My Hero Automata

Chapter 64: A Birthday

Summary: Momo has a birthday, Jirou get's an eyeful...

-Warning! This chapters contains a lemon! If that's not your thing, it's clearly labeled with -Lemon Starts Here- and -End of Lemon- so you can skip it!

Chapter 64: A Birthday

Izumi had a minor problem, but it was one she was determined to resolve. It was as a result of this that, just two days after their raid on a certain Yakuza organization, Izumi found herself mustering her courage to deal with people. These were, at least, people whom she was familiar with, not strangers, which meant it only took her a few minutes to work up her courage as she lingered outside the First Year Dorms. With one last bracing breath, she marched up to the 1A side of the dorm complex. The entire complex was secured via specific student IDs, and Izumi wasn't a resident. So she contacted her inside woman to let her in.

"Yes? Oh. Izumi. Right, I'll buzz you in. I've got everyone you wanted rounded up in the main area already."

Jirou's voice vanished and the locks on the main entrance clicked open. Izumi was proud of herself for barely hesitating as she opened the door and went through. As promised, when she made it to the main lounge area the student shared, Izumi found it was already half-full of people. Jirou was there, of course. But so were Ashido, Uraraka, Toru, Kirishima, and Kaminari. Izumi nodded at the choices. While Momo got along with almost everyone, these were the group that she and Izumi had interacted with the most. Along with Mei, of course, but she would have been harder to wrangle, and likely uninterested anyway. The group caught sight of Izumi as she came in and, as always, Ashido was the first to pounce in a social situation.

"Izumi! Why didn't you tell us sooner that Yaomomo's birthday was coming up!"

Izumi sheepishly rubbed the back of her head.

"Well, I've been super wrapped up in a case for Work Studies. And I didn't really know if anyone would want to be there?"

Toru made a rude noise.

"Of course! We've celebrated several birthdays in the dorms since we all got here. You and Momo even showed up to the one we did for the combined summer birthdays! Just because you two and Iida are the only ones that don't live in the dorms, doesn't mean we aren't going to help celebrate!"

Kirishima pumped his fist at that, whispering 'manly,' before saying something more relevant out loud.

"All of us here owe you and Momo a lot, too! You've totally redone either our gear or training to make us waaay more badass! Not to mention helping with team training for the whole class!"

There was a general murmur of agreement at that. Jirou, Kaminari, and Kirishima had been the ones to benefit the most from Izumi and Momo's equipment overhauls. While Toru, Uraraka and Ashido had made huge leaps based on training the two had suggested. They were also still working on some gear for Toru, in particular, that would soon make the girl a lot more dangerous than she already was. Ashido had gotten some quiet upgrades as well…and that horrifying club of Ochako's was all Izumi's doing. Which no one ever let her forget when they had to deal with the thing. While many others in the class had benefited from either gear or training upgrades, these six had done so the most. Not incidentally, they'd spent the most time with Izumi and Momo as a result.

"Soo! What do you have planned! And how can we help! I'm seriously stumped on what to do for Yaomomo. She can literally make anything she needs!"

Ashido, as was often the case, was surprisingly able to grasp problems quickly. Particularly if they had a social aspect. Izumi smirked at her blatantly calling it out, despite most people shying away from mentioning things like money. It saved her a lot of trouble in explaining this.

"Yeah, getting Momo things isn't a great way to celebrate. If you really want to get her a present, make it something handmade and with some meaning behind it. That will get her every time. But…the real reason I need all of your help is that there is one thing Momo hasn't had a lot of. I guess I haven't really, either. But it doesn't bother me the way it does her."

Everyone was looking at Izumi with confusion, even Ashido.

"Normal teen and student experiences."

When everyone looked blank and confused, Izumi huffed. She was going to have to explain. She hated explaining this. But she'd do it. For Momo.

"Look. Momo's family is rich. Like the 'they make normal rich people look poor' sort of rich. Worse, Momo has one of the most dangerous and powerful Quirks ever recorded. Forget the super strength, or the mech suit. Imagine what sort of sheer world-wide chaos Momo could create if she just started…turning hamburgers into suitcase nukes and chemical weapons. Let alone her ability to mass produce anything from precious metals and drugs, to perfect duplicates of military IDs and world-renowned art pieces."

