My Girlfriend Is Very Good to Me

109 - A Hot Spring Trip─Not a Baby Making Trip (7) (feat. Heena)

TL/Editor: looloo

Status: ongoing

Illustrations: posted in discord

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May approached. It had almost been two years since I had met Yeonho again.

It was a miraculous fortune and happiness. It wouldn't have been strange to be filled with joy and delight.

But my heart was full of anxiety.

It was on the day of our second anniversary. Despite feeling unwell, I had left the house, dreaming of a happy date with him, and so I waited for him.

Yeonho had an accident.

"...Hic, hic..."

Even though it had been quite a while, just thinking about it made my chest tighten and tears fall.

The feeling of heartbreak, the sorrow, the despair.

I still couldn't completely forget.

I probably never would.

It was impossible to ignore such a jinx when just meeting Yeonho again was like something out of a comic.

So I was anxious. Every day.

So I prayed. Like the day I came back, I prayed to God.

Please. I don't care what happens to me.

Just don't take Yeonho away from me again.

Life with Yeonho was very happy. We still spent fun days together, and when I ate the meals he cooked, I was filled with joy at his domestic husbandly demeanor.

But day by day, I was trembling with anxiety.

"Heena, is something wrong these days...?"

Even at university, it was the same, and one day Lia asked me worriedly, as it seemed obvious something was bothering me.

"No... it's nothing."

That was all I could say. It wasn't something anyone else could understand.

Because I kept thinking about that day and constantly replaying it in my mind, I had been having many nightmares lately.

When I woke up at night drenched in cold sweat, seeing Yeonho sleeping next to me and snuggling into his arms was the only thing that could bring me some relief.

But even that couldn't completely ease my mind, and I would just cling to Yeonho, whining, night after night.

"Our second anniversary is coming up soon."


"Shall we go on a trip that day?"

Yeonho suggested a trip. I should have been happy, but instead, a greater anxiety and trembling took over my body and mind.

I didn't want to go. At least not on that day. I wanted to stay with Yeonho, and keep him within my line of sight. Within my reach.

In case, by some absurd chance, something tragic happened.

I wished that if something did happen, I could be with him.

But I couldn't explain this, so I remained silent as Yeonho gently tried to comfort me.

"Is your mood bad these days because of our anniversary?"

Even when he sharply pinpointed the cause, I couldn't say anything.

"If you're burdened by going on a trip, we can spend the day at home. But you seem so troubled. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

Seeing Yeonho's face cloud over as he spoke, I couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer.

So I began to speak.

About the nightmares I had been having for days. But they were not just nightmares; they were like nightmares that had actually happened.

I brought up that day again.

"Recently, I had a dream..."

"A scary dream?"

"Yeah... on our second anniversary date, when I went out to meet you..."


"While I was waiting, got into an accident on your way..."

My emotions welled up. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I didn't even want to imagine another day without Yeonho by my side.

The despair of that day, was worse than death.


"Were badly hurt?"

"You...hic, died..."


"Hic, hic...yeah...hic...I couldn't...see you anymore..."

Please, don't go. Stay by my side. If you're going to die, I want to die with you.

I couldn't bear the thought of you disappearing for even one second. I couldn't possibly endure it.

"Don't cry. Stop. I'm right here next to you. Okay?"

"Hic, don't... go anywhere... stay next to me..."

"That's right. You were anxious about that? Thanks for telling me. Come here. I'll hold you."

Just hold me like that.

Stay by my side, only for me. Please.

If you do that, I'll do anything for you.

"I love you."

I love you too. I love you so much.

I will love only you forever.

"I'll be by your side for life. Not just for our second anniversary, but even on our 200th."

Stay by my side even after two thousand years.

"I'll always be right next to you, Heena."

Yes. Just that one thing is enough for me.

As long as you stay by my side.

"Hic... you're not leaving, right...?"

"Of course not. Where would I go? Even if you hate me, I'd stick to you and never go anywhere."

There's no way I'd ever hate you. Never, not in this lifetime.

Your gentle kisses.

Your tender touch.

Your warm body.

Your kind voice.

