My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 102: Bowing one's head under low eves

Yun Jhin opened his mouth to concede to her but the Bumi Empress just gave out an understanding smile and dropped him to the ground unceremoniously.

She disappeared and appeared later as she assigned her underlings to take care of the capital and the other stuff regarding the territory issues.

She grabbed both Yun Jhin and Luo Shang and appeared with them in the imperial palace, her sister was currently seated on the throne but she seemed rather unwell as her complexion was pale and she also looked rather weak.

The Bumi Empress left the duo alone as she walked slowly towards her sister and patted her on the shoulder as she whispered in her ear:

"I know there is something good inside your treasury, your ancestor should have left behind something that I could use."

The Luo Empress shuddered as her eyes betrayed her emotions, she was especially scared of her sister, even since young her sister always towered over her strength-wise so she tried to scheme against her, unfortunately, she failed and this lead the sisters drifting apart even further than they were at first.

The Bumi Empress pressed on the Luo Empress forehead and told her:

"Qiqi it seems your cultivation really didn't improve at all, I hoped that I was wrong but it seems you really are talentless, tsk tsk, are we even related at all?"

Luo Qiqi gritted her teeth as she shouted:


A quick slap from Luxandra almost shattered Qiqi's jaw, teeth and blood flew out of her mouth while Yun Jhin watched everything happen with an impassive face, he wasn't interested in their familial drama.

Ruxandra shook her head as her eyes moved from her sister to the duo and told them:

"I let you see some unsightly things, now the question is what can I do with the two of you? From one I feel total repulsion and from one I feel both attraction and repulsion at the same time, aren't you two very strange?"

She said everything with a smile on her face as her red hair fluttered while she flew slowly from the throne towards them.

Her hand went under Yun Jhin's chin as he made him look directly in her eyes and she asked:

"If you don't want your soul to auto-destruct I would recommend you telling me whatever I want to know, now talk!"

Unlike her sister who needed both of them for her schemes, Luxandra did not need both of them and she only kept them alive because she found them interesting, Yun Jhin knew that his destiny might not hold against a peak God Realm expert so he could only tell the truth here:

"Luo Shang is the ancestor of the Luo Empire and he reincarnated using the formation he left behind in the tombs, I got some of his inheritance and I also gained the inheritance of the Bumi Ming."

Ruxandra eyes glittered as she looked at Yun Jhin and said:

"Aren't you a good seedling then? If I use your sperm we could have some really strong children, but the question would be if your tool would withstand my strength."

Her eyes turned to Yun Jhin's lower body, Yun Jhin's face remained impassive but inside he was sweating, even in his previous lives he only had sex with few women that were around his own level, mostly because siring descendants with people at the same realm was really hard for peak god realm experts and it was easier to do with those below, there was also the fact that he didn't want to bother with the nagging of someone he wouldn't be able to obliterate whenever he wanted to, of course, most of his lower-ranked women were pretty smart to not do that.

Yun Jhin knew that there was a high chance he would be used as a breeding machine until he turned into a withered husk so he had to give her another reason to let him live.

Luo Shang dropped in front of Ruxandra as he said:

"I have heard milady talk about the treasury, I can lead you inside and give you everything you want as long as you let Yun Jhin go."

Ruxandra narrowed her eyes as she looked at Luo Shang then a mocking smile appeared on her face as she said:

"Do you think I need your help to get what I want from the treasury?"

Luo Shang kept his head down but he still replied to her even though his body was currently going through intense pressure from Ruxandra's aura:

"Milady, you might not know but not even peak God Realm experts would have an easy time to reach the end of the treasury, especially those that have Bumi Ming's bloodline."

Ruxandra frowned as she let Yun Jhin go and grabbed Luo Shang by the collar as she threw him into the wall behind the Qiqi.

The wall broke under Luo Shang's speeding body and there was nothing behind it, however after Ruxandra walked near the hole in the wall the formation that kept the treasury hidden activated itself in defense, only for Ruxandra to stab her sister in the chest and throw her inside the defensive formation effectively disabling it, it seemed that even though Qiqi also had Bumi Ming's blood flowing through her veins the former Emperor must have given her a little bit of control over the formation by some means.

The formation opened as the treasury of the Luo Empire revealed itself to everyone currently in the throne room, it was full of artifacts and spirit stones ranging from high grade to perfect grade, the ki inside the treasury was extremely highly concentrated but for people at their cultivation base it wasn't that useful, ki from spirit stones was rather impure even in their perfect grade so most cultivators didn't use them after they reached the King Realm and above, instead, they search for star ki or ki of above quality.