Most of the people present had turned a bit pale.

"Of course, Momo would never do that. But there have been, to my personal knowledge, twenty-seven attempts to kidnap or assassinate her. And those are just the ones that got close enough for me and 2B to realize what was going on, before her family's security got involved. At least nine of those were organized by foreign governments, by the way. None of which were ever punished for the attempts due to the strain doing so would put on international relations."

Even Ashido was looking a bit white now, a most unnatural color on the pink-skinned girl.

"I'm not telling you this to scare you. Or to get sympathy. Those attempts have dropped off to almost nothing as Momo herself has gotten powerful enough to make those sorts of plans seem a lot less appealing to governments, villain groups, or greedy individuals. Why I am telling you this, is as an explanation."

Bracing herself to cover an unpleasant topic she and Momo both preferred not to talk about, Izumi forced herself to do it anyway.

"Momo has been surrounded by a tight security screen almost her entire life. Going out to eat meant clearing the whole restaurant. Wanting to go to the movies meant her parents just built her a private movie theater. The beach? Rent out an entire resort. The mall? The first time she was allowed to go was after had gone through bodyguard training and proven I and 2B could take out her entire normal bodyguard detail solo. Even then, for a few years after that, there was a private security team that followed us when we went out on even the simplest of dates. Heck, even now, we arrive at UA via a subtly armored and deliberately non-descript car more often than not. When we don't, it is because we were staying somewhere off our usual schedule without a predictable route, so no one could plan to intercept us reliably."

Izumi let the truth sink in, watching as several people struggled to adjust to a different reality than they'd thought existed. She suspected none of them could have wrapped their head around it, if recent events hadn't taught all the Heroics First Year just how thin the illusion of a safe society actually was. How close the world constantly was to sliding back into the Era of Chaos. Slowly, they all digested this newest unpalatable truth. One where it wasn't just the villains who were the potential enemies. It wasn't something she really wanted them to need an understanding of. But if they wanted to be Heroes…it was a truth they'd have to face sooner or later.

"So…Momo's never just had a chance to be…normal. I guess?"

The question had come from Uraraka, whose own worldview that the rich had it easy had probably just taken the biggest blow out of all of them.

"Nope. The happiest I generally see her is when we get a chance to dodge the security detail and just…wander around a mall. One of the biggest smiles I ever saw on her face was getting to go to an arcade for the first time. But, even on those occasions? It's always just been the two of us and 2B. You can't believe how ecstatic she was that we got to invite everyone to the beach earlier this year!"

Izumi smiled at the memory. There'd been a reason she let Momo bully her into that incredibly embarrassing outfit. Beyond simply being a sucker for Momo or striking their little deal over it. She'd been so happy…

"So…that's why it was important we help? So Momo can just do something fun and normal with her friends?"

Ashido's voice was quiet, with notes of both determination and sadness in it. Izumi nodded.

"Please? It would mean the world to both of us…"

The response was overwhelming, and overwhelmingly positive, as all six of those present started verbally dogpiling Izumi with ideas…

... ...

Momo was positively bouncing as the group exited the train. Even the simple transit was an experience she'd had very few times, and her adorable eagerness for even something so mundane had taken most of the group with her aback, despite all Izumi had told them. It had also, from the looks they all exchanged, made them even more determined to give Momo a fantastic birthday. Which started with Ashido and Kirishima's suggestion. Technically, they were celebrating Momo's birthday a day earlier in order to do it on a Weekend, and it was early Sunday morning as they presented their choice to the group. Ashido did that with her usual flare, prancing in between the group and their destination, throwing her hands up and announcing where they were.

"Ta-da! Nyassn Indoor Water Park! Five floors of complete awesome! Not just swimming, but multi-story water slides, whirlpool features, and hot tubs! Technically, you could totally waste a whole day here and not see everything…but since there's other cool stuff on the agenda we will only be here until noon. Since they only just opened, though, that still gives us over four hours of fun! Don't worry Yaomomo, Izumi's got your stuff!"