Each of these is an irreplaceable treasure to me. Just hold me like this. Kiss me. Want me.

I love you.

I'll love you until I die.

If you disappear, I won't be here either.

So please.

Don't disappear.

The day of our second anniversary arrived. He kept his promise and stayed at home with me for our date. My heart sank for a moment when he wasn't there next to me when I woke up in the morning.

But after that, I didn't leave Yeonho's side for a single moment. Yes. As long as I stayed close by. No matter what happened, as long as we were together.

It would be okay.

If he wanted to touch me because we spent a boring day together due to my stubbornness, he could do it as much as he wanted. My chest, my butt, any part of me.

They were all his.

"By the way, last time we left it unresolved, but now that your exams are over, shall we go on a trip next weekend?"

"Let's go! Absolutely! But where?"

This time, without a moment's hesitation, I accepted his travel proposal. I would have accepted it last time if not for this matter.

He suggested a trip to a ryokan in Japan. Of course, I was delighted. A trip abroad together, and the plan to spend a leisurely time together.

But I couldn't accept that he would bear all the costs. So, when I protested strongly, I threw a tantrum.

"Listen. We always try not to put too much burden on each other, right?"

"That's obvious!"

"I know. But that's because we're dating, isn't it?"


Because we cared for each other and respected each other, we never had a serious argument.

So when I decided to borrow money from my brother or parents to cover the costs.

"But we're going to get married anyway. Your money is my money. My money is your money, right?"

What did he just say?

"So let's not worry about that anymore. We're already married in our hearts, even if we haven't officially registered."

Tears welled up in my eyes. I had always vaguely mentioned it, but Yeonho had never clearly talked about marriage like this.

I always believed he would accept me, but still!

"Th-That's right! Yeonho, you're right! We're already a married couple! As a married couple! It's not good to worry too much about that!"

"Of course, of course. Understood, honey?"


Did he just call me honey?

It was an unbelievably wonderful term of endearment. Maybe it was a natural term.

I was going to be Yeonho's wife!

Unable to contain my overwhelming joy, I grabbed his face and showered him with kisses. How could I resist when he said such lovely things?

Of course, I still felt sorry for putting a burden on him, but it was something I could repay over a lifetime.

I always thought this way, but at that moment, the feeling grew even stronger.

From that point, we started preparing for the trip together. Since we were only staying at the ryokan, we didn't need to pack much, so there wasn't much luggage.

We gathered small items like passports.

"Japan? With Yeonho?"

"Yeah. We're going for two nights over the weekend."

"Oh~ I hope our son-in-law's studies aren't affected."

"He needs a break too. Besides, Yeonho's grades have improved a lot~ He might even end up at the same school as me."


I told my parents about it when I visited home. It was more of a notice than a discussion. I wanted to go no matter what.

Mom, who always liked Yeonho, only showed a bit of concern but didn't say much else.

"You don't need more money?"

"It's fine. Since it's a ryokan, meals are included, so there won't be many expenses. Besides... Yeonho is covering most of it with his part-time job earnings..."

"Hmm... Okay. Yeonho saved up hard to take you, so it wouldn't be right to interfere. Be careful and have a good trip."


Dad seemed to respect Yeonho's pride. I agreed with him.

Above all, I was so happy that he had worked hard for me.

I planned to fully enjoy that happiness. I just needed to treat Yeonho even better than before.

"Wow, Yeonho must have saved up hard."

"Give me some money, just in case. I want to have a bit on hand."

"...?? Did you leave money with me...?"

I borrowed some money from my brother, just in case. Since we were traveling, anything could happen.

From then on, all that was left was the anticipation and excitement.

I often found myself smiling foolishly even when alone because I couldn't contain my excitement.

"You look happy again?"

"Oh, Lia. Thanks for worrying about me last time~"

"Thank me? You should thank your boyfriend! He was so worried that he even messaged me."

"...You two messaged each other? Why?"

"No! He messaged me because he was worried about you! Relax! We just talked about having a drink together sometime!"


"Please... Heena, he seemed so scared... We barely contact each other once a month, if that..."

"I know. Let's have a drink together after the trip."

