My Hero Academia: God Level Evolution

Chapter 199

More than half an hour after Dumbledore announced that the school meeting was about to be held, the teachers and students of the four houses of Hogwarts gathered together, but although the four houses were called one, the internal competition led to a very tense relationship, and this tension was directly reflected in the position of the teachers and students.

Standing on the far left was Slytherin House, their camp was far away from the crowd, and the bright silver house uniforms made them look very conspicuous, this group of people were the most gifted magicians in the entire house, and because of this, they were always out of step with the other houses, because they were so proud.

Slytherin was followed from left to right by Ravenclaw House, Hufflepuff House and, most unpopularly, Gryffindor House.

Dumbledore stood on a high platform and saw the position of the four houses clearly, but he did not intend to change anything, sometimes, some healthy competition and pressure were necessary, which could push people to strive more, surpass themselves, and achieve what they could not achieve alone.

After these bustling students stood in their camps, Dumbledore waved his hand again and cast a silent spell on everyone, and in an instant, the noisy Great Hall was completely quiet, and Dumbledore once again cast a loud spell on himself.

“Dear tutors, students, I have gathered you here today, mainly because I have a few things to announce, these things are very important, I hope you can pay full attention after listening.”

Dumbledore paused again when he said this, and after everyone’s attention was concentrated, he continued: “Let me say the first thing first, I believe everyone has already heard, Teacher Davril encountered an attack from the Death Eaters when she led the team out for an internship, and this has never happened before. ”

“Maybe some students still can’t understand what this means, but experienced mentors should be able to understand that it means that the activities of the Death Eaters have become more active, they are about to walk from the dark mud to the sun, and I am here to make a new decision to everyone in this academy, starting today, all students and mentors must form a squad of more than five people when they go out, and there must be an A-level transcendent in the squad.”

As soon as Dumbledore’s decision was spoken, the tutors and students of the four major houses immediately began to exchange ears, although under the effect of the silence curse, these people could not hear each other’s words, but it still could not prevent them from expressing their shock at this matter.

You know, the strong of A is not a big road in the world of the island of greed, that is the upper level of the Eight Classics, although Hogwarts is a gathering place for the strong, but there are not many A strong, once this decision is made, then it is likely to mean that for a long time, the travel of teachers and students at Hogwarts will be greatly restricted.

This matter is closely related to everyone, and the reaction of all the students is actually expected by Dumbledore, he pressed his hand to everyone again, signaling everyone to be calm, but then he announced the second thing he wanted to talk about today.

“I just saw that everyone seems to be very interested in this little brother I pulled back, so let me introduce him to everyone.”

After Dumbledore said this, he pulled Ichigo Kurosaki, who had been restrained by him, to the head platform, and with a wave of his wand, he completely untied Ichigo Kurosaki.

Kurosaki Ichigo was bound for a long time, as soon as he was freed, he immediately did what he wanted to do the most, he jerked out the sword he inherited from his parents, and despite the fact that he was being watched by the whole school on the head stage of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he slashed the sword at Dumbledore without hesitation, “One sword flow, stay together, die, lion elegy!” ”

Powerful sword qi instantly burst out from this gorgeous sword, Dumbledore had long expected Kurosaki Ichigo to do this, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and with a flick of the old wand he had already held in his hand, a powerful magic barrier blocked between him and Kurosaki Ichigo, and Kurosaki Ichigo’s powerful knife qi attack was naturally blocked.

However, although his attack was blocked by Dumbledore, Kurosaki Ichigo was not discouraged, his foot mistake, the teleportation skill was instantly unfolded, and for a moment, the entire head platform was Kurosaki Ichigo moving at high speed, making it impossible to tell which one was the real him.

And this is exactly the effect Kurosaki Ichigo wants, he becomes almost impossible to lock in high-speed movement, and as long as he cannot lock the target, Dumbledore’s various strange magic cannot work on him, which is also the most correct way for a melee combat unit to deal with a magician.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo obviously underestimated this SSS-level archmage with the number of the undead god bandit, Dumbledore faced the constantly moving Kurosaki Ichigo, his eyes narrowed slightly, first put a golden egg-shaped magic barrier around his body that could protect in all directions, and then he waved the staff, and an extremely cold breath instantly gushed out from the tip of the wand.

As soon as this magic was used, Kurosaki Ichigo, who was still observing Dumbledore’s flaws, instantly felt that the air around him began to freeze, and his movement speed began to slow down and slow, until finally, Kurosaki Ichigo almost felt as if he was moving in a huge block of ice.

The experienced Dumbledore obviously sensed Kurosaki Ichigo’s intentions at the first time, so his first shot was a range-type magic that could reduce the enemy’s movement speed, and poor Kurosaki Ichigo was once again defeated by Dumbledore…

In fact, if Ichigo Kurosaki is given enough time and enough energy, Ichigo Kurosaki can still crack this magic of Dumbledore, his [Evolution] personality has gradually become perfect, and the radicalization of various injuries and negative effects is becoming more and more effective.

However, even with a powerful personality, it is futile without the support of time and energy, and these two are exactly what Kurosaki Ichigo lacks the most now, and a few minutes later, Kurosaki Ichigo was once again sealed by Dumbledore in a large transparent piece of solid ice, unable to move.

And after sealing Ichigo Kurosaki, Dumbledore casually said to the teachers and students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, who were already dumbfounded in the audience: “Everyone has seen that your new physical arts teacher has a bad personality, and you should pay attention to it when you get along with him in the future~”_

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