Momo's eyes were sparkling as she took everything in. A moment later, she physically picked Izumi up and raced inside with her under one arm. The remaining group blinked twice at that, laughed uncontrollably for a few moments, then stumbled after the pair in various states of laughter and giggles…

... ...


Momo shot out of the 3-floor high and 40-foot-long spiraling 'water flow' slide with considerably more velocity than should have been possible. Given the hangtime she got before splashing down in the middle of their circle of friends, dunking Ashido and Kirishima in the process, Izumi was pretty sure that a tiny bit of Float had been involved in that maneuver. Not that the realization did anything to prevent her from giggling at the dumbfounded faces of her classmates as Momo definitively 'won' their 'distance competition.'

As a spluttering Ashido surfaced for revenge, Izumi prepared herself for the water war that was likely to ensue. Hopefully, it wouldn't get them banned from the pool. The way the teenage lifeguard was drooling over Momo, herself, and Ashido, Izumi didn't think it was much of a concern though. Who knew that there was an advantage to wearing swimsuits that were only barely within the decency rules set by the waterpark? Though poor Jirou seemed like she wasn't quite sure where to look. Izumi didn't blame her that the answer was frequently 'at Momo's boobs whenever she didn't think she'd get caught.' Izumi was doing the same thing, after all! And cared a lot less about getting caught…

Hmm, that gave Izumi a wicked thought. A much bolder thought than normal for her. But, well, Momo was a bad influence and she hadn't done nearly enough for her vague 'acquire Jirou headpats' plan later. Diving under the water, she came up behind Jirou and grabbed her by the legs, thrusting upward to lift the smaller girl out of the water. Jirou yelped and instinctively grabbed onto Izumi, her legs ending up on Izumi's shoulders and her modest breasts pressed into the top of Izumi's head. Before Jirou could properly process what was happening, Izumi charged forward.

"Let the cavalry battle commence!"

Caught utterly off guard, but unwilling to back down (or give up the seat she was secretly enjoying), Jirou responded the only way she could. Namely, by immediately engaging in aggressive war against the rapidly-forming teams of Kirishima-Ashido, Yaoyorozu-Uraraka and Toru-Kaminari! She would ride her mount to victory!

... ...

After being politely asked to leave the pool as more people trickled in, the group had spent the rest of their allotted time for the waterpark in the hot tubs, saunas, and massage parlor. Now, it was time for lunch! This time, it was Denki and Ochako that had come up with the location, and proudly presented it to the rest of the group as they spilled out of the trio of taxis Izumi had arranged for.

"Behold! The Angler's Café! They have one like this back home, and I was super excited when Kaminari knew there was one here! They have water flowing in a stream all around the seats, filled with all the best fish suited for sushi. You get to net up whatever fish you want, for a set fee-per-fish, and they'll make up the sushi from your 'catch' right then and there! Of course, most of the fish are common types, making the rare ones are harder to catch. So if you want something extra special, better be good with a net!"

Uraraka was obviously super proud of her and Kaminari's find. As she should be, given how wide-eyed everyone was with the cool idea. Momo was even more so, of course, practically floating with giddiness…wait, no she was actually floating. Izumi quickly grabbed her by the shoulder and tugged her back down to the ground so they didn't get caught for public Quirk usage! The action got some chuckles and giggles out of the rest of the group, even as they quickly headed inside. Kaminari had called ahead, making sure the Café was ready for a larger group, pre-paying for everything with the funds Izumi had slipped him. This place was considerably nicer than the one Uraraka had known about, but Kaminari had done his part by concealing that fact from her so she didn't back out of the idea from her cheapness-reflex.

As they were all seated on wooden rowboat-like benches around an artificial stream that carried numerous colorful fish on a winding path around the restaurant, Izumi gave them both a mental thumbs up. Momo was obviously enchanted by the idea of catching her own lunch. Even if this was a pretty tame way to go about that. The entire group set to it with a will, trying to figure out what each fish was and how best to catch them with the provided nets…

... ...