"Oh? You're going on a trip? Just the two of you?! Where to?! Tell me quickly!"

And I boasted to Lia about the trip with Yeonho. Sometimes I felt insecure about her, but it's not good to overly doubt both your husband and your friend.

I felt grateful to her for always approaching me with a bright and unclouded demeanor. One of the best things about entering this university was becoming close to Lia.


Raei Translations


The day before the trip.

"Let's make a baby there. Fill me up."

"...We need to use protection."

"For practice~ I'm safe then... It's a safe day."

That night, I begged him to do it as much as he wanted. It was indeed a safe day, and since it was after our second anniversary, I wanted to fully embrace this joy.

Besides, even though I said that, Yeonho also loved doing it inside me as much as he wanted.

In truth, there was a slightly dark desire in a corner of my heart. Even though it was a safe day, I wasn't taking any birth control, so there was always the possibility of pregnancy.


If a baby really came to be.

If the proof of our love was born.

If there was undeniable evidence that I was tied to Yeonho.


On the day of the trip, we were busy moving from early morning. The flight was early, and we were both too excited to stay still in the house.

We quickly got ready and arrived at the airport, spending the ample remaining time happily together.

Yeonho looked a bit bored, but I loved being able to have skinship with him during this time.

Hugging him, and unleashing my heightened desire for kisses that had grown stronger since the day he comforted me.

"Aren't we kissing too much?"

"Well~ But what can I do if I want to~"

This was all Yeonho's fault.

After all, when he showed those cute lips that made me want to kiss him so much, how could I resist?

Spending time clinging to him like that, we took lots of pictures.

Finally, when it was time for the flight, we boarded with excitement and arrived in Japan a little over an hour later... Actually, the place didn't matter at all.

Just being in this unfamiliar land with Yeonho filled my heart with satisfaction.

Besides, at night, Yeonho would endlessly love me. He would explore my body as much as he wanted.

Together, we took a bus using our awkward Japanese, and as soon as we got off, we arrived at a beautiful hot spring town that made us exclaim in awe.

We took pictures of the moments together.

Just like when we dated in Korea, we strolled through the streets, sharing street food.

And at night, wanting him to be even more energetic, I brought out what I had prepared in advance.

"This is a rice bowl, Yeonho."

"I can see that... but what kind of rice bowl?"


"Ah, eel... eel?"


I made sure he ate a lot of this nutritious food.

Of course, even without this, he never collapsed before me at night. He always tormented and loved me until I cried and begged.

But since he had to be energetic for two nights in a row.

No matter what I said, I wanted him to ravish me to his heart's content.

Like a toy, I wanted him to play with me.

With that desire, I even put my share of the eel onto his spoon.

Eat a lot and torment me a lot.

The ryokan we arrived at was much more charming and beautiful than what we had seen online, more than I had imagined.

It was cheaper than expected, but even so, the cost was understandable.

Moreover, the room we were guided to was excellent. Being a detached building, we didn't need to worry about the surroundings, and the private outdoor hot spring attached to it was perfect.

We would soon spend happy times there together.

But before that.

"Oh my! This place is amazing!"

"This is crazy, really! What should we do first? Should we take pictures around here?"

"Let's do that! Quickly!"

Both of us, excited, ran around taking photos. The surroundings were too beautiful not to.

After exploring outside, we returned to the room and took a quick shower to change clothes.

Then, before putting on the yukata, I hesitated a bit. I remembered the texts exchanged with my sister Yoonjung at the airport.

[Yoonjung: You know you don't wear underwear under a yukata, right? Guys really love that.]

[Heena: Don't you think that's too obvious?]

[Yoonjung: At this point? Or you can say I taught you that! You didn't know, but I taught you~ Trust me, sis.]

[Heena: Thanks, sis!]

Grateful for my sister's constant help, I boldly decided not to wear any underwear and put the yukata directly on my naked body.

The soft fabric brushed against my skin. The thought that Yeonho would soon touch me under the yukata, knowing I wore nothing beneath it, sent shivers down my spine.

When I stepped outside with my slightly flushed body, Yeonho stared at me, mesmerized.

