My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 78: The 2nd stage of the King Realm

Yun Jhin got up from the bed, behind him Sophia embraced him as she purred with a sly look on her face as she said:

"Aren't you a little beast, you pleased me for such a long amount of time.."

Yun Jhin ignored her remarks as he got up, not having anymore support Sophia flailed around and fell on her face on the bed, Yun Jhin put on his clothes and then left the house.

Sophia huffed as she got up and looked at his form until he disappeared and said:

"You will have to come when I will give birth to your child!"

Yun Jhin walked away from the house as Fairy Song appeared and took him to the Empress, the Empress was still in her gazebo, gazing at her flower garden, her eyes moved only when Yun Jhin arrived, she looked him up and down then gave him a thumbs-up as she said:

"Your stamina is quite impressive, I already checked on Sophia and if nothing untoward happens to her she should be expecting."

The Empress smiled as she waved her hand and an urn of salt appeared in her hands, the urn floated to Yun Jhin, Yun Jhin took it in his hands weighed it then put it in his spatial ring, he bowed slowly to her then Fairy Song took him and disappeared.

The Empress sighed as she looked towards the house's direction where Sophie was still grumbling about Yun Jhi ignoring her after he did all of those things to her. The Empress's eyes wandered as she thought:

"If he unlocked some of his more important memories he won't care about his descendant that much... atleast we secured his peculiar bloodline, in the end, there is no reason for him to become an enemy to our empire."

The Empress saw how Yun Jhin didn't care about Sophie at all, after all, there were no emotions between them, and if feelings could be cultivated, God Realm cultivators wouldn't be swayed by their emotion at all, the higher the cultivation base the easier it was to control your emotions, even though you could still feel them you could decide if you wanted to act on them or not.

Yun Jhin arrived at the Emperor's palace and announced that he would enter into closed-door cultivation for a while, the Emperor and Empress didn't say anything as they already knew, after the training zones, they thought that he got some more experience, coupled with the items he gained and his memories he should be able to make a breakthrough at the least.

Yun Jhin sat cross-legged in his room as he started doing some handseals, all of his ingredients started to float around him, the snake, the frog, the crystalline herb, the underwater herbs, the beast cores, and lastly the salt, he first purified the salt to his maximum capacity reducing its quantity to only a handful.

Then he created a formation in which he started throwing the ingredients in a certain pattern, the pattern wasn't random as he used the theory of creation behind it, he first put the earth, then the water, then the air, and lastly the flame ingredients.

After he finished combining all of the ingredients, he added the salt as a catalyst that fused all of the ingredients and purified the sludge that would soon be a pill.

The sludge was at first of random colors that moved as if they were alive, but the colors started to stabilize after, the colors resembled the four elements as they took a circular shape transforming into a pill, then the salt that fused them extracted the impurities from the pill, even though it was only a handful, due to its now high quality 100% of the impurities were removed.

The pill sat there, glistening and pure, Yun Jhin took it in his hand as he admired it for a split second before he broke it into dust and inhaled it, starlight started to fall from the sky at his command as the pill dust entered his body then accelerated towards his soul.

The pill dust refined his first soul jewel then the starlight came to stabilize its sudden growth, slowly but surely he reached the 9th stage of refinery and his first soul jewel became pure and shining, all of its impurities and soul wraiths which were inhabiting it died, they shrieked for the last time before they transformed into a white light that the jewel absorbed, his first jewel became of a pure white color that just sat on his crown.

Yun Jhin used the remainder of the dust on the empty slot on his crown, the second jewel started to appear as the dust started to crystallize in a starlit jewel, then the jewel started to be filled with the four elements gaining four different colors in each segment.

The colors were barely discernible and muddled but along with more refinery to the jewel, they would start shining.

The dust from the pill was finally used up as Yun Jhin started to call down even more starlight to refine his 4 elements jewel, after a long time of refining the colors were a little bit more discernible and less muddled, Yun Jhin reached the 2nd refinery in one go and stopped calling starlight from the sky.

Yun Jhin opened his eyes as his body was engulfed in four different colors, this was one of the benefits of having a four elements jewel, the four elemental body!

Yun Jhin's body became transparent as his organs, bones muscles, skin, they all were strengthened simultaneously, his body's rank started to surge up, 8,100, 8200, 8300, 8400, 8500.

It forcefully stopped at 8500, it could have increased more but Yun Jhin started to bleed from 4 of the seven apertures and if he forcefully broke through further he would have self-imploded.

This was the limit placed on his current bloodline, there were chains placed on his DNA helix that wouldn't let him break through further into his body refinement, the same thing would happen to his ki cultivation when he tried to break through to the Sage Realm, however, it would be less dangerous and he had a way to safely breakthrough.

Yun Jhin flexed his arms and then started to do some stretching exercises to feel all of his body and the improvements from his four elemental jewel.

He could feel that if he fought the same guy that robbed him at the underwater temple he would be surely able to fight back and even win if the guy didn't keep his guard up around him.

In theory, he should be able to fight with a 6th stage King Realm cultivator after his breakthrough.

Now all he needed to do was put it in practice.

He didn't meet with Kong Luo in quite a long time so he decided to give him a visit and request a sparring partner from his army division.

Yun Jhin left his room and Black Blood reported to the Emperor, he also told him that he was successful in his breakthrough reaching the 2nd stage of the King Realm, as for the refinement of his jewel he didn't know, only the owners of the crown would know.