By the time the group had finished several different rounds of lunch, with Momo happily devouring anything any of the others still wanted to catch after they themselves were full, it was well on the way to mid-afternoon. It was also Jirou and Toru's turn to present their plan, though Toru freely admitted that her part of the idea had mostly involved bullying Jirou into actually doing it. Something which they all easily believed when they found themselves in front of a high-end Karaoke place. All of them, even Momo and Izumi who had less exposure since they didn't use the dorms, had long since come to realize that Jirou was amazing at anything music related. They'd also, however, all realized she was incredibly shy about that fact, though no one had quite managed to figure out why just yet. Well, no one but 2B and Izumi, who'd realized the most likely cause when they'd run background checks on their classmates out of constructive paranoia. But neither of them were going to spill the secret.

It was thus that they found themselves ensconced in a private karaoke box comfortably large enough to handle the eight of them. Like many of the other things they'd already done that day, Izumi had quietly reserved the room for the entire afternoon and evening in advance. Without letting Momo know, of course. It wasn't a security thing, this time, thankfully. Instead simply being an acknowledgement that they were a fairly large group for many activities, and that they hadn't known their exact time table for the day. Better to make sure they had reservations than suffer through having to wait in lines. There was being normal and then there was being unnecessarily stupid about being normal, after all. Very much different things, as far as Izumi was concerned.

In a normal group, it might have been a bit of a game of chicken to decide who had to go first. But, in this one, there were too many strong personalities for that. Ashido had managed to claim the mike and was quickly rocking out to a completely outrageous 'love song' that had several of the group blushing…

... ... ... ...

"-And when the succubus swings her hips you knoooooww,

Oh baby, don't be scared! She's hot and ready just for you,

Oh, oh, baby don't put up a fight, she'd wet and ready for you tonight~!"

... ... ... ...

By the time Min was halfway through, Izumi was pretty sure Jirou was going to spontaneously combust. And Izumi herself was only managing not to blush by cheating horribly and partially transforming so she could forcefully control her blood flow. Kirishima looked like he was simply…used to it, while Momo was looking intrigued. Uncomfortably so, for Izumi's mental health! She couldn't take it if Momo sang that! Well…not in front of other people. Maybe a private performance? No! That way lies temptation! Quick, get someone more wholesome up there before Momo get's any ideas! Izumi quickly scanned the group…then glommed onto a surprised Uraraka when the song ended.

"You should try, Ochako! I bet you'll be great!"

Given how deer-in the-headlights Uraraka suddenly looked, Izumi mentally apologized. But it was for the Greater Good!

"U—um…okay? I've only really done this like, twice before. But I guess I can pick something…?"

Uraraka quickly searched the music catalog and seemed to relax when she found whatever it was she'd been looking for.

"Right, so this one is something we play on construction sites a lot! The original is really old, like even by Pre-Quirk standards! I think it was American?"

Uraraka took a deep breath as the music started, then startled the heck out of all of them by dropping he voice way lower than any of them would have thought she could manage…

... ... ... ...

"Some people say a man is made out of mud,

A poor man's made outta muscle and blood.

Muscle and Blood and Skin and Bones,

A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong!

You load sixteen tons, what do you get?

Another day older and deeper in debt.

St. Peter, don't call me 'cause I can't go,

I owe my soul to the company store…"

... ... ... ...

Uraraka's surprising choice led into an entire eclectic hodgepodge of disjointed choices. Kaminari surprised everyone by spitting out a surprisingly good bit of American rap, in English even! Which blew everyone away since he normally struggled with the language. Kirishima had kept the trend of 'wouldn't have expected that' going by singing a mid-century J-Pop song everyone knew but no one had thought about in years. Apparently, he blushingly admitted, it was something that was part of his workout tracks. Jirou, after much bullying, had utterly blown everyone else away with a rock ballad she arguably pulled off better than the original artist. Jirou's performance had threatened to stall everything out, since no one really wanted to try following that. But Momo, ever confident when in bubbly mode, both rescued the mood and sent both Izumi and Jirou into nuclear meltdown with her choice. Izumi's attempt to distract her from the possibilities having proven hopeless…

... ... ... ...

