My Hero Academia: God Level Evolution

Chapter 205

Under Dai Weier’s words, Sirius and the others all had a preliminary understanding of each other’s teammates who were about to partner with, while Kurosaki Ichigo’s side was completely because he knew Harry Potter and the others too well to understand that there was no need to introduce too much.

However, although Kurosaki Ichigo said to Dai Weier that there was no need to introduce him, the stubborn Dai Weier still pointed to Sirius Black to introduce Kurosaki Ichigo and Kazuka Kento after giving Kurosaki Ichigo a blank look.

“This is Cyris Black, a brilliant magician of noble blood, who in his heyday reached the rank of S+. And most importantly, he is an unregistered animagus, an achievement that few people can achieve.”

Kurosaki Ichigo knew that Sirius Black was indeed a powerful magician before entering Azkaban, but he did not expect his strength to be so strong, and he turned out to be a solid S+ plus level magician.

Although after twelve years of prison life, Sirius’s strength will inevitably decline, but the thin camel is bigger than the horse, and no matter how the strength of an S+ level archmage declines, he is also a very powerful person.

However, Sirius obviously did not care much about these vanities, and after twelve years of hard work, this magician who was very arrogant when he was young had now become an unusually calm middle-aged man, he just nodded very indifferently to Daviel, and then continued to stand silently to the side.

Dai Weier pointed at Harry Potter again and said to Kurosaki Ichigo, “Hmm… This is little Harry, who is good friends with Hermione and a very gifted lad. ”

After introducing Harry Potter, Daviel pointed to Ron Weasley non-stop and said: “This is Ron Weasley, as you can see, he and Harry are a pair of good friends, always inseparable kind, although his talent is average, but his brave and perseverance will inevitably make him climb to the peak of life.” ”

After Daviel stubbornly introduced everyone, Kurosaki Ichigo finally had a chance to interject, he first bowed slightly to Sirius Black, and finally said in a gentle and reverent tone: “I have heard your story for a long time, and I deeply regret what happened to you, I believe that justice will come after all, and the true traitor will be judged.” ”

Sirius, who had been planning to stand aside and watch coldly, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with wide eyes in surprise after hearing Kurosaki Ichigo’s words, “Boy, what did you mean by what you just said?” Do you know something? Or where did you hear it? ”

Kurosaki Ichigo smiled slightly and said, “Right is at ease, as for how I know, is it important?” ”

Sirius frowned, it was clear that he was not very satisfied with this answer, “It may not be so important to you, but it is very important to me, are you not Pediru?” Do you know where he is? ”

Of course, Kurosaki Ichigo knew where the rat in the gutter was hiding, but he didn’t want to tell Sirius, so he just vaguely replied, “Everything you know is not what Peter Pediru told me, as for where he is?” You and Harry will meet him one day, everything will be certain, and the wicked will be punished. ”

Kurosaki Ichigo’s words have some tricky meanings, Sirius seems to understand or not, and Harry Potter does not understand at all, little Harry has learned the truth of his parents’ death from Sirius at this time, and also knows who his enemy is, so he impatiently asked Kurosaki Ichigo: “Brother Ichigo, do you mean you know where Peter Pediru is?” ”

Kurosaki Ichigo has always been disdainful of lying, so after Harry Potter asked this question bluntly, he nodded without hesitation and said, “Yes, I do know where Peter Pediru is.” ”

As soon as Ichigo Kurosaki admitted that he knew where Peter Pediru was, Harry Potter and Sirius’ eyes turned red.

Although the person who directly killed Harry’s parents was Voldemort, if it were not for Peter Pediru’s betrayal, Harry’s parents would not have died tragically, there is a saying that traitors are more hateful than enemies, and Harry and Sirius really hate Peter Pediru no less than Voldemort.

When he learned that years of great feud might soon be rewarded, even Sirius, who had honed himself like a stubborn rock, became excited, “Boy, tell me quickly!” Where the hell is that traitor hiding? I’m going to kill him now!” ”

However, Kurosaki Ichigo stretched out his hand and waved: “NO, I refuse!” ”

Kurosaki Ichigo’s indifferent words instantly angered Sirius, and after he let out an angry roar in place, his eyes immediately turned blood-red, and his whole body began to change rapidly, and after a while, a black giant dog appeared in front of everyone.

Kurosaki Ichigo glanced up and down with interest at Sirius’s transformed appearance, and muttered to himself, “Hehe, it’s kind of interesting, is this the ability of Animagus?” Just don’t know how about the attack power? ”

Davyle took out her wand the moment Sirius transformed, but she was clever and did not rashly attack, but only persuaded while guarding: “Mr. Siris, please calm down, Harry, he is your godfather, you quickly calm him!” ”

However, although Davril reacted quickly enough and responded very decently, she obviously underestimated Sirius’s aggression after transformation, and after letting out a roar in place, Sirius, who had transformed into a giant black dog, slammed into Kurosaki Ichigo’s direction.

When Sirius pounced, Kurosaki Ichigo did not hesitate to pull Davril into his arms, and at the same time activated his tenfold gravity skill, with a loud “boom”, Sirius, whose size and weight became very large, was firmly pressed to the ground.

However, after only a few seconds of suppression, Sirius, who was physically strong enough to pervert, quickly adapted to the environment of ten times gravity, and with an angry roar, Sirius who had risen back on his feet once again rushed towards Kurosaki Ichigo. _

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