My Last Hunt

Chapter 369: Level Battles 43

Level Battles 43

Before they could reach the Hunter Association a spy sent from the elders returned earlier than them. He was mentioned complete report about how the special hunter held frightful control over the beasts. As soon as he left main office, Qiao and his team members walked in the first open hall. 

The elder was informed. He was unable to bring some sober expressions despite trying his best. The hunter was beyond his expectations. This clearly means that he deserved the confidential Class Test Mission which was sent by the Hightown. 

He walked one step at a time as if his days were near ending. The elder was glad from his heart to meet such hunter personally. He was among loyals and according to the signs this hunter could defeat most of the Hunter Kings which was good sign for the appearance of the Hunter Monarch but the things were kept confidential for several reasons. 

However no matter how secretively Hightown was guarding the aspiring hunter still tales of his battles were spreading by the mouth of those who once witnessed him. Not only his reputation as the ambitious hunter was spreading in fact he was known as ruthless as the wicked hunter however few of the powers were not clear whether he was among loyals or disloyals. 

It was possible that they would test him by throwing him among the masked loyals. His actions and decisions would decide his fate during such test. For now the elder did not cast his glance directly on Qiao Tai. "You all done this mission honestly. Go and collect your payments from the first desk. As for the team leader you'll follow in my office." The elder coughed and mildly gestured to the hunter. 

They entered in the office. The elder waved his hand and moved out from the office closing the door. They sat across the desk. It was initially silence but then the silence prolonged. "I heard that a rare monster submitted to you. It is exceptional event in the history of hunting. The monsters prefer to die rather than submit despite the fact that beasts are stronger compared to monsters." The elder paused for few moments. 

Qiao did not know what to answer in return. He just chose to listen nevertheless he understood what the elder was implying. "Since you passed the mission the Hightown has already sent your Class Test obligation. I know you will be aware about the importance of Class Test. The Rank Masters would not accept you as level eight hunter in case you failed. It is possible that you would not return alive…" The elder felt his throat got dry at this point. 

Qiao was listening prudently. He was well versed with the responsibilities of the high level hunters. Without few deaths the Hightown could not save millions of population. It was up to the hunter whether he decided to take the Class Test or quit. For Qiao things were not as simple as it appeared. 

Qiao slightly smiled, "Quitting is for cowards. I believe in living true to purpose. This Class Test must be of utmost importance for the respected Hightown and they should trust that it has similar importance for me as well. I will remain loyal toward the Hightown and sincere intentions of the elders of the Hightown." Qiao placed his hand making the specific sign of loyalty. 

The elder nodded and stood up. He unlocked the drawer and brought out the sealed envelope. "Do you know about the ancient Hunter Monarch?" the elder casually asked. He wanted to give some hints to this young hunter so that whatever purpose he was following he could make it bigger than before. 

"I heard the respected Hunter Monarch won the never ending war between hunters and the beasts. He did his part in building strong hold in the seven continents by strengthening the existence of the Hightown." Qiao answered. He has much respect for those who never fear and work hard for the betterment of the human society, be it ancient world or the advanced world. 

"You might not know that respected Hunter Monarch was the last hunter who could tame beasts as well as monsters. I am sure you can understand why I related this." The elder looked at Qiao for confirming that he was listening attentively. 

Most of the hunters indifferently listen the guidance or the pieces of advice given by old and retired hunters. Qiao was different, his expressions were clear that these words left some strong impression on him. 

"North Sepedra was banished out nearly two decades ago due to the beasts randomly attacking and killing the population. Initially elders were not willing to order such mission, this is the reason that the beasts made north Sepedra as their habitat." The elder opened the envelope and read through the content of the mission introducing about the mission type. 

Through this sealed paper the elder came to know about the enemy and he decided to explain every detail. No one in the entire seven continents was ignorant about the missing hunter decade ago. The elder read the content and his eyes twitched. 

He was not expecting that the Hightown would choose this young hunter for such dangerous mission. The question was not that why they were sending him for the tough mission; the basic that the Hightown trust on him this much. 

Also Qiao was too young to face the experienced level eight hunter among the dens of the beasts. All beasts of North Sepedra were level seven or level eight, this said they live like human colonies. "The Hightown ordered you to kill the disloyal hunter and if needed destroy the North Sepedra, none of the beast should escape." The elder read through the content. 

"The assets of the evil hunter would belong to the Hightown as per the tradition. They have warned you that you should not mercy for any reason no matter if it is your own father." The elder closed the written paper. 

He was trying to comprehend the inner thoughts of the young hunter but despite effort he could not tell what he was thinking inside his head. 

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