my hero academia i am proud

Chapter 024

Thinking of this, Chen Ya’s pity in his heart was even worse.

Chen Ya can be said to be very ruthless to outsiders, but for Nazalik’s own people, it is really very loving and cherished, seeing Yaerbed’s appearance that he has just cried, how can Chen Ya not feel pity in his heart.

Especially in the case that this matter also has a certain relationship with Chen Ya, Chen Ya also felt a little apologetic.

“Alas… Yalbed, it’s me…”

Chen Ya sighed softly, and then turned into the appearance of Anzulgong, and the kind of aura that belonged to him naturally spread throughout the bedroom.

“Ainz… Ainz sama! ”

Seeing Chen Ya’s sudden change, Ya’er Beide was also taken aback, and a shocked expression appeared on her pretty face.

She didn’t expect that her bold idea just now would be true!

This guy who suddenly appeared turned out to be Lord Ainz who had been missing for nearly a month!

“It’s really Ainz sama! It’s really Ainz sama! ”

But feeling the breath that belonged to Chen Ya, she immediately determined Chen Ya’s identity, her eyes were slightly red, and crystal tears fell in the air like pearls with broken threads.

It’s just that compared to the sad sobbing just now, now Yalbed’s tears are flowing out of joy.

Then Ya’er Beide threw himself into Chen Ya’s arms like a milk swallow.

Originally, in order to maintain the identity and authority of the supreme supreme, Chen Ya rarely had any special intimate movements with Ya’er Beide.

It’s just that looking at Ya’er Beide’s sad pretty face right now, Chen Ya thought about it and still held her in his arms.

It would be too cruel to avoid Yalbed’s embrace in this situation.

“It’s really you… It’s really you…”

Relying on Chen Ya’s bony bosom, although this touch is actually not comfortable, and even a little uncomfortable, Ya’er Beide still feels an unprecedented sense of happiness.

Feeling the breath from his most respected and favorite Chen Ya, Ya’er Beide muttered happily and movingly.

“I knew… I knew Ainz Sama wouldn’t abandon us! Ainz Sama will definitely be back! ”

“Sure enough, Ainz Sama didn’t leave us behind at all!”

Ya’er Beide’s words were full of firmness, which fully demonstrated her trust in Chen Ya.

Listening to Ya’er Beide’s muttering, Chen Ya’s guilt and apology in her heart were even worse, and she sincerely apologized to Ya’er Beide: “I suffered an unexpected accident before, and I couldn’t come back, it was my negligence. ”

“It’s okay, as long as Ainz Sama comes back! As long as Ainz Sama is with us, then everything is fine…”

Ya’er Beide raised his head and looked at Chen Ya who was close at hand obsessively, and there seemed to be some unusual looks in his eyes, as if a layer of light pink water mist appeared, and a layer of abnormal red light appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Chen Ya’s heart bristled.

Yalbed, what’s going on?

Why does it feel like this look is going to eat me?

In fact, Chen Ya also knew the reason why Ya’er Beide showed this expression.

At that time, when the game was about to close, he changed the setting of Yalbed’s Bichi to love him forever, so there were often such strange situations.

“Ainz sama… Ainz sama…”

Ya’er Beide kept chanting Chen Ya’s name, and the special emotion in her eyes not only did not dissipate, but seemed to intensify.

At the same time, Ya’er Beide’s body became closer and closer to Chen Ya.

Chen Ya could clearly feel that the two arms located at his waist seemed to be getting tighter and tighter.

It was like two steel bars that were constantly tightening, making Chen Ya a little unable to break free.

He was not deliberately releasing water, but he was really struggling with all his strength but to no avail.

But don’t think that all of Chen Ya’s attributes are the strongest in Nazalik.

No matter what, Chen Ya’s real profession is still a magic chanter.

In terms of strength attributes, although Chen Ya is also extremely strong in the world of [My Hero Academia], he is definitely not comparable to Ya’er Beide as a warrior.

This has led to the current situation of being bound by Yalbed, unable to break free.

“Yalbed? Yalbed?! ”

Chen Ya suddenly realized that things seemed to be on the verge of getting out of control, and hurriedly called Yaerbed’s name twice, wanting her to stop her movements.

It’s just that it seems that because he hasn’t seen Chen Ya for too long, Ya’er Beide’s emotions are not so simple to be re-controlled.

He continued to hug Chen Ya’s body tightly, and whispered almost madly.

“Ainz sama, don’t leave me… Don’t leave me… Stay with me! ”

“…….I, can’t help it!”

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