Yun Jhin quickly arrived at the general's army division and met up with him, Kong Luo was happy to meet with Yun Jhin and hear about his training expedition, Yun Jhin only told him about the surface events and then asked him to find him someone who could he spar against. Kong Luo saw that he broke through to the 2nd stage of the King Realm and patted him on the shoulder while congratulating him.

Then he sent an announcement to the whole squad division that the vice-general returned and that he wanted to spar with someone!

This announcement put the whole squad on fire, but then they realized that it was Yun Jhin, Kong Luo was talking about and not their true vice-general, most of them still looked down on Yun Jhin as they didn't get any news from the former training expedition, nor from this one, after all, only Yun Jhin and Lulu were supposed to train at the four elemental danger zones.

Kong Luo led him to the sparring area of the army squad division and there were already quite a lot of people watching, most of them wanted to boo when they saw Yun Jhin but Kong Luo was with him so all they could do was grith their teeth and wait for Kong Luo to give the signal for the start of the challenges.

Yun Jhin stood in the sparring area with his eyes closed as Kong Luo told that anyone could challenge him if they were under the 9th stage of the King Realm, this was Yun Jhin's request and Kong Luo decided to abide it, after all, he was a reincarnated God Realm expert with multiple aces up his sleeve, so he wouldn't babysit him.

Yun Jhin didn't have to wait for much time as a 3rd stage King Realm expert took to the sparring area but Yun Jhin shook his head and pushed his hand forward, the man was startled by his action but he immediately fell away from the sparring area, he was bleeding from the mouth but he wasn't that injured, his eyes widened in surprise and horror as he didn't go back to the area, he just left with his head down and his whole body shaking.

The others thought that he was scared and some others tried, then the cultivation of the challengers started to increase, the 4th stage and the 5th stage, but for them, Yun Jhin only had to apply a little more force to his push before they started to bleed internally and they left as well.

Finally, a 6th stage King Realm cultivator got up to the stage and entered a fighting stance, he didn't dare to underestimate Yun Jhin because his previous display even made him unsure if he could win 100%, at most he would have a 40% chance.

Yun Jhin finally put a serious expression on his face as he entered his fighting stance, the four elements were roaming around his body like armor.

The man didn't say anything as he launched himself at Yun Jhin, his fist ready to break through his armor and strike him directly in the chest, the man's speed was quite high as it seemed he was specializing in the trait.

But Yun Jhin could easily see through the man's martial technique, he sidestepped his punch and hit him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him, his strike was enchanted with the four elements and the man's internal organs started to burn as his skin was frozen, then he was stuck to the earth as the frozen skin was cut open by the wind applied by Yun Jhin's fist technique.

The man didn't look down on Yun Jhin but he was still surprised by the intricate attack that combined all of the four elements into one, he coughed up a mouthful of blood then put his hand up as he gave up, there was no reason to fight Yun Jhin anymore if the fight continued since Yun Jhin had the first strike advantage he would surely lose as he was injured and some of his inner ki seeped away.

Yun Jhin didn't make things hard for him as he let him off the sparring area, but suddenly there was a clapping sound coming from the exit of the sparring area, a middle-aged man who wore a military uniform and had the vice-general sign on his chest near the heart area entered.

The man had blonde short hair and deep green eyes, his skin was rough and his build was muscular, he wasn't that tall standing around 1,76 centimeters being of average height even among humans.

His aura was calm like a deep pond as he walked towards the sparring area and he said:

"I didn't think the new vice-general would be so talented in your fist techniques, I would like to swap some pointers with this new younger brother, I don't think general Kong Luo would mind?"

Kong Luo wanted to interfere, the vice-general was quite old compared to Yun Jhin and due to his outside training he finally broke through to the 9th stage of the King Realm, even though he wasn't the strongest vice-general in the army currently, he could be counted in the top 15 after his breakthrough.

Yun Jhin looked at the general and said:

"I would like to spar with this older brother but the discrepancy between our cultivations is quite high, if you restricted your cultivation to around the 7th or even 8th stage I would fight you, also you can't use your innate 9th stage technique."

The vice-general smiled as he replied:

"Seems pretty fair to me considering your lack of cultivation base, I'm older after all, and I should abate to these rules, after all, I don't want to bully the younger generation for no reason, I'm just quite interested in your fist technique, don't take it as an offense younger brother Yun Jhin."

Since Yun Jhin agreed to it Kong Luo didn't say anything as he let the vice-general on the sparring area, the vice-general gave a small greeting bow as he said:

"My name is Lu Shen and I would like to get some guidance from younger brother's Yun Jhin fist technique."

Yun Jhin reciprocated the gesture and entered his fighting stage as Lu Shen's cultivation base started to drop around the 6th stage of the King Realm however his momentum was extremely different compared to the former opponent at the 6th stage, there was also an experienced air around him that very few in the army had.

Lu Shen entered into his fighting stance and waited for Yun Jhin to attack, it seemed he played it passively waiting to counter-attack depending on what type of attack Yun Jhin would do.

Yun Jhin kept his ground as he stared at the older man, he would be a good guinea pig for his new elemental technique.

Yun Jhin smiled inside as he started charging his inner ki into a certain pattern inside his body. He would unleash one of his rather commonly used attacks from his previous life.

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