I like turning heads, breaking necks,

High heels in the morning,

Catch your breath, break a sweat,

Leave the suckers snoring.

These saints are watching me,

My sex life like TMZ,

You're welcome, bitch, the show is free,

I don't do the walk of shame, I strut (strut).

You can suck my dust (dust),

Blow a kiss goodbye, I got mine, love…

I don't do the walk of shame, I strut (strut).

... ... ... ...

Izumi was quite sure that none of the girls in the room were completely straight any longer, even if they had been at the start of Momo's performance. And the two poor guys present were both very carefully trying to hide certain reactions. Izumi didn't blame them, even if she also desperately pushed Toru up on stage…only to bang her head on the wall as the effusive girl decided it was the perfect chance to pull a prank by adding fuel to the flames.

... ... ... ...

I get dirty thoughts about you,

They get worse when I'm without you,

Does that mean that I'm going to hell?

Or are you thinking them as well? Whoa.

When I'm lonely.

All the corners of my mind start racing,

Things that should be kept in the basement,

Spend my time trying to erase them (erase them).

But when you hold me,

In the fantasy, it's so convincing,

I shouldn't think the things I'm thinking,

But now I've gone and let them sink in (ah)…

... ... ... ...

Annnnnddd Izumi was the only one left to follow that up. Find, screw you all! Nuclear option! Selecting her choice of sweet revenge, Izumi closed her eyes and used a partial transformation to hide her atomic blush as she fell into a song she knew would at least pay Momo back for her mischief…

... ... ... ...

Ooh, I can't pretend,

Like you didn't bring my tempo up again.

My head's in a spin,

You send my body to a place it's never been.

Baby, won't you let me,

Keep you up all night? Let the morning come closer,

You send me so high now, the ceiling can't hold us,

Listen to my heart, let the rhythm control ya.

I'll be there when you need my love,

Just follow the beat of my drum….

... ... ... ...

Well, she was right. But getting glomped and French kissed by her girlfriend, right in front of their friends, hadn't been exactly the revenge Izumi had in mind. Thankfully, by the time she recovered her wits, the group had somehow moved on to anime intros and show tunes…

... ...

-Lemon Warning!-

Momo moaned, trying to keep quiet as her girlfriend embraced her from behind, her pajama shirt pulled up to expose her breasts as Izumi kneaded them with strong fingers. Given her own tendencies, the reason for the need to keep quiet was both sending thrills of excitement through Momo's body, as well as forcing her to fight the desire to be loud on purpose. The fact that Izumi's mischievous smile had told her this wasn't accidental or thoughtless only made the heady feeling of possibility harder to resist.

After all, Jirou was in the next room.

Karaoke had gone for hours, through dinner and out the other side, and Izumi had sneakily gotten them all alcohol despite everyone being underaged. None of those present were sticklers for rules like that, and most had at least enough experience with alcohol not to recklessly overindulge. Kaminari had gotten just a little 'happy,' but had been easily corralled by Kirishima and Ashido. Toru and Uraraka had both drunk like fish and been perfectly fine afterward. Izumi was virtually immune to alcohol, and Momo had plenty of experience from high-society where rules were barely suggestions and a properly raised high society lady was expected to know the differences between and qualities of a wide variety of wine.

Jirou, on the other hand, was apparently a lightweight.

The punk rock girl had barely had two drinks before simply dozing off, and Izumi and Momo had volunteered to take her to Momo's family mansion for a 'slumber party' to keep anyone from getting in trouble back at the dorms. In truth, Izumi suspected the Heroics staff would shrug and look the other way, so long as they weren't drunk and disorderly. But she'd had more than one motive to her suggestion.

