My Hero Academia: Thunder God

Chapter 10: Thunder, Steel, and Saitama?


When Kaminari said this, both families were momentarily taken aback. But as they considered the nickname, they quickly realized how fitting it was for Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu.

Especially Tetsutetsu himself, who shot to his feet, nearly knocking over his chair, and shouted, "Cool!!!" His face lit up with excitement. "That name is awesome, right?!"

He was over the moon. Despite not having even passed the Hero exam yet, and being far from a professional Hero, those thoughts didn't cross his mind. He was confident that he was destined to succeed, and that was enough for now.

Just as Tetsutetsu was about to speak again, a calm voice interrupted him.

"Young man, this is a public place. If you're going to shout, take it outside..."

Tetsutetsu turned to see a bald man about his own height, wearing a simple set of work clothes. As Tetsutetsu's eyes fell on the nametag reading "Store Manager," he quickly put two and two together.

He immediately bowed his head in apology, first to the manager and then to the other customers who had been startled. Though he had a rough, straightforward personality, he wasn't lacking in manners something drilled into him by his father, a retired soldier.

Seeing that it was just a young boy getting a bit too excited, the patrons accepted his apologies without much fuss.

Kaminari, sitting nearby, couldn't help but feel a bit strange. It was as if Saitama from One Punch Man were standing just a few meters away... The resemblance was uncanny, right down to the blank expression. It was surreal to see someone who looked so much like a famous character in real life.

The bald store manager, satisfied with Tetsutetsu's apology, merely nodded and walked away, leaving Tetsutetsu to sheepishly return to his seat. "Hehe, I got a bit carried away!"

"But seriously, I really like that name, Colossus! When I become a professional Hero, can I use it?" Tetsutetsu asked, his eyes filled with hopeful anticipation.

Kaminari didn't hesitate. "Of course! Go ahead and use it." After all, trading a cool name for the goodwill of a steel-skinned future Hero seemed like a fair exchange.

"Awesome!" Tetsutetsu beamed, clenching his fists like a kid who'd just been given the best present ever. "From now on, you're my partner, Kaminari!"

"If anyone messes with you at U.A., I'll protect you!" he declared boldly.

Kaminari's eyebrows twitched as he glanced at his parents, who were stifling their laughter behind their hands. Suppressing a grin himself, he gave Tetsutetsu a slight nod and said, "I'll count on you then."

"Leave it to me!" Tetsutetsu thumped his chest in response, his loyalty unmistakable.

But as the conversation continued, Kaminari's curiosity began to grow. He wondered whether his own lightning-based Quirk would have any effect on Tetsutetsu's steel transformation. He also found himself questioning how he measured up against his peers in general.

Up to this point, his training had been in solitude, practicing alone in Omiya Park. Although he had developed a few techniques that suited him, he'd never actually tested them against a real opponent. The only "combat" experience he had was using his Quirk for a makeshift electrotherapy session on an old man as first aid, which was far from an actual fight.

This lack of real-world experience weighed on his mind, especially with the practical exam approaching. It was like a martial artist who had only ever practiced in a dojo, suddenly thrust into a real fight. Mistakes were inevitable.

He needed someone to spar with someone tough enough to handle his abilities without getting seriously hurt. And from what he could see, Tetsutetsu might just be the perfect practice partner… or, in Kaminari's mind, the ideal punching bag—erhm, sparring partner.

As soon as the idea popped into his head, Kaminari's gaze shifted toward Tetsutetsu with newfound interest. Originally, he had planned to take it easy before the exam, but now he felt a sudden urge to gain some practical experience.

Although "experience" was an abstract concept, its impact on combat effectiveness was very real. Kaminari knew this well from the countless shonen stories he had consumed over the years.

"By the way, what kind of Quirk do you have?" Tetsutetsu asked out of the blue, his curiosity getting the better of him. He didn't overthink things like Kaminari did; he was simply following the natural flow of their conversation.

After all, he had shared his own Quirk, so it was only fair that Kaminari did the same. It was the kind of straightforward honesty you'd expect from a fifteen-year-old who hadn't yet been hardened by the world.

"I have a lightning-type Quirk called 'Electrification.' It allows me to generate and release electricity from my body," Kaminari explained plainly. Since he had decided to befriend Tetsutetsu, there was no reason to be secretive. Sincerity was the foundation of any friendship.

"Electrification? That sounds so cool!" Tetsutetsu said, his enthusiasm as evident as ever. But his next words came with the bluntness typical of his personality. "But I can't think of any famous lightning-type Heroes off the top of my head. Dad, do you know any?"

The question made both fathers pause in thought. Kaminari's dad racked his brain but couldn't recall any notable lightning-based professional Heroes in Japan.

"No, I can't say that I do," Kaminari's father admitted. He was careful with his words, preferring to say it himself rather than let Tetsutetsu's dad risk offending Kaminari. After all, Kaminari was still just a teenager, and young egos could be fragile.

However, Kaminari himself wasn't so easily bothered. He took the response in stride, shrugging lightly. "Well, that just means I'll be the first. I'll become the top lightning-type Hero in the future."

The confidence in his eyes was unmistakable, radiating as brightly as his Quirk. Why should he downplay his ambition? There was no need for false modesty.

"Well said! That's the spirit, son!" Kaminari's father cheered, his pride unmistakable. Kaminari's mother was also beaming, her heart swelling with admiration. To her, her son had always been amazing, but after seeing his solo performance, she had become his biggest fan.

"That's the attitude a young Hero should have!" Tetsutetsu's father agreed, impressed by Kaminari's unwavering self-belief. He and his son found the boy's confident demeanor refreshing, a stark contrast to the timid types they couldn't stand.

At that moment, Kaminari pulled out his phone. "Let's exchange contact info. That way, we can stay in touch."

"Sure!" Tetsutetsu agreed enthusiastically. As soon as they had swapped numbers, Kaminari made an unexpected suggestion.

"By the way, how about meeting at Omiya Park tomorrow?"

Tetsutetsu blinked in surprise. "Uh, Omiya Park? Why there? The cherry blossoms aren't even in bloom yet, right?"

Kaminari just grinned. "Let's just say I have something in mind."

Unfazed by the cryptic answer, Tetsutetsu slapped his hands together and declared, "Deal! I'll meet you at the park entrance tomorrow!"

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