Yun Jhin flew towards Ruxandra as his body was getting sucked into her hands, then along with Luo Shang who was grabbed again and Qiqi they all went directly into the treasury, the hole in the wall along with the opening in the formation closed themselves automatically after they entered.

Ruxandra threw Luo Shang to the ground and looked at him with an intense gaze:

"Now let's see if what you said is the truth."

Her eyes pierced through the mountains of wealth to go deeper into the treasury only for them to immediately start bleeding after a short while, she could feel a piercing pain in her head as her forehead scrunched up and she almost fell to the ground on her knees from the pain, her eyes then moved to Luo Shang as she grabbed him up and pushed him forward:

"You go forward and disarm everything!"

Luo Shang nodded his head and started to walk forward while Ruxandra kept Yun Jhin and Qiqi near her body.

Luo Shang used this familiar environment combined with the power of the formation that surrounded them to stealthily contact Yun Jhin:

"My lord, the formation is currently recognizing me as its master, if I use my life in exchange with the whole power of the formation I can stale Ruxandra for a while so you can escape, I can directly transport you to the launching pad formation that will throw you out into space, since you are a reincarnated cultivator I don't have to explain to you everything else."

Yun Jhin told him that he could use the plan, he did want to see what Luo Shang left behind in the deeper parts of the treasury but considering that Ruxandra existed he was happy just to ask Luo Shang:

"What I left behind? Hmm, I don't think it would be useful for you master as your cultivation base is too low, but it would help a peak god realm expert consolidate their realm, even though it wouldn't help them to get closer to the next cultivation realm, considering how far you were into your current realm it could be used to gain perfect combat power in the god realm, I kept it in there in hopes that I could restore my soul with it, but you interfered and you know the rest..."

Yun Jhin knew what item he was talking about, it was an extremely rare special flower that Yun Jhin's last life was lucky enough to encounter, it seemed after he died the flower must have left his body and Luo Shang being lucky got it, technically speaking it was still his flower but there were no more connections with his soul so it wouldn't recognize him as it's master, so it would just be better to forget about it.

After a while, they reached the deeper parts of the treasury and Luo Shang started to power up as his ki started to cover him like a flame armor, he controlled the formation around him using hand seals which he strengthened by bathing his hands in his own blood! He cut his wrists and let the blood flow slowly onto his hands where it coagulated into a crimson armor.

Seeing his actions Ruxandra narrowed her eyes, she kept her grip on both Qiqi and Yun Jhin only for the latter to disappear from her hands!

Ruxandra laughed as she looked at Luo Shang, she tried to move towards him and end his life but one step from her and his left arm disappeared. Ruxandra looked at his eyes and realized that he was sacrificing himself for Yun Jhin's escape:

"You think that he will escape that easily?"

Ruxandra unleashed her Godly avatar and inserted it into her sister, her sister twitched for a few moments before she disappeared.

Ruxandra shook her hand as she took another step and his right arm disappeared:

"You will die in three more steps, why don't you give up and just open the way ahead? I promise I won't kill you."

Luo Shang gave out a ferocious smile as he kept his eyes on her, Ruxandra frowned, she couldn't move outside of the treasury due to the formation but she could send her avatar while possessing Qiqi, however, she wasn't sure where Yun Jhin was sent!

Yun Jhin was currently outside of the capital by around 500 kilometers, he didn't even look behind as he started to run towards the location of the launching pad formation, even Luo Shang wasn't sure of its current location but since both of them knew of the same location there was a rather chance that it was moved from there.

Yun Jhin could feel someone's soul willpower try to encroach into his and track him down, unfortunately, he couldn't mask his soul willpower fluctuations quick enough so the owner of the soul willpower got a grasp of his latest location!

Yun Jhin frowned deeply as he continued to run, he knew those fluctuations reminded him of the Luo Empress but she was unconscious when he last saw her, did her sister throw her at him so she could catch him?

Yun Jhin didn't think anymore as his skin started to bleed and fire came out of his nostrils, he was using a forbidden technique to increase his speed to the point that even a 4th stage Emperor Realm expert would have trouble following him, he was getting closer and closer to the launching pad formation, it was in the middle between the Bumi and Luo Empire and he could feel the soul willpower of the Luo Empress getting closer and closer to him, even though he had a headstart the other person was a God Realm cultivator, even though injured both in soul and body she was way faster than him, even if she could only use 1% of her current power!

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