My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 7

Anthony thought of the fact that he transmigrated but did he? Transmigration, from what he knew was the transferring of the body and soul from one world to another but a quick search on his search engine said that it was the movement of the soul to another body after death, and based on his situation, that was the thing that happened to him.

It was sad that the boy “Anton” wasn’t there anymore. Anthony didn’t know what happened to the kid. Maybe, he also transmigrated or maybe he did die but Anthony was still happy that he was here since he really didn’t want to truly die himself and disappear. The only appreciation that he could give the boy was to live a full and happy life and to make sure that the boy’s father and sister were taken care of and based on the transmigration gifts that he received, he would have the power to do that.

Anthony was getting a bit peckish, and he thought that he could use the game to eat but based on his gameplay earlier, the only consumable items in there were potions. When he tried to consume the potions, he thought he would encounter a problem like getting too full because of chugging countless potions but when he drank a mana potion just to test it out, the liquid entered his mouth but disappeared immediately not reaching his stomach. He did the same using a minor healing potion and it was the same, the liquid entered his mouth but disappeared immediately.

He was wary of rushing the game using potions to increase his power fast since that was one of the reasons why. He thought that being in the game virtually would limit how he could consume potions, but the FAQ was right. The game mechanics were the same as the original Diablo II.

Anthony still decided to take his time playing the game since he would also need to learn how to wield the spell personally and not just click and point. Learning how to wield the mana efficiently would bring him inconceivable benefit and one good example was learning how to produce water using the Ice Bolt spell.

Since he wasn’t doing anything, Anthony decided to continue playing the game, but he would try to play it using the on-screen option instead of entering the game virtually. He already talked to Akara to check if he could purchase anything that would increase his skills, but his gold so far only allowed him to purchase a Tome of Town Portal which had three town portal scrolls, and a Tome of Identify which had six Identify scrolls.

He currently had twelve hundred gold coins in his private stash and the least useful item in Akara’s store would cost him three thousand gold coins.

Anthony entered the portal that he opened near the entrance to the Den of Evil. He was controlling his character using his mind and it was smoother than controlling it using a keyboard and a mouse. Right now, he looked like he was staring at the fireplace but in actuality, he was currently playing the game.

His current quest was to destroy all the monsters in the den and halfway through, he leveled up to level four. He was struggling with mana and mistakenly added the skill point that he received to the Warmth skill located in the Fire Skill Tree which enhanced his mana recovery by thirty percent. He could have kept the point or used it for some other skills since he could just drink mana potions but well, he could just reset it later since he was allowed to once a week without using the Den of Evil quest reward.

He kept the five stat points since he would need to use them to be able to equip items that had specific stat requirements. He continued his way on clearing out the Den of Evil. He encountered and killed the unique zombie, Corpsefire, but sadly, the monster only dropped a couple of blue items, a glove, and a dagger. He identified the items immediately and wore the gloves.

Anthony cleared the Den of Evil in no time and returned to Akasha to get his reward which was an extra skill point. He wondered where he could put it but decided to wait until he was level six since he was level four already.

He sold all the items that he did not need, and his total gold was nineteen hundred which was still not enough to purchase a decent staff.

Clearing the den of evil using the on-screen option was very different from being in the game virtually. It actually only took him several minutes and he reckoned that being in the game personally would probably take longer.

Since it was still early, around three in the afternoon, Anthony decided to enter the game virtually to practice casting spells. He remained seated in the chair in front of the fireplace.

Once he was inside, he practiced casting spells diligently. He first made sure that he would be able to cast his spells instantaneously and after a few minutes, he got the hang of it. He then practiced decreasing and increasing the use of mana for the two spells that he had. Sadly, he couldn’t use mana potions because he had a limited amount.

He thought of resetting the map to spawn the monsters again, but he found out that he didn’t have access to the console command menu. That meant no increasing the difficulty and no resetting the map, at least not until he reached the Nightmare difficulty.

One good thing was, that he found the option to have a clock in the game. He saw that it was already four in the afternoon, so he decided to exit and wait for his father and sister to come home.

Anthony could have helped his family by preparing their dinner, but he didn’t know how to use the stove that was powered by some sort of wood, and he didn’t know where the food was stored.

He decided to do some research using his search engine and he was really grateful that he was connected to the internet. He could avoid the most dangerous affliction of all. Boredom.

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