups turned into daily ones and the two souls were more than close to each other. From studying together for their own subjects and hanging out with each other's friend, their daily routines started to revolve around each other which only made the boy to fall harder for her. 

When he turned eighteen, the boy finally gathered the courage to put his feelings for her into words, with the mere thought in his mind that she would more than happily accept them. But he has never been so wrong? The day he finally expressed his feelings to her, he was rejected right away, and that too in a not so nice manner. 

The little Elena started to put some distance in between them as she didn't want to give him false hope and ruin their friendship any more. But to her misery, the headstrong boy refused to back down even after being rejected again and again, which only added to the girl's trouble. The innocent love which had bloomed within the boy's heart, started to turn into something dark, obsession. He wanted to have the girl in his life, one way or another. He couldn't care less of the outcomes he might have to face. 

He continued to pester her to say yes to him and be his partner for the rest of their lives. It continued on for the next two years, until one morning when he couldn't reach her. He left no stone unturned to look for her within the city, but still couldn't find her. Even after using all of his father's resources, he couldn't find a single clue about her. It was like she vanished from the face of the Earth, leaving no trace behind.

He had given all hopes of finding her and spent the next two years trying to forget her as he kept himself busy in managing his father's business. He no longer had any faith left in the word love, for he couldn't get his one true love. But a certain someone was able to sleep through the walls he had built around his heart, not bothering to even take his permission. And one after the other, the brick came tumbling down the very moment he laid his eyes on her rushing figure. 

It was one of his usual boring meetings at some other company to discuss their new project when he saw her for the first time on his way out. She was dressed in a casual pair of jeans and a white button down shirt which was tucked in neatly. A huge pile of files was resting in her hands as she made her way through the corridor. In just that single glance, he knew that she was the one who could heal the wounds of his past. From the very moment, he decided to make her his. All he needed to do was ask the girl's sleazy Boss her name and he was good to go. 


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