"Do I look pretty?"

"...Very much so."

"Hehe... Then hug me, what are you waiting for?"

We embraced each other tightly.

"Mm... Mmm..."


Sharing a deep kiss we couldn't outside.

Yeonho's hand started caressing my butt. He always loved touching my butt, whether we were kissing or having sex.

After a moment of caressing up and down, he seemed to sense something odd and stopped kissing.

"Heena, are you... not wearing underwear?"

I laughed inwardly at him guessing correctly. Following my sister's advice, I pretended to know nothing.

Yeonho's face filled with excitement. My body began to burn with anticipation.

Unable to hold back, he hugged me tighter and kneaded my butt to his heart's content.

"I thought you were trying to seduce me."

"Well... that's part of it..."


"Yeah... Are you excited?"


He recognized my attempt to seduce him.

"Shall we eat and then go to the hot spring?"

"Let's do that. Once we get in... we might not come out for a while."

"Why won't we come out for a while?"

"Oh, you know why... Come here!"

Receiving my kiss, given out of embarrassment.

I couldn't hold back more than Yeonho.

Hurry, hurry, hold me.

Right now.

After eating the kaiseki provided by the ryokan, the time I had imagined unfolded.

We entered the hot spring together, and I snuggled into his arms, acting cute. He held me lovingly.

We spent an unbelievably blissful and pleasurable time together.

As expected, unable to withstand his strength, I let him do whatever he wanted, releasing his passion inside me.

Even when I felt like my consciousness was slipping, the heat filling my belly made me rejoice.

So, another day passed.

The second night at the ryokan was no different from the first. Seeing his healthy state as soon as I woke up made my body burn again.

"...Heena? If you hold it like that in the morning, I might..."

"Can't you hold back?"

"How can I hold back?"

"Should you?"


"We don't have to leave here today."

"What about food?"

"We can eat convenience store lunch later."

"Not exploring restaurants while on a trip?"

"Wouldn't it be better to fully enjoy this expensive ryokan?"

Holding his member in my hand, I earnestly pleaded.

"Heena, today, you're really dead."

"Hehe... Torment me as much as you want. Got it?"

With those words, the pleasure of the night before intensified and burned me all day.

On the bedding, in the shower, in the hot spring.

Yeonho never let me go, and I stayed by his side even when I was exhausted.

There were moments I almost fainted.

Midway, when Yeonho also seemed to run out of strength, he focused on the kissing and skinship I loved.

We spent a blissful time together.

When night returned, and we lay down with our tired bodies.

"Goodnight, our baby~"

"...There's no baby there, remember? I pulled out earlier."

"There could be~"

Yeonho joked, but I was half-serious.

"Yeah, there could be. Shall I pat our baby to sleep?"

"Yes! Do it!"

"Come here."

Until the very end, I acted spoiled in his arms.

And so, our hot spring trip came to an end.

The days at the ryokan, filled with joy and happiness, ended. I wished we could have spent not just three days but thirty like that, but unfortunately, it wasn't possible.

However, feeling a bit regretful meant we could look forward to the next time even more.

"Should we go to Disneyland next year?"

"I want to take a picture with Mickey Mouse."

"I want one with Donald Duck."

We promised ourselves another trip together soon.

Returning home, we went back to our usual days. Both Yeonho and I focused on our studies and academics.

To ensure our future together lacked nothing, maintaining good grades was essential. So, throughout June, I did my utmost to safeguard my grades.

Although I didn't achieve the top position, I might still qualify for a scholarship.

I spent my time juggling assignments, exams, and moments with Yeonho, never sacrificing time with him. The time flew by in a whirlwind, leaving no moment to reflect.

Only when July arrived, bringing with it some leisure time after the semester ended, did I realize something.



"I was so busy with exams that I forgot... but now that I think about it."

"Is something wrong? Don't tell me you're building up to something weird because you want to..."

"I think I missed my period last month."


With my words, Yeonho, who was eating seaweed soup, spilled it and froze. I briefly wondered about college and the future, but the thought was fleeting.

Nothing was certain yet, and it might be nothing at all.


A smile unknowingly spread across my lips.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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