My Little Sunshine

Chapter 260: Scaredy Cat

"What's wrong with you?" Stella questioned the man standing next to her with a troubled expression marring his face. The moment the duo had arrived at the place, he had been acting weird, refusing to step out of the car. 

"It's not a good idea. I think you should just go and meet him on your own. I will just wait for you in the car." •Adam• answered her, keeping his eyes set on the mansion before them. He knew that he was going to get a good scolding by the old man the very moment he would step inside. But that wasn't what troubled him more.

"Don't tell me that you are scared of being scolded by Uncle Rob?" She teased him a little while poking his shoulder with her index finger. It didn't need a genius to guess what was going on in his mind. "How old are you? Two?" She added with a lop-sided grin.

He shook his head in a no in response to her teasing remarks. "He sort of raised me up. I am not worried about some scolding. The thing I am more concerned about is that I won't be able to hold my emotions back once I see him." He heaved out a frustrated sigh. "And you know how big of a problem that could create for us if any one end up seeing me like that." 

"Can you stop worrying about everything? I know you have to be careful about your actions for now. But you can't just stop living your life, can you?" Stella spoke up, giving him a dissatisfied look. "The man I fell in love with, wasn't such a scaredy cat. I wonder if something hit your head when you were trying to find your way out through the rubble of the project site." Giving him one more pitiful look, she stepped out of the car, leaving him on his own. 


"Good morning, Uncle Rob." Stella stepped inside the kitchen and greeted the old butler with a big smile embracing her lips. Her loud and cheery voice was enough to get the attention of the maids who were working there. They greeted her one after the other with the respect which she deserved being the lady of the house. 

"Good morning, Young Miss." The old butler walked up to her and greeted her back. Shifting his attention back to the maids, he motioned them to leave them alone to which they complied right away. 

Stella looked around the kitchen which was now empty and walked upto the kitchen counter. "How many times do I have to tell you that you can call me by name? Do you know how old I feel when you address me so professionally? You want a girl to become conscious about her age and her looks." She gave him a displeased look and spoke up. On her every visit to the mansion, she would ask him to call her by her name all the time, but the man refused to listen to her. 

"You know I can't do that." The old butler chuckled lightly and walked up to her. "What do you want to eat for lunch today? I will cook it myself." He spoke up and patted the top of her head.

"Anything which has lots of cheese in it." She shrugged in response before settling herself down on one of the stools. "And before you ask me, they are doing absolutely fine." She added with a bright smile.

"That's good." He smiled back at her, clearly knowing to whom she was referring to. He was the only person who knew about her pregnancy back then when she left the mansion. Though he found out on his own about it, Stella couldn't lie to him either when he questioned her about it. 

"How about a casserole?" Stella was about to say yes, but stopped herself when she realized that it wasn't the old butler who questioned her, the voice rather came from behind her. She fought the urge to roll her eyes when she turned around to look behind her.

"Am I supposed to take your scowl as a yes, or is it a no?" •Adam•, who was leaning against the wall next to him, spoke up again. "Good morning." He trailed his eyes away from the figure of his woman, who was still glaring at him, and spoke to the other person in the room, greeting him with a single from nod.

Stella continued to sit quietly in her position, her eyes moving from one person to the other as they stared at each other. 

After a while, the old butler finally spoke up, replying to the greeting. "Good morning….. Young Master." His voice was barely audible for the other two persons, but they could still make out his words. 

The corners of •Adam's• lips turned upwards after hearing the way the old butler had addressed him. He could see the corners of his eyes becoming moist as the old man smiled at him. 

"I'm glad to have you back." The old butler added, keeping his voice low. 

"I'm glad to be back home." •Adam• spoke up as he walked up to where Stella was sitting. Shifting his attention to his little elf, he hugged her from behind. "You forgot the fruit basket back in the car. You did that deliberately, didn't you?" He muttered next to her ear before biting it lightly.

"Someone had to do something about your 'scaredy little arse'." She teased him a little before turning her attention to the old man who was standing across her. "Uncle Rob, he will be the one to cook for us today. Please, I insist." She requested him, knowing fully well that either of the two men wouldn't turn her down. And just like she had predicted, they agreed to her right away. 

After spending a little while with the two youngsters, the old butler decided to leave them on their own and excused himself. 


"What did you just say?" Taylor spoke into his phone's speaker, yelling at the person on the other end. 

"She brought a man with her this time." A hushed female voice came through. She sounded like she was in her late thirties or early forties.

"Who's the man?" He questioned her. 

"I don't know. I have never seen him before with her. It's usually just her whenever she visits the old man. So, I can't really say." Her hushed response made its way into his ear, enraging him further. 

"Where are they now?" He asked the woman.

"In the kitchen. He's cooking lunch for her." She replied to him in the same hushed voice. 

"Okay! You listen to me carefully now. I want you to your encrypted phone and click a picture of the man and send it to me, right now. Make sure that you capture his face clearly." He ordered her, gritting his teeth. 

"I will try my best." She answered him before disconnecting the call. 

Seething with rage, Taylor kept his eyes fixed on his phone's screen as he waited for his minion to do her job. If his doubts were right, then he had a good idea about the identity of the man. There was only man who she had been hanging around with, whether it was at the company or somewhere else. The spies he had planted within the company, were providing him information about her every move, especially how she was always with that personal assistant of hers.

'Looks like I have to take another piece of crap out of my path before I make you mine, sweetheart.' He thought inwardly. 

A single beep which came from the phone he was clutching on to, forced him to come out of his thoughts. Clicking on the notification, he opened the text that the maid had sent him. A picture which was clearly taken secretly from the slightly parted window, lit up on his phone's screen. True to his doubts, the man who was hanging around the mansion with the woman he wanted so badly to be his, was none other than that pesky personal assistant.

The more he looked at the picture, the more his hatred for the man increased. Looking at the woman of his dreams smiling because of some other man, he wanted nothing but to wrap his hands around the man's neck. 

"Sooner or later, I will have my way with you, David Morrison." He muttered to himself, keeping his eyes fixed on the picture.


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