Which is also why she'd suggested leaving Jirou in the 'spare' bedroom attached to Momo's suite of rooms in the mansion. Originally intended for Izumi when they were younger, the bedroom saw little use now, but was not-so-incidentally attached to the entertainment room that made up the central block of Momo's personal rooms. Said room contained all the latest game consoles, a massive TV, sprawling couches, and so forth. It was also attached to both bedrooms and Momo's enormous bathroom, complete with Jacuzzi.

Momo hadn't seen any reason to protest leaving Jirou there, since it would mean they could reassure her easily when she woke in a strange place. But she hadn't quite processed the mischief in Izumi's eyes at the suggestion. Not, at least, until it was too late and she'd had her brains thoroughly addled by a passionate make out session with her girlfriend. It was only when Izumi had pulled her down onto one of the couches, in full few of the slightly-cracked door to the spare bedroom where Jirou was lightly dozing, that Momo had realized what Izumi was up to. And by then, it was much too late, her arousal having overcome reason as Izumi whispered in her ear about the chances of being caught.

Izumi had timed things perfectly, waiting until they'd already taken a quick but handsy shower together and gotten into pajamas. She'd insisted on 'checking on Jirou' before they slept, then ambushed Momo on the way back to their room, luring her into position on one of the couches. Now, she had her exhibitionist girlfriend pulled into her as she embraced Momo from behind, having pulled Momo's pajama shirt up to expose her breasts to the entire room before beginning to play with them to her heart's content.

Needless to say, Momo was having difficulty not letting anything but quiet, breathy moans escape…and her breath hitched as one of Izumi's hands finally left a breast and trailed lightly down Momo's toned abs, caressing her stomach as it headed south. A gasp slipped free as Izumi captured a earlobe from behind, nibbling and sucking at one of Momo's weak points. A much louder and lewder moan than before followed up as that southward trailing hand finally breached the cloth of Momo's pajama bottoms and found her core already slippery with her arousal.

All thoughts of propriety vanished as two fingers slide between instinctively parted legs and penetrated an aching pussy, even as the thumb of the same hand teasingly grasped her clit. As teeth nibbled and the other hand pinched a nipple, quiet was lost, only partly regained a fully minute later when Izumi shifted their position to muffle her girlfriends moans with a kiss…

Izumi grinned to herself, but didn't comment, as she detected the now thoroughly awake Jirou peeking from the cracked open door. She was a tiny bit embarrassed at putting on the display. But was still fully clothed herself, and she knew Momo would only be more excited if she realized she was being watched.

Besides. This was all part of her long-term plan to enable additional Jioru headpats! Route unlock required! Flags needed to be set! Momo would understand. Izumi was certain of that…

-End of Lemon-

... ... ... ...

Author's Note 1: The songs. Ugh. Sorry for including them if it annoys you, it honestly usually irritates the heck out of me when authors add them. Sadly, with them doing karaoke it was sort of needed. I doubly dislike it that so many fics end up using modern songs...but there wasn't a lot of other option unless I wanted to subject you to my dubious song writing talents. Which I actually did anyway, as Mina's song doesn't exist. The others are:

Uraraka's Song: "Sixteen Tons" by Tennessee Ernie Ford

Momo's Song: "STRUT" by EMELINE

Toru's Song: "Dirty Thoughts" by Chloe Adams

Izumi's Song: "The Drum" by Alan Walker

Author's Note 2: So...Jirou. I've said from the start that the story might turn into a pairing with Momo/Izumi/Jirou. Originally, I'd had the thought to put that too a vote. But, honestly, I've teased it enough (and had enough people respond by essentially saying 'yes, please!') that I just went ahead and pushed the plan for that forward.

I suppose I could still run a poll to see HOW involved she'll be. But I'm personally somewhat disinclined to make friends-with-benefits sorts of additions to most pairings. I'd rather bring her, slowly and naturally, into a full relationship. So that's the plan, unless I get a bunch of kickback from readers on it. I'm not so committed to the idea that I'll ignore feedback in this case.

Note: There will never be ANY other additions to the pairing. Jirou was the only one I was willing to add. Mostly, I have to admit, because I 100% ship Jirou/Momo in canon MHA. So the temptation to add her to the pairing was extremely strong...

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