My Little Sunshine

Chapter 263: Hold Your Horses

Stella looked at him with hopeful eyes, still gnawing on her lower lip, waiting for him to answer her. Though she seemed calm from the outside, her mind was a mess. She was continuously praying to the heavens above to go easy on her. She really wanted him to say yes because she just couldn't go behind his back. 

"Adam?" She called out to him softly. "Don't just continue to sit there with your mouth shut, at least answer me. Is it a yes or no?"

Adam shook his head in response as his hands found their way to her cheeks. His thumb grazed over her milky, smooth skin as he gazed into her hazel orbs. "You drive me crazy, woman." He spoke up, the corners of his lips turning slightly upwards. "You are right, I can not go around dictating your life. You can go if you want to, but Edward will accompany you. And you are going to keep him close." He gave into her demands. How could he not?

After hearing his words, Stella wasn't able to hold her joy back and jumped right into his arms, tumbling his sitting figure down on the bed.

"Stella." Adam wrapped his arms securely around her lower waist on instinct as she ended up landing right over him. "Have you lost your mind?" He scolded her for being so careless. 'How could this woman forget that she is pregnant, that too with twins?' He thought to himself.

"I am sorry." She uttered an apology right away after realizing her mistake. "I love you." She crawled up on his body and placed a peck on his thin lips which were turned into a scowl. "I love you, I love you, I love you." She repeated the three magical words again and again, in between her feather light pecks. 

Her words were no less than music to his ears. He hummed in response, basking in the warmth which his wife was providing him with. With each of her peck, it was getting harder for him to control the beast within him as he continued to remind himself that they couldn't do 'it'.

He moaned when her lips didn't leave his, rather began to move over his slowly. Pursing his thin lips together, he didn't let her prying tongue enter his mouth. His hands, which were resting on her waist, moved up to her face and stopped her from proceeding any further. 

"Hold your horses, woman." He grazed his thumb over her cheeks. "You know that we cannot do it. And it's already too late for other things. You have to leave tomorrow morning, and I know that traveling makes you tired. So, you need to rest now." 

"But it's just midnight." She tried to persuade him, but the man didn't budge from his decision. 

"No means no." He shook his head sideways. "And I have something to show you. Stay here." He instructed her before getting out of the bed and headed towards the walk-in closet. As soon as he stepped inside, his eyes landed on the bunch of shopping bags from their trip to the mall yesterday. He wanted them to drop off at the mansion, but at a time like this, it would only make things more troublesome for them. 

Bending down, he began to look for the bag in which he had hidden his gift. After working his way through the bags, he was finally able to find it. A smile bloomed over his face as he headed out of the closet with his gift.

"Sweetheart?" He called out to her before coming to a stop right before the bed. 

Stella hummed and sat up straight, her legs dangling off the edge. She squinted her eyes at his figure. "What is it?" She couldn't help but question the man after having a look at his elated expressions. She saw his smile widening in response to her words. 

"I got you a gift. It's a really simple one because I know you aren't a big fan of those." He spoke up as he got down on his right knee before her. Extending his right hand out, he showed her a small black box which was in the shape of a square. 

True to his words, the box did look pretty ordinary but it still had a charm to it. The black matte background had some glossy lines running across its length, forming a grid-like pattern as they crossed each other. On the upper right corner of the box, there was a really bow of silk ribbon with a small crystal resting in its center. Despite of it's simple appearance, the box spoke of royalty. Moreover, knowing him, there was no way that he would actually get her something 'really simple'.

Keeping her scrutinizing gaze on the balck square shaped box, Stella took it from his extended palm. Before opening the box to see what it had inside, she patted the spot next to her, quietly asking him to get up from the floor and sit next to him. And who was Adam to say no to his beloved wife. 

When he was finally settled next to her with an arm wrapped around her shoulders, she finally shifted her attention back to the balck box in her hands. Her eyes widened a little in surprise when she removed the top half of the box. A small, rose gold, heart shaped pendant rested in the center of the box with a delicate chain attached to it. With her slightly shaky fingers, she took it out of its container and held it firmly in between the palm of her hands. 

It was one of those lockets which can be used as small picture frames as well. But what attracted her the most was not how simple yet beautiful it was, it was actually the letter which was reflecting of the light, 'A'. It was engraved in such a way that it was neither too prominent nor too dull, and one could clearly see due to the difference in lustre. 

"Turn it around." 

She was too busy admiring the locket when she heard his voice. Complying to his words, she turned it around and the awed expression on his face was replaced by a bright smile, one which would make him fall for her all over again. Similar to the 'A' she had seen on the other side, this one had an 'S'. 

"Open it."

She heard him say again and did as she was told to. What welcomed her eyes when she opened the locket, was enough to move her heart. 'Just how is this man so perfect? How did I get so lucky?' She thought to herself as her eyes moved from the locket in her hand to the man who was sitting next to her with a smile hugging his lips and eyes. It was a picture of them which was already put inside one of the two frames. It was actually the one which Blake had clicked on Adam's birthday. 

"Do you like it?" He looked up from her hands to her face, only to find her already looking back at him. It was one of the reasons it took him so long to return. The jewellery store clerk offered him that they could get the pictures fit inside as long as he could provide them a copy of it, and luckily he had this one on his phone. He actually wanted to turn the picture into a portrait and hung it inside their room at the mansion. But the way the events unfolded afterwards, he wasn't able to do it.

After a pause, when he didn't hear a reply, he continued. "You could use the other frame for a picture of our babies." 

"Are you kidding me?" Stella gave him a skeptical look. "How dare you even ask me that?" Her words confused him, but it soon died down when he heard her next sentence. "How can I not like this? I love it, you moron." She added before throwing her arms around his neck, still holding on to the pendant in his palms. "Thank you so much. I love it." She muttered next to his ear as she kept her eyes fixed on the picture of them. "I love you."


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